I filled Greed Machine, again.
Binding of Isaac
Not gonna do the other save files
is repentance gonna come out still?
>100% the first save file
>then download a 3,000,000% save
The steak takes some time to be cooked to perfection
Casual piece of shit. You will always remember your misdeed and your ancestors are facepalming in afterlife witnessing your spineless act.
if this is about the nicalis thing, steakmund already said he's going through with repentance since it's already so far along but won't be working with nicalis on any other projects. he'll find another publisher for it
I also exclusively play with a mod that removes floor curses
Hey, it's ok. Not everyone are as good in the game as the game expects.
thanks :)
How did you complete the challenge of curses then?
The game is too slow
That was before I got the mod
repentance when?
I'm weird if I prefer the original Isaac game?
Or just autistic?
Today I got eden's blessing as my first Lost item! So I reset immediately to see what the eden item would be. Epic Fetus. Except Epic Fetus is boring because it stacks with nothing and the run is too easy in general, so I just closed the game and did something else.
I feel like isaac is incurable without massive overhauls. It needs to be coded by semi-smart people to make everything have synergy. it needs an art style that lets me know which bullets are mine and which are the enemies' and makes it so I know where a bullet is in relation to the floor where I walk on.
Maybe like next year, MAYBE
I like listen to a podcast while playing isaac
do you?
>less items
>less characters
>less chapters
>less everything
>flash lags even on top machines to this day
>superior music
Tried it after getting 1001% and it was shit. Didnt age well
I feel like you are entitled piece of casual shit. I do agree that item pools are way bloated with meh-items, but good player knows how to maximize their potential reward.
I feel sorry for you for not grasping which bullets are yours. But hey, not everyone can be champs, right? We need people like you so we could look good ourselves. You are doing good job, sport!
I make podcasts myself while playan Isaac. I got fed up being just a consumer, so I became content provider.
I listen to Northernlion
Thank you for your continuing support!
what theme?
Haemolacria versus a boss with spread shots when both your bullets are the same color is dogshit, even though it's still easy. The game would just be outright better if all enemy bullets were shades of red and all of isaac's bullets were shades of blue. And trying to gauge when exactly a Bloat bullet is going to have a hitbox is another brazenly dumb design choice, even if he's not a hard fight at all.
I know you don't play shmups so you can't grasp these critiques, but try to understand.
go back bitch egg
>he hasn’t noticed that enemy tears flash
How about adapting and appreciating the steak's unique features and learn how you are supposed to consume it instead of drowning it in ketchup?
any good mods
>when both your bullets are the same color is dogshit
good thing hostile projectiles flash, retard
i know you didn't actually play the game you're complaining about, but try to understand.
No mods allowed before you have 100% the base game. After that, you can check the Steam Workshop for mods that might be what you want. You can search mods with different effects easy if you just do it yourself instead of asking to be spoonfed.
When there are dozens of projectiles, your bullets covering their bullets, scat flying, blood dripping, and all that stuff, flashing doesn't cut it.
user i think something is wrong with your brain
I think youre just bad at video games
>not being able to calculate the projectile's path and speed with 0,01 second glance
You got a brain problem, or something?
this but unironically
isaac is not a difficult game and enemy bullet patterns are super easy to discern
My original post wasnt unironic
Shit, i meant it wasnt ironic
Maybe you boys just got the game but the thing about items is they stack. Now when you stack a bunch you can really get a clusterfuck on screen. Do you follow so far? Might need to slow down. Usually the red bullets that flash are good enough, but not in some situations.
But really, I see nobody trying to defend the odd perspective. At least we can agree that this perspective is just worse than a strictly top-down one.
Sorry dude, been playan the Isaac since 2013 so your assumption was dead wrong. I recommend getting good instead of whining like a little bitch.
>red fatboy instajumps on you
wat do?
Keep on the move. There's absolutely no fucking reason not to move.
>it's too hard to see wtf this game is shit
you are the literally the only person i've seen complain about this
there might actually be something wrong with you. maybe you're just autistic, and i don't mean that in a meme way
I have never had trouble telling which tears were mine and which were enemies, I really think you are just not good enough to play the game properly
Take 1/2 heart of damage, activating my trap card.
Hey me too.
But you're lost and just lost your mantle.
Did you give up just because of little banter? Man, you are pathetic.
I shrieked too loud because of your stupidness so my mom told me not engage in online discussions that drive me to meltdowns
Sorry, I'm busy being blowjobbed my several hot, sexy, and attractive polypenisian girlfriends to reply to every little post you make.
Perfectly acceptable
Why would you lower yourself to that? Come on, user, we are far above that kind of posting.
whens the shitting release date already
Move over, hourlets
If you didn't see it on news page, how would we know either?
I'm not really feeling it with Repentance anymore after they put that in the game, still cannot believe Antibirth devs are responsible for it
Yea Forums has men and women on the inside. Remember when that one thing got leaked and it turned out to be true?
December 20th.
Ok, I tell you but keep it secret from everyone else. The game will be released in one week but only to those dedicated fans who have purchased full game, the soundtrack, art book and have also completed all the three save files 100%. Others have chance to buy it on December.
Ew, if I buy it now it'll be all undercooked and medium rare. I want a nice well done expansion, tyvm.
What's wrong with Nicalis and Steakmund this time? Any kind user could tell me? I've not been keeping up.
Kotaku posted tyrone's racist private messages and some shit nicails did to developers, its fucking nothing at the end
Nicalis was dragged intosome scandal with their head guy behaivng like some autist and everyone just bailed the ship. Edmund seems to be completing the Repentance for Nicalis before abandoning the ship himself.
Good. Fuck Nicalis, they've been doing this shit for way too long. I will never forgive them from fucking up Cave Story.