Join some random people on Red Dead Online

>Join some random people on Red Dead Online
>They're a bunch of nice UK people
>Join their posse
>Play with them for a few days
>Very comfy and enjoying playing with them
>They start talking about trans people
>Tell them trans people are mentally ill
>Get kicked out and unfriended by all of them
>"We dont wanna be associated with someone who isnt tolerant of trans people."

wtf bros all I wanted to do was have a comfy cowboy experience with other people and now im all alone agaim

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Other urls found in this thread:


Deserved it.
Just keep your Yea Forums mannerisms to this board.

You're a dumb frogposter you don't deserve friends, let alone happiness.

They were likely Scottish. They're the leftist cunts we shoved on the other side of the wall up North. Sorry you had a bad experience m8.

t. Bong

tell them you were just roleplaying your character, anyone who would've tolerated transvestites in the 1800s would have been swinging from a tree

>Tell them trans people are mentally ill
It is. Now accept that transitioning IS the treatment for the illness.
>suicide, 60%, lol
making fun of people will mental illness is pretty much a dick move

Tough shit homie but generally if you hold a controversial opinion keep it to yourself if you don’t want to offend people simple as that

That's why you befriend other autists and stay clear of normies

next time, ask if they would eat a post-op vagina

Good. You don't deserve friends, frogposter.

shouldn't you be more focused on the muslims raping your kids?

Shouldn't you be more focused on the me raping your dad?

Ok, Mr. 56% Tyrone.

i'm not american

This website is for white american maies only
pls go

>only Yea Forums hates trannies
go back to resetera

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>"It is. Now accept that transitioning IS the treatment for the illness."
Wrong. It's classified as dysphoria, dysphoria is not a disorder/illness.

I don't get it. My girlfriend is trans and she's clearly mentally ill. But it's not like being mentally ill is something evil. It's just like being a cripple but mentally, and sometimes it can be cured.
They sound like a bunch of faggots.

I just wanted to talk about Red Dead Online.

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I feel it's disingenuous to other mentally ill people who don't get given a blanket discrimination law against those that don't go along with what is essentially a role play needed to keep their sanity.

Granted I don't believe the mentally ill should be openly mocked either, but to say being trans isn't some kind of coping mechanism part of a illness is kind of shit to other people who get told to step in line.

it's funny that incels who are clearly mentally ill as fuck get mocked constantly by left wingers but trannies who tend to act just as scummy as incels get white knight protection, very surreal

>transitioning is the treatment
The suicide stat applies to post-op.

people should keep their penis cutting fantasizes outside of vidya

I don't get why you expected anything else from a bunch of britbongs. They've been acting like this ever since they got assblasted by Americans 200 years ago.

>frogposter is a spastic retard
what a shock

seems like the people he's talking to were spastic retards who had a tantrum over a difference of opinion

Discussing politics and social issues in online games is asking for trouble.

It was the dawn of the 19th century, you deplorable

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Why were you talking about transsexuals in a videogame?

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You did nothing wrong, you dodged a bullet, these fuckers were normalizing mental illness.


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1899 is 1800 you pedantic niglet

You did yourself a favor.

user, I...

I don't understand why you are upset over no longer being friends with a bunch of indoctrinated loonies. You got off easy, go find some folk who are not bonkers to befriend.

Imagine talking about anything other than video games with people.
I'm yikesing internally right this moment.

>yikesing internally

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It was obvious sarcasm you dense cunt.

If people can't take an opinion they will backstab you someday anyway, better know this shit beforehand.

Words such as yikes shouldn't even be used ironically. This board's gone far enough down the shithole already.

How about you suck my dick ironically?

Holy fuck guys you're encouraging him to act more like this. If you feel a certain way about any topic that you KNOW is against the conversation your friends are having, dont be an autist and yell it out during the convo, especially if it's a /pol/ opinion. I didnt realize so many on Yea Forums were socially retarded.

Despite what you believe not everyone is a flaming homosexual user.

I am all for trans people, I mean I want nothing to do with them but one day through their sacrifice I can live my ultimate dream

To be a little girl

it's time to take hormones and start practicing your girl voice

Wow, Yea Forums fucking sucks during Euro hours. I'm going back to bed. MODS, you know what to do.

be quiet american dog

Get fucked and get with the times. Most importantly get over yourself

one time on tinder i got matched with someone whose profile i liked but no clear pictures we met up but it was obviously a dude and i lol'd right out of there lamo

I come from a country that historically was fucked by the UK. I read what you wrote with a smile :) - they will genocide themselves :)

lol cope

Genocide your nation faster :) remember - you do not want to be racists and have white children!

