Was this when Yea Forums's innocence was killed for good?
Was this when Yea Forums's innocence was killed for good?
I didn't like him being a player avatar.
I wanted Big Boss, or at least a character entirely of it's own instead of feeding off me.
Nah that was Epic Mickey. God the hopes and dreams Yea Forums had for that game
>Epic Mickey
Pls say sike bro, that sounds gay as hell.
>We will never play Mission 51 nor the game in it's intended entirety
>All Konami will shit out is a fucking zombie survival game that looked like it was directed by someone who just watched the trailers and a fucking pachinko game teasing out remade MGS3 cutscenes
>We have never gotten HD remakes for the PS4 and never will
Newfags, It was TORtanic. After that shit came out and failed(another WoW killer) people here really thought their shitposting effect it.
TORtanic was the big event but MGSV killed what was left of any possible hype Yea Forums could have for any game for good.
>ywn speculate and hype up with fellow anons about this game ever again
it's been 4 years, and i'm still not over it
i will never be over it
why do retards think this game's plot twist was bad?
Jesus Christ Kojima is a hack that doesn't understand his own fucking stories.
Loaded question, fag. This game had no plot.
>muh English language bad
GTFO brainlet
I like to imagine something got lost in translation for this interview.
Fucking kojima and his boner for stupid songs and actors
to angloid/muttoid insect
also i asked about the plot twist in the end, you retarded faggot. did you seriously need to vent about the prospect of being genocided in a video game?
Game is fucking great, Yea Forums hyped it to be the best game ever and it could never deliver.
great game
This must be it or Kojima didn't even look at any dialogue or writing in the fucking first MGS.
It did though, Yea Forums hyped it to be their own shitty FanFiction tier fanwank and it's a good thing those people got disappointed
>It's like the story of Frankenstein, of man-made man, not a living creature that happened in the world naturally. A man-made monster, and that's Solid Snake. On a character perspective, Naked Snake is more full of human feel to him. At the time of the Snake Eater mission, he's still too pure, like The Boss said, still filled with the sense of justice. We made his movements and actions, his dialogues and the voice portrayal, more human like, as compared to Solid Snake. He's more sensitive to feelings and pain. Solid Snake is not like that. He is a created monster. Feelings are against his character and personality. He just follows orders. There is this kind of difference in character between the two of them.
>In the game world, Solid Snake is Naked Snake's clone. But in the real world, Naked Snake is really Solid Snake's clone, isn't he. (Laughs)
If you thought "but Frankenstein's monster actually displays human emotions, that's the moral of the novel" you're absolutely correct. Imagine missing the fucking point SO much.
>Yea Forumsniggers still defending this clusterfuck game even now
Fucking Kojima
best Metal Gear, keep seething
nope, it's great
Top tier gameplay, top tier cinematography
Undercooked story with cool moments
Jesus Christ what a retard.
As you said Frankenstein's monster and his whole story was that he was more human than Frankenstein himself.
sounds like somebody got filtered
for being a pleb
You can't filter me I don't have a name or something.
>game is called phantom pain
>actually gives you phantom pain
>the same fags who praise MGS2 mindfug memes to high heavens are still in denial about how V did it all a thousand times better because they're suffering through the phantom pain
pottery, desu
I don't care for genes.
I don't care for memes.
I don't care for scenes.
I just want to play GAMES.
Nothing other than GAMES will satisfy you by the time you have been through everything.
It'll take a long time before some nu male makes an analysis about this obvious fact and then retards will praise it
The Japanese want extremely metaphorical/figurative storytelling that will benefit themselves.
Americans want literal entertainment.
That's what MGSV was truly all about. Japanese vs. American storytelling.
You can take the story two ways, and both would be correct (doublethink):
Big Boss despite everything is still a nice guy and he wants to thank you for being with MGS for so long by giving you an avatar of yourself, posing as Big Boss so that you can write "your own Big Boss story" through merely unconsciously playing the game. That's the true purpose of the story, to integrate the player within Metal Gear, connecting the game universe and the story universe.
Big Boss is a baddie bitch fucking cunt who brainwashed his most loyal soldier to die for him as a decoy all because he wanted to focus on his ever so increasing lust for war. That's the true purpose of the story, to show Big Boss actually being a bad guy.
Either way, he still lusted for revenge.
You fags will literally defend anything as long as it's Japanese. Good lord, how do you even sleep at night?
Nah, we lost that when Aeris died.
>spoiling a game that isn't even out yet
the lowest of the low
Kojima confirmed to be a hack
MGS1-3 were only good because of pure luck and other people stepping in to say no to some of his more retarded ideas
Reminder that Kojima originally wanted Snake to be in his 50’s, Meryl to be 14, and Otacon to be a fat guy who always ate chocolate until Shinkawa changed their designs
would be dare I say kino
>Venom is never called Venom in the timeline
>just a generic term and "Big Boss' phantom"
What did Kojima mean by this?
The name Snake is a whole big fat metaphor for protagonism
Metaphorically, Big Boss is Snake
But literally, Big Boss is Big Boss
Metaphorically, Big Boss' phantom is Venom Snake
But literally, Big Boss' phantom is Big Boss' phantom
Solid Snake needs no fucking metaphors, the words "Solid" and "Snake" are engraved in stone.
Literally, Solid Snake is Solid Snake, Solid, and Snake. Solid Snake will always be that, regardless of the way of perception.
You literally have to be empty inside to miss the point of fucking Frankenstein
I would have liked to be with user in that time to suffer along with him. I suffered alone back in 2015.
Maybe it's cope but even though i do think Kojimbo is a hack i refuse to believe someone can be that retarded and not understand the point of Frankenstein's story.
I remember being a hyped up kid holding poster of Duke Nukem 3D from a gaming mag back in 1998. I loved DN3D and we used to play multiplayer of Time to Kill a lot. Waiting for Forever and talking about it with a friend for a few years killed my innocence.
MGS4 and MGSV are however in the Dead Space 3 tier. Massive disappointment. I would say Mass Effect 3 too but that game had great multiplayer and the single player is still decent so it kind of makes up for the ending.
Now the question is what makes you more human bean? When you are loyal and decent like Solid Snake or when you are a betraying cunt living off of others like Big Boss?
I liked the game but man the second act was a fucking drag with all the reused missions
It's because MGS 2 had mindfug memes AND great story, gameplay and bosses. MGS V's only good thing is the fluid control of main character. If it had linear indoors design with good characters and interesting bosses it would still make Big Boss a shithead but it would be a good game. The last thing in the game should've been a boss fight against Solid Snake.
You actually dont have to play them to progress, only the missions with yellow dot
What Children, I remember Yea Forums when spec ops dropped. That was a trip, you youngshits should give it a go.
>doesn't understand his own creation
Truely the George Lucas of video games.
Only question now is, which game was Kojima's Phantom Menace?
Yea Forums has never been innocent.
I think it was fine, I think I got it spoiled so it didnt have that much impact on me.
I was never a big boss dicksucker so finding out I wasnt playing big boss did not matter much.
IMO it makes a good looping point to explain how Big Boss dies in both mg1 and mg2.
No one seems to point at that as the only bad thing of the game besides that one autist who up in every thread. Most people have other criticisms about the game stacked on top of that. The story is kind of bad in general and that one plot twist doesnt really make a difference.