What do you think of Rayman?

What do you think of Rayman?

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He's a pretty cool guy

Isn't afraid of nothing

best franchise to have come out of france

Overrated game mascot

I've only played that one Rayman where in the beginning of the game you are escaping from a ship I think and you slide down something

it was fun from what i remember never completed it

>tfw never played Rayman 2 even though it’s on every single platform
Is it good?

Fucking kingly.
Easily deserves to be DLC Fighter #5.

Cool, intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked French sense of humor. Deserves to be in Smash and much more.
Rayman 4 when

he’s gay man

not saying much

>1: a decent if too hard 2d platformer
>2: a top 3 3D platformer
>3: a good if repetitive 3d platformer
>Origins: the best 2d platformer ever made
>Legends: not quite as good as origins but still a very strong 2d platformer

Overall an excellent series

I want a new game already, it's been six years since Legends goddamn

Easily the best game to play on acid. Seriously it has a great color pallet, scary parts, funny parts, fun enemies and the camera isn’t that bad once you figure out it’s mannerisms.

Also the environments are absolutely kino and make me stop and stare at them for minutes at a time just to take em in

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n64 version is the best, but the ps1 and ps2 version are pretty good too

My first rayman game was hoodlum havoc so I can't really say much about the old games, but I loved it. I wish there was another 3D rayman game.

I like Rayman 3

Just to add, the soundtrack is perfectly fitting too. Mostly eerie, yet light hearted at the same time. Very little music I’ve heard since has sounded like this.

his design is dumb and platformers arent that fun after the age of 10

Love 2, don't care about the rest


The ones by Michel Ancel are excellent, my favourite is 2. Rayman 3 is okay.

He’s afraid of snails.

Dreamcast version is the best, N64/PC versions have a few worse textures and effects. PS1 is a very different game and PS2 adds a lot of unnecessary stuff

Best Rayman game out. It's a simple plateformer into an spooky dark world.
The great point to Rayman from other early 3D game are his controls and how fluid they are.
He really fast and easy to control

For example: in lot of game, when your character grabs a ledge, he always need to make a slow animation to get back up while Rayman can immediately jump and go back without breaking any flow.

The game allows you a easy control by locking on the ennemies
The ennemies itself aren't 1hit creatures like goombas but got a health bar, but the game offers you mostly a 1vs1 instead of sending you multiples ennemies.

For minus point.
The bosses are really lazy and doesn't offer lot of. It's still better than Bowser multiple times but it's really doesn't offer a challenge at all.
There some game part at high speed with obstacle. Those are mostly bad levels as hitting one obstacle at huge speed will immediately kill you forcing you to repeat the segment. There only 3 hard part in the whole game and excusable at my eyes as they can still be fun once you know the pattern

Rayman 2 is my childhood game and it's still a blast to play it
If you want to play it, you need to be aware that Ubisoft are really bad at ports as most of them cut levels, broke the game or simply sucks

The best version are either Dreamcast PC or N64 don't bother with another one

Good franchise ruined by faggy LMAO RABIDS SO RANDOM XDDDD reddit shit humor

Don't worry. I'm sure they'll put out more rayman and raving rabbids soon

We can all agree that the final part of this level is the worst part of the whole game

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If you try acid one time, and don’t be a pussy about it, you will be a better person.

Don’t do it too much though. Dumbass stoners deadbeats and hippies fry their brains and become zombies instead.

Also it mixes with vidya better than most other substances.

Ancel confirmed he will want to make a new Rayman once Beyond good & Evil 2 will be over

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He's in

bes song in the series passing through

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Amazing games. The main series that is. The spin-offs are okay.

>The best version are either Dreamcast
How the FUCK do you wrangle the camera so you can see if you’re about to suicide into lava or not??

