Astral Chain

>do a PT Ultimate file
>Get an S instead of S+

You fuckers, whatever the pure platinum Iris voice is better be good

Cant even get higher than an B on file 8 because of all the cancerous non-combat missions

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's super easy to S+ File 8 though. Hell, all of the minigames even let you quit out and retry as many times as you want.

>no cancels
>no combos
>no juggles
>bad controls
>bad camera
>bad story
It's shit

Meanwhile I can't get a decent score in the motorcycle segment in chapter 9. Does this shit literally require me to not get hit at all?

Yes, fuck Kamiya and his retarded motorcycle segment obsession, it was shit in Bayonetta also

It actually does seem to me like I am seeing more red lines than when I look the file up on YouTube, but maybe that's just because I am looking at YouTube on a tiny screen.


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I bet Kamiya is behind File 8

I wish I wasn't trapped in a retarded IP range ban for file upload.

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>no cancels
>no combos
>no juggles
>bad controls
>bad camera
>bad story

you are just a seething snoygger.

how to S+ rank the stealth segments?

While a little low, the art production of AC is stronger that what W101 got.

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T. Didn’t play the game

Fuck off nigger

You have fallen so low.

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Incest is degenerate.

Tell that to my grandparents...

>just beat final boss
He kicked my ass a few times but I thought it was a blast. The final boss should be a fucking challenge, I don't get the complaints desu

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Teleports too much

I just beat File 11 and how am I supposed to S+ that boss and the Raven's Revenge mission on Ultimate? I can't even S+ file 3 on Ultimate.

Just got this game after completing Bayo 1 and 2 for the Switch. How does this combat work? Feels like i'm doing nothing an have to let the Legion do autocombat.

you are heavily gimped in the first two chapters moveset wise
you will get a taste of your real moveset in File 3 and you can upgrade your weapon and Legions to unlock more skills for your character and your legion

Golden rule for AC: you can't make any judgement about the game until you reach chapter 3.

How do I start/continue air combos? It seems like my only launcher is the baton 5 hit > sync attack to launch > chain jump to launch myself > spam baton

chain all niggas and don't get caught

I'm going to do a second play through. Is there a way to have it run through like normal or does it have to be through the file select?

you can switch weapon midair, but while this game has some combos, it's not a combo heavy game

it depends on Legion and Legion/Weapon combination, but some sync attacks like back forward Gladius + Sword Legion Sync is a launcher for example

does the damage taken by your legion fuck your extra points for no damage? I don't think I can get S+ in person of interest if the legion needs to not take damage too

2 weeks later
I am forgotten

don't try to dodge everything like in bayo, the dodge is far weaker and your enemies far more aggressive with large multihits attacks that'll fuck you up

ride the beast legion a lot, it auto dodges and allows you to get a better view of the battlefield, invest in legion abilities like speed star, hit rush, slow shot, howl and use all of them for crowd control and combos

if you get overwhelmed try to dismiss your legion with Rand useperfect call with ZL right before the attack lands, it's a great defensive tool that gives you lots of 8 frames (beast and arm) or reposition you and does tons of damage (arrow)

basically mix things up, it's all about variety

I really like how the devs confused everyone used to generic ranking systems.

Is everyone just pretending this game is good? Played it and practically forced myself to finish it. The story is forgettable, music unmemorable, mission structure is tedious. The combat is good but gets repetitive by the end and you're basically just spamming auto-bind and hit rush. How did it get 9s? It's a 6 or 7 at best. I love platinum games but I will probably never bother to replay this.

This scene made feel things, I don't think I should have.

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Especially on the japanese dub. Holy shit.

Until you BEAT chapter 3.

Have you tried to GIT GUD?

No, just accept that people like it and you don’t and move on.

Yes, but you usually don’t need unscathed. Also it’s not a big deal if you get in the habit of trying to perfect call a lot.

But you start to unlock the fun stuff at chapter 3.

I'm upset Jin and Alica end up doing nothing the last few chapters. You just don't hear about them at all. Everyone at neuron was useless except hal and olive.


>No porn of the Legions yet

Come on dammit look at Sword Legions thighs

>Lmao instakill ability that can be completely unavoidable if he spawns it on you or if you're out of energy
It's terrible design, everything else is fairly manageable but his hp pool is also a bit too big for my liking

If you want to keep all your unlocks you need to do it through file select

I'm not sure you can do that in the motorcycle case

Do you start getting more premium codes later?

I want to max out my punch robot but ran out

If you want to restart the entire game you can use a second switch profile.

are you just pretending to be retarded? how autistic do you have to be to ask if other people are pretending to disagree with you, for fuck's sake

Some people genuinely liked all the downtime and the simpler combat
It's not a Platinum action game

>or if you're out of energy
maybe manage your energy better then you clod

Not really, you will have to search every nook and cranny on every level and do every olive mission to get enough for all uogrades. They only put the exact amount needed in the game.

I upgraded everything and still have some codes left over

>the beast legion's a girl

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Yep, although you’re not really expected to have all your legions fully upgraded until postgame

>It's not a Platinum action game
what a weird thing to say

what does that even mean? are mad world, vanquish, star fox zero "not platinum action games"? astral chain isn't a bayonetta derivative but it still very much is a platinum action game, it simply has far more rpg elements than a classical beat em up/hack n slash

Is shitposting.

The motorcycle mission is some real shit. You have to do it without getting hit and you have to do it fast which means using your Legion as much as possible, but yeah you can only do it when it’s safe because your Legion getting hit means you don’t get Not A Scratch. S+ took me a while.

The power chimera can be beaten by only summoning Legion on the first phasd behind him for critical damage. With the arms legion, summon twice (and no more) after dodging a single attack, stay in front of him shooting the whole time. You can kill him before he fires his laser.

Use arrow legion with max +attack, it’s the fastest, most damaging, and safest.

Quit being a pedantic faggot

>game still sold out in my country.
They really understock it, didn't they? I think only 40 copies were bought and all them were sold in mere hours during the late night of the day before its official release date.

Why not just buy digital?

I hate digital.

The game actively encourages you to be out of energy at times and against this boss you get completely fucked randomly for playing in certain ways

digital is gay

Managing your resources badly is not really a playstyle.

What's the best builds for the Legions?

>Dismiss legion
>Perfect call 2 secs later for full charge
Wow so hard

Duno if it can help but I used the beast legion with a lot of slow down effects slapped on, I could kill the power chimera before he used the laser but I got hit and only maneged to get a B with around 7.9k points

You get 3k with not a scratch, so you were almost there. The problem with the Beast Legion (well, every Legion except Arrow) is that they stay out too long.

imagine being such a brainlet you can't move a few squares around

>game has a self destruct ability that does massive aoe damage when energy goes out
>game has sync keep ability so you maintain boosted stats even when a legion expires or is shifted out, enhanced baton damage gives increased energy recovery
>game has a hit rush ability so you can maintain legion presence on the field even when out of energy
There are playstyles where going out of energy is perfectly fine

All well and good usually, the problem is the final boss has an instakill that isn't reactable by perfect calling which is my point

if I try to do that sidequest for the stylish helmet, do I actually need to complete the file after talking to the bot or can I just quit to the file select?

