Intro shows them going on a double date, as well as Kunio and Riki obviously getting abducted

>intro shows them going on a double date, as well as Kunio and Riki obviously getting abducted
>even Hasebe and Mami acknowledge that Kyoko and Misako have been their girlfriends for at least ONE game
>boys say they don't know these girls at all
Explain this ending to me, Yea Forums.

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Do you seriously remember every girl you've dated?



the ending is LOL I TROLL UUUUUUUUUUU garbage because the game is made by people that think you're an idiot for liking the premise they marketed the game under

Not OP, but I'm 30 and I've only been with 6 people. Obviously I remember them all.

Isn't it just their names they forget? They were acknowledged with "it's those crazy girls again."

oh yeah haha.... i remember all the girls i have definitely dated

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Presumably that was their only date and the boy don't look that interested.

I know you're baiting or being cute but yeah, I do. I would certainly remember if my (ex)girlfriend got shot right in front of me at least.

Oh... well, shit. I'm genuinely sorry, user. Should have used spoilers. My bad.

I know it's not much, but believe me you will enjoy the rest of the game, the story and the characters!

> i have definitely dated
yeah haha me too


>yfw they arnt sitting next to their dates but across from their dates

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only the tears

The guys they met in the end were impostors contracted to make them stop chasing them. IT WORKED. THEIR TRUE BOYFRIENDS ARE STILL ABDUCTED TO THIS VERY DAY.

They rewrote it at the last minute after some ASW rep that had no fucking clue questioned why they were going with these girls instead of the "traditional" pick, of which only one was remotely correct. Downtown Special fags fuck off.


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I wouldn't had minded that ending if they had a different one for beating Hasebe and Mami in which Rikki and Kunio actually reacted differently, also they should have their own ending/story when you play as them.
Even if didn't dislike the ending I would still find lazy that they didn't record any special audio or replace any cutscene for them.

i cant remember something that never happened

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They were probably dead fish in the sack. Can also be because they're annoying

Yes but don't remember the names.

This would be a great dlc

>Dead fish in the sack
Actually, being compared to a Tuna in bed is a compliment in Japan. Women are supposed to be the passive partner.

Well Japan fucking sucks buddy

It's what happens when you make "clever" last minute rewrites.

Is there any info on what the original ending was?

It's so last minute that the JP version has them not deny being their boyfriends at all.

The girls that abducted them had such mad pussy power that they completely forgot the protagonists. It's NTR 101.

Yeah it's stupid, and all for the sake of some shitty "comedic" ending with Borderlands tier humor that westerners love so much.

I need a definitive answer: is the game actually good? At least enjoyable? Or are you just shilling it to get porn out of it?

The JP dialogue is Kunio and Riki calling them annoying them and suggesting they go hang with the other girls.

Original ending is that they're jerks who flipflop on girlfriends, rewrite is "lolwho?"

>trailer shows them being tied,beaten up and abducted
>in game they just get into the van and went to the SPA

What is, gomensai my foul language, THIS FUCKING SHIT?

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she's extra cute when she's not angry

Whoops, meant see

if you play with a friend is great, alone is fun, with kyokko you will get a boner with her fighting noises, unless you dont like fun there is a mega/drive link somewhere so try it out

OP here, not giving a fuck about the porn, not that great at beat-em-ups, and I still think the game is great. If you're unsure, wait for a discount, I guess.

Original ending seems way more in line with how they act in the other games, but I guess this is considered a spin-off anyway and Kunio is wearing a hoodie lol. So whatever.

It's the spa van ya dope

Boys are clearly bored and disengaged on the group date, I guess to them they just don't remember it or the girls.

>me and my bro get cutie gfs
>chill without our gf for some bro time
>our gfs go on a rampage cause they cant find us
>get embarassed when they find us
>"bro i got this lets act like we dont know them"

I finally fixed my computer so the question is.... is this shit worth playing?

Why do guys keep doing that stupid fucking hairstyle. Just stop

It's just the dipshit who wrote it trying to be clever since the game acknowledges that America never got Shin Nekketsu.

So basically retarded western devs got their hands on old school jap characters and flanderized them? Why am I not surprised.

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>Entire game the girls beat people up and progressively become obvious there is no reason for it
>its River City so they are up to a fight anyway
>nobody wins anything from the events of the game except one specific person.
>During the game on your retarded quest Godai ask you to do his sidequesr
>Wayforward said Godai was the blocked number


Ever heard of alternate universes, OP?

Should have been just Kunio and Riki game without some meme shit subverted expectations.

