Alexis Kennedy and his fiancee finally respond to getting #metoo'd. And they're not taking it lying down...

Alexis Kennedy and his fiancee finally respond to getting #metoo'd. And they're not taking it lying down. (Though I would have preferred if they went after the lying cunts, I can see why that wouldn't be the best way to get their life back on track.)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Small time indie dev, creator of Fallen London and Cultist Simulator. He got #metoo'd couple weeks ago, at the same time as that other dude who killed himself, and coincidentally right before the kickstarter to his next game was supposed to launch.

>falseflag rape accusations until people stop believing them
>now real rape accusations are dismissed entirely
is this their plan?

Who cares?

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If you want these people to shut up, just kill yourself.

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I think Lottie's stance and reasoning on this matter are quite logical. Twitter culture is absolutely out of control and it stems from the very foundations of the platform itself.

I wished that the Gawker shutdown actually took kotaku down with them

No, this is the inevitable result of them not having a plan beyond the dopamine rush of cancelling yet another "white male oppressor".

He could have video proof and a signed confession and it wouldn't matter to the twitter lynch mob.

My only gripe is that she argues about call-out culture harming "feminism" when the reputation and livelihood of her fucking husband is at stake.

Would you hire a woman to work on your indie game, Yea Forums?

She's just trying to make a point in an effort to make sure this doesn't happen again, to others.

I think she is appealing to people that are joining in on this #metoo movement because they think it will help women. Whereas her point is that they are wrong and it infact is doing the opposite of what they want.
I don't think that arguing in favour of a man is going to sway their opinions as much.

This is the only way she might conceivably get the mob to back down. They WANT to destroy the reputation and livelihood of her husband. She'd be "internalizing misogyny" and thus safe to be ignored if she tried.

It literally explains in the picture you fucking idiot.

Not backed by a publisher? If they were just a small team and self-publishing they're definitely indie.

Saying that it harms her husband is useless because they don't care. Trying to prove it hurts their own cause is more worthwhile, if any of them come to a realization.

If you risk your own money, you are indie.

>#metoo'ing a married man
he'll be fine

I hope he makes it out of this without too much damage, I really enjoy his style of writing.


Sexwise yeah, but his career is in shambles.

And he's lucky his wife didn't drink the koolaid and throw him under the bus. It wasn't a given before this whole thing.

God I hate callout culture. The people who do it don't even care, they just want the small rush of power it gives them.

there is no plan
it's like a kid being given free reign in a grocery store, run straight to the sweets and eat them until you throw up and lose all appetite


They need to call Zoe out on what she did to Alec. A man is dead because of this shit and she is getting off scot free. She needs to be held accountable for her words.

Trying to run into that would be a death knell for Alexis, so I really hope he doesn't.

You can get jail time for misgendering but you can drive fuckers to suicide all day with false accusations.

if she breathes

Unlike the US, England has very attractive civil defamation laws they should strongly consider using.

Career? What career? Dude makes tiny-ass self-published indie games. He isn't some mover and shaker, he's basically just "the guy who did the writing for Fallen London and Cultist Simulator". Nobody who wasnt already invested knew his name and by the time his next game comes out they won't remember this either.
This lady spent her #metoo ticket to ride in the fucking baggage car, should have set her sights higher.

>And he's lucky his wife didn't drink the koolaid and throw him under the bus. It wasn't a given before this whole thing.
This alone makes me doubt the allegations against him. If he was actually a piece of shit person no way his wife would have stayed with him. Especially with the combined financial stress the whole controversy is tied to.

>having to detail your whole sexual history in public because a woman you had a fling with and hired got angry when you committed to another relationship.

Shouldn't have kept him as a backup, and shouldn't have hired her, I guess.

Yes? That is his career? He made enough money to live comfortably and plan to get married, and that's no longer a certainty after getting #metoo'd. I'm not sure what your point is and why you are disparaging him like that.

>Literally who?
Fuck off with these threads

Sorry we didn't post le epic Pepe memes.

Post wojaks and all is forgiven

No user clearly the wife is being abused and forced to say these things by that pedophile of a man. We just need to double down on the doxing and retweeting and that'll solve the problem.

>listen and beLIEve

I wouldn't hire a woman in general.

>Their callout didn't even fucking hit trending and I didn't notice despite owning pretty much his entire catalogue

What a limp-wristed cancel.

most of the people who bought his games bought them because they liked his writing and ideas
most of his fanbase are also the kind of SJW retards who instantly jumped on him the second he got metoo'd
He won't recover from this and his next game will do much worse

Why are gamer girls so evil? There's something particularly awful about insecure nerdgirl types, I assume it's a combination of LSE and the chance to gain social affirmation from reinterpreting past romances into a #MeToo light.

I'm not disparaging him. I'm saying that he is niche enough that this metoo thing will have zero impact on his career. Anyone who knows who he well enough to be aware of the allegations isn't going to be affected by them. The only people who usually actually get the torches and pitchforks are the people who have little connection to the accused and are only acting because they are aware of the name.

Based and patriarchypilled.

Why would you destroy a workplace mannerbrund? Never ever hire women.


Her husband is a male, his life has no value. She could try to convince them that he deserves to be treated as a human being, but it wouldn't work.


This. Women lack cocks, what use are they for the gay after work orgy?

>‘Believe women’ only makes sense if you think – if you really, genuinely think – that women are perfect and could never be misinformed, make mistakes, or be vindictive. People subscribing to ‘believe women’ must not know a single woman in the history of their lives who has ever done something wrong. I’m a big ol’ feminist who runs (well, used to run) a bunch of well-intentioned women in games initiatives because women are amazing. But I know just as many flawed women as I do flawed men. ‘Believe women’ is a weird gender absolute that doesn’t engage with the real world and therefore doesn’t help.
This lady might actually be kind of cool.

Yeah, they'd just shift goalposts without a beat or ignore it entirely. You can't reason or debate with zealots.

>didn't think 8ch shutting down would be a big deal, they said they wouldn't ever return anyway
>they actually did
Just another plot by 8reddit to "kill" Yea Forums as well

how absolutely immature. go discuss play-doh or paw patrol and let us adults talk about people being ruined by social media culture

>almost killed himself
>game he was making it is now on hold, might never get finished
How is this zero impact?

>or paw patrol
Imagine being such a tasteless faggot

I fucking hope not. I really want to believe that these people are just low-iq mongoloids who don't understand the implication of what they're doing and saying, but mean well. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that you know. It's truly going to start going down the way you claim it is though and that's a fucking travesty. If my sisters or brother were to get violently raped in the ass by some big fucking gorilla grodd looking ass dude I want that fucker to be fucking annihilated. If these people keep acting like some fat white girl sitting on some autistic guy's hand is the same violent rape, no one will believe the true shit which will lead to more pain, suffering, and suicide.

Him killing himself is on him, I feel for him but suicidal tendencies are rooted in deeper psychological trauma. As for his game, it'll get made when it gets made. I'm confident he'll overcome this, and I think when he does eventually try for it it'll do fine. Or at least as well as Cultist Simulator.

I think it's a bit more balanced. Unlike Holokwa's sister who threw him under the bus, she's sticking by her husband while also trying to explain to people that this whole fucking thing could be avoided if people used even the most minor level of critical thinking at all. Pretty even-handed for a feminist all things considered.

>Him killing himself is on him

>Hey bro
>Let me tear down everything you've worked for, turn all your friends against you and leave you no hope for your future
>Not my fault if you kill yourself
>That's on you
>Bullying victims are more likely to kill themselves?

>It wasn't a given before this whole thing.
i mean it entirely depends on how he actually is in real life. if all his family and friends actually support the claims then it's likely that he is a massive asshole and did something. although some people are also massive assholes and didn't do anything. if his family and friends stand by him then it's something different. Yea Forums is pretty much going to the other extreme compared to twitter where no man could have ever done anything and anyone saying anything against a man is clearly a malicious lier even if it's all of his family and friends.

>Yea Forums is pretty much going to the other extreme compared to twitter where no man could have ever done anything and anyone saying anything against a man is clearly a malicious lier even if it's all of his family and friends.
Unless Yea Forums is currently sitting in a jury panel, this is the only ethical approach

not at all. it's just the same shit but directed at another person. ethical approaches aren't black and white, anakin.

Quick question: is there not a law for goating someone to their own death? I mean there’s plenty of evidence, is it not like defamation. Non-american here.

Based as fuck.

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Not-a lawyer. I've heard there is, but you gotta prove intent, and that's a very high bar.

Feminists already dismiss any attempts from women to defend their own particular men. They call it "Not My Nigel" and dismiss it as a special pleading fallacy, there is no possibility of men not being malicious, evil, and worthless to feminists:

It's manslaughter

Holy shit, this lill zoomie drank the nice guys-AID
Women love shitty men. You'll realize as you grow up seeing all the girls you like going for the criminal bad boy wife beaters while you slowly turn to a rational position that is common among us incels. We don't hate women by default. They made us hate them because they demand we are nice to them yet never rewards our work for it. I'm more inclined to think he is a scumbag (most leftists are) and that's why his wife defends him

Innocent until proven guilty is absolutely black and white

You are giving them way more credit than they deserve. All that happened were a bunch of people turned out to be fairweather friends, which is probably something he could have anticipated when he surrounded himself with SJWs. The general public do not know who he is, and the people who actually bought and played Cultist Simulator don't care either. His liberal artist "friends" had nothing to do with his work, as he said his MAXIMUM number of actual coworkers was 16 and that was before he left to make his own company.
The Night in the Woods guy was a different situation because of Zoe Quinn's name blowing it into the mainstream. Nobody knows Alexis' accuser outside of presumably his social circle (and tellingly his wife is standing with him) and it won't make big news. He just has to wait and let it sort itself out and he'll be vindicated in the end.

The low level retards on twitter are incapable of forward thinking.

Doesn't matter, it's too late.
The accusations have been made so they'll be treated as automatically true regardless of truth.

Zoomer softness knows no bounds. Kys. Oh no I told you to kill yourself better so it because WORDS HURT SO MUCH MOMMY

Hopefully it's a sign that people are slowly but surely getting sick of this stupid unfounded callout/#MeToo bullshit, or at least growing numb to it.

