>FIFA 20 in a few weeks, and then another draught
Where the fuck are the games?
>FIFA 20 in a few weeks, and then another draught
Where the fuck are the games?
Other urls found in this thread:
I honestly feel cheated with the PS4. The only games I actually enjoyed that I couldn't get anywhere else were Bloodborne and God of War. Other than that, it's been completely dead.
And I tried. I got multiplat upon multiplat for the PS4 instead of my PC because I fell for the "comfy" meme. I bought the PS4 because I loved the PS3, and at the time I loved my Vita which has more quality exclusives than the PS4, by the way. I feel cheated, and I am not getting a PS5. Shit's not worth it.
imagine actually playing sports games
Games are coming to PS5. Here is what Sony's first party teams are cooking up for next gen. Let me tell you, PS5 is going to be a doozy.
>Bend Studio
Their next game will be NEXT GEN. New IP
>Guerilla Games
Horizon: Zero Dawn sequel as PS5 EXCLUSIVE
Unknown first person shooter (new IP)
New Ratchet & Clank (could be cross gen between PS4 and PS5)
Spider-Man 2 (PS5 EXCLUSIVE)
>Japan Studio
Multiple brand new projects and IP
>London Studio
More VR experiences are in the works
>Media Molecule
Dreams will be cross gen between PS4 and PS5
>Naughty Dog
The Last of Us Part II
Sci-fi survival horror (new IP)
Concrete Genie out next month as a PS4 EXCLUSIVE
>Polyphany Digital
new Gran Turismo in the works for PS5
>San Diego
MLB The Show will remain PlayStation EXCLUSIVE
>Santa Monica
Sequel to God of War 2018, coming by 2022 (and PS5 EXCLUSIVE)
>Sucker Punch
Ghost of Tsushima next year as PS4 EXCLUSIVE
New IP after that
You are aware that the PS5 is in full development?
Most consoles near the end see less games, because most new games are being made for the new console. The wii and wiiu had literally nothing for its last 2 years.
imagine playing sports games instead of playing sports
but the ps4 never got games
it's like the whole generation we were waiting for games to come, like the first year of a console's life, and then the generation ended
>Being excited for the PS5 when the PS4 had jack shit
Borderlands 3 just released and not long before that Control
what fucking drought are you talking about?
Is there an exploit on this system?
yeah but it's years old
so only exclusives are games?
a drought implies no games at all being released
like with the Wiiu
PC ports dont count as new games
well yeah that is the reason to buy a console
there are no advantages otherwise
>new games dont count as new games
the post was implying a drought
wich there isnt
maybe OP should has specified exclusives?
Might pull the trigger soon. Just checked the price for used exclusives and its pree cheap.
Last public exploit was released may last year and is only for firmware 5.05 or below
>Sci-fi survival horror (new IP)
>Naughty Dog
I heard that they are working on a new FPS with dual protagonist about a scientist woman who has discovered corruption in some institution (government?) and the other protag is a black man who was wrongfully jailed for attempting to save his brother from the police while being at the wrong place at the wrong time (They are at some demonstration or something by coincidence).
Seemed pretty believable.
Heard anything about the Okage: Shadow King remake?
There is a difference between turning out less games for current gen prior to a new gen and already treating your current gen system as a legacy system, in the PS4s case it feels more and more like the latter.
>I feel cheated, and I am not getting a PS5
I really don't want to have to buy a censorstation 5 but I am starting to think I might have to get one if I want to play anno:mutationem
Both are meant to be played on PC's
if that was true they wouldnt release with Denuvo
I've enjoyed bloodborne and god of war but holy fuck the ps4 was just a massive waste of my money(and I even had a 80€ off coupon), wish i never fucking bothered
I'm never buying a console ever again
a drought of games that aren't played better elsewhere
by that logic the Switch doesnt have games at all considering both Cemu and Yuzu play the games better on PC
>last guardian
>god tier
>horizon above spiderman
>god of war below golf
fuck off retard
im just pointing out you have some retarded logic friend
>OP mentions a multiplat
there really is no arguing with Yea Forums
If we are stretching the logic to unofficial means and emulators, then almost all Playstation 3 and 4 exclusives are playable on PC with PSNow.
no you're not, emulation isn't even that good for the switch yet
because consoles were never about multiplats that run better on PC, dumb zoomer.
maybe if you have some godspeed internet that makes up for the terrible input lag
>got consoles for weeb games
>Sony decides to become SNOY
>every game i’m interested in is either on Steam or Switch
Yuzu is not even remotely good enough yet
Enjoy waiting 10 years to play astral chain
>Let me tell you, PS5 is going to be a doozy.
You talk like a fucking shill
My guess is that they are taking their losses and moving everything new to the PS5.