Quit and file select worked for me

what is the source on this one?

>bad camera
This is always what gives out the fags that didn't play the game since the camera is FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE to your liking

okay, how do I pull the camera 10 feet further away


Is there any way to make switching between lock-on targets less sluggish? Also it’s pretty hard to notice the lock-on symbol sometimes in the heat of battle.


Which one? The 3rd one is the only tricky one, but even then it's not that bad.

How do you S+ the graffiti family? I thought beast and auto bind would work but they can run very quickly. And then they split up.

I don't really understand why redshifting is so inconsistent
>some people get sick and collapse the second they walk over any corruption whatsoever
>most npcs instantly transform into aberrations the second a chimera so much as looks at them funny
>people that get trapped in the astral plane can survive in there for more than ten minutes without any problems despite the fact it should have way more corruption than the puddles outside
>theres even that one cop who outright follows you around in the plane without any signs of redshifting afterwards

Beast worked for me. Hit them with ZL, and then just run around instead of using auto-bind.

I think auto-bind kind of sucks in general, except for maybe Axe.

They have filenames for the astral plane and it goes in alphabetical order. It just wasn't their turns yet.

Press and hold right stick in then press d-pad down.

>beast ride and howl: the boss
That's a no from me, dawg

nice, actually works
it's still not as far back as during some of those block maze segments in the astral planes but this works a lot better

So much Sequel bait
SEELE, Dad was never found, Astral Plane masters, your suspicious births

Also I still dont understand wtf Jenas plan was, seems she was using Hommunulus to eat the Astral Plane, but why did she have to attack the city and what was she so mad at Yoseph about

>Equip legion with auto sync
>Kill small enemy with sync attack
>Legion decides to do 4 more sync attacks afterwards with no target and runs itself out of energy
I guess I deserve it for using a baby mode ability

Also what are some general tips for getting S+ on fights? Ive been trying to cycle through weapons and legions, do sync attacks and perfect calls, but sometimes it's not quite enough.

Is it? I loved how much control you had in Mario Sunshine & Xenoblade 1.

Switch to axe. Hit them with the axe and the gladius. Enjoy the time bonus.

Her plan was to confront Yoseph and stop instrumentality. Attacking the city was a diversion.

I've pretty much given up on trying to lock on to most enemies. It feels like the game tries to target the closest enemy regardless of which direction you're looking and ends up flipping my camera all over the place.

Outisde of the last wolf battle, I wouldn't say SF0 is an action game/Plat action game.

Oh so time does actually factor in? I haven't been specifically looking into the mechanics, but I never saw a "+x points time bonus" thing popup in the results screen so I figured it wasn't a thing.
Also how do you use axe effectively? I only recently unlocked it and still haven't worked out what to do with this slow asshole.

quick Yea Forumstards, gimme strats for dealing with Noah Prime.

This gay homo keeps raping me. What do I do?

why do spergs still try to argue this when they've been btfo'd multiple times by this vid of someone actually competent fighting the final boss

it's not the game's fault you suck

Corruption builds up over time and the only known cure is being blueshifted by a legion.

>Dad was never found
user, there's a reason the corrupted legions specifically went after their former wielders, the entire point of the legionus system was to synchronise a legion and a human in order to fight chimera.
Dad managed to recapture his legion but redshifted in the process and got absorbed by it.
That's why his legatus is around it's neck when you fight it and why a certain cutscene happens near the end when axe legion steadies you
Being corrupted by too much astral energy didnt change their primary purpose.
Hell, Sword legion specifically went out of it's way to 1v1 you by killing the two chimera first.

the point is action game is an extremely vague term that doesn't really mean anything

platinum haven't done bayo style beat em ups only and astral chain is just another deviation from that formula


>Try to lock onto those floating purple fucks who buff enemies
>Game refuses and locks onto the invulnerable chimeras


All of that is wrong, have you tried actually playing the game instead of seething and coping?

>b-b-but sony

Every time

No. No, it's not that vague.

In the results look at your time, theres a score next to it. If you are slow or goes down to about 1000, while going fast can get 6000+ points.

With axe use its tap ZL command to send it at an enemy a lot. Faster than letting it attack on it's own or moving manually, and that ZL attack plants bombs. Also its bomb skill has a very short cooldown so abuse that. Blue shield skill gives super armor too so you can pair it with the slower combos like with gladius for good damage.

I can’t get past chapter 5. Am I a brainlet? Should I just give up and play in unchained mode?

usually I go
>Beast Howl
>Free aim with arrow legion
And don't bother locking on

It's the first bonus listed. If you finish things quickly then you can get a huge bonus. More than the 5k no damage bonus. Some cases require both. Lone enemy cases like the wolf right after the arm recapture fight need it.
Get the red attack buffs. Get the sync attack slots. Get the perfect call ability. Get Blue Shield and Crash Bomb. Use BS for tanking 3 hits while you spam sync attacks. Make sure to Perfect Call at least once for the free sync attack+knockdown. Use crash bomb as much as you can since the cooldown is low and the damage is decent.
Even if you get hit don't worry. Axe can still end things in under a minute or two.


>sticking your dick into data

Chain Jump spam, your Legions aren't effected by it's draw (unless you're riding the Beast Legion)

>Beat the game
>We did it patrick, we saved the city!
>yfw Earth is still pretty fucked and there are still at least 3 other guys that somewhat knew about Commanders plans who are never mentioned nor seen outside of one cutscene.
Unless i missed something or they're in post-game, not started that yet.

I sincerely hope this series continues.

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Will cases always keep your highest score, or your most recent? I have like S+ on all cases in a file except one, if I redo those and get an S or lower will it drop on my final report

I can't believe they put in like a whole nother storyline if you fail the defuse the bomb mission where your character actually fucking dies

Thanks m8s. I guess I just wasn't paying enough attention to the results. I usually keep falling back on sword, but I'll keep trying to give axe a chance

The game is full of sequel baits.

Your case ranking can never go down. You can even jump into the specific section you need for the case and then go straight to the results screen

The moon is red in the game, and if you take a snapshot of it you get an archive talking about it. Theory holds that the moon likely also suffered Chimeric corruption and there are portals all over it.

The sequel bait is wild for this game. and no you didn't miss anything, the other keikaku masters are not only at large, but nobody knows about them.

It was planned as a trilogy. Good thing it performed well in sales.

>Earth is still pretty fucked
Not only that, the moon too

What are you stuck on exactly?

There needs to be more porn of this game. I want more big titty marie

I completely missed that

man this game has tons of hidden stuff, say what you want but they really put some effort into it

>all those "stop drones from malfunctioning" side cases
>I ended all of those instantly by using call burst to destroy it
fuck drones

>yfw when you realize your dick will never be tickled and squeezed by data-formed doggy pussy

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That was a fucking mistranslation, what the director said is that "they would like to extend it into a trilogy" not that it was already planned to be one before the first game came out.

