Gears 5 massive flop, sold 1/4 of what Gears 4 did. Borderlands 3 sold half as much as BL2

Microsoft with another big swing, and big miss. Didn't even break 10k players on Steam. Physically it failed the fuck out.

At least they can be happy at the $1 gamepass subs, I guess.

Westerndevs still suck, who would've guessed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I expect borderlands to sell more as time goes on.

Gears 5 deserves to die in a ditch though. Fuck that shit.

The UK digital sales make up for 75-80% of all copies though, those numbers are only physical copies

These are boxed sales, retard.

Why would anyone ever buy the $60 version? I'd imagine you had to have severe brain damage to do that.

>The UK digital sales make up for 75-80% of all copies
give some source for that

I honestly can't even remember what Gears 4 or 3 was about, I don't think anyone was particularly excited for 5 to start with.

>Console warrior can't read
Shocking really.

it's like they knew nobody was going to buy a gears game full of feminist garbage and gave it away for 1$ dollar to still be able to brag about "biggest amount of current players in gears history"
but I doubt even with the pc player boost and giving it way for 1 dollar it is going to beat the player numbers of gears of war 2/3
MC seriously alienated their dudebro audience this generation.
if they don't change curse their next console is going to sell even worse

Sounds like Borderlands 3 flopped too.

>boxed sales
we live in the digital age nigga

Go back to school. Jesus christ

at least retail sales were allowed to die organically

>make it free for game pass members

Micro$hit really does have an odd obsession with pushing these franchises even though no one really gives a shit about them. Of the Halo, Forza, Gears, Fable quadrilogy from last gen only Forza is still doing well. Probably because Halo 4 + 5 alongside Gears 4 (and I assume 5) were fucking garbage

it's his ass

I'm not much for gears but honestly, had they not fucked up the main protags of the last two games I'd have bought them. But replacing the main protag with a literal disgusting dyke isn't making me want to purchase it. I guess the game didn't go well with lesbians in general either for some reason.

I'm an ESL. Sorry about that.

Just put UK digital sales 80%, its one of the first results you will get

Choosing between playing for 70 bucks or 2 bucks + 199 other games isn't hard.
Only dumb spics bought it.

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>pay a pound for game pass ttial
>Play some horde, some MP, playthrough the campaign
>Unsub and never play again

Why did they even do this

I wasn't going to buy BL3 since i didn't llike 2 that much and most of the reviews says it's more of BL2.
I had no idea Gears 5 was even out, i might buy it on sale.
Honestly game marketing these days is done badly. It's like they don't bother marketing at all or they saturate the internet with so many adverts i ignore them entirely.

I don't want to teach your dumb ass.

It's working for them.

>woman with mental problems 5 didn't sale
Whoa shocking

only thing I could find was
>The Entertainment Retailers Association said of the £3.86bn generated by the video game market in the UK in 2018, £3.09bn was from digital and £770m was from physical sales.
but that is revenue not game sells. in the age of micro transactions, dlc and lootboxes it is not surprising that most money is made via online transactions.
but that doesn't mean that physical sales of games are now the minority.
in fact the same source goes on to say
>The shift from physical to digital for the video game market has been a slow but inevitable one, but the split when it comes to unit sales varies depending on the video game. The biggest-selling console game of 2018, FIFA 19, sold 2.5m units, according to the ERA, with 75 per cent coming from physical formats.
considering that downloading big aaa games takes forever and eats up a lot of your space I don't see why it would be the norm.

Because they knew this shit was going to flop hard
>tfw friend won't stop bugging other friends to play this garbage with him but no one wants to

They're making worse and fucking worse games, year on year. What do you fucking expect?

I'm sure many of you also saw on reddit or on Yea Forums, some fucking title about Borderlands 3 peak players are double of Borderlands 2. No figures provided, I fucking scoffed and said to myself "paid shill article". How many of you thought the same?

Honestly this. It's $5 for fucks sake. Why would you buy a game when you could get it as a semi permanent rental?

Gamepass is great because it's bringing video game rentals back where they need to be.

>boxed sales

>Bl3 sold half as much as bl2
>But has twice as many players according to randy
Somethings fishy...

how much does game pass cost and did microsoft really give it away for 1 dollar recently?

It's almost like fans of a series where you play as fridge-sized men shooting fridge-sized monsters with motorcycle-sized guns with chainsaws on them don't find the idea of playing as a woman appealing.

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>Muh $2 Cuck Pass sub tho

I bet whales will probably drag it into break-even territory. They can get a few more washed-up wrestlers as MP DLC.

God Sonychads just keep winning

Yes, they literally gave it away for $2.

I think it's $10 for xbox or PC but only $15 for both and that includes xbox live as well.

In 4 days it sold almost as half as BL2. And BL2 sold in about 15 mil. And that game is 7 years old. So how is that a flop?

PC sales from EGS are digital sales, those are physical. Not really hard

Salty Snoyniggers have used the trial argument for like a dozen of games now.
You don't need the fucking trial because GamePass is on sale for $1 a month so fucking often.
And the goal is to keep people subscribed because there's 200 damn games in there.

