This felt like the 1st chapter of a 3 chapter story

this felt like the 1st chapter of a 3 chapter story

also, is the franchise dead?

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For the foreseeable future yes it's dead. Eidos Montreal now works on capeshit games.

>almost 2020
>half the shit in Deus Ex they have in 7 years is nowhere in sight
The only thing, ONLY THING we have is corporate oligarchy monopolies that are supressing the public. Why is reality so fucking horrible?

I wouldn't know, the game literally freezes my GPU randomly so I avoided ever playing it again.

you already have AI's monitoring human behaviour in China

>doesn't work on my machine >:(

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i don't think it just 'felt', it 'was' a chapter. pretty sure they just dropped development after some time, hoping to do the rest in the next games. i mean seriously, you're chasing big conspiracies and shit, then you take out some minor muscle mob miniboss and game fucking ends. i was sure i'm going to see the rest of it to the last moment, i actually thought i can convince final boss to get on my side because he was just a minor nobody manipulated by evil organizations

Probably dead.

I wonder what Jenson/Venom Jenson’s fate would have been? Because by MD the world is already going to shit and it’s not like he can stop the Illuminati

Doesn't he start systematically slaughtering them because trying to get them legally is so pointless? A bullet in the head will stop their evil faster than legal courts ever will.

you don't stop anything
Jensen is a prequel, Deus Ex still hapens

How does it still happen when Jensen kills all the Illuminati cronies?

When 2020 hits things will hit like a growth spurt hits a puppy.

Remember that 5G will change the world user.

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He doesn't

I wont hold my breath over it. Technology progression is at an all time low. Nothing really revolutionary and tangible to the public is being made. Only stupid shit like stem cell meat and lobster shell plastic. Unless some marvel happens in 2022 or 2023 that will jump us to Deus Ex era of technology expect nothing more then Mcdonalds touch screen kiosks.

How tf do they get away with this shit? Look at this fucking gamecube model.

This shit is why I hate Deus ex, literally only Adam looks decent, the rest of the world looks like an n64 game

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>multiple mails praising the Time Machine for selling paper books which is a rarity
>every appartment is swamped with paper books, Jensen alone has tons of boxes filled with them
what did they mean by this?

worked for the first game

I'm not sure if I've grown out of these kinds of games or if MD was just very meh - or both.
I think I'm a bit past the halfway mark but all the characters and their dialogue are so goddamn milquetoast, the story isn't intriguing and most of my time has been spent on looting shit in mostly empty buildings.

>also, is the franchise dead?

Yeah, they totally overestimated how much anyone gives a shit about these characters. Should have made a fresh Deus Ex like the other games in the series

On haitus

Sure, but it had the benefit of its models feeling five years less outdated.

they had to drop deus ex to work on capeshit

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Hey, that shit happened to me on launch day as well.

I think I had to minimize the game during the cutscene it happened in or some shit. Really weird workaround.

Square will reconsider that once they find out that nobody cares about the Avengers after Endgame

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>Technology progression is at an all time low
Except it's literally not? It's literally at an all time high. Moore's Law dumbass. It hasn't failed once in the past 50 years.

...or Cyberpunk is out
>Hey, we have something that's like this

>Technology progression is at an all time low.
What is this nigger smoking?

Name something invented, available to the public that had the same impact as creations from the 1950's.

chinese social credit system

I can't even minimize, it freezes the GPU. The only workaround is to reboot it and I stopped doing it because by the third time, the GPU was still not starting. I had to jumpstart it myself. Never touched it again.

Chinks have been killing themselves since the 1950's user that isn't new at all.

You know what would be fucked up? If a future Deus Ex lite-RPG ends up being more of a RPG than something named Cyberpunk 20XX. Eidos Montréal could really rub it in by making a Deus Ex game with a custom player character that has all of those options that CDPR decided to not add from Cyberpunk 2020.

>some writers depiction or technological advancement didn't work out

>blame innocent corporations

The environments look fucking amazing, who cares about some side characters.

Banning, deplatforming and removing bank accounts and payment platforms for something that doesn't violate US law isn't innocent user.

I honestly would rather not. Let Deus Ex be Deus Ex. It's a series different both from the hypothetical perfect CP2077 and the actual one.

What the fuck was Megan's problem

That's what it's supposed to be. A fucking scam. But hey people still paid full price for it, so why not?! GAMES!

Could not stop sucking dick.