>PT Ultimate Noah
Fuck my life

post cuties

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you start


Is there any point to legion maintenence?

>"Every time"

Develop your own dialects you fucking android

Usually S+ requires 10,001 points. It's higher when case specific bonuses, such as protecting civilians, are involved.

Is there any trick to getting all the extra items in the stealth section in File 8?
There's a bunch of chests scattered around but you fail the mission as soon as the target is a bit away from you.

I read somewhere that the legions attack slower when they aren't maintained, but that could just be a load of shit

>Protecting civilians
God I hate these cases with a fucking passion. Lock on sucks dog dick and I always end up losing one guy while trying to fight with the camera

What are your preferred skill setups on each legion?

>got BTFO on all gameplay things brought up
>heh, but he said snoy


>Want to make a cool looking character
>All cosmetics I find are funny me me items like bird on head and cat mask

Are there any serious equipment in the game? I don't want to look like a clown

There are a few. There's armor like what Max wears, there's a headset and an comms earpiece, there are a few types of glasses, goggles, and an eye patch, there are a few kinds of hats.

I wish they would add more in a patch or something because with all of the different things you can change, each one has a pretty limited selection of items.

I accidentaly did that on the roof of the slums, the poor guy looked so sad I felt bad.

Director said "No DLC".

I didn't say DLC. I said patch. Meaning it would be free.

This is what i'm currently using:

Sword & Bow:
Hit rush and speed star

Hit Rush and Howl

Auto Bind and Hit Rush

Blue Shield & Speed Star

My gameplan is to keep Speed Star and a Hit Rush active at all times.


Go post more reviews on metacritic you seething sóyny faggot

I went a bit daring and dressed my character in full neon pink, bowl-cut hair included, and it surprisingly looks pretty cool with the game's style, not very serious or roleplay for sure but still nice, looks kinda Tron-like.

noah prime... is it even worth the headache?

goddamn this boss. how can anyone beat this guy? it's just so tedious and annoying, and monotonous, and repetitive, endless and banal,

just TELL ME HOW TO BEAT HIM... and don't post that 5 minute video of god himself beating him. That's a five minute video, but I bet it took him 40+ hours of just grinding that boss alone to get that good at it. I ain't grinding any boss for 40 hours. I just wanna be done with this headache...

Nothing in Bayo, or God of War is this hard without at least being fair. This boss is not fair. There's too much bullshit in this one.

sword: speed star and hit rush
arrow: slow shot and hit rush
arm: blackhole and hit rush
beast: howl and power charge
axe: blue shield and crash bomb

I generally go beat howl into power charge into speed star into blackhole, 360° arm legion oraora attack, arm legion hit rush, axe legion blue shield and then axe legion full gladius combo

it melts enemies

Use combat items, 6 grenades takes a good hunk of health, use drones, use devil trigger, use speed star or power up to boost damage and pound on them, use beast howl

Don't run out of energy, use everything you've learnt up to that point. That's it.

In short, git gud.

Is hit rush really that good? Seemed like kind of a waste compared to other skills

Just stack up on healing items. And use battery replenishers to get extra lives.

Sounds like you are ignoring at least 80% of your defensive options. Tell me which attacks are giving you trouble and i'll tell you how to block them.

You can hit rush and summon another legion at the same time. Also energy doesn't drain during hit rush, so rather than dismissing a legion to recharge you can hit rush to keep up pressure.

It's free damage. It becomes borderline broken on sword and arrow if you stack slow attack on them.


well, fuck me for trying to be clever

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Beast Nemesis, specifically the second phase. I constantly get hit into those stupid electric fields, and if I take the time to destroy them I always get blindsided

I tried revisiting file 1 to get the cat and the toilet, but after I beat i, it still shows that I didnt get them in the file selection, anyone have any idea why? Did this happened to other people too?

Make a femme fatale.

Attached: astralchain.jpg (960x540, 60K)

Beast legion can outrun the succ and easily dodges his ranged attacks.
Axe can block ranged attack except for the charge ball.
You can prevent the charge ball with a charged headshot.
Abuse Blade mode.
Use Hit rushes for extra damage.
Use Speed Star for extra dps and easier dodges.
You can safely use items through the legatus menu.

>Shooting minigame.
>Gyro controls fucked me over.
The person that decided that should be forced needs a kick in the balls.

>Balancing boxes


Just look up the Youtube guide.

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>joycons keeps disconnecting when I 360 and randomly walking without me touching the sticks
I swear anytime I play stick heavy game I have re-calibrate them within two weeks

>85 of 87 blue missions
I haven't the slightest idea which ones I missed

I might consider switching to control scheme C if you just played Bayonetta

Use the arm legion to clear a path.

Cant you check your file ratings and stats? Should be able to see what you missed from there.

for what purpose

Some dont show up unless you made a certain choice earlier

Like carlos doesnt show up in file 11 if you capture the clan leader in file 10

Play defensively, beast's auto-dodge and axe's blue shields are your friends

I want that on my lap

Did you return the ball to the kids in File 3 and catch Lappy in file 8?
I don't think either of those have markers for them, so they are easy to miss.

I end up playing it more in the mobile version than on the TV

fair enough. how does handhold mode hold up?

I haven't had any issues, though I have seen videos of people getting choppy shit.

mfw finishing with 99% red matter

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>no cancels
not true
>no combos
also not true
>no juggles
patently not true, do you even back-forward?
>bad controls
>bad camera
>bad story
compared to what?

i had several iris voices for the entire game and could never figure out how to even change it. i don't think the game ever tells you how to use them. it should be as simple as pressing it in your inventory but for whatever reason it's not that.

It's in Options, under Audio

Audio options.

How about the audio menu you absolute mongoloid?

so the 100% completion bonus is just an Iris voice? that sucks

i'm sorry, i didn't think an item in my inventory unlocked things in my OPTIONS menu. would have been nice if they gave me a little pop up saying "hey this is now available in your OPTIONS menu" or even in the item description

Its just a generic male too, could at least be lappy or something

oh come on, the game teaches you all the tools you need to beat him. use beast to run from him, axe shield to protect yourself from fireballs, etc

desu I don't know what else I expected. But the list of challenges is there and I have some sort of OCD because I need to finish everything

>Played it and practically forced myself to finish it. The story is forgettable, music unmemorable, mission structure is tedious. The combat is good but gets repetitive by the end
This is the most fucking nothing review you can give. It's all generals no specifics you can slap this on any game as a place holder review.

Youre supposed to run away with Beast legion.

Attached: IMG_20190906_102912.jpg (2048x1629, 777K)

Your dad is the axe legion.

You don't destroy them, you have arm legion pick up the crystals and throw them.

>gets repetitive by the end and you're basically just spamming auto-bind and hit rush.
>i played the game at the lowest possible tier of skill and it was boring and repetitive, what the heck bros?!

Attached: become smart.png (908x192, 126K)

Blue Shield
Lappy Drink

Are you serious?