>he thinks he's american
user, i...

it's just affluence, same reason japs and koreans aren't having kids, just a downside of being TOO successful

Good. 3rd worlders that still have medieval gender notions should GTFO.

Anti trans is anti white

Most normies agree with many of these ideas even though they won't outright say it. However, a couple things to note are that you really shouldn't be ranting about trannies or other such subjects on PS4/in-game chat since it can get you in trouble for hate speech or whatever. Also instead of just saying "they are mentally ill" you should point out how the lifestyle is degenerate and dangerous and we should recognize it as the issue that it is instead of encouraging them and parading them around media.

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I thought you gays where all about cancelling instead of whining? get back to trannyEra and ignore each other there

Do you people genuinely, unironically believe OP was fine in saying that?
I can't tell what's a ruse nymore.

Can you unironically look at pic related and think they aren't mentally ill?

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No, I think they're all massive faggots who should be pegged with a red flag and purged or avoided at all costs.

But would you actually say that around regular people and expect that statement to be welcomed and laughed/agreed with? Especially if you're someone as seemingly lonely as OP?

That's a beautiful white woman. In the west we celebrate freedom. Fuck off with your medieval way of thinking.

Very unfortunate user, but it's a lesson, I was a retard like you, saying my political views to anyone then be surprised about their reaction


That's why I said ironically


No, though I likely wouldn't enjoy the company of people who would get upset at what OP said so I'd have no reason to bring it up.

I'm pretty sure OP made it up anyway

is there any meaningful difference?

your fault for not feeling out the (chat)room. you dont just drop something like that on strangers with no context

>caring about the board.
Y i k e s my dude not very lit.


You're alone because of your own actions

yeah i find that strange too. no alt-right edgelord would be like that if they had a choice, yet they get absolutely no sympathy

Post the statistics then cunt

Yea Forums doesn't hate anyone. It's just (You) sith boy.

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being on this site, unless you are a lurking zoomer that has been here for 3 months,is probably sign that you too are mentally ill user

this site is tame as fuck compared to the internet nowadays, have you ever been on twitter? the site makes Yea Forums a decade ago look normal.

I'm a genuine autism case and by fuck I can't imagine what mess I'd be if I didn't at least try to conform to some standard of function, but that's fine as long as there's give and take and understanding in lapses. Although I'm not sure I'd push to have some arrested for calling me a retard as much think "Well fuck you, bud".


okay Mr Goldberg

actually it is kind of a Yea Forums(and places that sucks Yea Forums dick) kinda thing to be fucking obsessed with trannies right now.
it's fucking batshit that not actively hating a group of people gets you slapped with "SJW", no wonder your side is never really taken seriously outside your own circle while sometimes places with listen to SJWs cause they can sometimes hold their shit together long enough to at least SOUND rational even though it's bullshit, like on all the anime titty purging that's been going on, that's cause they managed to rebrand 80-90s soccer mom hysteria behind "normalisation" and how it's dangerous to our kids impressionable minds.
All y'all do is go "uhh but trannies are mentally ill" and leave it there as if people are supposed to just be on your wavelength of not listening and even shunning the mentally disabled, which people typically don't do in general.

yes actually

Why would anyone just randomly bring up trannies while playing a online game? Normal people don't do this.

because trannys are just trying to live their lives and get fucked with constantly where incels are actively assholes who say and do horrible things to others in an attempt to cope. Both have mental issues but 1 is being fucked with and the other is the one doing the fucking with.

The world is more complicated than
>X and Y have this is common so they should be treated the same by society
thats fucking retarded

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The only people standing up to the lgbt menace created by whites are Muslims.

too bad muslims love fucking little boys

brexit means brexit

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Big oof and YIKES!

Oh shit, did you at least make him cum?

Nah you're thinking of the catamite church of rome.

ah yes, i remember that movie

>"b-but it's my right to hate trans people"

just like it's their right to hate intolerant fucks, deal with it

No, I'm thinking of islam, muslims are huge pederasts.

people don't like to associate with people who hold views they feel are morally repugnant. Its hard to interact in a genuinely kind way with someone you know doesn't think of you or a friend of yours as fully human.

Be prepared to be alienated a lot if you espouse reactionary politics often.