I love that the only thing that #metoo has effectively accomplished is that it ruined men's faith in women and lowered their glass ceiling after all their hard work. Almost as if people are terrified of unsubstantiated accusations

Why would I ever believe some SJW about being abused if the first thing they do is go to twitter instead of the police?

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Almost all his professional partners in the industry abandoned him at the drop of a hat, and the industry press has vilified him. His professional reputation is destroyed and he operates under a practical boycott from industry peers.

it's called intent of malice

that has nothing to do with anything i said. innocent until proven guilty doesn't mean that you should call the accuser a malicious liar without any reason to which is what Yea Forums's kneejerk reaction is to any accusation. not being proven to be guilty also doesn't equal not being guilty. it simply means that you shouldn't be prosecuted for the accusation.
that's a fair point.

I am just going to say that I am happy that ProJared is doing surprisingly fine again.


If you're not following the Pence rule post 2016 you're actively committing self-harm.

>they demand we are nice to them yet never rewards our work for it.

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Which one is that? Never be alone in a room with a woman?

He's writing for Dragon Age 4, don't know if he still is

I don't think you realise how much an accusation backs you into a corner. I'll agree that you need to have suicidal thoughts to actually go through with it, but only the strongest people won't consider it in these sorts of situations. Even your closest friends will abandon you because they don't want to be labelled as a rapist.

>join a society at university, I'm a friendly chap so make friends quickly
>one girl takes a shine to me, but she has a boyfriend
>she comes onto me at a party, push her away as I don't want to be the other guy
>next party her bf is there, she must have told him and he wants to fight me
>I'm drunk and oblivious until people tell me he was thrown out as he tried to bottle me
>drop her a message the next day to see what's up, she replies ""you know what you did"
>get called into union, girl says I tried to rape her and her bf had to pull me off
>tell them I won't talk without a lawyer
>suspended from uni, police aren't involved yet which is odd
>rumour mill goes around
>at least 20 people saw him try to bottle me, they won't come forward as they don't know whether I did attack her
>her story changes non-stop, still suspended
>miss some exams, not allowed to re-take as I was suspended
>nothing ever happens, uni apparently gave her the rest of her tuition for free
>I'm told I have to repeat the year
>end up transferring to a different uni
>rumour follows me that I'm a rapist
>ostracised from day one

No, innocence until proven guilty is an absolute principle. You are innocent until proven otherwise.

>they'd just shift goalposts
They're doing it right now. It doesn't matter what he or his wife say or if their argument makes sense or not, they're wrong because accusations exist.

Remember. Kill all angloid insects you find. They are behind this torrent of retardation. They defend the Jews, even unwittingly. And they have the power to kill your culture, hell, most of it they already have. Do not rest until the last angloid beasts, or the victims influenced by their evil twisted anti white culture lies dead. Break their queens neck. Gut their presidents. Burn their prime ministers until the last insect is a baby. Then smash it's skull to the rocks watching it's vile goblinesque brain matters seeps into the soil. Eradicate the greatest cancer in history. They are behind everything evil and wrong in this world. Do your duty. The world is rising up the the menace.

>they demand we are nice to them yet never rewards our work for it

Being a decent human being is neither being nice or work that is worthy of reward, it's an expectation in social life.

before court, yes.

I thought it was electrocuting the gays

Ironic thing is Gamergate started because LW's ex called her out on social media. In retrospective as cancerous as these two cases, but at least it led us to confirm Kotaku staff are assholes

Spoken like a true white knight cuck. You will never ever have sex. Women always go for assholes.

Stop falling for bitches. There are good women out there. Unfortunately most aren't pretty, which is exactly what happens with men as well

At least you know women are evil now and can hold society in contempt for emancipating them to ruin innocent human beings lives.

No, absolutely, innocence until proven otherwise as a foundational principle of all social norms.

Other than his wife, yes. He got A LOT of flak for that, but they've only proven him right.

>needed gaygay for that
Holy newfags batman

Never claimed I wasn't an asshole when appropriate and i'm married and beyond all that shit now. What most people assume is being an asshole is simply displaying strength of character and ability to manifest will into action. Passive aggressive kindness is entirely overt and obvious and it's why it's such a problem for children.

I'm not an incel like you mate, women are not evil. SOME women are evil just like SOME men are evil.

Develop artificial wombs and blast all women into the centre of the sun rule.

I don't care about your/v/ strawman a fraction as much as I care about actual abuse of justice
The court of public opinion deciding to un-person someone based on no evidence is 100000× worse than some anonymous randos on an imageboard automatically calling women liars and whores. The former ruins lives, while the latter is practcally inconsequential. It certainly does less harm to the trust the public has in accusers than actual liars do.
Maybe I'll care in a few centuries when we've eradicated the concept of public accusations as a culture. But I certainly won't care for the time being. So fuck off with your "Both sides are bad" horseshit. One is obviously significantly worse.

So calling every Male a rapist doesnt do anything to help fix corruption and instead further worsens things that actually need to be fixed.
Who knew?

>lying to defend his white knight cuck mentality
God damn you zoomers are in for a rude awakening once the redpill drops

It become so irritating over the year. I am in the field where women are rare, but lately they had to fill some women in for feminism point.

She can tell you what to do :^)

That seems like libel and you could absolutely sue. Of course, the unspoken part of BELIEVE WOMEN is that the cost of actually fighting back, and ensuring that justice is carried is very expensive. This shit is just a cancer and I hope that woman gets her comeuppance one day.

I actually got falsely accused of rape by a girl I was seeing. Basically she decided after literally telling me to fuck her, that she wasn't into me during that time and she was having sex with me to just get it over with. Needless to say being told such a thing broke my heart to a million pieces already, but after I cut things off from her and told her to piss off she went on her fucking twitter account and started talking shit about me. I lost most of my "friends" during that day, but the ones that stayed with me are people who I'd die for.

That cunt still hasn't killed herself, but I hear she's close, so there's that at least.

False equivalence. Women are different to men, women are evil in fundamentally different ways to men. All persons are evil, to suggest otherwise is naive and unthinking, we are not angels. Female evil is different and pernicious.

How does women having the power to ruin a man's life through unverified allegation on Twitter because he didn't kiss you after sex or you're mad at him for breaking up with you equality that feminism exposes?

Imagine how much better the world would be if we all just stopped listening to women.

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Yeah, i'm sure some grand principle will stop people from judging you

well, if you want to go that far then you should learn to recognize that the amount and specific proof necessary varies heavily depending on context, not only just in social situations but also in front of court. for example if a couple of cops tell the judge you resisted or did some other dumb shit then you should assume that that is going to be enough for the judge to fine you.
one is objectively worse right now because it holds more power. the other side is just as bad morally though.

different =/= worse

Already went down that path, spent about £10k on lawyers before they told me that there's no hope of getting anywhere. I even played the race card and it got me nowhere.

Only good thing about false rape claims is that it makes you realise who your friends are.

Thoughts on this Yea Forums?
> Greatest songs of all time according to Google
> 1. Beat it - Michael Jackson
> 2. Thriller - Michael Jackson
> 3. Billie Jean - Michael Jackson
> 4. Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson
> 5. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
> 6. Bad - Michael Jackson
> 7. Black or White - Michael Jackson
> 8. Earth Song - Michael Jackson
> 9. Smells like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
> 10. Hotel California - The Eagles
> 11. Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson

responses to rape accusations
>the virgin suicide
>the chad tandem spouse blog

Not videogames, fuck off

>Only good thing about false rape claims is that it makes you realise who your friends are.
Yeah, that it does. I lost someone who I thought was my best friend after I was falsely accused. His girlfriend at the time was a rape victim, so I guess she made him believe the accuser. They broke up since and he asked for my forgiveness, but I wouldn't piss on the fucker if he were on fire. You'll make it out of this dark time. Stay strong brother.

Only if your idea of morality exists in a vaccuum of absolutes with no regard to intention or outcome, "Anakin".

These #metoo accusations through Twitter won't stop until a #metoo target makes a precedent setting lawsuit against his accusers. The Vic suit was suppose to be just that, but it looks like it will end in failure. So expect such allegations to continue and accelerate in the future now that they may not fear any legal blowback.

Imagine unironically liking garbage like Hotel California

Same reason Yea Forums ruined peoples lives by fishing and leading them on with fake kids, or how /pol/ ruined lives of people surviving tragedies because they're "crisis actors" or encourage shooters.
Zoomers and millenials are a vile subhuman mutation, hell bent on hurting and harming anyone not like them, no matter over what. Boomer women didn't do this kind of feminism shit, zoomers did. Boomers didn't get innocent guys arrested on thought crimes regarding kids, millenials did.
The entire two generations need to go extinct, and most likely will do it on their own. Disgusting failed humans.

>falsely accuse someone of rape
>good intentions
You must be a woman.

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>Would you hire a woman to work on your indie game, Yea Forums?

I want to be reasonable about this and say that you shouldn't automatically block all women because it is a simple fact that a non-zero amount of good women exist, even in vidya (just look at Ikumi) but you should definitely go through an extreme vetting process that goes through all her social media interactions looking for the very slightest feminist bent in them, AND you should also have strategies in place for removing her if she steps out of the line even a little bit. And for most indie devs this might not be worth the trouble so you really might be better off just having a "no penis, no job" policy.

>believing rape accusations in 2019 year of our lord

Why would anyone do this?

>Whisper Networks

Funny way of saying there's a clique of people connected to the industry, but I kind of like it.

So why are people jailed and dragged to court on mere suspicion? Doesn't sound like they assume innocence then. It's a sham and you're one dumb bluepilled kid

Keep seething old man.

Who gives a shit you fucking zoomer there are so many games to discuss and this is what you latch onto.

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OP raped me

Michael Jackson's allegations have NEVER hurt his popularity or his music sales, it's been known since all that started. That's why I've always believed they were false, generally when these things end up being true the general public acts like a barometer. R. Kelly's career tanked, Kevin Spacey got immediately BTFO, but MJ just kept on doing sold out world tours and making bank regardless of who called him a kiddie diddler right up until he died. Because there was no proof convincing enough to make people actually ditch him.

Uh no sweetie, millenials are the greatest generation to ever exist now please respect my pronouns or I'll claim you sexually assaulted me.

