>Last game you played
>How bad you smell
Smash ultimate
i need a shower
>Last game you played
>How bad you smell
Smash ultimate
i need a shower
Other urls found in this thread:
Club penguin rewritten
Showered last night. Smell fine
Pokemon Go
Just showered forty minutes ago
Showered 3 hours ago, smell fine.
monster hunter world
probably like cigarettes
romancing saga 2
showered an hour ago
Tekken 7.
Showered last night. Smell pretty okay.
>League of Time wasted, retarded teammates and painful regrets
>Showered 5 hours ago
astral chain
Showered this morning, so about 9 hours ago
Smell fine
I showered last night but I keep sweating and it's uncomfortable, don't think I smell though
I'm pretty sure I smell alright. Didn't shower yet today, but I haven't sweated since the last one.
Lobotomy Corporation
Showered this morning, smell of womens deodorant because its the only one that actually seems to last more than 5 minutes
3.5 weeks
Apex Legends / WoW Classic during queue times
Took today off because I'm hungover and last showered on Friday.
WoW Classic
Showered yesterday morning.
Probably smell a bit.
Smash Ultimate
Haven't showered in two days
If you think I'm memeing, I'm not. I had a shower at a different time of day a couple days ago and it threw my shower schedule off so there's a different stink schedule.
Tekken 7
Just showered, smelling fine.
Fire Emblem Three Houses
I smell like strong fucking alcohol because all I do is chug vodka, tequila, rum and whatever else I can find lying around.
>Rainbow six for ps1
>Showered 8 hours and 27 minutes ago
Elder Scrolls Online
showered last night before bed, so I smell fine
4 days ago so I'm good for at least another 2 days
Civ 5
Showered yesterday morning like I always do. Probably gonna shower today once I get out of bed
Spyro reignited
Havent had a shower yet but been up 4 hours so doing it now thanks
Elora is fucking hideous, but totally fine from the side on. that makes me scream as they were clearly so close and yet so disgustingly far
That free to play Kirby game on switch
Yep I’m pretty smelly. Gonna shower after class
Why do I literally always stink even right after a shower? How the fuck do I stop sweating 24/7?
>How the fuck do I stop sweating 24/7?
Get better genes.
I can go days without showering and I have asked multiple people if I smell and nobody says yes.
Because you're a fucking weirdo and they're afraid to provoke you.
Gears 5
still pretty good, old spice lasts forever
touhou 11
I feel alright
Total war warhammer 2.
I showered last night with the fancy stuff I have after cutting my hair.
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