it's so boring
everything is so slow
It's so boring
ADHD-ridden zoomer wouldn't know how it was when dota was just a wc3 map
try techies, if everything goes south you van hold 9 people hostae for up to 80 mins minimum
it's also filled with 20iq "people" that never played mobas and think this game is deep and difficult.
Stay away from any type of moba.
>long cooldown on base spells
>high mana costs
>99% of the time is autoattacking because you dont want to waste mana
Did they overhaul the game again after the international?
dota 2 is the brainlet moba.
Play the superior Dota game.
I agree, if not for the turbo mode i would have dropped this game years ago.
HoN was 20% faster than Dota 2
its like the game was designed to be the less fun as possible
low mmr retard doesnt know how to buy consumables lol
Not yet.
>bro just buy a mana potion that regenerates 5% of your mana over 30 seconds
>why can't i spam my spells in lane!
because the game was designed to be as boring as possible
>adhd fag can't got 10 seconds without flashing lights
funny coming from a game that is an absolute clusterfuck of particles during fights
This. Unfortunately mobas are just really popular. They are not actually good games
exactly, youre a low mmr shitter. buying clarities in this meta lmao.
>ill sit in the trees for the next minute with my clarity going to save some gold when i could have bought a mango and actually participated in the lane
I wouldn't say the game speed is slow rather the map is just big. In league for example the mid can easily roam to help with dragon or rift but a mid in dota loses so much if they fail a gank regardless of whether or not they die.
>what is resource management
Zoomers disgust me.
for me the problem is the turn rate
fuck turn rate
it feels so wrong
but i think it serves the purpose to not make long range characters from kaiting to death melees which makes sense so i dropped the game
flinging shit around with tiny is fun
Then go back to LoL or fortnite zoom zoom
>check out dota 2 for the first time
>it's just one million different items and abilities which all have those over-complicated effects with ten different numbers
>try to move towards enemy tower, some guy teleports near me, stuns me, and take all my health before the stun is over
one of the easiest uninstalls of my life. that shit is all about autistic memorization of numbers.
>it feels so wrong
seeing League and HOTS heroes spazz out all over the place because they dont have to turn around feels wrong
welcome to any game you play against other people
you're going to get stomped by people who know it better than you do
Not him but quite literally get gud faggot
it's funny because I went into tutorial section and clicked on the multiplayer button, and the game said "relax, the other guys are as new as you, you are doing just fine" and then I get no kills and a bunch of deaths. at least I did some damage to enemy towers but I don't think that actually helped.
>try a new game
>i'm not immediately good at it or want to learn and take time to be good at it.
>The game lied to me!!
It's going to be ok little zoomer.
>the other guys are as new as you, you are doing just fine
It lied, they're all smurfs
The only way to get into mobas at this point is to play with friends
Even back in the day when people geniunely were new it still sucked without friends
playing techies is always fun is this game
How does dota even sustain its playerbase? low or no advertising as far as I can tell, no new player appeal + high barrier entry; I don't think many new players arrive, so is it only veterans playing at this point?
>so is it only veterans playing at this point?
player numbers are going down too
poorfags, russians and chinks
bro I don't have an issue with doing bad, but it's all such a cluster fuck of different stats and attacks and shit. it's not fun.
Why would you want to play Dota 2 by yourself? The community is full of angry spergs and its a high barrier to entry
keep on zooming lil zoomer
This game is good but It's not for me because I hate how carries exist and just one shot everyone after the 40 minute mark. The game is so much fun before it comes to that and I have so much fun in games where no one picks any carries.
Well memed, kid
4k mmr to 2.9k boys. Last 7 games have been lost in a row because I main support and 20 iq third worlders want to play slardar mid vs an arc
Slow and you still get one shot by some guy whos 10 levels above you because one lane lost. Just stop, its a trashfire of a game.
>why cant I use abilities in a game where you use abilities
>urrrr cuz le ardcoar xd
Nobody plays Dota anymore only sad autistic fucks and Russians
>another dota 2 hate thread
Why the fuck did Valve nerf this hero for no reason by removing damage charges from familiars? Fucking no one was picking this hero except for a few autistic support Visage spammers (like me) and now he is literally useless unless you play him as mid. BUT THIS GAME IS ALREADY FUCKING FULL OF HEROES WHO CAN GO MID SO WHAT'S THE POINT OF ANOTHER ONE? FUCK YOU ICEFROG
I'll never understand the enjoyment of MOBA's. Once you know what to look for it's often a foregone conclusion which team is going to end up winning but you still sit there running out possibly another half hour before it's over.
>no surrender option
worst decision ever, why the fuck is this is thing.
>durr you clearly dont know when its ovur even though its allowed in pro gamez xd
Yeah I'm sure when you're getting fountain-dived 6 deaths in a row by the whole team, its not over.
It just promotes the toxic shits that infest it. because all you can do is sacrifice one person to get low priority, or sit in base and listen to ivan for 10 mins.
Ironically Its like its a primitive League that doesn't want to evolve. Rito had already fixed this issue like 5 years ago.
its time for visage to be useless for 6 months again. then he will return back as his op self for a few months and thne he's back to being shit
>rng: the game
>put a bunch of shit heroes on the front
>only make knights+burst viable in the fucking slightest
Ah yes just like dota 2
>team fights last 10 seconds
You can buy mango that gives you 200 mana instantly.
>press bkb
>right click enemy within 10 seconds
I wonder why
t. gook/zoomer who never played wc3
>playing bliz games ever