An ancient primordial being has returned

>An ancient primordial being has returned

What does your party look like Yea Forums?

Mine is like this
-Female Human Warrior
-Female Elven Mage
-Female Dark Elf Rogue
-Female Dwarf Tank
-Female Nekomata Berserker

And their Dragon that they unlock endgame to fly them anywhere on the map

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-16-15-32-18-063_com.opera.browser.jpg (1080x1771, 492K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mine looks like 5 retards jacking off

Even if sagitarius Alpha expanded at the speed of light it would take millions of years to reach us, by that time we would have figured out how to travel to other galaxies or we would be dead

Why have five normal sized party members when you can have one HUUGE party member?

>Milky Way having a black hole at all is still argued to be between theory and fact
>But also, we can tell how powerful it is or not
>Also we still don't know if there's water or bacteria on the closest planet to us
We're so fucking pathetic but we pretend to be smart.

>not having a god in your party


>Slimegirl Knight
>Spidergirl Magic-Archer
>Male Human Healer
>Dwarven Sorcerer
>Female Goblin Pugilist

it looks like this

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That's the secret party member you unlock after doing different sidequests at very specific points in the story which also have to be done in a specific order.

>name my band, Yea Forums

-Human Male Paladin

>theory and fact
in science theory is fact

Not argued at all that theres something in the center keeping everything in orbit. The idea of black holes themselves tend to get debated.

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>he says using a device that exemplifies humanity’s mastery of logic and ability to harness the fundamental force of electromagnetism

me, a skeleton necromancer
and a whole bunch of skeletons

Are you genuinely stupid?
They only studied it for a few dozen years, which is smaller than a microsecond on the cosmic scale. The fact it now seems to be 'hungrier' says nothing at all anyway.

yikes you are a lowtest faggot.


The end of days are approaching friends. All the signs have been shown as prophesized.
>normalization of mental illness
>world englufed in lies
>the wicked will be praised while the righteous are shunned

Make your peace with god while you still can.

And we use it for shitposting.

We lack the means to verify, but if it can be observed, it allows for conclusions.
>We're so fucking pathetic but we pretend to be smart.
Your post in a nutshell.

>The end of days are approaching
people have been saying this since forever and yet were still here.

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so uhhhh what's killing us this time? it's not 2011 anymore dipshit.

That's all part of the plan.
Cry wolf enough times and nobody will believe when it really comes.
Could you imagine the chaos that would ensue if everybody knew the world was going to face a major cataclysm? You may think those in power are wrong for concealing this information, but it's actually for the greater good.

The same thing that caused every world reset in the history, that all our ancestors have tried to warn us about and has been spoken of throughout the ages.

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I wish.

I've been waiting for the world to end since 1999 but that was a bust and 2012 wasn't better either

Fuck off Rorschach

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It's funny how no matter how far humanity progresses, there will always be stupid people. As evidenced by you: the same "The end is nigh" types that have been spreading hysteria during medieval times continue to exist in supposedly enlightened times such as ours. And there are not few. Maybe mankind is fundamentally flawed and ultimately destined to fail.

you realize that that orbit of this potential planet is even at the closest WAY beyond Pluto

>World actually does end at the predicted moments, we're just in the timeline branch where it didnt happen.

and what exactly is going to end the world?

You shouldn't have dropped middle school


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>inb4 "the jews"

woah Yea Forumsro...... that's like ......... so deep my mind = blown what. the. fuck. fucking sheeple wake up, where all going to die

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Which one? We know there's at least some water in Mars and the Moon.

Me and my sentient dick

Kill me, Pete.

Even NASA is discussing Planet X now. It's going to be discovered soon.

What makes you think the proposed orbit of a still yet undiscovered planet is correct? What if it's orbit suddenly changes as it gets closer to earth? What if it's mass, gravitational pull and magneticism pull an army of asteroids from the kuiper belt and send them straight towards earth?

Planet X once it nears the sun in it's 10-20,000 year orbit. Which strangely enough happens to coincide with the timelines of cataclysms spoken of by ancient civilizations.

wasn't that the premise of the cancelled bethesda space game

Kill me, Pete.

you won't do it
fuck you faggot
I fucking hate you
piece of shit cat

>What makes you think the proposed orbit of a still yet undiscovered planet is correct?
because it's based on the orbit of other long orbiting objects we discovered already.
just so you can see how huge the solar system is and how tiny the planets are.

found it, it was called "the 10th planet" (because pluto was a planet back then) and was gonna run in daggerfall's engine

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What's your point?

If sagittarius a expanded at the speed of light then we'd only find out about it when it hit us. It could have started doing exactly that many years ago and be about to reach us, for all we know.

In that case we would have already seen it approaching, the fact that it happened millions of years ago doesn't make it invisible nor intangible

get better material /x/, at least the Strange Journey LHC doomsday scenario from a few years ago led to fun threads

Sagittarius A is only at 26000 years light away, "it's not that far" relatively speaking.