The PS4 is factually the console getting the highest number of games and you can't disprove that.
sleeping draught?
The PS4 gets:
All the multiplats that skip the Switch.
All the japanese games that skip the Xbone.
It's own exclusives.
Factually the best and largest catalogue of all the consoles, only PC gets more games.
xbox and pc game scenes are dead too so its not only ps4 thats suffering a drought.
Only games I've completed this year are wasteland 2 and shovel knight (both released years ago). Btw I play dota 2 almost daily so maybe ps4 needs a infinite game like that.
And PC and Switch's game pools barely intersect, therefore the master race is PC+Switch idorts
So in order to compete with one system, you have to buy two. Truly refuting my argument there.
PC alone completely stomps the piss pour. 30 FPS is terrible and so is any company that allows it. Switch is just a bonus.
>Implying anyone needs a PS4 when they have a PC
>Thinking PS4 only snoyboys are comparable with idort master race
On another episode of "Things that never happened..."
That's why i said PC it's the better option. Still doesn't change the fact that the PS4 is the best console objectively.
xbone gets gamepass
It isn't a competition when you literally have tens of thousands of more games available by having a PC alone, and then 2200+ games come with the Switch, already half as many games as the PS4 has ever gotten with only a fraction of its lifetime.
Sooooo the sub 30fps on the switch is fine to you but the solid 30fps on the ps4 is bad? Ok lmao
I see you can't read. In order for the Switch to compete against the PS4 in terms of what has more games available to play, you have to throw in a PC as well, literally proving that the PS4 is the best console of the two, as it doesn't force you to get a second system if you don't want to miss 80% of all games releasing.
Define solid 30fps
Both PS4 and Switch has rocky ports and even exclusives that have bad framrates or/and odd framepacing
I agree, but the ps4 has more solid 30fps games than the switch. Either way the other user wanted to complain about 30fps being an issue but yet said the switch was great? That just doesn't make any sense.
I legit feel sorry for any of you who bought into the this gen. I held back because I had a feeling something was up.
>that image
This is embaressing.
>I legit feel sorry for any of you who bought into the this gen. I held back because I had a feeling something was up.
Games this gen were always stated to be BC with next gen and on due to switching to x86 architecture. So literally the only thing you "buy into" this gen is games that you can play on next gen console. What's the fucking problem there?
In september, the PS4 got so far: Catherine Full Body, Greedfall, Borderlands 3 and MHW:Iceborne.
The Switch only got Daemon X Machina, and yet the PS4 is the one having a drought? From what universe are you from OP?
>timed exclusive
-Catherine fullbody
-Daemon X Machina
-Links Awakening remake
-DQXI definitive edition
DQXI is a multiplay nintendie
games are games retard. Switchlets were literally jumping for joy when the resident evil 4 port was announced
if DQXI definitive edition is a multiplat, Catherine Fullbody is aswell as the PC port released earlier this year
>remakes and multiplats
>ports only count when ps4 gets them
Isnt it kinda unfair compairing an older console in terms of new releases?
>another draught
Late September/October is when games finally start coming out.
>Catherine Fullbody is aswell as the PC port released earlier this year
Catherine Fullbody is not released on PC.
So PS4 gets most games from various system while being cheapest? Best system confirmed.
Whoops, meant this one
>multiplats don't count unless they are on the platform I prefer
Why does Yea Forums always do this?
Underwater Ray Romano Zan came out in september
Dragon Quest XI Definitive edition is not released on PC either.
>only PC gets more games.
what games? Can't remember last time this shit got decent exclusive. It's a glorified port machine.
Obviously multiplats only count on the best system to play them. Why would you celebrate an inferior experience?
Sorry meant for
Yes, thats why you play them on PC
>paying 800$ fo minor changes in the same game
Are you retarded?
Code Vein and Ryza soon.
PCfags aren't the ones buying an entirely new piece of hardware for (fake!) 4k like snoyfags.
Not every PC play games better than consoles, in fact, most of them don't.
>Code Vein
> still haven't started Greedfall just like Sekiro
>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Ni No Kuni Remaster
>Outer Worlds
>Destiny Connect Tick-Tock Travelers
Sadly the next month and the rest of September is so damn packed with releases that I'll never be able to play them all. How is anyone supposed to keep up?
Because a game is a game no matter what resolution or fps it runs at.
they do, unlike PS4 owners they also don't get any exclusives. They are cucks.
>PCfags aren't the ones buying an entirely new piece of hardware for (fake!) 4k
Yeah, because they usually play at shitter fidelity inferior ports.
Yeah, but a game with shitty framerate is objectively worse than a game with a good framerate. And versions of games which sacrifice framerate to get good grafix (read: nearly every PS4 game) are shit versions of those games.
So just because a game runs at 1080p and 30fps it doesn't count as a game?