For 100% I was expecting Bayo or Wonder Red or something

So what IS the Astral Plane? Is this like a different take on the plot of DOOM where Hell Energy was corroding human reality because they were never meant to interact?

It's a world where Chinese bugmen won.

I think it's just alien shit that reboots everything when existence has run its course

Its maybe your dads voice? I honestly cant tell though, its nothing special

It's a dimension of data programmed by something to archive and destroy humanity when it develops too far.

Which you can't do if you are out of energy, that's the whole point

Neither save you, it's an instakill, hp and defense don't matter

what kind of boosted stats does Sync Keep even allow you to keep?

you shouldn't be at the final boss and still finding yourself running dry on legion energy

there are countless skills and abilities that keep your energy recharged to the point the best AC players just turn the energy meter off entirely because if you know how to play, you should never end up legionless

he obviously hasn't played the game

unmemorable ost is the obvious proof he's shitposting, there's plenty of banger themes

It's storage for advanced civilizations for the purpose of cataloguing. Think Brainiac's ship.

It's talking about stuff like stat boosts of Legion abilities they have equipped.

so it's just a worse Effect Spread?
I guess Sync Keep could let you stack two or possible more Legion's stat boosts tho

I can't wait for Max to return in the second game and say Jena was right

it's also not my fault when the game throws a boss that suddenly does an obscene amount of damage when the entire game was perfectly fine up until now, now there's suddenly a boss that can literally one shot you or melt your health in 2 seconds

his fight is fair moveset wise, he just does way too much fucking damage though
>inb4 git gud non arguments

I beat it on my first try on PT Standard.

Isn't Max just fused with the Axe Legion? I mean that's why he nods at you in the ending He never left.

I don't know man, I don't get what's so hard about him

are you sure you're riding the beast legion, using howl, axe legion's L shield and blue shield?

>look up video guide on solution
>player literally fumbles around for three minutes before realizing the bus has to go on the left side.
>he resets and then fumbles around for three more minutes trying to get the bus on the left side.

Attached: DdMJITmVQAEFEdb.jpg (1200x1104, 51K)

>video evidence that you're bad
>"b-but the game"

Attached: IMG_0668.jpg (209x247, 17K)

Effect spread doesnt keep the legion's atk/def stats applied to you, only keeps ability effects. When you have legion out your hair turns blue and you get their atk/def applied to you, in addition to their ability code effects. Sync Keep keeps blue hair mode on. So it's actually better than Effect Spread. Not that it really needs to be used much, but it let's you keep full damage output while legion is dismissed if you go for perfect calls often or need to recharge.

shame this game is going to undersell because Smashtards realized its not going to be DLC

Doesn't really match up with the fusions we have seen and Max didn't have that kind of affinity in the first place. Axe probably just remembers Max. When you Say that you can't finish off Akira Arrow legion pops out instead and kills him

game is too easy even on ultimate
i have 25% and 15% attack increase abilities on sword legion
just lead with axe and blue shield while drinking an attack booster like spice cobra or lappy's special
swap to sword and power charge + round sword and wail on the enemy with gladius
congrats you won


it probably is because I completely forgot about the axe legion's summoned shields skill, guess I am just bad
I don't wanna hear it, mobileposter

> some people are less resistant to redshift than others
> general physical fortitude = more redshift resistance

So Arm legion is the most useless huh? Whats the point once you have Axe

blackhole is useful, and the stinger move when wearing it as an armor is the most satisfying attack in the game

>Savior doesn't play during the final boss while everyone cheers for you through your comm link.
Talk about a missed opportunity, holy fuck.

No, the axe legion just assimilated the data Max left in his Legatus. Max will 100% be the new Jena of next game (red herring "threat" that turns out to be right but you only find out too late because he was acting too ominous and stubbornly ambiguous all game)

dont forget that redshifting fucks up everyone in the second mission including you and after that everyone can stay in the astral plane indefinitely for the rest of the game

Don't forget the guy near the legion cleaning station in the command room saying there were plans to explore the mainland and how hype he was about the potential for new chimeras.

Gotta leave SOMETHING for the sequel's final fight.

Jena wasnt right, Yoseph was also a villain but that doesnt make her better

keep playing the game

that's fine, letting all five Legions get a Big Swing on Noah was good enough

I just finished all the R1 and R2 missions and now I'm trying to get all the equipment. Is there a superboss where that happens?

faster than axe by far
Also rule of cool

>farmed nip setup
Kill yourself

Radiation poisoning irl isn't consistent either. Sometimes you can survive it. Sometimes you die a horrible slow painful death. Sometimes it kills you quickly. The guys in Chernobyl blast died very slow awful deaths in the hospital but somehow the guys who spent their lives cleaning up the debris were able to live full lives in the Zone.

Round Sword + Hit Rush
Hit Rush + Auto-bind
Hit Rush + Auto-bind
Howl + Chain Drive
Blue Shield + Hit Rush
I just really like hit rush.

Noah Prime is shitty and tedious
How to win:
1 - howl
2 - hit rush
3 - axe stun sync attack
4 - ride dog until howl is back
Congrats you won

Gravity bomb is good, and even stops some enemies from attacking. Its send attack grabs enemies and pulls them to you, which can also prevent them from attacking. While wearing it the charge ZR attack also grabs enemies. The wearing combo does good damage if you hit the enemies back or weak point. Easy access to super armor without needing the ability code. Its attacks are pretty good for groups of enemies in general. And one of the few legions with a fully invincible perfect dodge sync attack.

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Last Olive case is the secret boss.

>faster than axe by far
Sure, it swings more, but Axe Legion still deals more damage and creates delayed explosions that stagger enemies. Axe legion also has the passive parry.

>Last Olive case is the secret boss.
Neat, but does Savior play during the fight?

now now user, no need to be socatty because you're shit at video games no one's judging you

I lied haha look at this faggot assmad because he can't beat an easy boss


movement speed wise the axe is slow
Its not always important but for binding and other shit its important

Fuck yes, this game just went from 8/10 to 9/10.

Fucking kino.

>look up secret boss on youtube
>30 minute fight
>No revives

Alright lads, what should I play first? This or Daemon X Machina or this?

If you use legion rush ability at close range, Axe legion shoots past the enemy to slam attack them from behind. Do another legion rush input and he'll cancel his animation to come back to you and bind the enemy in the process. It takes a little practice, but it can be done consistently.

It's also totally not necessary for Axe legion to be good at binding because you can just equip auto bind on the legion right after him, switch, use auto-bind, and then switch back.

>This or Daemon X Machina
>or this
I gotta say skip This entirely, play this first, and then go for DXM afterwards

I hope you farmed enough 1 slot fortitude abilities for every legion.

play with THIS
*unzips dick*

>Think I did OK and was styling on chimeras left and right
>Get a C
>Doing a shit job and even lose an AED battery

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fucking finally now I only have to do it again in normal mode

Attached: wildride.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>Last time you see max he was fighting all the legions.
>Next time you see axe he has the collar around his neck which leads to an empty bracelet.
>All the legions were actively pursuing their former humans and trying to drag them into the astral plane.
>Entire purpose of the system was for the human and legion to work in syncronization.
Max probably recaptured his legion right on the verge of redshifting, and then got ate by axe when he turned into data.