>These #metoo accusations through Twitter won't stop until a #metoo target makes a precedent setting lawsuit against his accusers

This. These fuckers have no capability for empathy or reason. The only way to make them back the fuck off is to cause concrete harm to them every time they make a false accusation, and the legal system should be ideal for this. Though honestly just hiring a hitman on every single one of them would work too, it just costs a bit.

>with no regard to intention
the intention is pretty clear when people here literally call out any accusation as malicious, reflecting of all womankind and deserving of terrible things. if you haven't ever seen posts like these and way worse then you've never been on Yea Forums before.

i regarded the outcome in the sentence right before.

>he thinks women are capable of long term planning and strategic thinking

Women are capable of acting on their emotions no more and no less. They smeared this guy and the others because they wanted the attention that comes from being labeled a “survivor” on social media. That’s really it.

If you read some accounts of false rape accusations it really comes from spur of the moment thinking which women then retroactively structure into some grand scheme. Like that mattress girl - she said she was raped because she got pissed the guy didn’t want to fuck her anymore. Then she built a narrative about how she was abused and victimized by this guy when in reality it was just some good fucking and he got bored.

Except when it is worse. Female evil is worse because women are inherently anti-social, they are devoid of social compassion for others because each woman is a rival to them, and there is no compelling reason for them to bond with others in a group setting like with male hunting and war groups. Female norms are to pairbond with a successful man at the expense of all other social bonds, whilst men need to work in groups with other men to achieve success. Female good is bonding with one interchangeable man, male good is bonding with social groups to achieve collective goals. Female evil uses everyone else as an end to that narrow goal, men having wider social goals have narrower and lesser evils.

>R Kelly's career tanked

Lmao no it didnt, he sold millions and kept producing new albums while tons of people collaborated with him even after he was revealed as a sick fuck. It wasnt until recently that all these celebrities started pretending to have a problem with him, in fact dave chapelle was one of the few celebrities to actually call him out back in the day.

I like both Thriller and Billie Jean more than Beat it. It's definitely an overrated song.
Man in the mirror should also be higher.
And scratch both Nirvana and The Eagles from that list, absolute crap

Was it the plan of the boy who cried wolf for the villagers not to believe him when a real wolf showed up?

He was a negro kiddy diddler. Already getting half a free pass. But his eccentric faggot behaviour was considered harmless.
Much like the serial killer clown.

Almost all women and men are evil. We have to cleanse this world user.

I honestly want to think that was supposed to be "Chinese whispers", but he decided to just go with whisper network, so the harpies couldn't try and derail by calling it racist.

Norms are expectations you enforce. You make them real by demanding them, NEVER EVER concede them.

I feel like we're getting to the point where #MeToo is losing its power as more and more women use it to put their ex-boyfriend's on blast for what amounts to petty sexual faux pas. People are going to become numb to anything that isn't a scary alleyway rape.

How about rape victims go to the police instead of Twitter?

i know you wanna sound like you're some hot shit anthropologist but that is categorically false. in ancient society women would stay together and raise children in a commune while the men would go together and hunt. there might have been competition but women would absolutely band together to raise their young, in the same way that men would band together to preserve their tribe. this kind of behavior is prevalent to this very day in african tribes. being selfish in a primitive social is basically a death sentence by eviction

I'd like to remind everyone in this thread that Kurt Cobain didn't commit suicide but was murdered by Courtney Love. The evidence is there. That is all.

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Getting this shit to stop is more important than any game.

>in fact dave chapelle
Dave Chapelle has always been a house negro though, if he could reliably bleach his own skin, he would have done it years ago

>Kevin Spacey got immediately BTFO
And yet he was innocent.

Nigger, the FBI and most of the police fucking monitored him, they even brought up how his dick looked like in court and none of the accusers were able to properly identify how it looked like. That shit was false as fucking day.

>sjws proving how shitty internet outrage culture is by forcing everyone to see how easily fake accusation ruins lives
Based, they're fighting for a better future by showing how rotten the current world is. What did you do to improve the future? Change diapers before you went off with another stale tirade?

You're reading into the intention of people here in a way that's obviously flawed. They know what they say holds no meaning and will never come back to them in any meaningful way. Thus, they feel free to say incendiary things, whether to vent frustrations, to troll, or out of genuine belief, knowing there will be no consequence.
The intention is absolutely incomparable to that of cancel culture abusers.

Yeah wasn't he uncut? No American would ever guess that.

He was still a retarded cuck to go all "guys I MAY have done it and I apologise but also I am gay"
The retard should've stood his ground if the allegations were false.

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They were scared. Millennials are evil people who will easily kill anyone "taking down their idols". Basically, millenials pull mob tactics.

t. Retard who has never listened to a thing Dave Chapelle has ever said.

>dumb boomer legal council
>lazy and ignorant turboboomer judge immediately dismissing cases wholesale from the bench (this is a decision that should almost never happen)
So now basically we have legal precedent that you can get away with any old dumb accusation on social media due to how clueless and incompetent those in the system are, unless you have a judge that happens to be hip to social media.

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Yeah I think so, that and something about the location of a mole I think. Those were all clear indications that there was no way the accusations were true. It was all bullshit yet people still chime it as truth to this day. Even the Home Alone kid defended him, but everyone still believes the accusers for some reason despite the evidence.

Get a look at this young fag thinking he's fighting some just cause, you made me actually laugh hard.

Meanwhile you have someone like (((Bryan Singer))) in which the list of plausible accusations and victims is a mile long as well as links to bigger players with the same tastes in young twinks.

Yet he continues to get work and is doing fine. MeToo is a distraction.

You don't even make any argument, just taking another handful of the bluepill

How the fuck?

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I completely agree in hindsight, but I don't blame him for giving the only answer that might possibly have appeased the mob and spared his career.

No, stop with the false equivalnces, men are different to women. Every women is a rival of every other woman. There is no such thing as female collectivity, woman-on-woman vindictiveness, bullying and nastiness is beyond the comprehension of most men who are not privy to female sociability. Women do not form social bonds except as sport to destroy rivals. Men form social bonds to achieve social goals of the group as a collective.

Nigger, that's the same logic SJWs use as justification to explain why the fuck they don't go to the police. Your argument is fucking dogshit considering the accusers are still pursuing it to this day even if he's dead. Not to mention, they couldn't identify his own dick, how the fuck are you saying that they were "scared" enough to not remember how his uncircumsised dick looked like? It would've evidently been a fucking traumatic image.

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People claiming fake accusations is bad on the very site that pushed pizzagate to ruin several peoples lives over opinions are so incredible. Like not a drop of awareness

There is absolutely no way he would've been spared from the mob with that tactic.

Call me when you won your Nobel Peace Prize.

>women aren't a collective
>all women are vindictive bullies

You are not on pol retard.

that's a whole lotta baseless assumptions about how people would behave if the power situation was switched. it just reads like a weak justification when you could just give the same excuses for the people on twitter "but how would they know that their one single post could lead to such awful consequences?", which is probably even true for a part of them. people just want to feel good for a bit without thinking much about the impact they might have. it doesn't matter for the topic at hand though because we're going into the territory of mental gymnastics instead of what we can see and compare.

Keep defending your sick idols like this. You're only proving my claim that your generation shouldn't exist with your unrelated gish gallop.

If you won't demand others treat you as innocent then you've already surrendered. Have some pride mate, you don't have to concede to their norms or accept their suicide offer, you can act and strive in your own self-interest.

>MeToo is a distraction
It's definitely hitting at soft targets instead of going after the real abusers, but I think it's stupid people lashing out to feel powerful and not a deliberate distraction.

But he is in a /pol/ thread, if only janny realized it and rectified the situation.

God in Heaven, it's straight out of a parody.

>no argument
I am not even a millennial you faggot.

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Literally have sex jesus christ

This isn't Yea Forums sweaty this is 4channel

I will shoot the cops trying to arrest me on suspicion. I will turn myself in when I know I have committed a crime. This is what having a spine and standing up for innocence actually means, you idiot child.

>goes through all her social media interactions looking for the very slightest feminist bent in them
tbqh this should be standard practice, male or female. look how many dev teams get smoked because one or two people cant keep their hot opinions off twitter

shit i'd go as far as not hiring anyone with a twitter account

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That's exactly what I'd expect a millenial to say

I can speak both from studies and from real life experience that women tend to be more supportive and caring than men are towards each other. In fact one of the key factors for why women have lower suicide rates than men is that women are genuinely affectionate and caring towards themselves, whereas men have a tendency to be competitive and aggressive, and generally speaking male displays of affection are more indirect and rare, so to build confidence as a male you have to surpass your peers due to the competitive nature of men, while as a woman you can build confidence with the assistance of your peers.
Believing in this redpill bullshit isn't gonna get you anywhere in life. There are plenty of shitty people out there, men as well as women. Being a shitty person isn't limited to your sex, religion, skin color or ethnicity. It's in all of us.

Make arguments not wordplay. A social collective is formed by social relations of members acting and self-sacrificing for collective interests.

True, but it was the beginning of #metoo. It wasn't obvious to everyone back then that the mob would only be satisfied by the complete cancelling of his life.

What the FUCK is the Watchman's endgame?
>"dude go to the glory 7 of you"
>literally nobody has any idea what's in the glory

True, only eceleb raised zoomers will be so desperate to defend evil men despite the real evidence.

>I will shoot the cops trying to arrest me on suspicion

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>That's exactly what I'd expect a millenial to say
Ah yes, the same millennial who happens to be an anti-SJW and plays Fortnite.
Sorry old man, but the Kaiserreich will rise up soon and Boomer and Millennial faggots like you will be the first put under the rope. Get fucked.

Attached: Kaiser Willy.gif (270x300, 86K)

>The Vic suit was suppose to be just that, but it looks like it will end in failure
I thought that Vic was winning.

Based and NAPpilled

I only post while having sex, if you aren't having sex while posting then you fail the sex-check and your argument is invalid.

>evil man
Rightly gets called out and is suitably punished

>evil woman
Gets legions of white knights to defend her and walks off scot-free

Like MJ?

Cops will be shot with coom, no less!

this is the worst part of cultists simulator
you are ""ascending"" but have no actual clue about what you are doing or what the endgoal is
All you know is that you are pumping lore points into the questline

Non-sequitur. Brainless post.

If this is their plan, then it's somewhat working on me. I've literally gotten to the point where I believe that we should EXACTLY install sharia law-tier rules about this shit. It's getting ridiculous and it shows the power that females truly have.

