You play DOA now?? plss :<

You play DOA now?? plss :

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Attached: DoA6_2019_09-14-19_003-noscale.jpg (1280x720, 471K)

Doa is dead aslong as Tekken is around

Attached: DoA6_2019_09-14-19_002-noscale.jpg (1280x720, 513K)

I would but my PC is too weak for anything but the training stage.

Honestly, she's not that popular a character, especially outside of japan. She has her fans, but Momiji won't be able to revive the corpse that is DOA6.

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I'm trying to think of a good entry point.

I wouldn't mind but it's certainly not a series I ever thought to "git gud" at.

The way you have to memorize strings in DoA in order to avoid setting yourself up for a hold is a bitch.

Gimme Rachel and I'll fap to it

The rest of the girls have been uglied up enough. Can you imagine Rachel in DOA6? Might was well just have her completely nude save for a paper bag over her head.

since ur ify about if id just wait for the doa6 ultimate version that will eventually come.

Attached: ss-kula001.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

That works too

I bought DoA5 (the CE) thinking "eh, they're not going to do too much" but then they started cranking out the updates and the season passes.

I think I did end up buying every version of the game, though (I upgraded my copy to Ultimate and then bought LR for XB1). Never bought any Season Passes, though.

the grils are cute but I am busy learning Guilty Gear

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when dose she come out?

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i believe is on the 09/19/19

A little too late for her to join the roster the damage is done i doubt she will change what people think about this game.

I already am playing it.
S-rank leifang here

Only DLC worth buying was Mai and Naotora.

The season pass are like gifts for supporting DOA (because it was mostly costumes (and Attack of titan arena)).

i might
momiji IS best girl.

No, I watched a review and the system for unlocking stuff seems to be absolute ass.

just get Team Ninja to do the graphics for KoF15 and i'll be happy

Yeah it was pretty bad, very very bad.

But it's resolved now.


>But it's resolved now.

i wanted to but it run like ass on my laptop, every other fighting game runs fine

Time to breathe life into this dead thread. Post vacationing Momiji

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Momiji in flesh-colored lingerie is always good.

Attached: 34 - wWhYg8m.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

No thx, she looks better in VV.

Attached: 41 - Oy42L72.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

Before :
You earn like 1~10pts per match.
Need like 100 to 500pts to unlock one costume.

And the pts goes to totally random costumes.
Exemple : you play Mila, and your points went to one of Bass costume.
You could earn more points with DOA quests, but even if you finish them all, chance that you won't even unlock 20% of your main characters costumes. (also, if you earned like 500pts, and it unlock a 100pts costumes, you lose 400pts).

It was totally stupid, I calculated you needed like 5000 onlines match to unlock all costumes.
Now, your earn like 200 pts per match, and it goes to your character in priority.

>you play Mila, and your points went to one of Bass costume.
That was intentional, so that Mila gets to oggle more of Mr Bass's pecs

Attached: 44 - 13VpFok.png (1080x1920, 1.88M)


I wish she would oggle me.

Imagine Tina having to call Mila "Mama", even if she is younger

Why is it so bright?

DOA6 uses a new engine and lighting system which is garbage.

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She has nice lips

DOA6 took many steps backwards; I don't know what Team Ninja was thinking

At least they balanced the fighting better for beginners

The new engine was forced upon them by KT, is my understanding of it. They wanted all new games to run on the DW9 engine to save on costs or something. TN would have been fine to go with the Soft Engine 3.0 I'm sure, since it was ready to go, they'd been working on it and refining it for years, and it was geared to the fighting games specifically, while the DW9 engine is not.

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>ywn wake up to this


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Those were such a pain in the ass to make. They fall slightly to the side when they go back, and if you aren't positioned perfectly, they'll be half off camera.

Anyway, what's she looking at, Yea Forums?

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New Ninja Gaiden game

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Rachel is the next character

Just fuck my shit up

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New Ninja Gaiden with no Momiji and playable Honoka! That's why she's still on the island!

>the whole game is just Honoka using everyone else's movesets

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>tfw she's the only girl I'm missing in VV apart from whale-only Tamaki
I'm powerless in this thread.

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Attached: Mo.webm (860x720, 722K)

Maybe she could be a blue mage-type character that learns moves from enemies.

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That'd be cool too

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Big shrine maiden milkers.

She benefited by getting assigned the 'Mature Girl' model for X3/VV, along with Helena and Nyotengu, when normally she'd be the default Kasumi model, as we see in DOA5 and 6.

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Stealthy ninja landing

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Momiji is okay, but the other oriental girls are all better, honestly. That still places her above all non-orientals except Hitomi, Rachel, and Fiona, though. It's not even that I have an oriental girl fetish; DOA's non-orientals just generally aren't that great.

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>Not oriental
I mean we know you're an ignorant, loutish britbong because you think Asians are Pakistanis, but come on man.

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I want to make even less oriental children with Hitomi

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W-where are her clothes?

At my house. Sorry.

She feels much more free without them

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But anyone could see her private girl places like that!

>Oh how embarrassing

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It'll be fine. Comfort is more important.

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>I mean, I would forget my own head if it weren't attached. Master Ryu will not be pleased

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>I resolve to do better from now on

Attached: 92 - uSnsyCU.png (1080x1920, 2.08M)

>Oh fiddle sticks. I've gone and done it again

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Ah, it's such a good head

It hurts

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Why can't japs rock this haircut irl ffs?

Attached: EEkxq5FUEAAJezt.png (1080x1920, 2.22M)

Also mods banned me for 2 days for some reason

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Mods wish they were Hitomi

But why? You don't even post full blown lewds. Did they point to the post that caused it? Could be because of avatar or signature use, I don't know.

The reason was "replying to off-topic shitposts". Maybe it was just a mix up, I have no idea. Could have obviously reset my IP but I really didn't care enough.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190913_155504.jpg (3840x2160, 528K)

Could've not even been related to these threads to begin with, depends on what other lands you were posting at the time. But whatever, if it happens it happens.

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You're literally the only one who cares. They'll never make another female character over the age of 22 playable again.

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She cute though

Meh, she's just Kokoro with some wrinkles around her mouth and her hair up. All of the moms are just older versions of whoever their daughter is.

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>All of the moms are just older versions of whoever their daughter is
Give me MILF Hitomi

I think Hitomi's mother might be dead. She never talks about her, only her dad.

Sure thing just hold on for about 9 months

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>Tfw no milf or alive game

That'll work too

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What's that supposed to mean, anonymous?

Christie might have a bastard or two out there

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I wish the lighting in VV was as good as the PS4 version. Did anything get announced at TGS for VV?

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I'm not even sure if anything was announced. Just know about Momiji in 6.

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They gave out a SSR ticket and some hearts but was hoping for a bit more. Maybe something with the next event.

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Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190829_083002.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)

absolute best girl.
I guess DOA6 didn't mess up her face too much like some girls did.

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I'd buy anything this face tried to sell me

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I feel like most people are over on the other thread. I'd be posting Momiji here anyway, but well...

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Post her on the other thread

Did you completely miss the picture on my post?

I don't get it

nah 6 is ugly

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-09-10 19-49-58.jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

>2 doa threads up again

Momiji confirmed saving DOA.

I don't have her unlocked numbnuts.


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