Rather than asking players to set their own pronouns for V...

>Rather than asking players to set their own pronouns for V, the game will often opt for a pronoun-free approach when other characters talk about you. Consider it one of the many practical benefits of going by a monosyllabic mononym.

What the fuck I thought you guys were just memeing gamesradar.com/uk/cyberpunk-2077-gender-options/

Attached: IMG_8119.jpg (1200x675, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who cares

Immersion destroyed. So glad they're wasting time and money on this bullshit rather than things that actually matter.

cool. they cater to my native language for once. thanks poland friends

>Yea Forums will act like this is a big deal
>Yea Forums will ignore that this is how it's done in every RPG where you can choose gender

>done in every RPG

This is just distracting from a gramatical stand point. I was reading an article the other day and they used "their" to refer to someone, but there was a male in the story, so after years of gramatical training, basic understanding of sentences is no longer possible ot coherent due to the sbuective understanding of a social construct.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (512x512, 21K)

Based cdpr absolutely TRIGGERING the shit out of zoom zooms every waking minute

>monosyllabic mononym
the fuck is this

grammatical*, or*, subjective*

so like mass effect ?

im cool with that

v is cute. CUTE!

You could work on being a little more coherent yourself

imagine being this much of a brainlet retard

Please don't sink GOG, please.

The use of neutral pronouns to denote a person who doesn't claim to be one geneder is confusing. Particularly in circumstances where there are multiple people in the story, one of which claims a gender.

>ass effect
oh boy i can't wait

Have sex

>what were you born?
>reffer to it as him or her depending on that
fuck off with this shit

i legit think cdpr might go out of business once this game bombs because of all the sjw shit they put in it

>ruining your dialogue with grammatically retarded mistakes like they and them as a singular just to cater to a few mentally ill science deniers.
this games dialogue is going to be an indecipherable train wreck.

I know i shouldn't but you're just too retarded not to have some attention.

Attached: 1566220437418.gif (480x238, 415K)

Most games already doing it for decades desu. Like fucking Pokemon for example.
They never make a point out of though, since it's simply a practice to cut corners.

This game is going to sell like hot cakes due to the Witcher 3 legacy and the SJW + Cyberpunk aesthetic

let me borrow this from the last thread you made

>commander shepard
no problems
no problems
no problems
no problems
>ashen one
no problems
no problems
no problems
no problems
no problems
>hero of kvatch
no problems

You're but caricatures of yourselves at this point.

cyberpunk usually doesn't sell well to normies (see deus ex mankind divided) that's the reason why they changed the aesthethic so much to look like gta. same with any immersive sim that came out in the last couple years (dishonored, deus ex, prey). on top of that cdpr fans are getting turned off by all the tranny pandering and retarded shit that cdpr puts into the game like keanu, trannyshit, multiplayer.

i wouldn't be so sure that the game is going to be a success

Miranda in the opening scene of ME2 literally says either "he's just one man" or "she's just one woman".

So everyone is just going to call me V now? I fail to see the issue. I know the media is going to frame is as "sjw victory", but hey I'm the one still shooting down gangbangers.

So they went for the Bioware option

>people are still excited for Far Cry 6: CyberPunk Edition

Attached: 1567487080711.png (336x391, 216K)

or it will be a massive success

Yep, this line says it all
>a lot of the time NPCs are just going to refer to you as ‘V’, because you won’t be able to choose your name.

Its pocket money after all, who cares.
Gwtting triggered about this is pathetic.
Dilate, sheeting and cope.

So how it will work in different languages? It might work in english but it's impossible in most of languages without sounding wrong whole time.

It sounds wrong in English too you fucking spic.

I tried playing the witcher games but everyone kept calling me "geralt" fucking dropped

It looks like gta because its the poor district.
Im sure """normies""" will like the game just because lets plays or being an fps shooter.

I thought the fact that my old PC wouldn't run the game was a tragedy. Now I realize it's a blessing.

its the most miniscule and insignificant shit possible placed into a barely related layer.
All that truely matters is if they manage to hit the nail on fast paced shooter

They has been used for singular people for ages you fucking retard

How much the media and those ""articles"" affect to sensitive persons like you? How can those people live being offended by everything?