> (OP)
>>suicide, 60%, lol
>making fun of people will mental illness is pretty much a dick move

But encouraging mentally ill individuals to mutilate their genitals isn't? Based retard.

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Projecting cucktian is obvious.

Never reveal your power level, idiot

what do you mean i cant be an edgy retard outside this shithole


well trannies are mentally ill and you shouldn't be upset that they "unfriended" you. Would you want to be friends to retards like them? Consider it a bullet dodged.

>hate trans people
>actively call them mentally ill, don't even consider them human
>everytime someone mentions trans people, say they're degenerates
>support people and movements who don't want to give them rights
>basically tell them to kill themselves at every occasion

>eventually they actually do kill themselves
>act shocked and use it as an argument to support your thesis that they're degenerates


if the goal of /pol/ types is to save people from making a bad mistake then they are going about it in the worst possible manner and not accomplishing their goal at all, and that makes me think maybe the goal is to be as horrible as possible to a group of people both for fun and because their existence and acceptance in general society fucks with their worldview.

> country that historically was fucked by the UK
need you to narrow it down a bit mate

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No point in denying it. Your cucktian love for raping boys, general faggotry, furry/zoophilia and trannyism is all out in the open.

>between 24% and 90%
stop posting this

gosh, there are way too many lefitards here on Yea Forums. sometimes feels like I'm on reddit or some shit. plz leave and kill yourselves

hahaha sjw

if mean words on the internet is enough to make you kill yourself you probably are mentally ill

Trans monsters will never be accepted in any society

She’s qt

Real shit, why are most transgenders ugly as hell and hiding behind an anime profile picture? You can't make this shit up.

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>on the internet

yeah i'm sure trannies have lots of people irl calling them degenerates lmao

>he's not aware of all the pedo gay shit going in ME because "our prophet says nothing about fucking little boys being wrong"
even the US got aware of it when the ex-CEO of blackwater got caught in one of those event in irak
>inb4 the mudshit pull out the Taqiya card and says "IT'S NOT THEM NOT US NUH UH"

I never mentioned the internet.

yea wouldn't that be funny, ha ha

>all Muslims are afghans

you can't be this retarded so I'll assume you're pretending

Based points...the trannies here should get a clue and get out

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don't you mean all? Are you implying there are trannies you find attractive even knowing they're trannies?

I can't think of a single one. Maybe some might look decent in the face, but the shoulders, jaw etc, always give it away. Even the shape of the ass can't be altered. If you can't tell a man ass from a woman ass, then you're a fag.

like posting on 4channel

it's 2019 faggot, you people don't have a leg to stand on, someone giving you weird looks because you look like a freak isn't a big enough deal to kill yourself over

Most weebs have an anime profile picture regardless of being a guy, a girl, any kind of trans or whatever the fuck
What kind of question is this

Dodged a bullet, you don't want to hang around with people fucked in the head like that. There's plenty other people you can do cowboy shit with, without having to swallow insanities for them.

I wonder If they Will accept defeat when Trump wins again?

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Some are pretty attractive. They are just rare.

it's a trend i've noticed, if they're a transexual (ironically on discord) they'll have a fucking anime grill as profile picture

>Dating girl for a bit
>She's going to university for a bunch of shit because she wants to get in to youth care, a lot of her courses deal with psychology and psychiatry
>One day we're talking about past relationships, tell her I was dating a cute twink but dumped him when he decided he was going to transition because all trannies are fucking lunatics
>She agrees with me
And that's the story of how I found my true love. Metaphorically, fuck trannies.

>because trannys are just trying to live their lives

>walking around town centers sucking on dildos half naked and calling everyone a bigot

>just want to live their lives

How did so many trannies take over Yea Forums?

Typical eurocucks, fuck trannies

>They start talking about trans people
>Tell them trans people are mentally ill

Even though I agree with you, this situation is literally your fault. When those subjects come up in public, simply change the subject very cleverly. This is a skill that ever high functioning adult MUST possess if he hopes to have an enjoyable life.

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like 90% of my friends on discord have an anime profile pic and none of them is trans

yeah im sure thats a thing that happens
literally every one of them do this, yes

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probably the fags from /gif/ who always post weird gay tranny shit opened the gates for them...

If you need to be changing the subject so carefully so as to not upset someone just with your opinion alone, you are keeping the wrong company.