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>I bet whales will probably drag it into break-even territory.
but the game already has 30 tranny flags. what more could gamers possible ask for to buy via lootboxes?

I suspect one of the major reason of the switch to the digital era is the same WWE used in mandrama world to move on to the WWE Network:
Their PPV buyrates (equivalent to boxed sales) were tanking, so they had to find a way to blur the numbers and avoid telling the truth to the investors.
With digital, you can say whatever the fuck you want, who is going to double check? NPD?

BL2 has sold 22 million copies though. It sold around 5 million on the first two months

lol I stopped at Gears 2, but did gears 5 turn into sjw shit?

>get 1 million people to pay 1 dollar
>get 100.000 people to pay 60 dollar
the math doesn't work out. does the xbone even have enough player to make game pass financially successful for 1 dollar?

MS is dead, killed from within by Phil Spencer and his SJW minions
The Coalition sucks ass, Kait Diaz sucks ass nobody wants to play as a dyke, Gears of War died after the third iteration
MS literally went all kumbaya this gen and is now getting punished for it.
No woke shit, no dyke shit.
Gamers, rose up.

Yeah, dem $60 price games. You just can't win against having to drop Benjamin Franklin's every month to buy 1 game plus dlc.

>buying physical games in the year 2019.

Not to mention that publishers pull the most ridiculous numbers out of their asses as well. Todd claiming that "tens of millions" were playing Fallout 76 at the same time most outlets were saying the peak player base was >250k. The only thing they care about is impressing investors who have no clue.

Really Halo and Gears both shouldn't be touched for about a generation, sequels arent a bad thing but they wear their welcome out if they're just continuous.

At this point you'd see much more excitement if Sony announced a new Resistance game made by Insomniac at a launch title for ps4 than you have for gears 5

pretty much, they turned all the male characters into losers and idiots / emasculated faggots so that the women can appear as extra "strong" "independent" and "smart" marie sues.
also you know get lectures about "fascism is totally bad ok" while playing a game series which used to justify locust genocide to grantee the survival of humanity.
it's feminist writing 101
tear down the old male heroes to prop up the women.
last jedi with luke and ray all over again.

Borderlands 3 is the biggest game of the year at UK retail, and it sold dramatically worse than Borderlands 2. The ass is falling out of the physical games market, and has been for some time. Aren't people paying attention? August was the worst month for American games retail in decades.

Not everyone is only just paying 1 for the game pass.

Not everyone is buying exclusively from the game pass.

And it's Microsoft, they can push this and still make huge earnings.

>make game free with game pass
>game pass was $2 at launch

I wonder if gaming sales went down first and that is why they started looking into lootboxes

Who's going to buy gears5 when you can game pass it for fek all a month?

That's what happens when you're more concerned with selling a PR image than selling a game.

I interpreted it as sales for the launch week period.

>Randy fails at magic tricks once again
Well at least he's still on the Fig board so he can still scam a bunch of people with Mr Shitface's help.

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You pay $1 for one month. Most people check out the other games they might be interested in while having the sub active and keep the sub.

Every single one of those 200 games are trash though

>nooo game pass isn't fair!! It's only fair if it's sold through retail!!

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wait did gears 5 actually release already? >
You dumb fucking nigger, this is not saying that the digital EU market makes up 80% of game sales, its saying that of the EU market 80% is digital.

Besides even if the majority of sales are digital, box sales are still a good metric to gauge digital and overall sells.

if it's twitter it must be real

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Wow, just fucking wow.

Growing up, 1994, watching on tv as a kid, in the adverts the man is the bumbling fool or another negative caricature, while the women was fucking superMAN, something always felt wrong about this society. To see it as a grown adult, get so much worse, and see men in the real world, not really men, they're feminised boys....eurgh. This sjw stuff is cancer. The people that believe in sjw principle are so cucked.

Borderlands 3 is outselling literally everything else in 2019. That's a testament to how bad the physical games market is.

>Monster Hunter World is a bad game when it's free on Game Pass

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>MS is dead, killed from within by Phil Spencer and his SJW minions
Don Mattrick killed the Xbox division. Spencer has been trying to bring it back from the dead since.

So in the end mc still only gets 12 dollars a year compared to maybe selling three 60 dollar games to 1 person each year.
Xboxes installment base is just too small to work

>MS is dead
Are you retarded

Keanu makes a good point. I believe him.

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$1 is the sale price. It's not always on sale.

I'm honestly still just confused as to why consolekeks are buying digital games, especially in the UK where you pay a premium for the "convenience". To use Borderlands 3 as an example, it's 55 GBP on the PSN store and available for 45 GBP as a physical copy. In exchange for paying that extra 10 pounds you lose the ability to sell/lend out your game and have to use up more space on your console's HDD.

Pretty sure they want to bundle your LIVE GOLD and GAMEPASS into one subscription in the near future (next gen?), with the ultimate aim of hooking all the casuals/dudebros into a monthly sub or two (Gamepass & Origin maybe).

This is completely wrong. The reason Gears and Halo are slowly fading is BECAUSE they're not constant releases and new generations of gamers have no hype for them. If they were annual like COD in order to sustain hype, they'd still be fading (like COD is), but would be much more relevant today.

