Begone, thots
Begone, thots
fragile ego retards btfo
Lol there's the seeth, every damn time
holy shit the injustice comics are about gamergate
Is this the new down syndrome general?
you will never be wwoman
>still posting the scam version
Girl here, I'm definitely better at games than OP
Absolutely fucking based
prove it
what about the current year? what's the phrase?
"that game you like is racist"
>this copypasta still gets (You)s
Have sex
Hello, Anita.
the right cant meme
I don't know about the exact years and shit, but isn't it pretty accurate?
NO ONE played vidya when I was in school, it was me and my two autismo friends.
I wasn't bullied or anything like some faggot, but suddenly when I was maybe 20 it went from "talking to a wall" when you mention videogames to "why would it be surprising that a woman plays, bigot?".
I was never mocked for liking games. You were just a loser.
"Videogames must be forced to be about Trans and Minority people"
The "2015" in the OP gets even more ironic with this post.
2019 : minecraft is fun
"You were banned for not using the correct pronoun"
2015 in the op is unironically correct
This pretty much. I've come to terms with the video games industry turning to shit in 2007, but salt-white incels are just as disgusting as gaymurr girls.
This is what always happens. Weeaboo used to ba an insult, now 18 year old trannies on twitter call themselves weebs (but don't you dare make fun of them or they will get mad) and like anime because it's mainstream. Same thing happened with games years ago only games were never really a niche hobby. It's just now that whores and sojaboys just jump on the bandwagon to make a quick buck.
That's what I meant.
Maybe I was unclear.
It says what it says and then the response is
>bitter faggot
>beta autist
>you're a fucking idiot
>fucking sad and deluded
>you were ugly
>get over it
Makes you think.
I'm saying it's correct with what it says. I was never bullied for loving games, so if you were it was you.
Maybe It was your school or something, when I was 14, 17 years ago, around half of my male classmates played videogames daily, including some minichads. Nobody found it weird or lame at all.
Weeb is still an insult.
>if you were bullied and still bitter about it you deserved it
Pretty retarded way of looking at things.
I don't know what these people feel because I've never been bullied, but I know what it's like to be treated unfairly.
While yes, most of these people need to grow up and if you're 30 and still crying over being bullied at 10 then maybe it's time to get over it.
But maybe, having a hobby you love and then being bullied for it and then when you're older people start blaming you for being bullied and now also saying it's your fault for ruining said hobby, then maybe you're right to be a little cross.
I don't like that people blame games for all their problems. Plenty of people play games regularly and are well adjusted human beings. If you're fucked it's on you not on your hobby.
"salt-white incels" invented video games, stop appropriating some else's culture, bigot.
The green and brown guys are the real fans of the hobby. They had fun playing it with autists and they had fun playing it with normies. If the autists get butthurt and leave to sulk then that's their problem.
Don't we make fun of girls when they can't handle some banter during games? The guys who left probably got upset because someone told a story which involved someone drinking a beer.
>the original REAL fans abandon the hobby
No, they don't. They sulk and bitch and moan about muh purity and cry about their hobby being RUINED every single day but never leave because they're fucking pathetic losers and have nothing else.
Weeaboo is the most misused word on the internet
It was coined to refer to those who idolise Japanese culture and reject their own and newfags coopted it to anybody who watches anime
>posting the thot approved version
When I was a kid in the UK, if it was anything but Fifa or other sports games, you were considered a fucking weirdo. There was the odd exception like Crash or Spyro or Mario, but everything else was like an unwritten off-limits "cancer" that you couldn't touch. As far as I can tell, nothing has changed for kids except now shit like Fortnite is included.
>I don't like that people blame games for all their problems
Me neither and that's a good point, but it's not the one I'm making.
did your meme phrase get filtered? what was it?
What does this have to do with politics, you dumb twat
The comic should end with the two butthurt faggots posting on Yea Forums but then going back to the game
No, you worthless NEET niggers didn't invent anything, you consumed media with your parents' money.
>still posting the scam version
fuck off
>tfw I made this image (not the pasta tho) and it was supposed to show that 2015 is now trying to shame others out of video games, completing the cycle of going from 1) video games are stupid 2) we're gamers too 3) games should cater to us more 4) we're the majority of gamers now and finally 5) we were the original gamers all along and you're just imagining things, and if you're bullied it was your fault, but retards think that its used to somehow condemn the image
also what happened to the rest of the image, in the thread where the image was expanded we did more things like "2017 donate to my patreon to watch me play video games naked" or something
this is literally just REEEEEE WOMEN!!!
do you really think this makes women look pathetic, or the person who made the image? be honest with yourself
Wow it turns out Poe's law is an actual thing and being ironic will only attract unironic retards!
Are you saying OPs image is a leftist meme? Because it ticks every box.
I appreciate you having empathy for them. And I would if they weren't such pussies about the whole thing.
Well if it isn't king incel himself.
Guy you responded to here:
A lot of people just didn't have computers at home unless it was for work.
Granted, a lot of people played nintento and shit when they were really young, and then stopped, meanwhile like I said it was basically just me and two other friends at my school who continued to like and play vidya from age 9.