Actualy it isn't
Everyone I know in real life thinks trannies are mentally ill (I live in Italy btw)

Or maybe you have dumb opinions

I have shapely ass some girls would kill for, heard it from most actual women that saw it in the nude.


I'd agree with you but my experience of how people act on the internet says otherwise.

Regardless of whether it's a mental illness or not, since when does Yea Forums even care? If anything this has always been a place for the mentally ill to congregate. This recent 180 is really fishy.

you're a faggot and no you don't.

post pics so I can show you how your man ass is not a woman ass.

Based shadow out of time poster

Dont show your powerlevel to the people who are complete normies. Wait until they show their own levels

So? The opinions of women have nothing to do with the opinions of straight men

Nobody is interested in your disgusting unshaven man ass fucking homo

because it's all being forced on people now by the mainstream...

Yea Forums didn't give a fuck about trannies a decade ago when the only exposure to them was porn, as it turns out they are all annoying nutjobs.

20th century retard

the faggots paved the way for them just like society at large

There's like a few of them which can actually look like women, but they're definitely the minority out of the mentally ill masses. The hot ones also wouldn't waste their time playing video games or posting on places like Yea Forums because they can actually use their looks to get somewhere. As for the lantern jawed rainbow combovers you see on here, they'll never pass or be desirable, so they have to settle for discord circlejerks or living vicariously through anime.

Basically, transgenderism functions more like a cult than a means of treating gender dysphoria, where most of its members develop a dependency on constant validation and being insulated from the outside world, since modern medical science can't actually turn them into girls or even make the majority of them look like girls.

Stupid faggot.


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You guys are are sperging out for nothing, it's the women that liked my ass you tranny obsessed retards. If it's repels faggots that's a good thing.

>as it turns out they are all annoying nutjobs
I've met more annoying nutjobs on Yea Forums than I have meeting trannies IRL

You should have them go through cognitive dissonance and tell them that they are misogynist for supporting this insanity. Tell them you are a male feminist to fuck with them and that this transgenderism is destroying women's sports. Easiest way to beat them is to have their own contradicting views used against themselves.

that's not very hard since trannies make up such a small percentage of the population

If they call you a TERF, out them as your claim to the masses so they can't get any sympathy from anyone. They want to bitch about inequality and whatnot, let them see groups they defend start eating each other.

I've met several. All nice people. Can't say the same about Yea Forums.

It was a couple of randos on an online game dude

Also woke twitter/cancel culture don't even like TERFs either

>I've met several

So do trannies.

The 19th century is the 1800s you fucking momo

Samefag tranny keep seething

There's nothing surreal about it when the incels are the ones shooting strangers out of the blue and not the trannies, you mentally impaired virgin

It's just disgusting, I draw the line at trannies

They'd probably have just given them weird looks and preferred to not talk about it. They also wouldn't really have the vocabulary to discuss the issue.

I agree we should be able to freely speak our mind granted we are able to state our points in a short and concise way, but there is so much ignorance and arrogance surrounding political issues that it is best to just change the subject instead, especially if around co-workers. Perhaps I should have been more specific: In professional environments we should learn how to change the subject, it's a sort of minor art. With friends it's a bit different. But even then, friendships should not be formed around adherence to some political or philosophical ideology. They should be formed around similar interests, hobbies, and passions.

Same, it's just that all Americans are entitled obnoxious assholes.
The very few trannies I've ever met in Germany always seemed like rather nice but nervous guys that would rather jump out of the window before starting some shit.

They are cutting kids private parts in half and splitting them inside out jesus retardera fags and /hrt/ general get the fuck out you aren't welcome here

Then you're too thin-skinned for Yea Forums

On the internet it's even easier, you can just ignore them lol.

Yea Forums drew the line at furries years ago, trannies and furries have a lot of overlap too.

go back to raping little boys, christcuck

Nah, see, obvious falsehoods and fearmongering like that is another reason public opinion is turning against you.


That was just bants, really. And anyway it didn't have anything to do with moral repugnance but just because furries couldn't shut up about their shit. Kinda like anti-trannies on Yea Forums.


Except it isnt you schizo autist.

>Gay men are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men
A straight man with HIV is a liar. Cases of female to male transmission is zero.

That’s sad. If I played red dead online I would make a posse and let you join user.

That's Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage and you will show him the respect he deserves, you misgendering asshole.

>That was just bants
no it wasn't

>And anyway it didn't have anything to do with moral repugnance but just because furries couldn't shut up about their shit
it was both.