Rayman M (Arena for muricans) is also a solid racer/battler
I had a blast with this game with friends

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I know the dreamcast version is objectively the best but there's a place in my heart for the n64 midis that the cleaner sounds from the DC version just can't fit. Probably happens the same to youtube.com/watch?v=Uw4TSnBvWZ4&t=2s

The 3D games are vastly superior to the 2D ones
Rayman 2 is unironically full of soul

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i don't know what i think about it because i want to play the first one and i don't know which version to go with

it never finishes and then there's that wild game. then he needs to beg ubisoft to give green light for rayman if he wants to make it

not enough rays

Rayman 2 was a masterpiece style and design wise.
Rayman 3 was ok.
After that it went to hell.

We haven't heard shit from BG&E2. When is that one coming out?

Rayman 1 - PS1
Rayman 2 - N64
Rayman 3 - PS2

Bro nice taste but

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I think Rayman 2 needs to be remade

rayman is my childhood. loved playing both 2 and 3. Origins and Legends are master tier too but ancel really needs his time with a new 3D one

Rayman 3 is too underappreciated. It's one of those rare occasions where a game tries something different and it actually works.

That's what I love about the franchise. Each entry is like a completely different experience and they don't feel samey all the time.

the new sidescroller raymans are dumb, haven't played the old ones nor do i care to.

Why are people saying Rayman 2 on ps1 is bad? Thats the version I played and it was fucking great

It taps right into my childhood nostalgia, so I can't help but love it. Good games all around too.
Fucking Ancel should've focused on making Rayman 4 rather than BG&2.

can you explain what these versions have over others
i know the jaguar version of 1 is supposed to have better music

I will never understand how can someone prefer Rayman 3 over 2. It's a decent game but it comes off as a cookie cutter gen 4 pg comedic platformer while 2 was this weird, ambitious trip with its tone on a rollercoaster that ranged from funny through heroic and even uneasy/scary at points.

I grew up with it too, and while it's good on its own right, it got gimped in terms of content and graphics compared to most other versions.

For the definitive editions.
Rayman Gold - PC
Rayman Revolution - PS2
Rayman 3 HD - PS3/360

Not before 2020/2021 I think

only really played revolution and i got stuck in that game
i like the world of rayman though
very weird

I grew up with the PS1 and PC versions. While PC is better, I do like how the PS1 version has it's own original levels and bosses.

i don't mind him working on BG&E2 because i liked the first one so much (even if it's gonna take forever to release)
i just wish he had made a 3d rayman game instead of rayman legends

This song used to make me cry

or you can just love both

Never played Rayman, would love to try it out. Are any of his titles available on Switch?

Rayman Legends is on the Switch. All the others you can get on PC.

I think the ps1 version was made by different team

Extremely based taste
Have a great day, friend

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That's Rayman 2. It's good.

rayman legends. 100% it
great game especially the harder levels. rayman (and the other characters) have great movement control and levels are good at keeping the pace. also great artstyle and soundtrack
the only complaint i have are the murfy levels where you use touchscreen (or controller) to use murfy help you clear paths.
everything else is 10/10

the problem with rayman 3 is that at times it felt rushed and unfinished, ancel wasn't even fully involved in the game
the power up system was implemented well, whilst the atmosphere honestly was just as good, and at times even better than 2
the dialogue could get cringy at times, but when i was 10 i didn't care


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Ubisoft better re-release all of the games on Ps4, Xbox and Switch for it 25th anniversary.

This. The atmosphere in Rayman 2 is GOAT.

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He's cool. As an ip, he's amazing, dog thing with no arms is fun. I both love and hate the fact each game has different aesthetics.

On one hand 1,2,3 and origins all look amazing in their own right but there's no consistency. No wonder he hasn't stuck around.

1 was childish and dreamlike with everything being a safe looking game despite the ball busting difficultly
2 was more grounded and darker enslaving everyone in that fantasy world
3 felt more like a nightmare and was pushing T with the humor/ Monster designs. Fantasy elements were barely there.
Origins was 1 with a slight 90's edge and emphasis on slapstick.

What style would be best for 4 rayman bros?
Personally i think 2 works best for rayman and something like the rabbids prototype would have been amazing

Great taste, nigga.

