Have you ever avoided a game for autistic reasons, Yea Forums?

Personally i avoided Valkyrie Chronicles because it never got a reprint and i still refuse to this day to collect early PS3 games with that retarded spiderman label on the side.

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Yakuza 5
No Physical, no buy from me

All but 1 of the games there with the standard spine is published by nintendo, I bet plenty of other switch games use a different spine.
>he actually brought botw
My condolences user

Weird, that's only in the US as far as I know. I have EU Super Bomberman R and it's written normally.

I buy physical games when I actually care about the game, even if it's more expensive.

No, I'm not mentally retarded. Kill yourself.

I don't buy games where you have to ride horses. I broke the rule once after a friend kept nagging me to try The Witcher 3 and I hated it.

Actually got about 17 cases, can confirm in a mix of Bandai Namco, Sega, Capcom, and some imports only Konami has the retarded spines.

That and Lets Go, I guess Game Freak are fags too

I refuse to play games out of order so while I would love to play witcher 2 and 3 I won't because I lost my witcher 1 save file and don't really want to play through that again.

I refused to play Control because it has a female MC/quite a few games I avoid cause of this.

I've refused to give the metal gear solid franchise a chance because its communities is one of the most autistic and annoying ones to deal with

Same reason for undertale but at least i can just justify that by saying I refuse to support SJWs

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I think this is more like I am being stubborn, but I don't buy a game that has the micro-transaction.

And yes, I wait for a while before buying a new game since some of them add the microtransation with patch AFTER launch.

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>'why would I play an rts where I'm just one dude'
I still stand by it.

Just checked mine, the only game I have with a different spine is has been heros.

>I refuse to play games out of order so while I would love to play witcher 2 and 3 I won't because I lost my witcher 1 save file and don't really want to play through that again.

Yeah, I'm exactly the same. I actually went though all of Final Fantasy last year (besides the MMO's) in order, and while I did play the improved versions of all the games I still had a lot of fun. You might as well experience the whole series as intended rather than playing all the "good ones" which probably would've been something like 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10. I did the exact same thing with The Witcher, saw 3 being shilled here back in 2015 and then installed 1 and started playing, didn't really like it that much but imagined I'd come round on Witcher 3. Finished 1 and 2, finally got to 3 and felt burnt out and never finished it.

Only exception to this was Persona, played through Golden first and then 3, and thought I might as well go through it backwards. Currently waiting on the fan translation of P2:EP, but might play the PS1 version soon.

>I've refused to give the metal gear solid franchise a chance because its communities is one of the most autistic and annoying ones to deal with

Also the same, I honestly can't play a game like Undertale with actual opinions since everything surrounding those games have tainted my mind and I couldn't play them without it on my mind the entire time. It's why I really hate seeing opinions of games or the kinds of people who play these games before I can, it really changes my entire opinion of the game. Although, you should play Metal Gear, it's unironically a good series, I'm not sure where you're getting the idea MGS fans are autistic though.

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I didn't play Tokyo Mirage Sessions because I couldn't put the gameplay on the gamepad. I didn't play Xenoblade Chronicles because I didn't feel like using the Wii Remote and Nunchuck.

You can use a controller with Xenoblade, hell if you emulate it you can even change the icons to be an Xbox/Playstation config.

Persona/SMT games are on my list of franchises I want to get into but ordering. I think I'd start with nocturne but just really don't want to spend that much time on some JRPGS. One day when I'm retired maybe

For gears it's probably just cause of the people I've been around IRL. Knew some guys who held a metal gear convention, thats it, it was just metal gear and everyone was doing the excact same shit. I see a fuck ton of cars with their only sticker being a metal gear one. Basically i have metal gear in my mind as a normie / autistic franchise.

That being said I also don't particularly care for stealth games and I hate forced stealth missions, so I'd probably not enjoy the games. Outside of the boss fights which are the one things that make me even slightly interested in them

Kinda, I hated the seppo box art so much for the NES and SNES library that I refuse to buy them, I only buy the Japanese versions, thankfully my hatred of their ugly boxart has saved me a lot of money. Why would I pay $600 for Mother 2 when I can buy it for ¥1,500 CIB?
My hatred of long CD cases has helped me with Saturn and Mega CD also

Yeah, for SMT I'd say play them however you want. I'm actually not too keen on starting from SMT on the SNES or whatever, and since I'm already halfway through the franchise I'll probably just pick and choose the best from there.

As for Metal Gear, just give it a try. If you enjoy B-Movie tier action, writing and comedy then MGS has it. It's one of those games that really does live up to all the dumb hype it gets because of all the great scenes and moments it has. Hell, I could list off around 10 that I enjoyed and remember vividly.

A little unorthodox, but maybe play through MGS3 first. If you're against the series, it's probably the one with the most "down to earth" plot and ideas. All the extreme crazy shit is mostly from the bosses themselves and Ocelot cutscenes. It's chronologically the first in the series so you'll probably understand references in other games too quickly and miss references from others.

I went though MGS2 first from the HD collection back in 2012 and had a great time with the game, played on Very Easy and basically didn't stealth through the entire game since I was terrible at it but still beat the game in 14 hour or so. I enjoyed the atmosphere, characters, story, music, boss fights and the last section of the game very much. MGS2 sold me on the series despite not understanding the first section at all. Went though MGS3, then 1 and loved them both. Even MGS4 is fantastic to me. I might be hyping this up too much and might give you the wrong impression and you might dislike it, but it's not as much of a normie series as you think, it's popular sure, but it's probably a stage or two above entry level vidya.

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modern physical is the same as digital

Games should run 100% perfectly out of the box without day one updates or patches, there should be no need to download extra content to play the game everything should be on the disc.

One isn't really autistic but people get bent out of shape about it and call me autistic for it: I don't care for waifushit at all, and all-female casts will make me avoid a game. Even if I say that though, I'm NOT advocating for removal of fanservice just to make myself more comfortable(since I get plenty of people love it and don't bitch about games not for me)
On the other side, I won't play Undertale or Deltarune because some of the ideas in the games are eerily similar to ideas I had a decade ago, and now if I ever "did" do anything with them I'd just get blasted for stealing from Undertale and it makes me feel kinda sour about myself.

they should but they don’t

If you buy shit games, sure.

I almost avoided Suikoden 1 (and it's cheap ass price back in the day when it was rare) due to it's hideous cover.

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yes everytime a game have retarded online trophies
I don't even plat or goes for trophies in 98% of the games I play

what country, this look so bad

>which probably would've been something like 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10.
Sorry it's 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13-2, and 14 actually

I like the PC 98 retro aesthetics and the bartender cyberpunk setting, but I just hate how they try to pander to this place so much.

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Good thing you didn't.

is it really pandering when theyre just anons from /agdg/ using what they know as material?

Super Bomberman R was a launch title, and Nintendo didn't finalize the guidelines for Switch cases until a few months in. There were a few other launch window games (Cars 3, Just Dance 2017) that also had unusual designs on the spine.

They did do a reprint of Super Bomberman R recently that corrects the spine to fit with the rest of the Switch library. So you don't have an excuse now, OP.

NA version

Agreed. Almost missed out on a classic due to that dumb shit.

I've played plenty of games have come out of this place and none except that one have made me feel this way.

I was going to buy that one game, but dropped it because it doesn't promote my 2 gender dogma.