Just think ahead and stand in the right place so you don't trap yourself

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The game rewards variety rather than performance. The more items and moves you use the higher your rank will be.

yes. instrumental until half health, than the vocal track kicks in

How to catch lappy?

That explains why I'm getting shit ranks by staying away and shooting everything with gun and arrow legion

This rank game ranks more for how many tactics you use instead of the usual "no damage and no heal".

Quick rundown on who the fuck the iris voices are?

Can anyone who's done this file PLEASE let me know what the fuck to do? I'm getting my shit pushed in, if I even make it to the 3rd wave I've likely ran out of healing items by then to get through everything. How many waves are there after that? When should I pop my resonance?

I think B is Olive. You pick it up during the first sneak mission.

After you talk to the officers holding balloons, you'll start to occasionally see Lappy running around the area.
You'll need to use the beast legion to catch him because he is super fast and will run out of bounds after a while.

Gotcha. Yeah ive seen him run by twice but at a distance. Do you have to chain him up or just catch up to him?

>just barely got S+ on Akira Unchained with a score of 10,007

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You don't have to no. I was by one of the level boundaries and saw him approaching and I could just initiate dialogue as he passed by.

You get a totallynotraiden bandage for your eye.

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Because its fun

Spamming auto bind and hit rush lmao. Like modding dark souls to make ai slow and easy mode and then complaining every fight feels the same

I like following up Arm legion's black hole with Axe Legion's 360 sync attack and a crash bomb. The framerate drops to 20 as every enemy explodes.and takes like 1000 damage.

Killed final boss on 3 different occasions and never once got hit by an instant death ability or even knew he had one before Yea Forums showing me a clip of it. Being bad doesn't mean it's unavoidable, that's like saying certain platformers like super meat boy are impossible to beat

Gravity Storm for easy crowd control

I'm not quite done with all the post game missions and I'm way over maxed for all my legions, they'll start adding up later

The instant death ability is the circular cage where you gotta destroy crystals to escape, right? I think the second boss in the game does it, too. You can dodge it by riding on the beast.


I Beat that stupid fucking bastard. Fuck that guy. Doubt I'll ever play this shit on Pt. Ultimate. I don't have the guts for that. This fight took me probably 30-40 minutes of mostly the exact same strategy throughout the various stages.

The answer, at least for me, was using the time freeze legion change function, instead of the real-time one. Switching between defense with the beast legion, and offense with the other legions was made 98% easier with that function.

I can finally finish the game and enjoy some of the other files again.

What do you need for an S+ overall? I get a+ on all cases then the file evaluation is only an S, why?

I feel you bro just remember it's not the games fault it's your shit controller, I've been a lazy cheap ass using joycons as well

How do attack variety bonuses work in this game? Do the special L actions count toward it? Should you always try to do as many different things as possible or just keep changing up enough to trigger the bonuses?

Not even trying to humble brag or give the 'git gud' treatment, but on standard difficulty you have so many lives and everything the boss does for the most part is completely avoidable, and the few attacks you can't avoid you can just quick switch to axe legion L and use his blue shield ability I know it's not the easiest fight in the game but I didn't think people were having issues beating the game on standard

Gyro is disabled by default lmfao you're full of shit

here is my update:

I beat the bastard

Depends. Theres a bonus for headshot with Arrow's L, a bonus for hitting 2+ enemies at once with Sword's L, a bonus for using skills with multiple legions, bonuses for using command inputs (like back+forward and 360) with multiple weapons and legions, two different bonuses for number and variety of sync attacks, and two bonuses for changing weapon/legion after each enemy killed. Not sure if Arm's L directly counts towards any bonuses but it does have command inputs that can be used during it.

>30-40 minutes
Don't know if you're exaggerating but it definitely shouldn't take that long. It's a long fight sure, but it takes maybe 15 minutes, 20 tops.

You have to push the offensive rather than dancing around waiting for a telegraphed opening, because he doesn't really have any.

I use it for Hit Rushes and Auto bind combos. It deals the most damage after the Axe legion, but you want your axe to have better skills.

Wait, what? Not him but gyro is on for me by default but it might be because I'm playing with an 8bitdo controller.

Where the fuck is the option when using joycons nigga, i'm not buying a controller for one game.

So probably nothing for attacking while riding on beast? That's probably one of the more annoying things to control.

There's no options for gyro retard, it's on by default.

Noah Prime is a test of how many side missions you did.
If you did all of them your damage and health and resistance make him a cakewalk
If you skipped them all to do the combat and rushed through the game you'll do piss damage and get one shot

I wasn't timing it, but it for sure felt a lot longer than 15 minutes.

He has a few telegraphed openings, that's where I hit him. In his last phasse:

>He gets weak for a bit and stays in the same spot not doing anything

>when he throws the flurry punches, after the last punch there's a brief moment where you can unleash Hit Rush, and that's mostly what I did.

That's for Final Noah Prime. When he was almost dead, I did the fusion.

With regular Noah Prime, when he summons 3 clones and stands in the middle of the stage to unleash the area wide-laser, you can get him with the arrow legion, when you're in between the lasers, you can get him wtih with other attacks etc etc...

there's some more openings... but yeah, I had to wait for those openings and so it took me forever.

On standard I spammed sword legion all game, on post game ultimate currently on the last wave of R3 missions I was forced to get better at the game and I non stop swap through all my legions, my arrow legion has like 20% slow attack which is OP af, I throw out my arm legion for the black hole, axe legion to block big attacks and use blue shield on cooldown while dropping crash bombs, my sword legion when I need a big dps combo, I use round sword with autobind, and when I need a little more CC I pull out the beast legion for his howl. And sometimes it's still not enough if I play poorly. Game is so much more fun when it's harder, a shame ultimate wasn't available on my first playthrough.

S+ works like pure platinum, you need to score S+ on every single case to get it.

Do Olive missions contribute to Rank or only files
I am still not maxed on that and wanna get full HP

Or you could just use howl

and get one shot during the split second that I'm off the beast legion? yeah... no

Use the dodge button. I can't even perfect call and I managed to avoid most of his melee attacks.

You could've just cucked him with blade mode.

I got the job done didn't I? Jesus H fucking christ you people. If it ain't done in the most obtuse, complicated, cool looking way, then it doesn't count?

Pls help

Watch and learn, peasant:

Dood, this is a platinum game, that's the whole point of getting good

You came in here whining for help and we tried to help you. Some parts of the postgame will make Noah seem like a cake walk, either take the advice or move on to another game and save yourself the bother.

>People here talking about fusions and auto dodge shit with the dog legion as well as perfect calls with everything
>I just got past getting the arms legion and get B or C ranks in everything
I like the game but on top of me being bad I can only play a little bit every day

All I do is use Arm Legions L move because it's fun to punch shit and fire missiles everywhere

>post games makes noah seem like cake-walk?

what the fuck? really?

