Katawa Shoujo General #3703

>Katawa Shoujo General #3703

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Does anyone have an even faster or a really slow version of headnod?

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Wasn't that number bigger? The general is as old as the game itself. 7 years

>7 years ago was 20 years ago

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The ball got dropped once or twice I think and there wasn't any accounting for the proto-general threads on Yea Forums beforehand. The rough (and I mean rough) estimates range from anywhere to 3200-6000 (saw someone suggest 7000+ but with absolutely no evidence or how thet even reached that number)

I'd personally angle somewhere on the lower end of that scale, but the real answer is: too many fucking threads.

I think they lost track and then started over but dont quote me

How did they even lose track? Just search the archive for katawa shoujo general #xxxx until you don't get results. Even now they can still find their old spot, just do the same thing until you don't get two results.

As someone who used to frequent /ddlc/ occasionally you get assholes who intentionally or accidentally number the general wrong, and mistakes like that are near impossible to fix when every other jackass is trying to make the next thread without thinking about it. If the community were autistic enough, I could see that prompting a reset.

I would think people autistic enough to keep a general going for thousands for iterations and keep track of the number, would notice that the new thread has the count wrong.

Too busy posting the same stale memes and waifus to look at numbers.

A fate worse than death. Literally.

You're touching upon an issue that explains everything: It isn't one guy making threads, and the various people doing it are not always in concert with each other about its organisation. Further, there is no "I maek general" rank on Yea Forums (thank fucking christ) so anyone can do it.

So with these facts in place what happens is:
>People make generals with arbitrary or deliberately out of sequence numbers (as user said)
>People make multiple or redundant generals, or make one "too early" and this further fudges the numbers
>There is no great desperate need for the number to be there or right. Sure, someone clearly cares as it regularly HAS a number, but there's nothing to stop someone tomorrow going "fuck numbers" and just posting a KS general, and if everyone else went with it that'd be that. More likely: massive pointless rage over a number and like 5-10 new generals made, and counter made to mock this, further confusing things.

It's hard to say "these people have discussed KS for seven years" I've vaguely visited every now and then and unless I got unlucky every time (possible, it's really only been 3-5 times) its more like 20% game 80% the community of the general itself.

Still better than Yea Forums, which makes me laugh through the tears.

For (You)

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woke gaem 0/10


>Thanatos shows up in one of these threads after literal years
>autistic faggots start bullying him straight away
fuck you, you autistic retards
Just let it go already

Is it time we unironically killed the Katawa Shoujo fags? Surely the mods realise the game is done and done and there is absolutely nothing to talk about anymore.

Death is the best thing to ever happen to that chatroom cesspool.

As much as I hate this "coomer" meme, and my god is it insufferably bad, I would love to see it spammed in Katawa's general.

this.. so much this


You can't kill KSG. It's sustained entirely by people with legitimate obsession and mental illness.


god, won't anyone think of the tripfags????

These people are legitimately literally autistic and that place must be closed, send these faggots to a psychiatrist.

Nobody enjoyed KS because of the porn.
And if you need an autistic fuck killing your general, you need to summon a furry avatarfag, like the one from GW2 generals.

weebs in general need to be euthanized

Because I said so you autistic freak. Either get back into your containment thread or accept the fact that you need psychiatric help.

go back


God we really need someone like that guy spamming aborted cesspool generals until they die.

>the sheer amount of seething itt
I don't see the problem, they're not exactly impacting outsiders in any way

Destroying a containment thread will just make its users move to another board. /vg/ exists for a reason.

We still have katawa shoujo threads on Yea Forums you fucking faggot, they don't even talk about the game anymore you stupid shit.

Wrote the best KS lewd out there

It's literally one of the only justified reasons for having a trip, fuck you.

>Doki Doki Literature Club General #1272

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At least that shit is not 7 years old. But they're definitely heading in that direction.

In a few months it will be 8 years old...


Break it down for me why the containment board that has zero impact on you needs to be deleted

To help your illness rather than let it stagnate or have you turn worse. Seek help. Seek out a therapist. Stop hiding in a Yea Forums thread.

I don't post on /vg/ but feel free to keep projecting. Stay mad

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fucking 1272
I left at around 300
it quickly became not ''it'' anymore

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>I really want this general to just roll over and die already....
>I know, let's shill it on Yea Forums!
Based retard

What made it not "it" anymore? The thread is going stronger than ever.

Please bring the gw2 spambot to other threads.

I left back when the constant shitflinging from name fags was occurring. At the very least, they seem to have left.