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Far from home, a man with a mission
In the heat of the glistening sun
In the heart of ancient tradition
This man's journey has only begun
Lead the charge
A raider has entered the battlefield
The game is about to unfold
As the darkness falls and The Glade of Dreams calls
One man spreads his wings, as the battle begins
May the land lay claim on to Rayman name
Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame
A revolt to gain independence
Hide and seek, hunters hot on their trail
Joined their ranks, obtained their acceptance
Side by side raid the Pirate rail
Lead the charge
The Crossroads of Dreams calls
Demolish the bridges to dust
As the darkness falls and The Glade of Dreams calls
One man spreads his wings, as the battle begins
May the land lay claim on to Rayman name
Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame
After the war has been won, deception or treason?
Who can tell?
Who stood to gain?
Who stood to lose?
Who did the dying?
Betrayal of trust from within or compelled?
The pillars of wisdom can tell
Back home where a new life awaits, whispers of past
The sands of The Glade of Dreams calling
As the darkness falls and The Glade of Dreams calls
One man spreads his wings, as the battle begins
May the land lay claim on to Rayman name
Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame
As the darkness falls and The Glade of Dreams calls
One man spreads his wings, as the battle begins
May the land lay claim on to Rayman's name
Seven pillars of wisdom lights the flame


in the case of rayman of 1 & 3 i can't tell you much, those were just the versions i played but they work perfectly fine and were the most popular versions
in the case of rayman 2, as most people can tell you, the N64 version was the original intended way of the game while other versions have cut out or altered a lot of content, can't say about the dreamcast version, but apparently that one is decent as well

At least Rayman was able to break free from the things. Now they're off pestering Mario. They're a lot more tolerable nowadays though, not just constantly screaming.

Rayman 2's one of the best 3D platformers out there.

The 3DS one is a pretty decent port if you don't have easy access to some of the other versions.


The Dreamcast version adds content (and better graphics and music, in the technical quality sense) over the N64 version, rather than cut or alter content like the PS1 release.
PC is basically identical to N64.

i always liked the designs of the hoodlums for 3
they were very unsettling and interesting at the same time

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Hoodlums and Rabbids were proto-minions

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He should have been added in Smash since at least Smash 4

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I challenge you faggots to play the PS1 Rayman 1 game without the infinite lives cheat.

I swear, this is the hardest platformer I've ever played. Fuck that game.

need more rayman images

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I'm sad for what happened to the rabbids and how Ubisoft stole and ruined Ancel works
Rabbids were actually a nice ennemies, they weren't supposed to act as retarted as a reddit users but were actually a kind specie who got persecuted until they littéraly snaps and decide to over the World to punish everyone for their tortures

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Already done. Space Mama's Crater feels like a precursor to IWBTG, and I'm never eating at any establishment named after a Joe.

It doesn't help that you have to rescue all the fuckers from cages to finish the game

>tfw i owned Rayman one on Playstation when i was a kid
>Never made it past Mr Sax, one of the easiest boss fight in the game

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I liked 3 aswell but

>atmosphere honestly was just as good, and at times even better than 2

Come on dude. It had a nice thing going for its atmosphere but 2 was just something else.
There was nothing close to the reformatory of disturbing children in 3, to say an example. Michel Ancel is just a mad man.

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Fucking loved Origins

Try to play Legends recently and didn't enjoy it as much.

Honestly it's impressive that you even made it to Mr. Sax as a kid, one of the biggest hurdles in the game is Allegro Presto before you get the hover ability

My first ever video game was Rayman 1 on the GBA, I've loved the series ever since.

The tonal shift between 2 and 3 took some getting used to but when I did I enjoyed Rayman 3 a lot. Seriously though, these two tracks sound like they come from seperate series.



If you have saw that nigga legit in your life, you got all my respect and deserves the best in your life madlads

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Rayman 2 is in a league of its own, I wish there was more like it.
Do you think itll ever get a remake one say?