Yeah, you can be as strong as Conor Mcgregor and be able to whomp a lot of dudes, but Conor is weaker than the likes of Zoe Quinn. You'll never see Conor kill a dude with his bare hands, because it's against the Law, but Zoe can push a dude into suicide and not only get off scotfree but also continue to get more gigs.

You still didn't explain why the fuck he's wrong here though. I don't even follow MJ, but I am willing to defend any person that's under #metoo accusations here, especially ones with no proof underneath them. The constitution still directs that someone is innocent before proven guilty, and thus far all of the proof of his guilt have been debunked, how do you justify that?

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>literally being dumb enough to believe this when every single social science study on the matter says the exact contrary
the redpill is one hell of a drug, but on the other hand you must have always been retarded since you took it to begin with

Any reading of intention is an assumption. All we have to go off of is outcome, which, as I've said, is outrageously worse on one side than the other.
You don't even realize you're doing the exact same thing you're criticizing by dismissing what Yea Forums users say just because you don't like their message

We were talking about what it means to stand up to innocence you fucking french faggot

>defend anyone accused
>but also the ones with evidence of the crime
The absolute millenial thinking. What went so wrong with your generation?

With tedious book-reading and wiki-delving you can generally understand what happens, apparently Nowhere is not as void-ish as it's thought to be and it's mentioned at the end of a new game plus run if your leader ascends, so I expect the Glory to be elaborated on later. They did elaborate on why Longs don't reproduce though: Parents have an irresistible urge to eat their children
Apparently the game actually ties into Fallen London somehow but this is part of some super secret ARG that few people know about

>All we have to go off of is outcome
no, user. we have to go off of what they say.........
>>You don't even realize you're doing the exact same thing you're criticizing by dismissing what Yea Forums users say just because you don't like their message
really, user? how can you say this kind of stuff with any seriousness while in the same thread with these kinds of nutjobs?

Other anons argued there is no evidence,you claim there is without providing it

It doesn't really matter, nothing will ever change.
This is forever.

Why do you bother with these threads? Half is just bored faggots saying shock shit, and the other half is dumb enough to attempting to reason with people who couldn't give a shit about being right or wrong. Nobody walks away from these shitshows a smarter man, nobody gets his opinions changed because neither parties is looking for genuine discussion. Just out-troll each other.

I think this is actually really good for the atmosphere.
You are not doing it with knowing all the facts or after reading up the ascension wikipedia but your character is literally some obsessed half-mad basement dweller, willing to risk his life and soul for a few lines of occult truth he read in mouldy journals.

As annoying as the gameplay sometimes was, few games made me feel as immersed as the role of the protagonist as cultist simulator did.

I really hope we are still getting Book of Hours eventually.

His writing is shit so who cares

No you are wrong. Ask any woman in your life about the girls at work. Ask any woman in your life about her friends love life. You're confusing shallow platitudes for social bonding and goal-orientated collectives. Men work as groups to achieve collective goals, women offer eachother platitudes as an opening play-dead diplomatic strategy while waging war against eachother. The other girls at work will always be her hated rivals.

already debunked retard

see, this is why arguing with SJWs is pointless
when you bring up actual evidence that debunks their bullshit they just ignore it
Too bad that strategy won't work against China
Chinese world supremacy and white genocide can't come fast enough, we need to cull the white pig retards

I like it in theory, it makes sense. It's impossible to sift the real eldritch knowledge from the bullshit until you actually test it out so you get the feeling of "applied science meets occultism" which is what a lot of the setting of CS plus Fallen London runs on. But the game sucks at feedback and generally letting you know if you are making any real progress, so you could theoretically be doing things right and never actually know it and end up abandoning your plan even if you were on the right track because it takes way too long to get there (and the game is bad at letting you know).

I was born in the 1967 you faggot.
Also again, the evidence has been debunked. The "evidence" they have is false, you fucking Neo-Marxist Millennial.

Attached: >When you tell the apprentices to fuck off.jpg (742x540, 139K)

>no arguments
Stop handwaving and pearl-clutching or don't post

Who the fuck cares? It has no effect on literally anything. I don't like what they say either, but they're not hurting anyone.
Like I said, completely incomparable to the ruining of people's lives.

I don't even know what Longs are, I played the game a long time ago and the plot just seemed to me like a bunch of meaningless made up terms that don't get explained anywhere
Even if they do and I missed them, it's too cryptic and the game would benefit from actually being able to follow what is going on and understanding what the cult is actually doing from a practical point of view

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You literally just said
>defend any accused
While adding
>Especially those with no proof under them
Meaning that even with proof you will still defend them. You don't care about justice at all. You only care about fighting for your false idols no matter if there IS proof or not. You'll just try a bit harder if there is no proof.

>White guys start getting falsely accused of rape
>NOW it's a huge problem

>reeeee the boomers let you molest kids all the time!!!

Nope. In the 80's my hometown's boomer population lynched a pair of white dudes who molested kids. Any boomer in jail will shiv you in the shower for being a kiddy diddler. You're a tarded.

Try using your brain. You can demand your innocence be respected by verbal argument and a range of strategies. You are not an ape, you have options other than chest-beating and biting the other chimps.

One of my colleagues at work is literally one of the founders of a national NGO that's designed to help women get into high tech jobs and further their careers. I know who the women I work with are and while a few of them exhibit that cutthroat attitude, I know some guys who are like that too. On the flip side I know 0 males who run support groups or anything like that, but as I said I know women who participate in that. I really don't know what to say to you, you seem to base your entire view of genders on some random news clips rather than the mountains of research that proves you wrong.

>OP had sex
Yeah sure he did

Longs are immortal humans without much else about them.

Hours are beings of power. I believe there are 24 of them in the setting, but I'm not sure since killing one made even more.

Im not that poster you were arguing with before,user

>but they're not hurting anyone.
>Like I said, completely incomparable to the ruining of people's lives.
just because they have less power in the current situation, not because they are morally superior is all i have been saying so far and i don't even know what the fuck you are trying to say anymore.
that's literally what the guy i've been talking to has been doing so far.

Then I guess Alexis Kennedy is an evil man too? Is that your point? If so, go back to retardera and /leftypol/ you tard.

SeePlatitudes as an opening strategy in a war are not goal-orientated social groups.

not video games

Shouldn't you kids pull up your meme factory and manufacture fake evidence like you did all the election to destroy the other candidate and people surrounding her?
You kids are sick, evil beings, corrupted to the very soul you once had.
You don't get to talk about justice or proof. Because you never cares for it. You killed real democracy, ruined the world because you devolved onto tribal negroes. You are to blame why every election since 2006 is walking memes. It was never your desire to improve society, just take one side and fling bullshit at the other.
And now the zoomer wonders why everyone in his generation does the same faggotry across the board.
You killed humanity and now you'll suffer the future you chose.

Then fuck off of Yea Forums and go fight the good fight somewhere else, faggot.

So why defend his statement unless you agree?

>People are going to become numb to anything that isn't a scary alleyway rape.
It's almost as if this was a preparation for the times to come.

finish ambition enigma instead of shitposting about rape on your shitty blog, alex

They lynched proven criminals. God, are all you zoomers and millenials incapable of reading posts longer than a tweet?

Longs are just kinda ascended humans and this is your endgoal in a default run, you either become a lantern, grail, or forge Long
Names are higher on the hierarchy and are usually underlings of Hours
Hours are the highest on the hierarchy and their leader used to be the Sun in Splendor before it was killed and what was left of it became the Sun in Rags, a winter-aspect Hour, while its carcass ended up in Nowhere and feasted on by Worms, which then multiplied and ended up assaulting the world in at least 3 different occasions. Gods-from-stone are Hours that predated mankind, Gods-from-Light or some shit are Hours that came from the Glory, Gods-From-Nowhere are Hours that are either banished to Nowhere or came from Nowhere, while Gods-from-Flesh are humans that became Hours, and the latter ended up killing all of the Gods-from-Stone except one, and it was pacified on some condition that resulted in the creation of the Thunderskin, which is the embodiment of the Heart aspect.
I think some retconning happens in the setting too when the Hours decide which "history" should be "canon", in one History the British made a pact with the Forge and ended up conquering most of Europe under the religion of "Saint Spark" until the Forge came to collect and everything was ruined.
I haven't played for some time so my knowledge is a bit foggy, a lot of information is guesswork or wiki-delving, for example Jesus was a worshiper of the Mother of Ants, who represents the Knock aspect.

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That's why incels really dont have to fear fake accusations. Everyone will seriously doubt the average incel would get some.

In shambles? He still works at Weather Factory.

Do you really need to read Invisible Cities to start that?

I'm saying you have no capability to determine the morality of anyone's intentions based on face value of text alone. All you have is that face value, admittedly shitty, and the outcome, which in the case of Yea Forums is absolutely inconsequential.
Call it cognitive dissonance or philosophical inconsistency if you really want to criticize. But don't come at it from a moral standpoint when the point is absolutely moronic.

How often do the canceled victims of this cancel culture respond with libel suits? I can't think of much else to do but fire back, especially when the supposed evidence from the accuser is either really thin, or non-existent.

>He calls every person who disagrees with him a Millennial
>Whilst simultaneously also defending SJW Millenials
>Not attacking both sides viciously
>Not old enough to even know what movie is in 's pic related
So THIS is the power of the Boomer LARPer. Impressive.
Shouldn't kids like you be going around playing with your phones and getting into car crashes?

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>He still works at Weather Factory.
user, he owns the company. Every employee he had quit other than his fiancee. His former company and indie circles cut ties with him. And the kickstarter for his next game, coincidentally set to start just a couple days after the accusations were made, is postponed indefinitely.

>I won't sue
Fine, so enjoy your shit then.

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it's kinda funny reading the gaming metoo thread on SA since it's just people going "oof... yikes... looks like that's one more dev i can't buy games from anymore..." over and over.

I only no of Mignogna, and his lawsut crashed and burned. The rest preferred to get on with their life (or end it) instead of getting mired in an expensive legal battle while constantly getting accused of "using legal threats to silence the victims".

ehm, yes but no

Whenever I read or see something about a woman committing crimes it is always always always framed in a way that makes her a more or less passive bystander in it.