You see something when light from it hits you, user. If the thing itself was expanding at the speed of light then no information from it would reach us before it did.

Male pugilist with dark armor
Female speedster with heavy power armor
Female sword autist daughter
Female bo staff user
Male gun user with shadow stand
Female christmas cake tomboy cyborg w/ megane axe user
Female spear users with gap powers

what if we nuke it?

Is this a bot post?

Kirby. This shit is right up his alley

Name of the game?


the point is that Pluto is at ~40 AU from the Sun, planet 9's orbit is estimated to be from 400 to 800 AU.

>cyberpunk 2077

It would reach us in 25k years. The Milky Way is 100k light years across, sagittarius a is in the middle and we're half way between the middle and the edge.

Should humans do something about it?


That's only based upon the observable behaviour of trans Neptunian objects.
The orbit may change as it gets closer to the sun.

I think they just found out water in an exoplanet 14 light years away from us or something like that
Give it 10, 20 years max for the discovery of microbial life somewhere close to us

Why should I give a fuck about something that I wont even live long enough to experience

i don't know, is it?

it's just scp-2000

>Non-quantum computing
>Mastery of logic

You should worry more about earth's magnetic pole potentially shifting in the next 100-150 years or so, increasing cancer risk for everyone exposed to sunlight for a few centuries

You might be legit retarded then

the end will come sooner than it takes for you to realize user. it will just hapoen one day like everything else. we wont be talking about it for a week before

Somebody somewhere will be talking about it.

Bethesda wins again, baby

One Noriko
One Kazumi
One Gunbuster

Attached: gunbuster-kazumi-amano-noriko-takaya.jpg (480x181, 35K)

What should we use it instead? Shitposting is, dare I say, fun

>Bogs keep activating quantum immortality
We should be happy to have them as eternal rulers

The whole big bang theory

>"so dude galaxies are moving away from each other"
>'"that means they were closer in the past"
>"man so what if we just run the clock backwards then all this shit is cramped up more and more"
>"that's retarded at one point they would all be in a single place you can't jus-:
>"yeah let's call it a singularity, people will eat it up"
>"also we will just patch up any holes we find with more and more extremely convinient math that we will interpret as actual physical phenomena"
>"what if people ask what happened before the big bang"
>"time started at the big bang man the question makes no sense just ride the wave with me"

Won't this thing eat the entire galaxy eventually?

>that's retarded at one point they would all be in a single place you can't jus-:
Why is it retarded?
And the answer to many questions about the beginning of the universe is "we just don't know".

What's this about?

And one incel(you)

>if sagitarius Alpha expanded at the speed of light
thats fucking terrifying user, stop
also don't google false vacuum collapse

I'd watch it

>Cobra Commander
>Bob the Builder
I need at least one who just gets shit done with this crew

Kill me, Pete.

>also don't google false vacuum collapse
I did but I am retarded and don't get it.

predicting celestial objects in astronomy is pretty precise.

The end has always come. The universe gets reset and we go through the same motions. The universe is just a flask in some higher being's laboratory.

One of the Jupiter's moons has a massive ocean under the frozen surface.

stop spreading bullshit.
the only thing we know is that is has happened before, how it happens and how long it takes or what effects it would have is unknown. it's not a doomsday scenario.

>how do light work

Ye people usually say that there might be some kind of alien lifeform living underneath. Hope that's the case but who knows

You never WILL know, it can't be answered

Not that user, but we would be able to tell it's expanding at the speed of light and how long ago it started doing so.

You might want to learn some basic physics before calling people retarded. Information of any kind can only propagate from an event at the speed of light. In other words, if Sagittarius A suddenly started expanding at the speed of light the soonest possible time we could learn about it would be ~26,000 years later, when the light from it hit us. Since it is then expanding at the speed of light itself, this is also exactly the same time it would hit us.
Try reading chapter 2 of this: , or even better the whole book. It doesn't require any prior knowledge.

>What does your party look like Yea Forums?
Me + 3 summoned demons

>24 years
wow it's fucking nothing

You can't be sure about it, that's the difference between you virgin retard and a chad scientist, the chad doesn't make any claims, just theorizes until truth is reached.

Quad Crusader baby

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Not him but wouldn't it expand so much change the way the galaxy's put together in a very drastic way? I don't know if we would notice those changes before though

user we can already witness Sagittarius how it was 26k years ago, we would be able to tell the moment it started expanding at the speed of light, however you're right that it would probably hit us shortly after.

>Male Super Human Corrupt Berzerker
>Male Super Human Corrupt Berzerker
>Male Super Human Corrupt Berzerker
>Male Super Human Corrupt Berzerker
>Male Super Human Corrupt Berzerker

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I don't think there's a single way we can rationalize how we got here outside "it just happened" no matter how you look at it. You can only keep asking "well why did that happen" to whatever started everything.