>graphics only count when I say they do!
Consolefags are pathetic.
>And versions of games which sacrifice framerate to get good grafix (read: nearly every PS4 game)
I don't know why are you talking about PS4 when both Xbox and Switch run game worse.
I just realized The Surge 2 also releases soon...gaming is only suitable for NEETs anymore.
Go back to your ugly indie shit games Eric.
All consoles are the same. Every console forces the settings on you, sacrificing playability for muh shiny grafix.
>All consoles are the same.
No, they have very different hardware you idiot.
The fuck are you talking about, that's exactly what happend to and a few people I happen to know.
>Every console forces the settings on you
That's not even true for PS4Pro and Xbone X, again you don't know what are you talking about.
If you need me to explain why a high & stable framerate is good for gameplay then you're not even worth talking to desu.
>Every console forces the settings on you, sacrificing playability for muh shiny grafix
yep, just like Persona or Gravity Rush
Switch bros are set up for a killers fall-winter season. Can't wait
For example, Bloodborne is still talked about, it came out almost five years ago.
>That's not even true for PS4Pro and Xbone X
Using a PS4 Pro doesn't magic graphics sliders into every game. You're still stuck using the retarded dev presets.
The PS4 Pro doesn't even support 1440p output for fuck's sake, it's a total joke.
60fps is only trully necessary for certain kind of games. If you can't finish game because have 30fps you are some kind of shitter with dumb excuse.
They got released before Sony got California'd thankfully.
Nope, you have option to choose between performance and resolution.
PC has many bad ports that prevent me from using 60fps without drops.
>The PS4 Pro doesn't even support 1440p output
yes it does. How much longer you will keep embarrassing yourself?
Catherine Full Body and Persona 5 Royal are coming soon too. Sorry.
Nothing is "truly necessary". We were all capable of playing OoT in 240p @ 20fps 20 years ago. But that game would be indisputably improved without those technical limitations and the same is true for games which come out today with retarded graphics configurations.
>Nope, you have option to choose between performance and resolution.
You're lucky if a game lets you do this, it's by no means provided as standard.
Even when it is provided, the settings are extremely coarse - usually only a binary toggle rather than a suite of configuration options. And even that toggle rarely does much, see Horizon Zero Dawn where it doesn't even raise the framecap.
>This is in contrast to Sony’s approach with the PlayStation 4 Pro, even though many games with PS4 Pro support are rendered at 1440p for the purposes of upscaling to 4K TVs. The PS4 Pro only supports 1080p or 4K output, and the latter only works with 4K screens. This means that if you play a 4K or 1440p game on a Pro hooked up to a 1440p monitor, it’ll just output 1080p and upscale, which doesn’t look great.
Its spelled droubt. It's because they are making ps5, and don't have big catchy exclusives or flashy gimmicks to get passerbys eyes.
Boutta dab on these Switchtrons, hold me bros
2019 Released:
>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>Blood & Truth
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
2019 To be released:
>Death Stranding
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Concrete Genie
>Aegis Rim
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Gungrave G.O.R.E
>TLoU 2
>Ghost of Tushima
>Predator: Hunting Grounds
>Project Sakura Wars
>FF7 Remake
>Persona 5 R
>Nioh 2
>Yakuza 7
>PS4 has SOLD over 100 million units
>PSN generated more revenue than Nintendo's total revenue and Microsoft's whole gaming division revenue for 2018
>But that game would be indisputably improved without those technical limitations and the same is true for games which come out today with retarded graphics configurations.
No, only some games needs 60fps for better playability. For example Persona 5 or DQ don't need this.
>You're lucky if a game lets you do this, it's by no means provided as standard.
Never said it's standard. You are moving goalposts.
>4k only works on 4k screens
The horror
Fuck off
>he can't accept facts
That's it?
Short fucken list.
>turn based games don't need good framerate that's why racing games dropping to two or three games in a library of hundreds means the feature is actually supported
>changes the topic about 4k when gets proven decisively wrong about 1440p
snoyfags are full of shit jfc
>at's why racing games dropping to hundreds
PS4 has thousands of games, it's not Sony fault that developers don't use this option. Seriously have sex.
Oh, now you're shitposting here too?
Post switch game
Meanwhile PC list:
Sexual intercourse (or coitus or copulation) is principally the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction, or both.[1] This is also known as vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex.[2][3] Other forms of penetrative sexual intercourse include anal sex (penetration of the anus by the penis), oral sex (penetration of the mouth by the penis or oral penetration of the female genitalia), fingering (sexual penetration by the fingers), and penetration by use of a dildo (especially a strap-on dildo)
PC got M.A.S.S. Builder recently, the only mech game worth owing that's released 2019.
That's an amazing list, I'm selling my PS4.