>openly speak my mind at work
>phrase things in such a way people think i'm just joking
>slowly ramp up the offensiveness of my comments as my co-workers get more and more comfortable with my vernacular
>literally half my co-workers openly say slurs like nigger or talk about how the 2 trannies that work there are freaks now
i keep tossing the idea of running for mayor around in my head because i seem to be really, really good at manipulating the way large amounts of people think

You were just bitching about it a moment ago.

1=2>4>dog shit>3

This is absolutely not true but I hope you convince everyone around you anyway before finding out the worst possible way that you were wrong. But that involves you having sex so it's not likely.

>it was both.
"Moral repugnance" wasn't really a thing here in those days. No one gave a shit about sexual immorality or whatever.

Oh and let me guess vaccines produces autsim

Wow it's literally the "just a joke bro" alt-right radicalisation pipeline in action that alt-righters always deny (because it's "just a joke bro")

It’s not true but it’s practically true

Having AIDS in pretty much all cases means you’re gay or a drug addict or both

Public opion is heavily against you freaks and the biggest problem is that you faggots are using the law and its paid kikes to make yourselves untouchable rendering people unable to do anything. Trump being your president is proof enough people hate you.

>be playin RDO
>some dumbass kid decides to fuck with my horse for no reason
>gets kicked by my horse naturally
>flip him off in-game then walk away
>pussy pulls a shotgun on me and then shoots me in the back
>ok its on
>he runs inside the gunstore
>cant shoot him, cant do anything
>decide to wait
>he stays there for 10mins
>he even messages me to leave him alone
>the nerve i know
>he kills himself to spawn away from me
>i hear a whistle
>quickly kill his horse with Incendiary buckshot
>no escape now
>he runs to the nearest fast travel point and vanishes
>he msgs me again calling me a nigger
>oh you done fucked up now boy
>i report him
>sony informs me a day later that they’ve taken action against the incel

you play like a bitch, get banned like a bitch.

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moral repugnance is just normal repugnance

They sound like a bunch of fags OP better off without them

>Trump being your president is proof enough people hate you.
Yeah, "enough" to get elected with a minority of the votes.

Pretty sure, AIDS spread arround by mundane sluts, as in people that have lots of sex with different partners, succeed that of meme junkies having aids brewing in every god damn needle.

Last (You) your either shitposting or actually this retarded.

Bitch the only repugnance was that you couldn't fap to furshit but one glance at a trap thread shows that's not the case with trannies

the repugnance was how fucking autistic furries were, just like trannies.

I'll take a "spastic retard" over a dick mutilating mentally ill life failure any day of the week

you'd be amazed at how easy it is to manipulate people when you slowly convince them of the boogeyman lurking just out of sight, and when you have actual migrants coming in to your town and your place of employment and fucking things up, everything you were saying becomes true in their mind

like all of the older women used to be super politically correct and shit, and for years i gently nudged them in to joking about hating minorities and migrants, then when the actual migrants started showing up en-mass (in the last ~18 months our gross amount of migrant employees have gone up by 1800%) and started doing little things like peeing on toilet seats, making bad product, etc. those jokes all started to become the real way they thought, and with a bit more pushing they all started to openly talk trash about them and want them gone

fucking hilarious imo

You're trying to argue popularity by pointing to an election you literally were only able to win because the American system is retarded.

But the real autists are the anti-trannies. We've been over this. Your reasoning is inconsistent.

You're an actual psychopath.

nope, because anti-trannies are just a reaction to trannies being fucking autistic, just like anti-furries.

You sheeple are so easily baited.

Na user is a quick shot, it was degrading though so the dad jacked off to the memory of getting fucked by such a pathetic cock at least.

How fucking autistic are you that you think its a good idea to drop a loaded political bombshell like trannyshit on a group of acquaintance you only knew for a couple of days, and have barley gotten to know. You gotta learn to pick up on the subtle clues that let you know they share a stance and build up to the charged topics

They're being pushed now user why wouldn't they be front of mind?

That's like saying allergies aren't annoying, it's just a reaction after all

kys nigger

Not even 20% of the American population cast a vote for Trump.

Stop saying it's the fucking "left" pushing trannies. I know Americans don't get this, but liberal trash isn't the left. Trannies are pretty much peak bougie decadence.

what do you even think the left is today?

holy shit what a retard

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Or does it just look that way because you're obsessed?

Transphobia is reactionary

Attractive trannies good; ugly trannies bad

user are you saying the trans rights movement isnt currently surging?