Doesn’t matter the woman or the crime, I read an article about a woman who killed her husband and she got out of jail and found some SJW to write an article about what a victim she was and shit all over her dead husband who of course can not defend himself.

Cultivating female playthings so she can make and unmake female careers as sport, same as schoolyard female bullying and sociability. The best way for a woman to win against other women is set the rules and control the gatekeeps. The greatest pleasure she will have is controlling and destroying female rivals careers by excluding them her job network monopoly.

The whole game is a giant redpill, the players get explicitly shown that by becoming a cultist you sign in to caring about rubbish stories concocted by some gamedev tier retard and doing menial for no reward other than some more stories and an occasional card trick.

Holy shit you're actually dumb. I don't defend any of you creatures. But unlike you, I didn't hang around reddit or whatever zoomer faggot site you use, so I wasn't exposed to the falsehood of "homegrown" fake evidence from libshit zoomers and millenials, only what I saw on my board I used to call home until you insufferable vermins came by shitloads.
That's when I woke up. The right wing, once the bastion of truth, was infiltrated by rats creating fake narratives as you call it to win. You killed honest discussion with your subhuman tactics, from falseflags to fake news to fake proof conjured and edited from nothing. All across the board. Every single day.
The Greek social model is dead. May the zoomer model live short.

>reading SA
Why? Goons used to be THE trolls of the internet, but the place has become insufferable since it got infected with SJWitis.

I haven't really thought too much about it, I'm just a lorelet with a reading list that is already far too long.

>ever getting off their asses and doing any work
Holy lol

He and his wife ARE weather factory.

Two empoyees left and their industry connections got severed. His next game is on hold (it was supposed to go to kickstarter just days after the accusations).
You underestimate how afraid people in the industry are to be touched by the meetoo tarring brush.

for me it's the opposite, few games have made me as un-immersed as Cultist Simulator did
the gameplay is so shit that it ruins any atmosphere the game could have
>run a billion expeditions for the one book that will finally give you the lore you need, instantly ruining the magic of reading eldritch tomes for occult knowledge since it's all just numbers going up
>lore about the setting you get out of books is pretty short, not very interesting, very spread out among many books so piecing together the info isn't fun and you can't even tell if it's real or just some scribbles by a madman
>you can enter the masnus out of nowhere, the MC doesn't read about it or anything, he just suddenly is able to explore a dream world
>rituals become the most boring shit ever when you realize all you can do with summoned eldritch abominations is look at their stats and use them as cult members 2.0 for stat checks, and you end up only summoning a couple creatures because they have the best stats
The game needed more text and more events that detail what the cult leader is discovering, doing and how is it affecting him
>It's impossible to sift the real eldritch knowledge from the bullshit until you actually test it out so you get the feeling of "applied science meets occultism"
that actually sounds cool, but what you mostly get out of the game is reading gibberish that only makes sense after hours of wiki reading, and that isn't fun
I played sunless sea and fallen london blind and piecing stuff together about the lore was actually fun there, here it wasn't
>But the game sucks at feedback and generally letting you know if you are making any real progress, so you could theoretically be doing things right and never actually know it and end up abandoning your plan even if you were on the right track because it takes way too long to get there
Did the game change? When I played it was a simple
>get books
>get lores
>get ending

>descriptively to refer to certain codes of conduct put forward by a society or a group (such as a religion), or accepted by an individual for her own behavior, or
>normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.
there's nothing that inherently links the morality of something to the actual outcome. i don't know where your stuff about the outcome is coming from when the potential outcome of Yea Forums in a slightly different situation would be just as bad as that of twitter. because the behavior is exactly the same.
if some guy tries to fuck over someone else for a lot of money and gets caught without consequences for his victim then he still did something morally wrong.

>The right wing, once the bastion of truth

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i get like a sick enjoyment out of it. also i'm still waiting for the first guy to say "well what if it isn't true" or "i'm too lazy to care about this" or something like that

>Two employees left
Which one was based enough to stick around?

If that were the case, nobody would be nice to each other.

What makes you think they're more honest than modern Yea Forums? Everyone virtue signal their "side" while sneaking off to play whatever game. It is like that modern warfare boycott that picked up steam only to have like 90% still play at launch many years ago

Virtually never, it’s really hard to prove libel especially in the US. You have to prove that the person knowingly lied with the expressed intent of harming the person. That’s virtually impossible to do unless you can find an email or text saying something like “fuck that guy I’m going to make up a story about him treating my vagina like a hand puppet just to destroy him.”

>He actually believed in the right-wing meme.
>Not being an Anarcho-Monarchist Slavic Doomer like me
What an absolute faggot. You deserve to be disappointed you subhuman Millennial.
>I don't defend any of you creatures
You are. Obsessively so, that's what you are doing for half the thread.
The truth is justice is a falsehood, no man can truly inflict justice or defend people, for every person is a rat, there is no "good person", every man must survive for themselves. Every person must survive like the fittest, or perish like a rat like you.
I can't wait for the Governments to collapse so I can become a Raubritter and make you pay the toll for crossing my path in my fortress of bandits. Perish, Nemec.

Attached: Kozlik resting.jpg (300x168, 7K)

>Marc's still there
There is hope after all

Right I'm just gonna assume you're baiting me so I'm done with this discussion

Wrong, women go for confident men. Be nice, but also be confident and open with what you want, and you'll get puss.

Sorry, you didn't live back then. Bad of me to except you'd remember.

Funny how Resetera/reddit/twitter now raid everywhere and ruin peoples real life. What Yea Forums is still evil in the eyes of normal people?

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guilty forever

This cover is great though

Much much easier in the UK to get a successful verdict if you can afford the legal fees.

>And look: she really didn’t sleep her way into the job

False accusations do exactly as what they are intended to do: ruin lives. When a roastie falsely accuses an incel, she doesn't want justice, she wants him to suffer and herself to be worshipped.

Go back to school,edgefag

Why do you dumb niglets never understand the culture you partake in? Being sjw trolls as much as being alt. Just look at you, nonstopped triggered by every troll saying sjw shit just like them getting trolled by neo nazi shit. And most people don't even hold the opinions to such an exaggerated version they pose as on the web.
Yea Forums went right, SA went left. And both trolls each other, like always have since moot left SA

Would anyone even give a shit about Nirvana if Courteny Love didn’t kill Cobain?

I really hope another game in same setting.

It's ok if you do it to fuck with people.

that would also fall back on him negatively.

I literally have no idea who these people are. Mods?

And there the zoomer goes again, listing a bunch of meme ideas because his entire fucking identity is memes

The police is sexist and doesn't respond to reports.

This. All the successful women I have known in my life have been successful as the result of men mentoring them and pulling them up, not women.

Ever since MeToo I’ve read a bunch of articles about women crying that men are distancing themselves in the workplace. Even a woman can see what happens if they are forced to rely upon women instead of men for leadership and mentorship.

>Copy-pasting a definition
Please google Consequentialism
The outcome has everything to with it, you even say that yourself in different words a few lines down. The man in your example only took the actions he did due to the expected outcome of getting money at the expense of others. This expected outcome informs and colors his intentions.
The expected outcome of posting on Yea Forums is getting told to shut the fuck up. The expected outcome of feeding into cancel culture is doing financial harm to at least one person. This absolutely informs the morality of the intentions.


Not that user, but Anarcho-Monarchism is a meme I haven't even seen uttered on /pol/. It's the least zoomer ideal I've seen, a Zoomer would choose anarcho-capitalism or something along those lines.

Lazy cop out. You're stuck in the false equivalence that female social groupings must be of the same nature as male social groupings. Women are different to men, their social groupings are of a different nature to mens social groupings.

You're not taking into account what female rivalry is, how vindictive and malicious women are to each other, and how they organise their social structures as complex and antagonostic rivalries to eachother. Female job networks are the coal face of this amongst professional adult women.

Begin by accepting that women are radically different to you and your assumption of sameness to your own norms are misguided and wrong, then start examining them in depth, behind the girlpower platitudes and external facade. Job rivalry is an extension of male-partner rivalry.

He brought it on himself for attracting that sort of fanbase. Devs wanting to actively avoid having the kind of customers who do this shit for the good of their career is a good thing.

Should have fucked them instead of getting laid with villains
>inb4 incel :^)

>Believing that paganism is edgy
You truly have outed yourself as a millennial, or worse even. A zoomer. Only an American would see Paganism as a threat. Sad, Right-wingers truly have become the ultimate cucks.

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>>The expected outcome of posting on Yea Forums is getting told to shut the fuck up.
there's also gamergate and loads of examples of /pol/ and Yea Forums managing to create enough of a stir to get into the news.

This is some great redpill.

Fuck her and all the SJWs. They ruined his reputation, he might as well be completely honest

I agreed with this dumb broad up until she started bitching about how women shouldn’t need evidence that she was raped.

Varg is a nig,Christianity is cucked and you will be wiped by the hordes of shitskins because the wrong side won WWII

Based and red-pilled Pagan BVLL

Cringe and blue-pilled cuckservative LARPer.

Attached: Varg smile.png (500x400, 185K)

>look and if WERE to rape someone why would I rape someone as ugly as her? Cmon guys
That was a great read

>there's also gamergate
Amounted to nothing. If anything, it empowered feminist ideology in the game industry.
And just because cable news networks are incompetent enough to pick up stories on "the hacker known as Yea Forums" doesn't mean Yea Forums users have actually done anything of consequence.

i'm routinely surprised by how well people on this board seem to know women despite avoiding them whenever possible

ah, more handwaving, alright. gamergate amounted to a fuckload of harrassment and is still not forgotten. you're worthless to talk to, bye, user.

While I was growing my company, i consciously hired only men. When that became infeasible, we hired a recruiter and that talent pool is almost totally women, so I vetted the prospective hires personally. I would still be the final say on all hires, and so it continued to be almost totally men hired, with the only exception being HR, which again it was impossible to get around the fact that that's a job women gravitate to.

Once we got to >100 employees, there were more women of course, but none of the engineers, c level, or upper management were women. Some wire framing and graphic design were women, HR of course, and customer satisfaction positions were women, but I always have final say on any large decisions and I meet personally with our larger clients.

My now wife worked with me until she had our kid but she's awesome so it was fine. But yeah, companies that grew with me and werent careful about their hires unionized/have female empowerment pizza parties like faggots, productivity is down, worker satisfaction is down, bottom line is down in the same fields. I don't want to say for sure it's directly because of white women, but I truly think it is. They should not be in the workforce. Nor have the right to vote, but both those cats are out of the bag.