Actually THIS. I've recently beat Spiderman and... That's it. There are no games. You know why?
Great job, guys. Keep buying lootboxes and paying for virtual worthless shit. You're doing GR8!
>early access
Welcome to PC gaming.
Dreams is also early access
I'm gonna spite all of Yea Forums with this but if you ONLY play exclusives on any console, you are a fucking idiot.
as games get more expensive, fewer will release. This is why Switch has a fuck ton of games- it is cheaper and quicker to make games for Switch.
>silky smooth 30 fps
Just bought a Switch, don't even remind me.
I have a powerful gaming PC for anything that isn't exclusive, why the fuck would I play anything but exclusives on the PS4? Even disregarding that, lets say I did play everything on PS4, file size on PS4 is so fucking massive that I can't even have just the console exclusives installed on the stock HDD all at once. with each game coming close to or more than 50GB, even with a 1TB harddrive I can only hold about 20 games.
Meanwhile on Switch with a cheap ass 400gb SD card, file size is so low that I have over 100 games installed on the little fucker, including all of the major exclusives/wii u ports, and I STILL have over 70GB of free space left over.
This is true, compare how many GTA games we had during previous gens. Each one is getting fewer because of rising production costs.
Proof? Arent ps4 games usually $60, like switch games?
Don't feed the troll
Beacuse PS4 is also getting superior multiplats like Persona, TLOU Remastered or Catherine Full Body. It's funny you are talking about graphics and framerate and mention Switch.
>I have over 100 games installed on the little fucke
What games?
You realize you can play WiiU games on PC you idiot?
Not him but Cemu is a BOTW emulator and it fucking sucks. Not the emulator itself but the fact that they just focus on that one game.
those games you listed are all pretty good, they all have space on my PS4 harddrive, that I already upgraded to a 2TB SSD yet still have space issues on due to the file sizes being so freaking mammoth. I never said the PS4 doesn't have good games, it does. I'm merely mentioning that having a PS4 to play ALL your games on only makes sense for poorfags who can only afford a single system. But even just playing exclusives on PS4 is kind of a pain, because of the relatively weak number of exclusive titles combined with the fact that all of them take up so much space.
>graphics and framerate but mention switch
yep! about 30 games exclusive to switch, and most of my other non-exclusive games are indie titles that are mostly pixel art or sprite based, or otherwise low-spec, so don't really suffer in any significant technical way by being on the switch
>what games
the 30 or so exclusive titles/wii u ports, a ton of indie games, Dragon's Dogma, Deadly Promonition, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Bayonetta, Dark Souls, Last Remnant, Okami, Valkyrie Chronicles, ect.
>play WiiU games on PC
I'm not a poorfag, so I have no need to pirate. I have used Cemu to try and play Xenoblade X after my Wii U broke, however, and was very disappointed that despite my PC being able to run Monster Hunter: World at 4k and 60FPS, I can't run Xenoblade X at 1080p 30fps without frequent graphical drops and constant emulation glitches to both video and audio. It's a fucking joke. Also, I get most of my switch gaming in on my morning and evening commutes to work, or on long plane flight business trips, or when my wife is using the TV or Computer. lugging around a PC for emulation or even a high spec laptop for these types of situations is just bulky and cumbersome and absolutely retarded. The portability of the Switch is absolutely its best feature, and only manchildren who stay in their caves all day think that feature is pointless.
Reeeeeeaaaaallly regret selling my PS3.
I thought for once I would get in on the ground floor of the new generation, the first time I've done so.
That was a fucking mistake
>being excited about a sports game
why is Yea Forums always mad about fifa?
Most of the times Switch games cost just the same but that is not what he meant. He meant producing a switch game is cheaper. As for cheaper price:
Ni No Kuni costs 50 on PS4 as a remaster but 60 (unremastered) for Switch. Destiny Connect: Tick-Tock Travelers is 43 on PS4 but 53 on Switch (used Amazon Germany for the prices, (no discounts) since that's where I live). Dunno why Switch versions cost more but it's rare anyway.
Learn English, he was saying that games cost more money to make for PS4, not that they cost more money to buy.
It takes 500 people and hundreds of millions of dollars for a dev to make your typical PS4 game.
Meanwhile, the most expensive to make switch game, and the biggest budget, highest staffed Nintendo product to date: Breath of the Wild, only had a staff of about 300 developers and only cost about 30 million dollars to develop. They were able to make profit starting at 2 million sales, while most AAA games on PS4 need to break at least 5 million or 6 million before they break even.
pc nigger cope thread
>another draught
Been playing Control, Iceborne and Borderlands 3 this month.
Looking forward to Code Vein, Outer Worlds, Doom Eternal and Death Stranding in the next two months. Keep seething.
>actually ive been playing the 15 fps version of pc games :)
op btfo, how will he ever recover?