First playthrough getting D-As is normal
When you replay with a full loadout youll get the S+ rankings

>mfw I played through the whole story while suffering from pretty bad joycon drift in the right analog
Keeping the camera from rotating constantly and keeping the Legions in place made the whole experience a little maddening but I managed to get through ot, wish I had bought that contact cleaner sooner.

Attached: avengers-infinity-war-whos-gonna-die[1].jpg (618x412, 40K)

Don't get hit, change legions and use their abilities even if you don't want to whilst also changing the baton form even if you don't want to either to gain easy points for a rank

Don't sweat it, you'll get better with practice. If you want to make things easier for yourself right now, make sure all your legions have the Hit Rush ability and try to keep one active at all times. During a hit rush you can either recharge energy or use another legion, so it's basically free damage. There is no reason why you shouldn't spam it all the time.

So Nier played around with the idea of more open areas while this plays around with more indepth world building, how does this bode for Bayonetta 3?

Did anyone else think Akira was being a whiny little bitch for most of the game? They should have had more brother/sister moments before Akira starts going off the deep end.

I love Alicia.

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Pretty much, I just assumed that the original died and you got a fucked up clone back from the ARI

It's still fucked up to me they actually accepted a clone with a copy as his memories as a replacement for Akira.

He sacrifices his life, and gets replaced as a reward.

It's better than nothing I suppose

Why do you care about a digital rating? Just play for fun.

Even more fucked up is that nu-Akira doesn't know that he is a clone. The fear of being a clone drove the original one insane, so just imagine the shitshow that wil take place when nu-Akira learns that he is a spare copy.

Dude I just drop one legion and run around shooting them with the gun, getting good at games is for incels, I play for the world and characters and moving around a cool digital place

Definitely needed fleshing out more, they pretty speed-run through "Generic shonen anime rival"

When the original pulls their sacrifice they essentially synchronise with all their clones and become a hivemind, and then proceed to throw themselves at the asshole that created them.
You cant exactly come back from that, so it leaves a clone behind on earth as a consolation prize.
Still fucked up.

Worst part, they could in theory save him from the Astral plain or wherever he ended up in a sequel.

And he would meet his own clone who replaced him, after having a breakdown about exactly that.
All while the exact same feelings swell up in nuAkira.

In every sci-fi setting that has teleporters, everyone accepts this of every person that gets teleported

Is it wrong to date your dads coworker?

If it's wrong then I don't want to be right.

can you guys perfect call the dog chimeras attacks? I still have no clue what the timing is, their signposting is super confusing

The character archive makes it unclear whether his consciousness/soul is now inhabiting the clone or not.

And that uncertainty only makes it worse

No, the fact that she had feelings for your Dad and at least some maternal feelings for you makes it incredibly hot.

I'm sure a future DLC installment or a sequel will help to remedy that, maybe she didn't die and just became a queen or goddess of the Astral Plane or something like that.

wait, so how can I go back and do old cases on my same save file? I know to go to the PC, but will that reset my progress, making me start from that old file?

Fusing with Noah and becoming a secondary antagonist in the sequel seems more likely to me.

It just resets the progress in that particular case file, and it only saves your highest scores.

You start at the beginning of the latest file when you finish or quit the old file.

When you finish the old case or quit out of it from the menu you return to the file select menu, from there you can exit it to return to the beginning of the story chapter you were on. You keep all items and ranks obtained while replaying cases. Generally you can only access the PC at the beginning of a file anyways so you won't lose much.

It might even be related to Aether

In the sequel you save and adopt Akiras instead of cats.

I hope I can pet her in the sequel


Oh right, that's Xer to you

So it would be like a mutual comforting situation

>Get the cool ass police helmet
>cant´t change the color
>can´t make my character into a judge
... this has to be against the law.

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Are there any money sinks after fully upgrading your gear? I'm swimming in cash and have no clue what to do with it.

As soon as they run up to you.

Sequel, Director doesn't want DLC for some reason.

Not really, aside from buying full resonance bars from Brenda at 9k a pop

this feels like a game from 10 years ago, just a full single player game, no DLC, no microtransactions

>rematch noah for the S+
>do it
>but it keeps showing all the photos i took of marie while she was bent over
>and my photos of alan when he was chained up
I feel unclean.

Better that then a bunch of photos I accidentally saved filling out the data base. Sucks we couldn't have out cup noodle moment like in FFXV

What are the odds of this getting an anime adaptation?

0, Nintendo doesn't do Anime, only Anime games

Why do people keep asking for this like it would be good

they tried with star fox

Zero, the age of animated adaptations of games is over.

I'm replaying file 3 and after you get all the clue before you get to the crime scene someone is calling for help. Does anyone body know how to get to that? Beast doesn't seem to hear anything.

Is Star Fox still alive?

Yes he's one of the three furry reps in smash, just like that capt. falcon guy is the bara rep.

what, the license? it's on life support

You can get to him after you look over the crime scene. A new corridor is unlocked after than where you'll find him behind a door you can cut down with the Sword Legion.

>beat file 10
>tell carlos to keep doing JUSTICE
>doesn't show up in file 11
>beat game
>replay missions for S+
>search file 10 for missing cases and carlos
>choose the wrong answer this time
>move on to file 11 after finishing the fusion fight with S+
>carlos is nowhere to be found
>IRIS can't find him
>JUSTICE prevailed
>canon choice blocked my 100% hopes
It stings but I know I made the right choice the first time.

I hope he shows up in the sequel to get revenge on Howard for convincing him to do the wrong thing.

Who am I missing here?
I assume it's Jena, but I couldn't find a chance to take a picture of her during the game.

Attached: EEnt0HcVUAEd6My.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

File 4, take a photo before she enters the gate

I mean, they made this game relatively early on into the switch lifecycle, so they can reuse the engine and all for sequels. I like it bettee when we get a proper sequel instead of DLC

>hit rush lets you change to another Legion while the current is out

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Roar > Hit rush > Switch > Power and Speed boost > Switch to highest damage > Go ham.

You're so fucking full of shit lol, beating the first half of the game on ultimate is nothing and doesn't make you good.

seethe more

The ost is ridiculously good.

the amount of damage you shit out is insane especially with backstabs
you melt everything when you use multiple attack buffs and sync

Man just float over in the arm legion and punch, why try to be cute about it? That worker has a room to clean up, he doesn't have time to pick your charred skin up, too.

Dad didn't make any moves on her, so it's fair game. I wouldn't cockblock my old man, but she's so pent up from his obliviousness that she leaves a snail trail on her chair when she stand up.


>start up Ultimate Run
>go through the intro and your custom outfit and colors carry over to even the gender select screen
I hope the 2nd game goes a little crazier with the custom options.

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Trivia: this game took 5 years to make.

It's also Platinum's most expensive game.

What is best vending machine and why is it the Ark Mall one?

They started the planning for the game 5 years ago, but at least 2 years of that time was spent developing Automata. Active development of the game probably started after they finished Automata.

I want to jackoff infront of one of the vending machines while it has to watch me. Then I cum all over her screen

This would violate something but the question is what.