>honestly believes gamergate amounted in any legitimate harrassment
Oh, great, so glad I was arguing with a bad faith actor this whole time

whats your companys name

Job. Observation. Nothing stops you to wear mask of social guy when you need pretend. That's what anons do

>He thinks I worship Varg
Please, that faggot is worshipping Nordic Paganism, the most cucked form of Paganism that was appropriated by cuckold Němec who had no idea how to truly operate it.
>Christianity is cucked
And yet you mock Paganism whilst admitting Christianity is cucked. The absolute state of you faggots, I bet you believe in Marx's little writings about how the world would be a better place if there were no religion, only a cuck would believe that.
>and you will be wiped by the hordes of shitskins because the wrong side won WWII
I am afraid it will be your kind that'll suffer that fate. We're prospering and we will prosper further. Putin is protecting all of us from the hoard, you on the other hand shall perish.

Don't you dare post Varg in my presence

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Nope, and as long as I don’t have more than 15 employees there’s nothing they can do about it legally.

Truly based, I hope your business does well. Keep being shining paragon of patriarchy, user.

Horns 'n Hooves

Of course

you looking for a job? Were you born with a penis and more importantly, do you still have it? What was your GPA, do you have a portfolio? Have you worked agile/scrum? We are actually looking for a senior backend dev atm. And like every tech company, we're always looking for machine learning talent.

>he doesn't plan to sue them
They won again technically. Get away with everything

> 12. Toxic - Britney Spears
> 13. You’re Not Alone - Michael Jackson
> 14. Heal the World - Michael Jackson
> 15. Hey Jude - The Beatles
> 16. Poker Face - Lady GaGa
> 17. Yesterday - The Beatles
> 18. Lose Yourself - Eminem
> 19. Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
> 20. Dangerous - Michael Jackson

nah SA is fully unironically sjw

Throwing your toys out of the cot is not an argument.

Chappelle was so fuckin right. I also have a metoo headache. More like a migraine.

Muscular and high IQ post.

>you looking for a job?
not quite yet, finishing my studies atm

>Were you born with a penis and more importantly, do you still have it?
yeah but i only use it to coom to traps

>What was your GPA
my country doesn't have a gpa system. courses are scored on a 1-5 scale and my average is around 4.6

>do you have a portfolio?
ive made a game during my time in college

>Have you worked agile/scrum?
during a training assignment but that's about it

alas i do not think i am confident enough to do senior backend stuff. also i dont live in america so commute would be hard

bpd, that's literally it

all the serious gamer girls i've known have also been fucking nuts (I don't really count the CoD: zombies or Halo players)

I'm part of that tier of indie industry in London, obv won't say who I am or where I work but I've been to Failbetter before and I know some of them. Allegations are obviously false as fuck, Alexis is a doormat of a person. Failbetter started off as a reasonable, small company that soon turned to hiring people like Olivia partly due to being part of that whole failed 2:2 at uni job circle and partly due to their fanbase consisting of a very vocal minority of Xyrs and Xems, meaning the woker you looked, the better it was for your image. Ironically enough the one person at Failbetter who looks like she'd be the most rabid and bitchy of them all is their PR director and she's actually insanely nice. Olivia always came off as distant and kinda bitchy, no surprise that she'd be doing something like this. Alexis never even yelled at his employees, the harshest thing I can remember him doing was him telling everyone "guys we're well over our deadline, would you guys be okay with picking up the pace" just before Zubmariner.

>"So here’s our whole sexual history: I slept with Meg twice, in 2011, during my first separation from my ex-wife. Both times were casual and good-natured. She is or was in a polyamorous relationship with her partner, and I understand he was aware of our encounters."
Looks like cucks were a thing early on in the indie scene.

>going to the police
Oh sweetie..

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According to San Fran circle-jerk, the police are in on it and jerking off under their tables while listening and dismissing their horrific stories.

Suing them will make sure he gets even more shitlisted than he already is. But his career is basically fucked right now, it'd take a miracle for him to work. I really think it's best he just moves to the States or EU and work from there if he wants to continue in his current industry, otherwise he's fucked.

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The signs were there that Nirvana was on its last legs regardless. If he hadn't been offed he prob would have broken the band up permanently weeks or months later then just retired on the royalties and eventually died of a drug overdose under some bridge. Dude was stupidly damaged, didn't even need Courtney to kill him since he would have taken care of himself through idiocy one way or another eventually.


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She worded it badly but there's a point to it. Starting a conversation on this topic is more important for society, than the lives of a couple people. Nothing gets done by being nice all the time.

Right, she won't be saying that when men start taking more and more of the pence rule seriously.

Keep instilling fear, the men that you chew out are purposely making the bar higher because of this opportunistic behavior by these frauds.

Why did you rape me?

Popular opinion: Raping Emily Lindin and videotaping it would make the world a genuinely better place.

>Starting a conversation
Now that's some quality bait. Someone's gonna bite for sure.

>attributing shit someone didnt actually say to something stupid they actually said

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This retard actually listened to women about what they want. I mean I made the same mistake too long ago, but at some point you have to admit you got rused.

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Have fun losing your job, getting public ostracized by friends and family and then killing yourself or dying alone and miserable.

Of coursh!

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Why are people in Sanfran worried about sexual misconduct when they can slip on a pile of excrement and be devoured by a pack of hobos when wandering outside.

How long before humanity hits rock bottom?

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I will have contributed to overall societal betterment though. Is that not a cause worth dying for?

Did this happen to Hugh Mungous?

Its not about the results or scope of effect, its about the feeling of power over someones career that she wanted. #Metoo is what happens when sociopaths are finally told to fuck off after people put up with their bullshit for just a little too long. Its always about control and knowing you manipulated an outcome. Which is why when one blows up stupendously its immeditly memoryhole'd by the community participating as they ready for the next witch hunt.

No, the point she's making is "I like all women of status am a smiling sociopath." She didn't even make that tweet thinking it's "unpopular", she made it thinking everyone actually agreed with her and called it 'unpopular' to get everyone to voice agreement.

The creature has a point: why go to the police, where you are actually accountable for the shit you say, when the public jury is swift, requires no evidence and has a short memory if you bend the truth a little?

>bpd, that's literally it
I believe you user. Can BPD be easily picked up on job questionnaires? Some anons have spoken before about "Dark Triad" traits being filtered by psychological testing for job applicants.

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Alexis learned a valuable lesson: Stay the fuck away from feminists. They are out to get you and ruin your life the first chance they get.

based, I bet you used to have a bike too

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How the fuck can this motherfucker get in three relationships but I can't??

I'm not ugly, I'm funny what the hell

Nah user. This is mostly US and little EU plague. Like some user said it is spectacle theory.
US society has everything and dying from boredom. People want to feel special and create problems, believe into retarded shit. If anything only crisis/catastrophe can cure this

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All you did was make people hate each other a little more.
Well done. Real beneficial.

Don't worry, Islam will save the west.

Maybe if these retards knew that right after the act they should go to the emergency room where they will gather the proof from people trained to do so and they will call the police there would be everything they need.

But of course this only applies to real rape.

It unironically will. I'm more than ready to try something new, maybe Islam is exactly what the west needs.

Silly user, believe all women always :) Even when they refuse to go to the authorities.

Männerbund. Walter Burkert wrote a lot about them. Male social groupings for war and hunting.

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Salvation in death?
Fuck it: I'll take it.

Shut the fuck up you braindead nigger,you hold onto Paganism like a liberal tween holds onto new fringe ideologies like a carousel,never true to it,Marx was a neet fuck that borrowed money from his friends and lived on the back of his family,he was delusional then and delusional now,fuck jews
And if you seriously put faith into a sole man then you are truly stupid and will not survive the shitnarok

Situationists were hella pessimistic. Dont think there's a way out of the Spectacle because most crisis or disaster will either be manufactured or co-opted by the Spectacle. It's ogre.


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>people act justly
>treat them with cruelty in response
>there is no benefit to acting with virtue, as you are simply victimized by those who do not
>the ability to act like a respectable human being becomes a rarity, if not vanishes outright
>only the cold opportunism responsible for this remains
>"Well, human beings are CLEARLY selfish creatures by default"

I'm tired.

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More correctly thought is why are they so fixated on sexual misconduct when half the faggots worried about it are into really disgusting and sicko shit themselves

>don't worry, barbarians will save rome

>indie developer
So he won't employ himself any further?

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>Allegations are obviously false as fuck, Alexis is a doormat of a person
man this makes me want the next season of Silicon Valley to have a MeToo episode where Richard Hendricks gets MeToo'd. now that'd be a funny!

>I thought that Vic was winning.
His lawyer got really sloppy because the opposition was so retarded that he ended up with a lot of his cases thrown out

This is why you don't huff your own farts

Thanks Jews

Without knowing this person, I know she is a democrat.

thread should have ended here, hell it should never had been posted to begin with...

Because we live in a society and even his indie business depends on industry relations who have all publicly cut him off the instant he was accused of doing whatever.

What kind of a faggot kills himself over words on the internet though

>These #metoo accusations through Twitter won't stop until a #metoo target makes a precedent setting lawsuit against his accusers.
This. Theres already a real world example in Finland:

4 women got fined for spreading lies about a finnish celeb in a MeToo Facebook group. As a result, the MeToo-talk pretty much died down in the entire country.

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AI takeover is the cure.

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Think its less about "what's stopping him from working" and more about "nobody will never work with him again, nor will anyone have anything nice to say about any new project he is remotely associated with".
Not even Toby Fox made Undertale alone.
Besides, like every industry, people talk, he's toxic until this whole thing is settled.

>However, Chupp has not ruled on whether to dismiss the claims against Rial and Toye on defamation and civil conspiracy and the claims of defamation on the part of Funimation. Chupp, though, did rule that Mignogna qualified as a "limited purpose public figure." That is important because one of the defenses against defamation is if a person is considered a public figure, the only way they can maintain a claim of defamation is if the defending party (Funimation, Rial and Toye, in this instance) acted with actual malice by knowing the falsity of their claims, or had a reckless disregard for the truth of their claims. That is a difficult burden to prove and the judge's ruling that Mignogna did qualify as a public figure was a big blow to the voice actor (who was not present at the hearing on Friday).
>The judge will issue a ruling on the outstanding claims in 30 days.

