Dragon Quest I, II & III collection coming to North America

>40$ for 3 mobile ports
>Doesn’t include the Famicom and Super Famicom versions like the Wii collection had.
>No DQ III monster animations since it’s the mobile version.

How does a company like SE manage to make the perfect collection with Collection of Mana and then fuck up literally THE SAME CONCEPT months later?

You can get these 3 games on mobile for 16$ and they are EXACTLY THE SAME.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not sure if bait. But I'll bite.

What the fuck do you mean Collection of Mana is the perfect collection. It's the same shit, 3 old roms for 40 bucks. Overpriced and not worth it.

wait, are they confirmed to be the mobile ports? That's crazy

uhhg, these games would be perfect on the sony playstation vita

Square Enix is just a horrible company. They occasionally do something good, e.g publish games like Nier, Octopath,etc or make FF14 Heavensward/ShadowBringers and Dragon Quest XI, but the majority what SE does is just garbage.

They're already on the Vita tho

>Digital only in NA
>If you want them physically you have to import the asian version with english.
>Will have to pay shipping to import it and the asian version will most likely fuck up my Switcg NTSC collection with a weird asian spine.
Hard pass.

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glad i have Yea Forums around to tell me exactly what i'm supposed to think

Because they ARE the same good old games, the dragon quest colletion however are ports of the garbage phone versions.

i just want a proper hd version of dq 8 with the added content from the garbage 3ds version

Why is Dragon Quest not popular in the West?

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how many times are you gonna make this exact same fucking post

why the fuck would anyone pay for this shit

Not edgy enough for westerners.

The 3DS version wasn't that bad, only really hard sell about it was it still used the Midi soundtrack

fuck anime and fuck weeaboos

It's $24.

>5 (FIVE) threads about this exact shit at the same time
This is why I hate Smashtards.

I have the mobile games, they're awful I wouldn't mind getting these just to have actual fucking controls and not on screen bullshit.

>every game is priced individually and it ends up about $24 for everything
Why does the OP suck so many fucking dicks?

just print your own box insert dude
glossy paper prints at staples are like 25 cents

>1 is $5
>2 is $6
>3 is $12

okay now this is cringe

>Dragon Quest thread
>"M-MUH SMASH!!!!!"
holy fuck, literally rent free

Arent the phone versions the definitive version? Especially with the characters interacting in 3?

some prefer the SFC ports because of the animated sprites and better sound track

shit no

I went and got the nes versions of them all but read that the phone version of 3 was the best. Why dont you like it?

the mobile versions cut out some content from other remakes too

Enjoy it Yea Forumsros

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This is what I have. It has DQ1-3, both the NES and SNES versions. Also it has a nice opening with some of the highlights in the games animated.

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fuck is that the only way to play them?

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But aren't the mobile versions of these games always reccomended?

>5 Dragon Quest threads
>at least half the replies are low effort
Yes, that's correct.

ITT OP doesn't know math and a bunch of retards who don't actually read articles replying and eating up the bait

I'd like to get it, but I'd like to finish playing the NES versions first. I like the spritework better there, anyway.

Jesus fucking christ, that's disgusting.
Are they really going to try to sell that shit?

The best version of 3 is on SNES and GBC. Those versions have a bonus dungeon (the GBC has 2 bonus dungeons), monster animations, and a board game mini game, and the ability to hit your own party members when they are confused. the mobile version has 1 bonus dungeon, no monster animations, no board game mini game, and, last I checked, no way to hit your own party members when they are confused. It's still a fine way to play, but there are better ways out there. This Switch version seems to be based on the mobile port.

Dear god no, please let this be a joke

>Nintendo fans
>paying for 30 year old ROMs
name a more iconic duo


Sonyfans buying a system with NOGAEMS

I was thinking about this the other day. It's not just Square Enix. On the iOS store I can buy games like Minecraft, Terraria, Hyperlight Drifter, the Ace Attorney Trilogy, Dead Cells, Final Fantasy, TWEWY, etc. for a fraction of the price of what you'd pay on the Switch. The games are all the same as the Switch version, so why should I even buy it on there?

>This Switch version seems to be based on the mobile port.
I should elaborate on this. The Switch version is really just a port of the versions of 1-3 that were released on PS4 and 3DS around the time when DQ11 was released in Japan. That was based off an older mobile port iirc, so this Switch version is based on that same older mobile port. It should still play fine, but I personally prefer the other versions of 1-3 out there.

>480i garbage
I'll stick with emulators, thank you.

I mean in DQ's case OP sucks dicks and called it a $40 package, when in reality all games end up costing about $25
that's still a bit more then buying them on OS mind you, but paying $4 more for controls that don't suck royal testicles is fine by me

Yes. The originals are dogshit.

Cleric is lower res than the others

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wtf? the mobile versions I played didn't look like this garbage at all

It's FF6 all over again jesus christ

The mobile devices allow you to connect console controllers through Bluetooth just the same as the Switch does. I'm not trying to argue against the Switch since it's probably my favorite console right now but I think in a lot of cases it could make sense to just get the mobile version and save some money if you have a decent tablet or phone. I guess the benefit I see from the Switch is that you don't have to carry around a controller with you and you can save the battery for your other devices for more important things.

just fucking emulate the super famicom versions retard

>op says $40

son, do you even math

which dq game has the best story

Because only 6 titles had made it to the West by the PS2 generation, and all of them released considerably late compared to their Japanese releases.