Your wish is granted.
It's a soulless machine from File 11. It never responds and some doctor just cleans it up later. You redshift before you finish.

Is it just me or is the frame rate pretty bad at points? I don't think I've seen anyone else really mention it, but I also haven't been frequenting the threads. On file 08 now and the Rayleigh Plaza area you start in feels disgusting to play through.

because the arm legion is the worst one

>Judges you in gravity storm

It's mainly file 08 that frame rate drops badly in. Everyone mentions it there.

>police helmet can't be recoloured

Yeah, but people were speculating if it started out as scalebound. Was originally pizch as a medieval game.
And also now the whole framework has been laid

That is bullshit, show proof. And, in any case, Nintendo funded it.

It would be against police dress code

>give Vending Machines various personality types
>probably some banned versions from early stages of testing
Did anyone use those drinks to full effect or just during random battles where you can optimize damage even more? I mostly sold stuff to them so I can upgrade my gear next file.

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Sir, you have to leave.

but you can recolor every other piece of the uniform.
It seems very weird.

The MC is full of modern tech besides magic.

I went through the whole game not using them because it feels wrong to use items in an action game.
My guess Neuron doesn't have an official dress code aside from legionis have to keep their legatus in the cradle outside of training and on duty.

Eh the camera is about as good as other PG titles but there's two main differences in AC.
First is the game frequently has fights in tight confined alleys and stuff because "muh city" which means there's little room to work with. This can be resolved with a fixed/too down camera but there's only a handful of situations where the game bothers to do so.
Second is that controlling the legion is done with the second stick which means you actively aren't controlling the camera half the time which often is when you most need to adjust the dumb autocamera. Other games where you only control one character don't have this problem and you can freely throw little camera changes in all the time.

Forgot to mention Neuron might not have a dress code but wearing police equipment like standard issue helmets might be subject to having to keep it within standards.

Not that guy, but, well, yeah. Nintendo offered up the idea to change the concept from something Medieval to something more futuristic/sci fi.

When can I change colors? I'm at file 4 and can't change anything.

make sure to accept the rewards from completing orders
also took me a while to find out

again, it\d make sense if we only had blue police oficiers going around but the medic, repair, and rescue officers are all part of the normal police force and they get color coordinated uniforms...except the helmet.
Not complaining all the much, though it be cool to color the helmet and get shit like a Dredd cosplay or a robocop one, its just weird that its the only piece of the uniform you cant color.

I think taking a shit and giving the toilet paper to fairy in HQ gives them to you

Did they ever explain the fuck was up with those "Seeker of ____" People that Yoseph was talking to early in the game?

>Want Astral Chain
>Just got birthday money
>Tfw I gotta wait for a Black Friday deal because I have bills coming up
This isn't the American dream I was told of.

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Get S+ rankings.

But it wasn't scalebound, it was an original idea. Scalebound cannot be on Switch because "console power and IP licenses" according to a producer.

Sequel bait, like the "let's take back the continent!", Who made the astral plane mystery and the clone drama.

>the car pushing missions are red cases
>need to do them again on Ultimate for ranking
fuck shit piss cock tits ass

And do have evidence of this.

...but that shit is piss easy to do, what are you bitching about?

There are guides for them on youtube if you really need them.

Wheres Red case 7 of File 3?

I wish I could gift games over EShop like you can over Steam

I'd rather do five car puzzles than have to do flawless motorcycle again.

Speaking of which, did we even find out what that was about? Or was it just a bullshit rumor?

39 is a good start but let’s go full Naruto retarded with the police customization options
Ninjas in Naruto end up wearing all manner of non-stock stuff

good news everyone, the third mission only took 3 minutes this time instead of 12

Is it the gate behind the dumpster? The one that can't be accessed without the arm legion?

>let’s go full Naruto retarded with the police customization options
Let's go even further.

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>Parry Attack
does this just work like Revengeance except I don't have to press attack?


that sounds pretty good
the things you can find in this game over 30 hours in

Why not just e-mail him a code

Some high profile person said Nintendo "was going to revive an game that would surprised everyone".

its probably just W101

user im sure they were talking about deadly premonition






I think that one's 2B

I think the Hermits are cool

Luckily the ice cream is just a blue mission.
Fuck the boxes though.

Then that is disappointing as fuck.

Isn't there still an order for giving the kid the Avalanche Special and not dropping any though?

gotta go fast


nah, the original rumor said it was a "publically cancelled game"

that's why scalebound was mentioned, as well as silent hills

No you can complete the file by just giving her one scope, for the order all you have to do is eat it, which can be done as soon as you get the option.

The order is to eat it yourself which you can do immediately after buying it.
But you should take it up to the kid just for the sake of eating it in front of them.


>Not only having atmospheric pictures of the cityscape

Shy > Genki > Sick > Tsundere > The rest

Does ultimate only take away your batteries? I'm only chapter 4 but the enemies seem to die at the same rate they did while playing the R1/R2 missions in 12.

The enemies definitely also do more damage and your legion's damage is taken from your health as well.

Not sure about enemy health being increased, though.

Why is gun so shit?

Attached: I want to be tracer.jpg (1280x720, 322K)

Most Flying enemies have shit health and even then it's only if they are hanging over a bottomless void. Plus wouldn't want to outdo Arrow legion who also has shit damage.

>Plus wouldn't want to outdo Arrow legion who also has shit damage.
>he doesn't know

It's just situational for whenever you can't use a chain jump conveniently.

Was Max a weeb? Why would he name at least one of his twins a jap name?

>It's just situational for whenever you can't use a chain jump conveniently.
But that's what Arm legion's grab is for.

And why did he name the other one Fartass?

I mean if you manage to waste your Legion timer and have to recover it. Or if you want to take care of an annoying flier without having to close as much distance.

>Why would he name at least one of his twins a jap name?
Because he was waiting years for Akira to ask if they were adopted to tell them they're Jin's kids and die laughing as they have an existential crisis

Was the last name a jab at Todd because of the fallout 4 blunder?

It's just a name inspired by an obscure old-ass movie no one but him has heard about.

I have three bubbles left to unlock, does he have secret last skill like Arm did?

Gaining rank and upgrading your equipment/legions has a dramatic effect on your damage taken and damage output

The whole reason people say Noah is long and a big difficulty spike is because it expects you to have done a shitload of side missions and some people skipped almost all of them

I thought everyone liked Akira.

Yeah but Astral Chain is from a dystopian future where 99% of the Earth is lost and so must be most of its media.

user, the ark is literally all what is left of humanity, every single culture seems to be fused.

Arrows last skill is ok, it's like a slightly worse version of howl, it casts slow on every enemy. Arrow is best if you stack crit damage abilities for head shots and damage to the enemy's back. Arrow legion has this absurdly strong dodge sync attack that is like a shotgun that yields the highest burst damage in the game. Aim your dodges behind enemies and they will get shredded.