>all his games had a kickstater funded by SJWs
he is fucked

Finland is a relatively small and relatively homogeneous population though. Here in the last days of the American empire we are in a vast diverse shithole with certain (((people))) focuses 24/7 on stirring the pot and stoking divisions.

US is the promised land of lawsuits, libel suits have more of a chance to pass and reward you with money than in Finland, where most of them get dismissed immediatly.

It's like user said, besides a lot of indie devs/self-published devs usually use industry contacts for freelance work and you don't want to have your name credit next to someone accused of abuse because this sticks like flies on a hunk of shit. And also, people have started cutting him off and ostracizing their company and anything that has to do with Alexis and Lottie. Some have already left their company, and a bunch of people they were mentoring cut ties with them. Publicity of this sort can really fuck you up.

Technological singularity is cure

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To be fair, a look at the transcripts released a week? ago shows the judge wasn't even paying attention himself because the whatever it was, was for something but he turned around and turned it into something else entirely out of the blue and hastily ruled stuff out with little care for the steps required to actually judge what he was ruling on. The entire case is a shitshow; sloppy lawyers, sloppy judge, sloppy evidence left and right. It's entertaining if you dont get invested because its just what you can expect from anyone trying to handle the #metoo problem while its still hot like it is.

Read his wife's blog to see what real life financial damage they got.

Finland has no bones to pick with white men, in the US judges have to face diversity and know what awaits them if they set a precedent. Remember the cake deal, it had to go all the way to set a precedent.

>indie business depends on industry relations who have all publicly cut him off the instant he was accused of doing whatever
Then maybe he should stop larping as an indie developer and either become an actual indiependent developer or change professions

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Now I know how the Jews felt on Kristallnacht

Might be better learning some urban Chinese and law, moving East, and setup a studio over there.

It may still be feasible here, in the outskirts. But it will always have to be small-scale indie project, with a tight knit group that stays the fuck away from any publishers. The US industry is toxic with establishment climbers, willing to throw anybody under the bus for their own gain.

On a related note: how's Mexico's programming and game development community?

Source of character is Olive Laurentia BTW.

Well without Spectacle there will be probably nothing to do except killing each others. I need my video games and media after all.

Sorry I'm not knowledgeable with american law but why aren't these people getting sued for libel (it would be libel correct since its written.)?

Tech singularity already happened when man invented tools, we need to accelerate the process to its conclusion of emancipating technology and captial from humanity itself:

Thanks, based user

Inoronically but China has better ways to keep woman in check. Hell you probably heard that cuckolding in China is against law.

>The US industry is toxic
Aren't they British?

>actual independent developer

There are very few of those that tend to survive nowadays without some form of funding and as said the majority of his crowdfunding (primary finance model up until this point) came from the tumblr crowd. Besides, his fucking name is now marred. Do you really think people will want to market or advertise his games, considering the state of the game industry today? Do you really think video game journalists won't focus on his sexual abuse and make every article about his games (if they even make them) focus on this instead?

My dear friend, you are either illiterate or senile, but your grammar and spelling indicates to me that you are the former, an illiterate zoomer that can't into philosophy.
>you hold onto Paganism like a liberal tween holds onto new fringe ideologies like a carousel
Says the cuckservative
>new fringe ideologies
Bah. Paganism is an ideology that is as old as time, truly you are an American who thinks that Paganism is some new thing. Typical. A nation founded on the new world only sees and perceives things as being new. Pathetic.
>And if you seriously put faith into a sole man then you are truly stupid and will not survive the shitnarok
>Implying I said that.
I only said that Putin does far more against the Shitnarok than any of your leaders. You on the other hand have leaders that are inviting everyone in, we on the other hand have leaders that stand your ground, tell me once more, who here is more cucked then?

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He's in the UK, and while he could argue it, it'd land him in serious trouble with the industry because it consists mostly of people like the accuser. Besides, he's a bit of a lefty doormat.

Before gamergate, most people didn't talk or complain about female supremacism. Today is a more common topic, but people who oppose this evil movement called feminism must also fight against schools, governments, banks, media...

>Yea Forums's contrarianism curves so hard around being reactionary it lands into Dengism

I've seen more praise for Chinksects in the past twelve months on Yea Forums than anywhere else

Problem is more of the latter one. Indie scene in Europe isn't all that isolated, he can hook up with other country's indie devs if his countrymen are all a bunch of cucks.

He definitely should sue the worst offenders of these false accusations. Its the only way to curb future witch hunting mobs, when participants can be actually held accountable if they try to use anything but anonymous shitposting accounts. He is doing all the future victims a disservice by backing out.

>Amounted to nothing. If anything, it empowered feminist ideology in the game industry.

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Based user
Teach me more about paganism

A lot of women think that a guy being an asshole is him being confident.
Why is it so hard for you to understand that most women out there have a very warped and skewed perception as to what a decent man is?

Not defending them but the reason Rape cases are so based on public opinion nowadays is that unless the Rapist flatout admits it and the person raped is quick on the draw there's no way to show actual proof of it happening outside of Photographic evidence or a third party.

It's fucking shitty that it results in Witch Hunts but it's how the world operates right now

Because China are doing the right thing about their liberal problem, keeping their nation and social destroyers in check, unlike the dying West.

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I knew it, ZQ being the usual whore self is responsible for orange man.

it's really interesting how internet has warped our understanding of the world

these people think gamergaters make up 50% of the US population. i think 4channel suffers from the same thing but i can't quite think of an example of this

People are arrested and convicted for rape every single day. It’s actually depressingly common, especially in diverse big cities filled with lots of dark skinned fellows.

People are not arrested for drunkenly fucking some whore that was rubbing their crotch all night... people are not arrested for being in a bad relationship 2 years ago... people are not arrested for ghosting a crazy woman they don’t want to have sex with anymore.

Why aren’t they arrested for that stuff? Because it’s not rape.

>and the person raped is quick on the draw
By this you means promptly reporting the serious crime like a normal person. Nobody reports an armed robbery four years after it happened. If isn't reported to police within a day it isn't serious.

They'll split up before the year is over. Never expect loyalty from a woman, especially if it's tested in the public domain.

It legitimately depresses me that they haven't just crushed the Hong Kong rioters yet.

This happens because women, instead of immediately going to the police as soon as they can, become ashamed and don't want to admit they were actually raped.
9/10 if the girl just went in and got a rape kit, they'd find something foreign on her that could be used to identify her rapist.

Shit, the UK is even more fucked. You'll be even more pressed to escape the industry circle out to ruin your life, there.
Maybe run to Eastern Europe instead of China? Norway and co. are too expensive.

I do think that if you're out to make a business in the gaming industry, and you live the west: setting up shop in China or another country is a potentially more viable option than your nearest major city.

Shame about the phone games, tho.

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I hate the fucking Eagles, man.

>i can't quite think of an example of this

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>Nobody reports an armed robbery four years after it happened.
You'd be surprised.


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Perhaps the fact that Yea Forums thinks that 100% of women are cheating whores who all fuck hundreds of men or that """trannies""" even exist outside a tiny percentage because they obsesses over the handful that post on Twitter and Reddit. These idiots blow everything way out of proportion and assume a single literal who on Twitter represents a majority of the real population. It's this obnoxious overreaction to incidental anecdotes that makes them leap to the conclusion they are universal truths instead.

>Do you really think people will want to market or advertise his games
I think if you are wasting you time worrying about marketing when you have at least one success under your belt and the only thing you have to do to bypass any want-to-be gatekeepers is to stick to your guns and just give your videogame to pewdiepie to make a video playing it and it will single-handedly trump any screeching morons on any side be it for your kickstarter campaign or just visibility.And furthermore you can substitute or even compliment the former with 5-10 average sized youtubers that will achieve the same effect as him.

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Why? Hong Kong rioters are on the right side. However you know what riot means. Some people want just to unleash violence at others. Longer riot = more violence.

statistics back them up.

>not getting a lawyer and suing the second someone #metoo's you

when will they learn?

Trust me, that's what they say.

It's the UK.
They'd probably rule against him and force him to pay their legal cost, despite them having no evidence and only hearsay from unrelated parties.

>barbarians lead to almost two millenias of advancement and prosperity

They're responsible for Trump getting memed into office, the cause of a big chunk of mass shootings in the past few years, growing extremist politics from both sides and many other shit. If this was planned, they're geniuses.

B.. But how am I supposed to build the courage to go to the police right away?! It's all so embarrassing that I'll need to keep it entirely to myself for the next 20 years and only bring it up when I see my rapist is being nominated for a seat of power!

That's what they DID say when he admitted going to the police following the initial report.

>Hong Kong rioters are on the right side
fucking lol if you actually believe that


Liberalism and humanism are wrong. China is right to look at where they led us and say no, we don't want to succumb like the West. The freedom to destroy and erase yourself is not true freedom.

His games tend to mostly attract the Tumblr tier crowd. I'm not trying to defend his decisions or anything, but I don't think his niche is something that'll be that easily covered by youtubers especially not Pewdiepie tier. Cultist Simulator for example isn't something that most people would want to sit around watching, because Kennedy is primarily a writer and his games are all about writing.

Tell me why they're wrong.

NKVD user?

No. There are no statistics, nice try.

>What is a middle ground?

Just keep that shit private and not linked to your IRL identity.
I don't understand why social media is so focused on revealing who you are, when did this happen?

Only real life stuff online you should have is portfolio shit like github, websites you made for professional use, LinkedIn, etc

>hole defender
A hole filled with another man's seed is worthless to any rational thinker, for he knows you cannot plant your own seed in the same hole another has planted his when creating a prosperous orchard

Countries actively spread their own propaganda on to this site you know. Just look at all the chink and muslim apologists that infest Yea Forums now. It's sad that this site is getting legitimately dangerous over the years.

Because the fruits of liberal humanism are transgender kids, fertility collapse, african migrants, and muslim rape and crime gangs, in every Western city. China can say no to that and assert that collective national values are more important than individual anti-social freedoms.

Wrong. Centrism is a code for coward. I respect my open enemies more than hidden cucks too afraid to come out in the open.