>plan for a story spanning multiple games from the get-go just to maximize profits and be "epic"
>flood it with anti-consumer business practices and incomplete writing
>"oops, the consumer no longer likes deus ex." when it fails and kill the series and move on to the next one
corporations sure are great!

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Nigger. Janis is probably a nigger too, my prediction the nigger from the illuminati table.

lmao ok /pol/tard... as if those are the worst things corporations do and have done

also none of that has anything to with us not having le flying cars

What the fuck happened to the THIAF team? Do they do anything?

That's the steps to corralling us into renting bunkbeds and eating bagged crickets and drinking sòy. You're retarded if you can't see the writing on the wall, we have no fancy technology but we have corporate overlords that displace us, lower our standards of living and see us as replacable serial numbers for their profit maragin.

None of that is the fault of corporations, it is the fault of the fundamentalist religion called Progressivism, the corporations simply bend to the will of their holy overlords.

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to fish for here. What "invention" in the 50's are you talking about specifically? Because all of that was built from the scientific progress from the 40's and from the 40's to the 30's and so on and so forth. Shit, nigger, do you not have a computer at the palm of your hands that is way more powerful than any single computer in the 50's? It also has fast-as-light communication around the globe and can pull all manners of information. Again, what the fuck are you smoking that you think we're at an all time low in tech progression? Fucking AI is just around the corner. The damn thing is doing things that wasn't even possible 20 years ago (accurate image upscaling to name one thing).

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Have there been any other recent high-profile games that managed to avoid literally all quality by the devs finding out precisely what a game needs for ten years in order to do the opposite? Because if there have been then those might be the boys responsible.

kill yourself furfag

no :3

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imagine masturbating to this
fucking state of you

why imagine?

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fucking autism

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why do people with autistic fetishes always do this? fatfags, diaperfags, furries.


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lmao, you'd unironically do this shit for hours if i kept responding, why are furries like this?

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You literally resolve the main plotline, it only gives you insight into a major conspiracy going on in the background, like previous games. Can’t believe I thought this bullshit was true, it made me postpone playing the game for a while, now I regret it cause exploring the new city was awesome

>Opening mission
There's a terrorist attack
>Closing mission
You kill the terrorist who did it

What more do you fucks want?

Pritchard bank invasion DLC was better than Prison DLC, fight me

Nah, level design was too straightforward, it was too short and it had a fucking breach segment.

>What the fuck happened to the THIAF team? Do they do anything?

Hopefully not

Moore’s law has slowed down actually
It used to be every two years and now it’s every three I believe

Prison was kinda chaotic and thematically bland, bank was perfectly up my alley. And it had Pritchard. And that final cutscene. Loses some points for shoehorned Breach but still good.

The good thing about the prison dlc was how many options you have. Beating it without losing the choke was an enjoyable challenge and there are a ton of different routes to each objective. The bank dlc was too direct and narrow.

Yeah I honestly thought the criticism about the story being cut in half, or having a cliffhanger ending, or ending suddenly, etc., was way overblown. It's a way smaller scale story that is one episode of a larger story, but it still has a self-contained beginning, middle, and end.
I admit that if a player doesn't explore, and goes straight through the story missions, it's a short game. However the greater issues with the game are how few locations there are, and how empty Prague is for being so large.
Neither are great but the prison DLC is more fun. It feels like an episode of a TV show that doesn't exist, Adam Jensen Adventures. The bank DLC has a couple good moments but is barely more interesting gameplay-wise than the bank in the main game.

I suppose that makes sense. I'm just really not a fan of the setting in one and the opposite in another.

The bank DLC definitely feels like it fits into the world of MD better. But I never thought the setting of nu-Deus Ex was that good, I always appreciated the gameplay interactions more.

Oh, and I thought the build-up area was great. If it was _just_ the bank, I definitely wouldn't like it as much.

>tfw Thief and Deus Ex are dead again
Oh well at least Arkane is still making Looking Glass games clones.

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Considering how THIAF ended up, it's probably best to just be grateful they're dead and just enjoy the originals and fan missions.

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The build up is cool, it's just an hour of content at most, including NPC conversations. A couple of alleyways and buildings. They did nail the atmosphere.

Arkane is making some new shit of unknown genre. Heard it's somehow singleplayer but I still can't see it being anything worthwhile.
Otherside is making SS3 and Nightdive SS1R, though that's neither of those. But still LGS.
Dead as fuck.

i just want them to make arx fatalis 2 already and blow out every other rpg out of the water with it

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