It was also censored with costumes and mini games, plus the frame rate and resolution are both worse than the original on the PS2. The extra added characters also take far too long to join the party, one a practically being end game; the best thing to do is just watch the new ending on YouTube. I love the game and have the removed content (music and censorship) resorted with a modded 3ds, but it's still a poor port.

How do you fuck up Toriyama's artstyle this badly?

The new localization of Seiken Densetsu is a much worse translation, has horrific text boxes and fonts and for some reason the entire game is much brighter like it's an old GBA port

Only assholes recommend the mobile versions.

I want to FUCK that Warrior.

Have they tried, I don't know, leaving the sprites as they are?


Why does that look so weird? Like the sprites have been pasted onto the field.

5 or 11 for an overall story and 7 for an episodic story.

Why do you think calling then roms is bad? What exactly do you think games are?

>SE claims they want to make their entire catalog available
>Won't remaster my life as a King or darklord.

Because they're taken from the mobile version on Japanese dumbphones (as in before the iphone, so yes, the iphone version is a port itself) and the backgrounds are from the SNES.

>The new localization of Seiken Densetsu is a much worse translation

They made Carlie/Charlotte into a retard.

Why are they being greedy with it? I’m a major DQfag but the first three games aren’t worth $40 without some major work done. If they are the mobile ports then 1-6 for $40-$50 would be a fair deal

They are boring for the average consumer and not edgie enough for your average anime teen consumer.

What's more popular in the west SMT(mainline, not persona) or DQ?

>$13.30 each for some of the best jrpg's of all time is not worth it
I wish we they'd just range ban all 3rd world retards from this site already.

>it's another bot replaying to herself thread

Put it on Steam and I might get it you peepee-heads

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>best jrpg's of all time
Mana or DQ?

>Put it on Steam so I can pirate it

>75 replies
>50 posters
Based retard.

The Mana collection. These DQ rereleases aren't worth even $0 because they're shitty mobile ports.

That might be hard to answer. I'm a huge DQ fan so I want to say DQ, but I also know that DQ outside of Japan is bascially niche, well before Smash at least. Right now I would say DQ is more popular, but before DQ11 it was SMT.

>every single reply is the exact same as in previous DQ bot threads

Even the mobile ports look better than this. Why not just use sprites from those?

>recently beat the mobile port of 1 a few weeks ago
>thumb fucking hurts from screen controls being shit
>mfw this news
>its also pretty cheap
Fucking ace. I never did finish 3 back in the gbc days.

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Are you implying that piracy on phones and switch doesn't exist?
I could already emulate the games on android emulator if i wanted

How much is it gonna cost?

Or at least the snes version of 3 that have more content, animated monster and great ost. GBC could do it too. For 1 and 2 you can play it from snes or nes.I guess this is aimed for people who dosent want to emulate or dosent like to spend time searching for fan translated roms. And yeah, its 25 for 3 not 40, stop falsfagging.

How does he/she speak in Japanese?

Switch emulators exist, you do realize that?

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>alt right founders
I don't think it's fair to say that. I lean left myself but at that time, many of us could have been xenophobic.

Read the thread

what’s his endgame?

DRAGON QUEST will be priced at $4.99, DRAGON QUEST II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line will be priced at $6.49, and DRAGON QUEST III: The Seeds of Salvation will be priced at $12.49
$23.99 for all 3.

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don't spend money on this shit.

It's just a worse written version of the story. You'll need to play both to understand.
The new one is a lot more basic. The Beast King now also says "grrrr".

The mobile ports look awful. Getting function roms of the SNES versions would be preferable. I honestly would take the NES roms over the mobile games.

Oh, but I will!

>No Sword of Mana GBA
>no PS1 or DS Mana
It's trash.

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Thanks. I felt dumb for putting the gbc and nes one on my 3ds, nice to know im playing a decent version

Why did they make the sprites look worse?

The West already had games like Wizardry and Ultima long before Dragon Quest took the playstyles of both and dumbed them down for the masses. It simply didn't make sense to play a game whose main two gameplay aspects (combat and exploration) were done better by the games that inspired it.

you can easily emulate this game you turbo retard why are you shitting on it when you can make the game better yourself its nice having an all in 1

Should I buy the old one then

The NES versions look better anyway. They're just missing features and are a bit slower.

Dont play the mobile version of III, shit sucks. Play SNES

Because sony betrayed weebs

Nice, phone ports

>Doesn’t include the Famicom and Super Famicom versions like the Wii collection had.

Why do developers do this bros? Like why not just literally port the old collection you had made already?

I'm still mad the new Namco Museum games don't let you walk around a hub world.

Final Fantasy had already taken the crown

>1, 2, and 3
Man. I hope this sells well enough to get 4 and 5 out. 3 is good and 1 isn't bad but the first three are definitely not my favorites and very basic

My main issue with this is DQ 1 and 2 are super fucking short games. If they're selling this collection for $40 it's a huge ripoff. The Mana collection had longer and better games and even that should have been 30 instead of 40

They're ugly as fuck man. Having the OG game with various graphics/scanline options would be the best. There's no reason why they couldn't port multiple versions of each for flavor.

Yeah but what about the physical copy

>Especially with the characters interacting in 3?
You're thinking of 4 readding party chat. 3 has make your own party with no dialogue.

it's 30 total

The price is too high.

>when some retarded jap totally missed the purpose of nostalgiagrabs by ruining good old games with god-awful fucking sprite shit some sqeenix intern made
man, not even Dragon Warrior is safe from the shit they did to the older Final Fantasy titles huh

I was actually considering getting this but never fucking mind.

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