They are psycho exes. They imagined parts of the opening. Also at the end, they do remember them. One of the boys was like “Oh no, it’s those crazy girls”

Spin-offs aren't new to this series, but bad writing is still bad writing.

The girls are actually deluded stalkers. They self-insert into seeing the two guys eating alone (which is why neither acknowledge they're there until Misako grabs Kunio, which is when the scene cuts off).
Kodai texts them about the boys getting into a van, and they conflate this to mean they were kidnapped because they've been ghosted.
Secret Boss is non-canon, and they actively acknowledge it.
And the boys do recognize them, as "those crazy girls," but have forgotten their names, despite dating once about 5 console generations ago.

Oh god fucking damn it. His character was already so stupid and irrelevant. If this is true, the whole plot has no fucking purpose.

Also I thought WayForward was supposed to be all about that SJW, so how is it progressive if the roles are not reversed and Misako and Kyoko DON'T save the damsels in distress, and are simply doing a man's bidding throughout the whole game?

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Yes user, we understand the "plot" of this game, the point of this thread is laughing at how retarded it is.

user they can be retarded in social media and shit but they know fanservice and the patriarchy is what keep them afloat


>RC is all about incredibly violent and mentally deficient people.
>Why is this game about incredibly violent and mildly insane people?????!!!!

The boy asked for an explanation

The writer actually is into social justice shit though.

Why are you defending an ending that isn't even part of the JP script?

doesn't he draw big titty porn too?

Who IS this elusive man you are referring to

>JP script

This is an Western made game! I keep seeing people mentioning “Oh just use the jap voices” or you mentioning a JP script. These don’t exist, you cunt!

>The writer and artist are the same people
Why is Yea Forums full of retards who don't think?

The character artist likes big titty girls and she's suspected of being a shotacon. The writer is some twitter asshole and he's all up on that socjus shit.

>writer is a sjw cuck
>mcs are delusional retarded girls
>big bad of the game is never defeated and you do his dirty work the entire game
>you ended up beating prominent girls the entire game, half of the game is beating other girls
The writer is into Ryona and just keeps the sjw shit as a facade like most male femenist, wait for his eventual #metoo
>isnt that the main artist girl? who is also into shota porn?
the JP manga section has different dialogues, learn to read moonspeak

because you are an idiot for buying waifu games

>These don’t exist, you cunt!
JP voices don't. The JP script does.
The JP script was translated a good bit before release, which is why the ending differs. The comic pages were written based on the original script. The game was designed and cutscenes were drawn with that script in mind. The writer admitted he found out late in development that the girls aren't typical love interests in the Nekketsu franchise.

People don't reference the JP script because Nihhon Daisuki or whatever the fuck, it's because it shows that the ending was a last minute change.

If the game was a standalone sure, but you're taking established characters and shitting on them from the sake of some millennial gag humor. Did you play this ? Because the relationship between the two boys and girls weren't just "some one off date" that the retards at Wayforward are trying to meme, the entire fucking game revolved around it and took it pretty seriously especially when Kyoko and Misako get shot.

Any Western media personalities who try to "make their own" version of Japanese shit to show how much they "get" the "mysterious and confusing" culture, always end up missing the mark by cringe-level degrees, while inversely assuming their accuracy to form.

Guys who cares about the plot holes look at the kawaii characters and listen to their amazing voice acting!!!!!!!!!

Fuck ecelebs.

Only because I keep their nudes

How can you not love the obnoxi- popular and captivating voice actors?

Away, runkachunk.

Wait, so they actually are their girlfriends in the original ending and they just rewrote it so that’s no longer the case?

Waifufags sneeding

I don't think that there is "original" ending since we don't know which was first. We know only the difference between grorious nippon and gaijin versions. In western they are just some stalkers, boys didn't aknowledged them as their girlfriends. In japanese they are their girlfriends, but boys just wanted to hung around and pick some other girls or something like that, I don't remember.

If I was a waifufag I wouldn't be so concerned with the two of them getting together with Kunio and Riki ya dingus

Hasabe and Mami fucked them so good that they just pretended not to know them.

The girls dont actually look like that.

They probably are ugly and smell bad, but the entire game is through their perspective.

I love twists like these so much, I just don't want them in my stupid cute ass girly girl games about girlfriends and their boyfriends is all

All we know is that each region got a different ending, but circumstances point to the English one being a late rewrite. It also helps that Rem has a very distinct way she draws comics and her art matches more closely with the JP script.

nice bait

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