Both of you are technically right
If the black hole started suddenly expanding at the speed of light, like from 0 to speed of light, then we wouldn't know, as the light containing the information that it is expanding is traveling at the same speed as the black hole BUT if the speed increase were gradual, then we would be able to know

People couldn't rationalize the earth wasn't the center of the universe

Europa is an interesting possibility

You are probably right, but never say newer.

Male human bard
Male human bard
Male human bard
Female dwarf bard

basically, our universe is the way it is because of underlying quantum fields that give rise to fundamental particles
however there is a possibility that the default lowest energy state of one of the quantum fields isn't it's actual possible lowest state, and that by some event the field could enter the actual possible lowest energy state somewhere in the universe
if this happened or would create a chain reaction that would travel from the initial point at the speed of light and erase all of that fields particles as it gets to the lower energy state
this would basically mean total anihilation of matter as we know it, and it could've already happened, even at numerous points in space, and we won't ever know it until it instantly erases us

Here's an EXTREMELY simplified analogy.
Bubble in pic related = Our universe.
Spike = Something which disrupts the current relative stability of it.

Attached: Bubble pop.gif (500x282, 957K)

We've already been to Europe, there's no intelligent life there.

That's a much different scenario than how the fuck the universe came into existence.
>muh big bang
And what created that which caused the big bang? And if that is answered, what created that which created that which caused the big bang? It just goes on and on. There is no answer.

No we literally wouldn't.
We'd potentially see it speeding UP TO that point, but if it suddenly started going at that speed we would have no way of knowing because the light would hit us at the same time it would.

Europe =/= Europa

Yes, I agree with you, should've specified I didn't think the scenario was about sudden acceleration to speed of light.

>space is flat

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You are an idiot who still thinks in narrow minded concepts of time. You probably think that human history is a long time. Think about how much we have discovered in the last 1000 years. Think about how much we will grow in the next 10 000 or 10 million years
If given enough time we could become the eldritch lovecraftian gods

Probably, but any possible changes from it can only propagate at the speed of light. If it happened right now it could only affect us in any way ~26,000 years from now. If it happened ~26,000 years ago then it would be about to affect us right now. An object exactly half way between us would have been engulfed ~13,000 years ago, but the light from that would also take another ~13,000 years to reach us, so it doesn't let us find out any faster. Get it?
Yes, so we know for sure it didn't suddenly start expanding at c before that moment that we can currently see. But if it started expanding at c a few moments after what we can see right now, then from our perspective it would just go from where it is now to us instantly. There would be no way for us to see it coming.

At least if I die I know (or don't know since it's instant) that all life in the universe dies with me.

We don't know. yet

As long as the chain reaction is limited to the speed of light would not the expansion of the universe prevent that from ever reaching us anyway, as long as it happens far away enough for the expansion to counteract it?
And since there is nothing we can do about it it really isn't worth thinking about. It's just an anxiety trap on the same level as "what if the rapture happened tomorrow"?

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Go add another dimension to your math, I'm sure this time it will finally explain everything. And when something contradicts your prediction you will come up with dark *random word* and ask for more funds to keep researching understand what this new and exiciting breakthrough actually is.

Kill me pete

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We never will, it's literally unsolvable.

Or what if we get hit by a gamma ray burst? Or what if we don’t notice a massive asteroid heading for us? Anxiety traps suck

no claims, we just don't know. yet. you can't simply claim you understand how future humans will perceive or what they will unfold about the universe. We simply don't know. yet


>Girl on the left

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>There is no answer.
"Nothing" spontainiously becomes "Something" due to quantum bullshit which then chain reacts into a large explosion of 'everything' is my current theory.
Although calling it a theory is a gross misuse of the term as i've quite obviously not put much thought into it.

Because there's no beginning, there'll be no end, but on my love, you can depend.

>scientific theory is fact
Go cut yourself. You need to drain blood to balance your stupid.

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It may seem like it now, but things have been solved that were deemed unsolvable before. Optimism is healthy when it comes to research.I mean, might as well try to figure it out.

I'm not the physicist-user, but we should be fine from getting deleted by a false vacuum. Gamma Ray Bursts on the other hand are unimaginably more terrifying and possible

Ew, gross, why are these girls not in school? I bet there are no Social Links either.

As long as yo make the distinction between colloquial use of "theory" and the scientific kind then there is no problem.

no argument?

No brain?

give me an argument or shut the fuck up

Again, I am retarded and know basically nothing about cosmology. Can you provide a quick rundown?

What I want to know though is, what the hell is "nothing"?

What's the chance that iran-israel actually turns hot, and israel got overwhelmed by it up to the point resorting to samson option which launch 200-300 nuclear missiles which targets all ME and somehow include most part of Europe?
End it all pete.

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It's not facts, but it for what it's worth it is used like it by scientists until the theory has been disproved.