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Ah yes please tell more about the individual known as Yea Forums

It's ironic you use chinks as an example, when pro angloid aka pro cancer and submission is far more prevalent

Supreme cringe

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pewdiepie has over 100 million subs on his channel and he is just one youtuber.Get ten of them and even 1% of that collective audience should be more than enough for an "indie" developer even if they never even heard of him or his games before and only approach out of curiosity.

When you let us know who that individual know as trannies and whores on Twitter is.

He's an infamous hacker

Literally who?

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Hegel is a middle ground. Dengism is Helgelianism.

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And? Propaganda is propaganda. Thanks for outing yourself as a defensive chink apologist tho

Definitely if shes good at what she does.

Posting on Yea Forums will give you instant negative social credit since Yea Forums is source of extremism. As good citizen you will never post on such sites unless you have something on mind.

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>victims don't go to the police because of shame
>but they will rile up people on twitter about it
Do women actually function like doujin whores that get raped in exchange for evidence of their rape not being spread?

>refuse to hire women
>charged with sexism, career death sentence

>hire woman
>accidentally bump into her, accused of rape on twitter, career death sentence

What's the solution?

Only if she can suck dick as good as a man can.

only hire your friends

What's 4chin's criminal record?

>namechecks China while talking about “true freedom”
Good, now we can rightfully ignore this drooling retard.

>What's the solution?
Become higher than women on progressive stack. Become Non-binary polyamorous transnigger and you can order SJW armies around.

You'll die alone bud. With or without religion.

If there's anything a woman can never be equal to a man in, it's pleasing other men.

But what if you don't want to die miserable and alone and blaming everyone but yourself for it?

Countries are literally changing the way the law works so that guilty until proven innocent is the default now. The people obviously disagree (see: nobody in big companies ever alone with women ever again, women avoided like the plague everywhere), but who's really winning?

Remember: the guy who killed himself WASN'T EVEN REALLY #METOO'D, he was said to have been "a bad lover" at worst.

Just keep your blue checkmark and twitter pronouns it as a loaded gun under your pillow. Don't fully commit to the bit. SJWs are blind and easily swayed.

Your response clearly shows I've won. You've ran out of arguments and have resorted to "ebin you'll die alone xD", you're dead wrong pal, I already have followers on my side.

Thank you. As for what I can tell you about Paganism, understand that there's many kinds of Paganic beliefs depending on ethnicities so you need to be very specific about which Pagan sect you decide to follow, don't just follow something like Nordic Paganism because it's the popular one, go with the one that aligns with your beliefs the most, if you go with the popular one or the more controversial one you'll end up having it appropriated by people like Varg who barely do research into it. Also make sure to research that Paganic sect that you follow that way you understand the beliefs and the history surrounding it. That's the most important part.

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Lottie is a cute name

thats literally what this guy did

Like anyone cares what his alleged transgressions were. Having a woman accuse you of something vaguely unpleasant is enough to get cancelled.

So what did they have on their mind?

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Sounds like you're saying it's a conspiracy. Who's the mastermind behind this dastardly plot, huh?

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This is true and I didn't even know/believe it until I got married and my wife not only taught me that but showed me many examples until I couldn't deny it anymore.


I would rather have someone call my company sexist than #meto shit.

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Thanks for digging the tweet up user.

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>No one will believe rape accusations anymore
>Now the muslim rape hordes invading the world can rape thousands of women without consequence to an even higher degree
Sasuga, feminism

We've reached a point in time where it's no longer just words over the internet. There is no disconnect between professional and private life anymore. He had every bridge that he worked to build over the years burned. All his time training and effort spent wasted. The only options left for him was to pretty much excommunicate himself and start working in manual labor. Either he didn't have the resolve, or didn't see it, which is easy to do when your entire world comes crashing down on you.

That's my point, it's getting much worse. Used to be without an outright rape allegation nobody really cared. Then vague allegations that can be interpreted as rape was enough. Now anything whatsoever is acceptable ground to outright murder men.

>if you were innocent you wouldn't want to get the cops involved.
Is this like the even more retarded opposite to "if you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear"

>Implying they aren't already with the EU censoring the media to prevent public outcry against aggressive migratory policies
Also the fact that the EU can do that in the first place is problematic.
I don't know what's going to happen, but you should lift just in case and buy a gun.

>who's really winning?

Intent, intelligence, planning doesn't even come into this.
Social media is a skinner box that compels people to post shit for a dopamine rush, they're not actively thinking when they're fishing for reposts and likes.

It's like shitposting on an imageboard. Baneposting took off because it's extremely low effort, yet also gratifying, and you don't really think about it while doing it. You're just participating.

Social media works the same way. Just making a gesture in hopes of getting approval.

You're crazy. China is the last place you want to be if you can't survive western office politics. China business is 100% based on backstabbing, 0% on actual product or service. At least in the west it's more like 40%-60% in bad industries, and closer to 10%-90% in good industries.

it gets people who are already biased fired up. Thats what callout culture is really about. Why do you think the dem candidates are again piling on Bret kavanaugh accusations?

My god, I normally don't care for retarded shit like this, but these replies are fucking gold. He baited them all into acting like retards with those stupid replies. Dude actually standing up for himself better win this fight, because that would be a wonderful break in the status quo.

Why wouldn't you just hire gay men? Less risk and still shows inclusiveness

>guilty until proven innocent
Only if you're a white man.

Clearly not. Most "powerful" "jews" are men and have been #metoo'd already.

Because they're not visible minorities and if you're anything short of a rainbow you're clearly not inclusive enough. Remember that those people are never satisfied anyway, you could have one specimen of every single denomination and they'd tell you there aren't enough dwarves of these same denominations.

I have absolutely no problem with gay men as long as they are not gay parading with kids.

>Remember: the guy who killed himself WASN'T EVEN REALLY #METOO'D, he was said to have been "a bad lover" at worst.
He was said to have grabbed Zoe by the pussy.

No they haven't. The only people that get fucked by this are low level journalists, activists, and industry figures. Google sweeps sexual misconduct charges under the rug instantly. Nobody even knows the rothchilds exist. R Kelly made literal child porn and walked. People with real money are above the law.

>I've never heard about you and don't even know what is going on, but you should kill yourself. Like, retweet and follow me guys!
Jesus Christ

While being in a relationship with her. Her accusation wasn't that, it was that she didn't like it when he did it one time except her accusation reads like a holocaust-rollercoaster quote.

Please post more of these reaction pictures
Interacting with normies demands these kind of images

>Her accusation wasn't that, it was that she didn't like it when he did it one time except her accusation reads like a holocaust-rollercoaster quote.
What? She actually lied about him not letting her leave house or get a plane ticket. These accusations were disproven by her own old tweets.

People with money absolutely are above the law, but that's not jews then is it? Unless you're telling me jamal, pajeet and sanjay are jewish names.

>they actually think the ones doing the riot tier shit like throwing molotovs are liberals

Nobody with those names is richer than the Rothschilds.

But that's not the core of her claim. Her claim is like this:
- When we were in a relationship he was a shitty boyfriend
-- Example 1: he grabbed me by the pussy once and he wasn't good at fingering so it hurt
-- Example 2: he locked the door behind him when he went out and I was inside
She never even properly said she was abused (physically or sexually), she alleged that she was sexually touched when she didn't feel like it at best, but that's not even part of the claim. She also wasn't demanding people kill the guy over the fact he had a closed door.

Just look up Legend of the Galactic Heroes reaction images on Yea Forums and you'll find thousands of them.

Attached: Oberstein maymay xD.jpg (775x720, 112K)

Thank you, user

Mukesh Ambani and Ma Huateng are both richer than individual Rodtschilds.

You just said men and women behave differently. Have you ever considered the fact that both genders try to fuck over their own gender in different ways? Women are more inclined towards social ostracizing to get above their peers while men are more openly aggressive, sometimes to the point of violence and killing. The major difference is that one side is more illegal than the other and is actively suppressed. Meanwhile, women passive aggressively bullying other women isn't illegal at all so it's likely why you're under the illusion that women are a bigger threat since they can get away with much more in this socially driven society. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're more or less dangerous than men.

>not having LoGH folder
Aw shit man what are you doing?

Attached: 1444373316036.jpg (960x720, 52K)

Because literally fucking no one AT ALL knows what slander/libel even is. The whole reason people are making these claims is because they think there's no repercussions. They always bitch and moan about how terrible free speech is, but that's only defense they have if anyone ever wants to take them to court.

Which is besides the point entirely. A mafia isn't measured through its boss.

>30 yo boomer
>Was with childhood friend and highschool sweetheart for almost eight years, knew her for about 20
>During the last year of our relationship she completely went off the rails after being influenced by her shitty "inner city" friends and ended up cheating on me for some nigger who dumped her a week after I threw her out
>Took the money I was saving for us to get married and bought a house
>After two years it still hurts like hell but her life absolutely fell the fuck apart, she got hard into drugs because nobody will take her in and she has nowhere to go
>Can never take her back because it would just let her do whatever the fuck she wants and would make me a bitch for crawling back to her
>Found a new girlfriend a few months ago who actually helps me takes care of the house, pay bills, and is supportive of me (childhood friend was always verbally abusive but buckled the minute you so much as glared at her, I always had just assumed it was because she was some anime autismo who tried too hard to be tsundere)
>Wound up a broken man with trust issues who does nothing but look back at all the bullshit women have done in my life from my sister's crocodile tears to get out of chores to my cousins ruining their exe's lives and even my mom bragging about divorcing my dad because it gave her 300 bucks a week she didn't even need to work for
>"lol user is just a bitter incel"

No, user is just fucking done. All women are whores. I don't even expect my new girlfriend to stick around for long, either. If I couldn't trust someone I've known for almost my entire life, how can I trust this new girl? What if it's all an act?

Attached: burade lunnel.webm (1600x1600, 3M)

100% of women will have zero feelings of empathy for this post.

Give her a chance, man. Everyone deserves a chance, both you and her.

Not sure about that, many sociophylosophical experiments have been made where women never collaborate even when there is risk of death while men do collaborate even unprompted, for example. The point is, of course everyone tries to fuck each other over, but women do so regardless of consequences or circumstances and above all other needs or wants, whereas men seem to properly prioritize and therefore will not kill each other (aside from crazies) "at random" or "without cause" (the value of cause being variable of course).