>Whole team needs heals
>*Uses medicine on herself*
Whole team needs heals
why a bull with horns?
Would you prefer a bull without horns?
why not just the girl without the stupid bull?
there's a girl sitting in the middle
It's fine she's the most important one
Dude what's the problem with the bull
>Relying on your party members instead of your 12 perfectly fused personas.
Maybe this game isn't for you.
>relying on AI to heal
It's like you're retarded or something.
Imagine being too stupid to manage P3 AI
Listen nigger how am I supposed to spam ragnarock with my stat-boosted Surt on Nyx if this bitch can't keep us all alive while i'm doing it
its too Texas
>struggles with P3 AI
Do you struggle to blink and breathe alternating too
>Junpei Ace Detective?
>More like Stupid faggot little cocksucker!
what did she mean by this?
Yeah, it's kind of annoying. The real issue is this dumb bitch's ai is actually bugged and she'll never use charmdi. Fucking Junpei was the curing my ass of charm in the Nyx fight instead of her god damn.
It would be great if enemies weren't always resistant to status effects.
>OP is a faggot
>*sucks his own dick*
You almost don't have a choice though. You can't control what your characters do (unless you're playing P3P? I think), you can only lead them in a direction with the tactics menu. If you spent all your time healing you'd get nowhere since lots of bosses can heal themselves and use status effects on all allies simultaneously. Good luck healing someone when you're charmed bro.
Masturbation isn't gay, though.
>"I won't miss!"
Thanks, Yukari, really showed that hulk hogan shadow what's up.
The heifer represents her stubbornness.
Party members won't use medicine unless they're set to Act Freely or are out of SP. Set Yukari to Heal/Support and she'll prioritize casting healing spells first, firing off Garu spells second.
The bull is part of the Egyptian mythology theme her Personas take. Her second Persona also has it.
Argument flowchart for the P3fag:
Tell people to use tactics -> People actually do use tactics -> Tell people to analyze -> People actually do analyze as well -> Plug your fingers in your ears and claim they're lying -> Repeat over and over because you don't want to admit your favorite game that you played when you were a moody middle school kid is actually shit
The best part is when a charmed ally fully heals the last boss forcing you to repeat the entire cycle of bullshit. I had so many Soma chains, it wasn’t even a challenge, just expanded the tedium.
Bro just use anti-charm accessories for literally everyone bro it's so easy you just gotta gimp yourself for the sake of this one specific attack bro
Did that actually happen that often? She wasted turns using Marin Karin quite often but that was usually during times where it didn't matter anyway.
>Black girl being inside a white bull
There is some deep imagery here.
The bull is my black dick ruining her pussy for little whitoids like you
Is persona one of those games where you can change accessories mid combat? I honestly can’t remember. I suppose I could have reloaded, but that would’ve felt pretty anti-climactic.
>Is persona one of those games where you can change accessories mid combat?
Nope, so either you gimp your party wearing anti-charms for the entire final boss or you run the risk of being fucked by RNG.
Or just go into Monad like a sensible person and shrug off Night Queen should it ever actually land.
I sure it only happened often to retards that didn't use tactics.
She never ever prioritized Marin Karin over Bufu or Dia depending on whether I had her set to attacking or healing.
As someone who just did there first playthrough on hard analyze/tactics/tactics memory literally solves almost every complaint I see. Except Yukari being a retard about full party heals that is a valid complaint.
Or you could use anti charm weapons on your support characters who won't even use them for attacks. Or you could just use anti charm stuff only your main/protag.
Raimi really did a number on writing Yukari.
The MC acts first after the boss's turn so this won't happen unless you're a retard and don't use a dis-charm on your party members after they're hit by the boss. This was made famous by DSP of all people if you want to know how retarded you have to be to let it happen to you
>The MC acts first after the boss's turn
This isn't always the case during the battle
P3P > FES.
I beat P3 on the PS2 twice on PS2, and then 3 more times on PS3, and on PSP once. Never once did I remember Mitsuru spamming Marin Karin. Is this just an epic meme or what?
Because Zeus turned Io into a heifer.
I haven't had her spamming, just wasting a turn or two against trashmobs when I wasn't bothered to change tactics.
On bosses you tend to micromanage a bit more, and the situation is prevented.
I think she does if you're a retard who forgets to set her tactic into full assault or support heal.
She tends to prefer it if she's set to Act Freely and the enemy is neither weak to Bufu or slashes, or no one needs healing.
almost 10 years later and yukari still makes Yea Forums seethe