I just finished Super Metroid and I honestly don't understand all the hype around it

I just finished Super Metroid and I honestly don't understand all the hype around it.

Also, I was expecting a 15 hour game but I beat it in like 5 or 6 hours.

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Most super nintendo games aren't very long. Which is good.


I'm about 50 minutes into it for the first time and I've enjoyed it so far though im stuck right now and don't know what to do. Shame because I had been doing great with the movement, though it took some getting used to.
I'll come back to it later and hopefully find where to go next. This is why I don't really play the genre.

dumb zoomer

It paved the way for many sidescrollers to come. Revolutionary for its time.

That said I much prefer Zero Mission. Better movement and routing.

>This game was short. And that's a good thing!

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>Also, I was expecting a 15 hour game but I beat it in like 5 or 6 hours.
Sorry it’s not a movie game.

I have played Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Fusion and all the Prime games, and I still feel nothing but overwhelming indifference to the whole series. I honestly forget about them after playing them. Completely blah franchise, made worse by the very pathetic and entitled fans constantly screeching to be catered to at all times.
By the way, Zero Suit firmly established as Samus as nothing good but as a cockslut.

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Hollow Knight isn't a movie game and is easily 20+ hours.

My fellow Zero Mission brother
That said, I wish the game didn't release will all the chozo markers, or at least put them only on easy mode

I don't like long games. Can't be ever arsed to replay those, but some short snes game you can play million times

Hollow Knight also has a linear first third and a backtracking hell in the final third.

ZSS > tranny amazon samus

Why do you keep making this thread every single day? Why are there so many goddamn schizos on this board?

It's very overrated but still a real good game
My favourite in the series is Fusion

You have Brawl to thank/blame for properly introducing Samus to casuals.

This is the first time I made this thread. I just beat Super Metroid this morning.

You might be the schizo, user. Especially if you're here every day.

It's 15 hours because there's a bunch of shitty back tracking and shooting random tiles.

Lol it's an old SNES non-RPG game, why the hell would you think its 15 hours?

Having said that, I just find the whole genre to be boring. Backtracking isn't fun, I don't understand the fans of this genre. Hollow Knight blows.

If the game didn't come together for you when you got the hyper beam and this played:
then it just wasn't for you.
What reading comprehension you have, grandma.

Short replayable game > long-ass game

>got overly attached to wall jumping on first playthrough
>sequence broke a bunch of shit without knowing it
>beat the game without the ice beam

>Especially if you're here every day
Where the fuck do you think we are

I can play a short, replayable game with great gameplay for a much longer time than let's say a heavily padded out JRPG with shit story and characters.

A short game can be a good thing
Usually it means it is laserfocused on its idea and everything it shares isnt padded out over the course of 40 hours but is a sequence of solid replayable challenges you can beat.

I never understood the addiction/want for long games other than escapism and literally living within it. Long games often are poorly paced and you do the same task multiple times JUST to proceed.

This isnt to say that LONG GAMES WITH LOTS OF DIFFERENT CONTENT don't exist but theyre towards the far end of the bell curve.

I'd rather Short and Focused over Long and drawn out if Long and Focused is unattainable.

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Why you replying to a zoomer? The concept of replaying a game is probably alien to them.

How many times did you consult a guide?

>Man this game is overrated
>I expected it to be long and it wasnt

...What does this entail? Do you find more value in games that consume your life more?

Play Persona 5 if you need your life to be leeched away or something.

>Also, I was expecting a 15 hour game but I beat it in like 5 or 6 hours.
Unlike modern 5-6 hour games, Super Metroid is super replayable.

did you use a guide?

Im sorry for your shit taste OP, super metroid is a literally perfect game and its a shame you cant enjoy it.

No. It's not really hard to figure out what you have to do next.

>It took him 5 hours to beat Super Metroid
Do it again fag.
Learn better techniques
Play it faster
Understand the mechanics
Shave your time
Are you one of those content-swallowing zoomers who eat content once and move on? You don't deserve to appreciate a game you can't even replay

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I never said I didn't enjoy it. I'm just saying that I don't understand why it's always praised as the best game ever.

T. never played the game

>Design that teaches you how to play
>Very versatile mechanics that allow you to play it in different ways
>Open structure that allows you to break the sequence
>Very moody and strong presentation
>Backtracking is often an afterthought
>Very high highs compared to its dumb decisions
>Can be fairly challenging
>Opens up a higher ceiling of play for those who want to reach it
>Feels good and reactive to play
>Doesnt overstay its welcome or unnessecarily pad itself out to reach some kind of hour-quota
>Has emotional highs towards the end
>Iconic villains and characters
>Feeling of progression that resonates with lots of people

Does this help?

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>SNES game
>expecting 15 hours

You know, sometimes I think you people are dumb on purpose.

>things that definitely happen and opinions that sure aren't weak bait

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It's never about the length of an adventure.

Replay it and try for a better time. See if you can do a sub 2 hour run, or a sub 2 hour 100% run.

He's probably a lifeless zoomer with no hobbies and consumes content just to escape his daily life.

Hours are probably the most important factor to a game for him.

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Hollow Knight has a lot of padding and isn't nearly as well designed as Super Metroid is.

as opposed to super metroid? which is basically all padding.

no sweetie worthless secrets are not content

You are in luck. An autist wrote up, in excruciating detail, why super metroid is the best designed game ever.

>metroid good
>super metroid best 2D metroid
>part of babby's first Nintendo game collection
It's not rocket science.