They're both good. Rayman 3 is underrated as fuck though. I don't know why people hold Ancel's lack of involvement as a detriment to the game; it still feels like the 3D Rayman game and probably the one that most codified the series' identity in terms of presentation. Rayman Origins' entire structure and sense of humor is largely built upon the stuff Rayman 3 had already done (Rayman 2 was way darker, a lot less fantastical, a lot less of a scattershot scenario, and a lot more serious than it was funny - the complete opposite of Rayman 3 and Origins, which incidentally also are two games that share a similar beginning, buildup and finale). Plus, no one can tell me that the progression of starting off trying to help out Globox swallowing a black Lum, only for the plot to slowly progress into becoming something of apocalyptic proportions, isn't the most kino shit. Even the soundtrack goes from being this dreamy, goofy shit to this crazy, industrial, dread-inducing music.

I'll say Rayman 2 definitely made way more of an impression than Rayman 3 did, but the latter just seems like a sequel that did everything you'd expect a sequel to do, all things considered. The combat in particular is miles better; does ANYONE remember the combat of 2?

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I got the game when I was 9 and it took me 3 years playing on and off to beat it.

Was it worth it? Fuck no but at least I can brag about it I guess. Seriously, even Tomb Raider 3 was easier than that shit.

Has anyone played the GBA version of Rayman 3? It played like 1 and combined the characters and visuals from 2 and 3.

The Hoodlums are low-key one of my favorite enemy factions in any game, they look goofy but they're just as capable of being deadly. The further you get into the game the more you realize how much of a competent force they are.

The superior Rayman 1,but a non Canon fuckfest story wise

A cool bro/uncle and a good lover

Rayman 2's combat and movement were jankier of course. While i still say I enjoyed 3, there's something about 2 that makes it truly special, and it was lost along the way.

> why people hold Ancel's lack of involvement

Well, in my case it's just my mind establishing correlations. Something was lost from 2 to 3, and Ancel wasn't involved in 3. I'm pretty sure there's a conversation there about what would have Ancel done differently.

1 is great
2 is overrated, I’ve actually never finished it
3 is great
Arena is a lot of fun

Legends is better though and has most of Origins levels

Everything is being remade nowadays that I wouldn't be surprised but Rayman 2 still holds up so it doesn't really need one

Ubisoft Laughing in the background as they release Rayman 2 on switch with no fucking change and way more broken shit than the DS/3DS version

>Something was lost from 2 to 3
I guess it was a lack of mystery, wonder and dream-like atmosphere that was shoved aside by 4th wall breaking humor, zany characters and what one might call "generic 3D platformer syndrome".

Just check out the bonus videos that you could earn in 3:

You'd NEVER see something like that in 1 and 2 and it's cartoony and 4th wall breaking simply because well, it's a cartoon world so it has to be silly and wacky.
It doesn't really treat the world it created with the same respect and dignity as the first two games did.

The best platforming mascot after Samus and Mario.

Those videos did a good job world building for the creatures though. A large majority of creatures across all Rayman games are fairly zany beings, including in the original game. Rayman 2 is the only exception you can infer, and even then you got goofy dudes like Clark. If anything Rayman 3 kinda got back to the roots of some of its creature presentation, which we kept seeing in games after it.

The dream-like atmosphere never really went anywhere if you ask me. Land of the Living Dead, The Great Fairy Council and The Temple of Grand Minimus were all appropriately dream-like - arguably moreso than even Rayman 2 was. Did they have Globox and Teensies yucking it up with some one-liners every once in a while? Yeah, kinda, but I can't say I minded it. It was a nice dichotomy of "these creatures are wacky as fuck" and "the world they live in is actually pretty beautiful".