>no cancels
but there is
>no combos
but there is
>no juggles
there is but it's kind of hard to do actually
>bad controls
you can change the controls
>bad camera
definitely at times but manageable
>bad story
somewhat, ending is basically evangelion lite.

How does perfect call work? Do I pull my legion away before it gets hit?

I didn't see any pajeet names

But the fact that are now becoming far more common and most stringpullers are gone led to a massive reduction in gates and chimeras, and faster, more efficient responses. And people seem to know about Legionis working with their Legions, so there is public knowledge where there wasn't before. Earth is making a solid comeback, and humanity is finally back on the rise. Astral Chain 2 is going to be a wild fucking ride.

There are obscene amounts of items that add to your options menu, like HUD colors. You're a doofus, user, it's okay.

as the name indicates, you call your legion just before you get hit

if it's already on the battledield you obviously have to dismiss it first by pressing R

No, you summon your legion as you are about to get hit. The enemy attack has to connect with you during the startup of the call.

Attached: ac - pc attack cancel.webm (896x504, 2.8M)

Are all the legions worth using and leveling, or are some just better than others? I really like arm and beast, but sword and arrow seem somewhat less useful.

They got conquered instantly when a chimera that looked like a cow showed up.

they're all in prison after harassing marie for pics of her bobs

Thanks user, but turns out I'm a weak willed faggot. I appreciate your kindness though

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All Legions are equally useful, but Beast and Axe are particularly so because they're pretty much your only defensive options.

Sword actually does a lot of fast damage it's just hard to feel like you're doing anything if you're using it. Arrow can become a shredder later.

When W101 came out, there was also very active threads during its first month?

Of course not that was a flop. It was one of things where nobody realized it was good until years later. Which is why people want it on switch. More people are asking for a port than a sequel.

Are you serious?
I did the same choice, If I am blocked from completing all orders cause of that I am pissed, there is no indication that's a wrong choice. Fucking hell.

The last half of this game on PT Ultimate is serious shit. I can't even calm Akira down in File 11.

I'm going to restart the whole file and check file 11 immediately. No restarting for S+, no skipped cases, D ranks accepted. I'll see if it changes anything soon.
I do want to know where Carlos is supposed to be if it works.

You can't permanently miss it. I did the same thing. Had to repeat File 10 and leave the guy in the astral plane, then play file 11 again and Carlos was there. Not sure if returning to 12 matters, but I had to do the file 10 thing twice to get it to work.

Woking on S+ on every case, but I'm losing my mind on a few things:

>File 7: Redshift
How do you do this? I wanted to try cheezing it with the barriers but I used one on a bad attempt and I have no Idea how to get more. The mission deliberately makes you look on opposite ends of the battlefield where the enemies spawn and there's no way I can split my attention without taking damage.

>File 10: Akira Unchained
Even on what I assumed was a perfect attempt ( I used Legion Skills, did a dodge and sync, a perfect call, used combat and healing items, Chaining etc.) and ALSO finished the fight in 1:00 that got me 5000 points on its own, I was STILL 100 points short. Not taking damage here is really tough to do, but that's all I can think of.

>File 10: undiscovered case
I've combed the entire hub area and the slums outside, but I can't find the second to last case in the first part of this File.

If anyone could help me with these I'd greatly appreciate it.

Attached: badcop.webm (480x270, 1.14M)

man Sword Legion's Round Sword shreds through Axe Nemesis's shield
that made that Ultimate version a fucking joke

I found the problem. It isn't enough to just leave the evildoer in the Astral Plane. You have to tell him that there's an empty room at Hal's hideout. He'll join you then.
It's sort of like the lover boy in those files. If you tell him to cheer up he just keeps looking for other women. If you choose the other option then he thinks you mean "hey man just fuck me".

Also you don't need to clear the entire file. I only redid carlos's case, then quit out of file and went to file 11. He sits in the hallway that exits the building.

For File 7, best way I've found to do it is just get all of your bonuses with your Legion and take your time healing the guy. If you're dead set on trying to get unscathed in the correct way, use lots of stun grenades. I also find that gun stinger really helps as it pretty much kills mook aberrations in one quick ranged burst.

Fused Akira, do what you did but then do 2 perfect calls. When you're fighting him for real, spam your ranged attack and mash like crazy, you can do it faster. It's possible to do it without unscathed, but it's very tight. It's honestly easier to just not get hit.

File 10's second to last case, well, I don't really remember where it is either, but it's called Chimera Attack. It shouldn't be too hard to find, I don't even think you have to backtrack for it.

>File 10: undiscovered case
There's one that you only get by solving all the other red cases and then running around looking for a patch of fog.

It's also really helpful for Raven Officers and Akira Clones

so are we gonna get power-type, serpent-type etc. legions in the sequel

>File 7: Redshift
Round sword is useful for protecting you legion while you're preoccupied. You can also pull the legion away for a little while without losing too much progress, so switch out a different legion and unchain it to help out.
Equipping Sword with slow abilities + effect spread can also help in making the amount of enemies more manageable.

>File 10: Akira Unchained
This one really is a pain in the ass, doing it fast and unscathed is probably the best bet for trying to get S+.

>File 10: undiscovered case
There is a Kitsune chimera case that opens up after you've cleared all the other cases.
I think the quest giver for it is right next to the entrance to the hideout, "anxious woman" or something like that.

So Yea Forums male or female version of dark hero?


The Arrow legion SUCKS

it's really good, the fuck are you talking about

Male as battle music, Female as an anime intro. Speaking of anime, if this game got an anime adaptation, would it likely use either of the twin as the protagonist or both of them with a bit of a reworked plot?

It's dodge sync attack is one of the strongest attacks in the game. It's attacks in general are good with the slow attack ability code, rapid hits means more chance of applying it. Enemies can barely do anything while slowed.

Attached: arrow dodge sync damage.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

So I'm not done with the main game, but I assume if I wanna S+ everything I have to do it in one go or else restart that file. I'm gonna hate the none combat shit if that's the case.

Nintendo's advertising seem to be pushing female lead as the canon one, but it'd be shonenshit so 100% they'd make it the male lead.

It's perfect call sync is cool.

Attached: Shot to the heart.webm (768x432, 2.21M)

>but I assume if I wanna S+ everything I have to do it in one go or else restart that file
Nope, you can improve the rank on a single fight/case and quit out of the file, adding the new rank to your totals. Not very many non-combat cases are ranked, mainly the investigations are and some mini-games.

>I have to do it in one go
You do not, only the best result for any case is saved, so you can just fix the score(s) you need to fix and abort the file.

Was there any references to other platinum games that I missed? I just beat the game and I didn't notice any.

Can I fully customize it to put me in a better game?


aren't you a witty little bitch

You know what this game needs? A good ol' Rival, your sibling doesn't turn out to be one, Jena was more a Saturday morning cartoon villain, and Kyle didn't care about that stuff. The action games like W101, DMC, and NMH I really liked the rivals.

Can someone post images of the Legions using Color Set Slot 15 and the MC using the Mechanic Set (White) color scheme? I want to know which to finish first: Olive cases or some easy mindless code farming.