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I don't think it is, really. Just kind of puttering along.

futa aren't trannies

The point is to bait the trans bashers and hand them their vacation papers. Learn to use the report button.

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I actually slam tranny faces on the pavement as a hobby.
While cops drive by and high five me and then throw a free Luger pistol, i can whatever i please with it they tell me.

lmao, imagine spending an hour reporting anti tranny posts

>tfw dogs are man's best friend
better than a sad lonely europoor

It was still before user, any push into the mainstream is surging.
No one was arguing for their rights in the mainstream 10 years ago, now you got every major democratic candidate makeing some pledge about it.

Aren't scotts considerably more right wing than the mutts down south?

Post proof

fuck this post is underrated


You’re wrong buddy. The only place where AIDS is spread by heteros that aren’t using syringes is by fucking Africans that bloodily rape women

Let people express themselves the way they feel empowers them and let them worry about the repercussions and lashings instead of you doing it for them, you insufferable faggots. That makes you even more of a faggot than the trannies themselves. Focus on you and your own life. Look towards your inner self for once instead of always worrying about the external world.

I wish this board would stop talking about trannies altogether since them making up 0.05% of the population is barely even significant.
Also video fucking games.

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how embarrassing


Scottish politics are completely fucked, they vote for a nationalist independance party every time but the nationalist party is super left wing and pro-globalist
They hate all foreigners though, especially the english

>0.05% of the population
way more common on the internet

>nationalist party

Isn’t their idea of “nationalism” to be governed by the EU?

Not really. I've never met one.
Just because Yea Forums autists/shills/jews keep flooding this board with tranny tweets and ((((journo)))) reviews doesn't mean every gaymurr is one you fucktard.

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Keep bringing your politics into things, stupid frogposter.


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Treatment doesnt sound successful if more people kill themselves afterward than before.

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Just another mentally ill white person.

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Aren't the "tories" making a comeback? They've got nearly 30% of the seats.

>chop dick off
>tell people about it
>get viewed as some abomination instead of a "woman"
>can't get a woman because no dick, can't get a man because not a real woman
>too much to cope anymore
>kill thyself
It's clockwork really.

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It's only 'retarded' if you would prefer it if California and New York were able to decide the election for all other states in the country.

If you do, fukc you.

You know way too little about human psychology to make such a retarded claim.

futa are imaginary trannies.

They hated you because you told them the truth.

>things that didn't happen
Why would you do that knowing full well there are many people who dislike people telling them they know better about a whole group of people than those people do about themselves? If this actually happened it's equally shitty of them for kicking you as it was of you to start preaching your gospel (because that's precisely what it is) but it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that speaking your mind is never without consequences, you should think next time if your opinion of trans issues is this important to you.

They should, because that's where most of the people live, and so their concerns are the most pressing.

>tell everyone that high

>the most pressing

you're a fucking idiot you know that?

That's not how a republic works.

Just come out of the fucking closet already.

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this never happened

shit that never happened for 100, alex
also everyone replying to this post taking it seriously, be it “your fault retard” or “based” should all be banned for falling for such low effort frog pictured bait. you’re all retarded.


It's totally not like trannies are being catered more than ever now for some reason, hell let's ignore that video games need to have developers add political bullshit into them, let's also forget the fact trannies constantly raid this fucking place and many more despite having they're own fucking board.

It's cowfolks you cis scum.

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awww poor peepeo :(

No. Everyone up here is a tolerant lefty, unless you're English and then you're a literal nazi bawbag.

Why the fuck are you bringing politic bullshit into Red Dead Online, holy fuck you people are actually autistic right?

Are you on ps4?

This was me when I worked nights at fast food. You always get the asshole nigger customers that want everything super specific and "fresh" that would piss everyone off. Slowly I'd make jokes about "fucking black people" then laugh and add a "nah just kidding". Before I left we all were openly saying nigger.

I doubt you've influenced the way they think, I bet they've always thought about those things and talked that way at home. Rather now, at work, with you there to make them comfortable talking about those things, they feel more at ease speaking that way. Don't flatter yourself


No we aren't and hadrains wall isn't the boarder between Scotland and England fool.
Yes and no. Average bloke yes. Average voter no.
It's complicated the nationalists always vote the same everytime. Every problem is solved with muh independence and the remain parties are divided between Conservative Labour and lib dems. Everytime cons and lab behave stupidly it plays right into the hands of the snp.

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