They were fully into it at like all times, but my parents didn't have shit for money so I basically just played with them when I wasn't going to various practices.
impressive , very nice!
As an outside observe I have to admit that the left has been BTFOing the right hard recently while the right just spams the same old tranny shit.
Have sex.
You mean the same left that just imploded and ate several of its own again?
>also what happened to the rest of the image
did you not look at the op?
Well, I remember that we shortened it in the thread at some point to something like "Gamers were never bullied and its your fault if you were" or something. Like I said, the pasta image that was posted was only a temporary version, and more was added.
Its clearly ironic, know what I honestly don't really care anymore
Are you seriously too dumb to recognize a progressive ideologue when you see one?
>thing I don't like bad
>thing I like good
Remember that telling yourself that you are part of the cool group doesn't make you actually cool.
Honestly nothing has changed. It's still popular people bullying socially awkward nerds with mental problems. The only difference is now the bullying is justified as "fighting back against toxicity." Ironically fronted by a group of people who claim to care so much about the mental well-being of others, and then they scream and shout fancy alternate versions of "virgin" and "loser."
This. Fuck aspies.
The left is so OP they have to resort to BTFO themselves because otherwise there's nothing of worth to do.
t. fag that donates to streamers
If you're an angry bitter cunt don't be surprised if people treat you like shit.
People become angry bitter cunts because they're treated like shit. You don't fix a knife wound by stabbing the person more.
Get laid, losers
is it just me or no one ever considers this seriously
Nope, I thought OP's was the very first version as that usually gets posted very frequently, I clicked on the third post because I recognized it as the one with the pasta and wanted to read the (you)s
Yeah thats it, guess I'm retarded.
If this was stickied on Yea Forums then this board would be slightly less of a shithole
why do faggots like you actually try to reach for some sort of moral high ground when you know you share a board with people who spam tranny suicide rate stats at the drop of a hat?
is there anything more retarded than "the real racists are people who try to talk about racism being a problem" logic?
If you logically think about it, video games were actually originally built for normalfags, it was something you'd play at a bar with your GF while out on a date. It is their rightful domain, and a picture like this one makes no sense when you consider this. Us nerds simply co-opted them for a period, but now over the past decade games have returned to their original owners.
Women don't buy games.
smartphones were a mistake
It's funny how the right are going down in flames politically right now thanks to Donald Trump empowering their negative behavior. Literally any other right-leaning president and the ideology would have survived under their previous guise of moral superiority but now the world knows their hypocrisy and insecurity now, there's blood in the water.
fuck off gas-lighting nigger
I don't care. I wasn't there for your bitter lonesome childhood, I'm here now while you're being a cunt, so I'll treat you like one. Life is about moving past your shit now wallowing in it.
It's "logical" "rational" centrist logic
see pic
user, you are the problem. You create what you hate. You lash out and act like a cunt and it creates more cunts.
And unironically some of the biggest racists I've ever encountered in my life are those who insist they're fighting for equal rights.
>Life is about moving past your shit now wallowing in it.
Sorry but I started getting laid at 14 and wasn't made fun of in high school.
I could walk down the street with a switch and girls will just use it as a prop to talk to me.
All my interactions with girls with video games in my 28 years of life:
>oh you like video games?
>I can pretend to like video games to get on your good side
>oh you like video games?
>lets play together
Yea Forums is just retarded because they only recently started getting into /fit/ so now they think that girls flirting with them is a new trend that only started recently.
>Life is about moving past your shit now wallowing in it.
Sounds like normie speak for "getting over depression" and other mental problems they can't comprehend. Do you virtue signal on Twitter while doing nothing of actual worth? You sound that shallow.
women only play what their boyfriends play
>And unironically some of the biggest racists I've ever encountered in my life are those who insist they're fighting for equal rights.
lol, there it is. absolutely incredible. how on earth did I figure out your moronic mindset so easily? because you are an NPC and you don't even know it.
so gamers can get girlfriends? huh, sounds like Yea Forums's persecution complex is a load of bullshit and the reason girls don't like them is because of their shit personality and bad hygiene instead. guess it felt nice to assume it was videogames this whole time instead of THEM but hey, guess it's time to grow up
>you will never have a girlfriend that plays your favorite games with you
I see, so fighting for equality by charging white people more at a concert is battling against racial tyranny? Calling Daryl Davis a "white supremacist", the man who disarmed the KKK of two hundred members by just speaking to them and figuring out why they made the choices they did, is perfectly okay?
You're a racist piece of shit. All evil thinks it's fighting for good, and that's what makes it evil.
Do you think racism is a bad thing, user?
Incels are out in force today. Did something happen?
the right can't meme holy fuck LMFAAAOOOOOOOOOO
Stephanie falsely accused me of rape or domestic violence.
Stephanie divorce-raped me.
Stephanie supports female supremacism, and the same could be said about people in power.
tfw you're both a fan and the creator of a hobby and you ditch it because you decided to appeal to normalfags and now you're upset because it's making too much money and appealing to normalfags. happens all the time
Yes, why?
>All evil thinks it's fighting for good, and that's what makes it evil.
Just checking, what do you think you're fighting for?
what would you do to ensure we have more equality in future?