Should there be another Simpsons game?
Should there be another Simpsons game?
simpsons should stop
haha, Lisa's pretty cute in that swimsuit
I wonder what she'd look without it haha
not that I'm interested, I just think it would be funny
Fighting game by arksys
Does your mama's cunt contain all the cum in the world?
Feed and Seed Simulator 9600
Formerly one Simpsons game
Monkeys Paw:
>you get a new Simpsons game
>it’s based on the newest seasons only
>it's based on S11E05
monkey's paw avoided
sorry user, but the Simpsons is all the way up to 31 seasons, so the 11th season isn’t considered new anymore
That's pretty much going to be a given. No official Simpsons game is going to admit that the public only care for what the show was during it's golden era.
What you would want is basically what Sonic Mania was to the Sonic franchise which is basically getting an officially sanctioned fan game.
yeah. we could have had a new game but they preferred to update their mobile game with battle royale mode that no one asked for.
Simpsons games usually try and mimic something popular at the time (Scrolling beat em ups, platformers, GTA, Crazy Taxi, Tony Hawk, etc), so what would be the current thing be based on?
Yes.......It’ll be ANOTHER fucking mobile game
No. They're all terrible. I find it impossible to believe that anyone who reminisces about Hit and Run has actually played it in the past decade because that shit is BAD.
simpsons is fine untill s11. and its watchable until 15. 18 is where you stop all together, thats only if you want more. everything afterwards is garbage. inb4 s9.
which episode from s11 should I watch?
souls games
>and its watchable until 15
Dial that back a little, son
Either this or an action game by platinum
fuck off son, its good. i mean, its not a masterpiece by today's standards but that doesnt mean it doesnt hold up at all. its pretty fun.
who invited Yea Forums?
>host NSFW on imgur
>accidentally post it anyway
oopsie :3
Yep same here, grew up watching the Simpsons and about 5 years ago I watched the whole thing through. I started skipping episodes around 10 and quit during that hobo on the train anthology episode in season 11
new game would be about bart preventing trump's reelection
Season 31 starts in 2 weeks, can't wait for that train wreck to start.
I bet its gonna have lady gaga as a pre-order bonus.
Or Matt Groening's foot fetish
at least will have the 666th episode
modern simpsons has ruined any potential for a good new game
it just needs to stop, it’s been dead for so long
simpsons road rage and simpsons hit and run
Are these games any fun? Might check them out
Apu is now PC APU, Lisa full on outrage/cancel culture/future is women, bart rape accusation, homer and marge open relationship, maggie wanting to be a boy
Let's see who knows which has been done already.
I'm guessing PC Apu, Lisa, and Maggie. Did I win?
Road rage is an okayish racing game, Hit and Run is a more fun GTA style open world driving game. Hit and Run is great just for the sake of how well it nails the show
All of them actually.
The Simpsons will stop when one of the main voice actors passes. I hope.
>people praised the Yale bashing clip
>the same people were outraged by the Trump bashing clip
This says a lot about our society. Namely that people still give attention to a show that's been bad for 2/3 of its run.
Reminder Japan made a JoJo's battle Royale game
More like 3/4 now.
I wouldn't want a new game. Just remake Hit and Run but make the town larger with more areas you can enter/interact with put in more missions and costumes so we can play as more characters like Snake and I wouldn't need anything else.
Chill out.
I want a remake of the best em up arcade game
>maggie wanting to be a boy
Nah, it'll be an episode where Lisa sees some tranny on TV/Interns and wants to be a boy, and the family try and accept it but it's obviously tough, she goes to school and people make fun of her and she tries to confide in Milhouse but he believes that because Lisa is now a boy, she doesn't like boys and more and leaves her alone until finally Milhouse decides he wants to be a girl to get with Lisa again and she has a go at Milhouse for basically not understanding it and transitioning for others/attention before it dawns upon Lisa SHE did it for others/attention and all is back to normal by the end of the episode.
The side story can be Homer drives down to the farm he grew up on to pay a little visit to some old friends.
It's watchable up to the episode where Marge gets a breast implant. That episode, and everything after, is absolute dogshit.
I don't remember what season it was anymore.
You want to quit watching around season 7, 8 max.
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Feed and seed
I truly don't know which one was done, but my bet would be Bart rape accusation only because it has already been done with Homer and the jelly figure.
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I would like an in depth RPG kind of like what South Park did. I love the world of the Simpsons there is a lot of potential for a huge game.
Did they ever do a Simpsons golf game?