Anyone got the Rayman 1 beta screens that included stuff like some giant classic cartoon blackface mobster that looked like a cut boss?

le serie Rayman ce bonne

2 and M are the best


Rayman 1 - PS1
Rayman 2 - Dreamcast
Rayman 3 - GameCube

I still wish we got Rayman 4

The concept art was great


I hate having to link to this shithole just to show the images though

contrary to popular belief, Rayman is for sexual

Who could ever look at this face and think otherwise

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I know what you mean, but can't seem to find it

>100% it
I loved the shit out of the game, but I'm not collecting 1 million of those shits to unlock a goddamn skin

I only beat 2. Is the "1 is hard" meme true?

Rayman’s ancestors were frogs.

>Infinite lives cheat
That exists? I might actually be able to beat this game now.

I'd say it's true. Have been long time since played it so might remember wrong.

it has save system . but it doesn't actually help much. if and when you've no continues and 1 life. you're basically stuck with trying to clear the game with that one life. Unless there was some easy way to get lifes that i don't remember. anyway might as well restart the game.
And it requires you to save all the stuff from the cages otherwise you can't beat the game.


The devs flat out admitted that the later levels weren't actually playtested.

it's not a meme you jackass. it's legitimately one of the hardest games ever made.

I know it's payable as a Bonus by having 90% of the lums after the end of the game on Rayman 2 PS1 but idk if you can get that game otherwise

*Depressed Doot*

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>Unless there was some easy way to get lifes that i don't remember
You can easily but tediously grind lives in the level where you ride Bzzit, a lot of tings and not a lot of threats.

That's cool, but yea sounds tedious and not really very cool.

Did this bother anyone else?

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If you're talking about him being the final boss. I really prefer they put that bean as the vilain for the light sequel/spin-off and keeps the real Mr Dark as a 3D vilain sequel

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nah not because of the skins just pure autism

I mean Rayman's species being retconned into teensies

Enjoy Alzheimers when you're older

Still baffles me that Origins has like four or so different plotlines thanks to the actual story being more or less cut.

Only Ubisoft stayed with Nintendo on the WiiU.

That was Rayman 2's beta while I was talking about the original one.
Christ, this is some Candle Cove tier shit given that also remembers it but it's apparently nowhere to be found on the net, not even Unseen64 and the like.

Rayman 1 is neat but difficult and with pretty jank level design

Rayman 2 is basically completely different and it's slower paced with kinda lackluster combat

Rayman 3 is like a somewhat more polished 2 with better combat but it has less memorable moments and the humor largely sucks

Rayman Origins and Legends are closer to something like Dustforce but they're still great games with a great sense of flow.

fuck man i already got nightmares from the game as it is, playing rayman on acid would fuck me up good

Rayman 1 = Saturn
Rayman 2 = Dreamcast
Rayman 3 = OG Xbox or 306 or PS3

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I admit. This is the only game from my childhood I have not yet completed. I'd remember always getting stuck at some of the music stages

Rayman 1 - PS1
Rayman 2 - Dreamcast or PS2
Rayman 3 - Basically any version
Rayman Origins - Basically anything but the Wii and 3ds versions
Rayman Legends - Basically any version


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Anyone else looking forward to this?

the hoodoo sorcerer is unironically one of the greatest battle songs in any video game

Never heard of it, but now I am. Thanks user

nah, rayman origins's story is so whack and not taken seriously throughout the game that they could have put anything as the final boss and it wouldn't matter too much

I just want a 3D Rayman game with Mr Dark as the main villain
And you can actually beat him this time
Is this too much to ask?

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One of my favorite mascot platformers.
I'll probably cave in and just play 2 on 3DS soon, but I'm paranoid Ubisoft will start giving a fuck about him someday soon after I start or finish and remake it in HD.

Was it the second picture in this collage?

sorry for the link, but can't post images because ip rangeban

I want a new 3D game but with Razorbeard instead honestly but knowing the developers they'll probably make a brand new villain like they always do

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>European Ubisoft make great games
>North American Ubisoft make generic trash
But why? Is it because of the Canadians? It can just be the Canadians.

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YES, that's it! Thanks!
>ip rangeban
Welcome to the club.

Same thing with Blizzard and Rockstar