Games for this feel?

Games for this feel?

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day of infamy or insurgency sandstorm

>barrelling through corridors with the mg42 letting it rip from the hip
so much fun

The first two metros

Oh shit, my nigga, is that some Jin-Roh?


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but not really

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Medal of Honor Airborne.

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. Equip the heavy armor, the Sulfatum, and activate Targeting System.

no you dumb nigger


yes it is, you mouth-breathing mongoloid

i love you

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The Division 2?

Post the one where he shoots the everloving fuck out of that communist guy in the sewers at the end

Space Hulk: Deathwing

pls no

Red Orchestra 2, hip firing the MG-42 inside a building
It's pretty fun mowing down commies in the pain elevator while they're too suppressed to aim back and just start running away
Too bad the only full server just plays bridges and myoshka anymore

Besides the glowing eyes and helmet, there isn't anything remotely similar.

>Too bad the only full server just plays bridges and myoshka anymore
Fucking this, christ.
How are the faggots not tired of it yet?