>how it will work in different languages
It won't, user, it won't. Better yet, they can't even do it in their own language as there's no gender neutral pronouns or verbs in Polish

Attached: 1567959724257.jpg (777x704, 57K)

Attached: Rolling.jpg (418x418, 20K)

From CDPR's last play through they weren't really selling it as an immersive sim. I got more of an actual RPG vibe. And I don't think v/ is any longer reflective of the CDPR audience...


finna axe you a question here. if niggas don't talk like whitey fo long enough does that make it right?

Very awkward.
Probably won't at all.

>“One of the things we’ve done to make sure the game addresses things a certain way is a lot of the time NPCs are just going to refer to you as ‘V’, because you won’t be able to choose your name."

so it's just like shepard, the warden or ashen one, why are people freaking out over this? sometimes the game will use your body type's pronoun and other times just ''V''

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Using gender neutral language has always been used to save work from needing to record and put in 2 practically identical voice files. Its also why man RPG's give you a predetermined name everyone refers you by, like "Shepard", "Ashen one", "Exile" etc. Its to save work, but suddenly now its about respecting gender or something to drum up controversy where there is none.

Oh shit that was my post

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It's called a Dialect, and yes.

>freaking out
no one is freaking out, it's just bunch of trannies grasping

Attached: 1566686448727.png (744x613, 75K)

>someone put "he" in a prologue instead of they
>one of like three examples in the whole game
>the rest is neutral
How does this help you?

Every single game with gender select did this

this can't be true
this is to pathetic

Admits the Neravarine is a he
>Like how does this help you OMG

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't matter that there's less customisation options than in the e3 demo
>it doesn't matter that you can't see your character in cutscenes
>it doesn't matter that customisation is useless
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't matter that it has tacked on multiplayer
>it doesn't matter that npc's don't refere to you as "he/she/ anymore
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance


Attached: Sipping CDPdRones Tears.jpg (326x412, 24K)

Holy fucking 3rd world
Learn english

It's the SJWs that are perpetualy offended by everything. I'm not going to make a boicot campaign against cyberpunk or urge the developers to change the game to conform to my views. I'm just going to avoid paying for and playing a game which is gonna make me cringe

I will now pre-order and buy your game! That's what was important!

Attached: 1526046317595.jpg (470x471, 41K)

I didn't, just that the game said he once, and they the rest of the game. Going by numbers, they aren't male.

>it doesn't have to be at night
It does have night though?
Really, this whole list falls apart right off the bat.

>it doesn't need to have the different classes
Different classes work well for tabletop games, where you manually manage everything, but games should be more free form, as there is less for you the player to keep track of.


Fucking fire emblem had classes with two groups of 10+ different stats to manage. Even mobile games have plenty of stat, skill, & equipment management. Yet CDPR can't?

The only question I have is why the only news we have from this game are about sjw issues now

I like the look and feel of the game but im a bit wary of the final outcome

Game doesnt look like an RPG anymore

Attached: Tokyo-looks-like-a-modern-day-cyberpunk-setting-in-these-photos.jpg (800x449, 149K)

>Immersion destroyed.
How? It's supposed to be a dystopian future, forcing players to use genderless pronouns makes sense thematically.

Actually that's
>it doesn't need to have genders
So we're quite a bit further up your list yet if it were genuine

But it's obvious that it's not a real list tracking any sort of real progress and you probably open up a .txt file and add a line without looking at the rest whenever you feel like shitposting about CP2077

Completely different genres.

Yeah this isn't an RPG.

Only Nintendo can take you Fahrfromjuden. I wish I had the image, I know it's in my folders somewhere.

Attached: I wonder who could be behind this....gif (132x140, 58K)

Both are basically RPGs. I was also going to say Dark Souls & Morrowind. They even have joinable factions, though the former you can change anytime. And the mobile games I was thinking of were final fantasy one. Which were RPGs.

they were already doing that for 90% of the dialogue to avoid having to record too many line varients, why the fuck do you think the main character is named V?
and while we're on the subject, how often do you hear commander shepard referred to by gender? or any other fully voiced game with gender choice? this trick is an old as shit.

"Joinable factions" is such a weird demand. CDPR thinks in terms of narrative. Choice and consequence. Of course the game is going to track who you associate with. It just doesn't have a reputation slider or whatever the fuck you think would constitute true "joinable factions".

Your right. 2077 is going to be a fallout 4 styled action/adventure game haha

Even FO4 had factions