I like that they aren't annual, but they'd be more successful if they were.

It's on both Xbox and PC, it will be on the next Xbox in 2020. And they have plans to release it on other consoles as well.

>Borderlands 3 sold half as much as BL2
B-b-but Randy said it sold twice as much. Is he not BADASS anymore?

>Boxed games


Bitch this shit is available for digital and in the game pass. Gears didn't flop. It's a pretty big success.

>hurr physical sales are low, must mean it flopped durr

Should've released all the other games on modern platforms so people could be invested in the universe and story. PC gamers literally only had 1 and 4 prior to 5. Missing a huge chunk.

just played gears 5. mediocre and forgettable. anybody still interested in the gameplay is playing 1 or 3.

If you tell people you can also play it for 1 dollar, what do you think they will get.
Also of you read the top post it explains a lot. BL3 Is top seller of the year, yet 50% then BL2.
Times are a changing

There hasn't been a new Fable game in almost a decade, and even then it was the shitty Kinect game. I would hardly call that a push

>includes microtransations, dlcs and subscription services

>have to use up more space on your console's HDD
Doesn't the PS4 install the game on the HDD too like on the Xbox 360/One?

tell me mr ms shill, what changed during the last 3 years since gears of war 4 release that suddenly made 75% of all people switch to digital?
or are you saying that buying games online has only been able since this year?
>Gears didn't flop. It's a pretty big success.
can you show us some sell numbers to proof this?

Xbox is more or less dead in terms of brand reputation with stale franchises and creatively bankrupt management

Microsoft doesn't need games and xbox division to make any money. They don't notice it even exists.

This is why any woke trash you want you can make as long as you get to boss people around there through nepotism and corporate politics.
Gears 5 could make $0 and it wouldn't harm anyone involved.


>have to pay 60 dollars a year to play online on ps4
>there are like a hundreds of millions of ps4 in europe
no shit it's online REVENUE is going to be more, that doesn't meant that people are abandoning physical

hey lil' zoom, boomer here to explain to you why people like me still buy boxed games

if you buy digital, the copy isnt really yours, your access to it can be revoked at any time, at the whim of the license holder, if you have a physical copy however, they'll have to pry it from your cold, dead hands, to stop you using it

it also means they can't apply hidden patches to your game to censor boobies or add tranny flags, youll always have the original

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>while playing a game series which used to justify locust genocide to grantee the survival of humanity.

"wow cool space marine"

gamepass is coming to ps5 next gen,mark my words

That is ofcourse if sony will allow it.

I have no idea why they dropped Fable. It wasn't anywhere close to what Molyneux promised but Gears and Halo have also gone to shit and the Fable games weren't that bad to begin with.

>they'll have to pry it from your cold, dead hands

Or just disc degradation or general wear and tear. Half the reason digital got it's feet off the ground was from all those times discs got damaged. Fuck I swear I bought 3 copies of warcraft 3 TFT.

This is what happens when you don't work for customers and instead only answer to directors who couldn't give half a shit about video games.

I'm pretty sure that most people play it over gamepass. Enjoy your shit posting, loser.

It varies from game to game, but generally speaking you will only be asked to install patches and maybe some of the game files on your HDD. If a game has an "Install Disc" then all bets are off, but they tend to be rare and thus if you have a slow internet connection you'll still save a lot of time by taking an hour to two just to go out and buy the game on a disc.

Fable got dropped because they closed Lionshead and then scrapped Fable: Legends. Apparently playground games (who have done the last few forza horizon games) are going to make Fable 4 for next gen. My point when referring to the quadrilogy was that almost every main Xbox franchise has now been severely diminished in terms of relevance and excitement

They need new IP's.
I lost interest in GOW after 2.
Halo after 3.
Fable has always kinda sucked.
And they can't keep releasing Forza every single year, fans will tire of it as well.

if you have a physical disc we just have to wait 20 years and decay will have set in enough to prevent the game from running

Pretty much this.
If you have game pass, why the fuck would you buy Gears 5?....

This is a peak eurocuck/sonyfag thread too be honest

discs degrade if theyre owned by apes, all my sega saturn and ps1 games are in fine shape

>admits to being a nincel

Literally just take care of your disks.
Or just rip them onto your pc and back them up digitally/burn them to disks. 100 dvd discs go for like 30$ last I check
I still got disks that are nearing 30 years old that still work.

my brothers trying to sell me the newest xbox one he bought for 60 off someone. i don't know if i'll do it, but i guess i would use it for 360 games and whatever little exclusives the one has. i honestly like gears gameplay. i used to play 1-3 with my friends a lot back in the day, but i have the most memories of 2. 2 was an amazing game with friends. so much great times. 3 was when we got kinda divided, and i ended up being in games where my ex-friend had me muted the whole time. i still enjoyed it a lot. i don't even know why there is a gears 4 or 5. what the fuck lol.


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all those stories about digital are a psyop meant to encourage you to switch. Never buy games digitally, you don't own anything.

>back them up digitally
there's a way to skip that step you know

Microsoft has deals on game pass throughout the year. I usually get it when they have a decent deal. Just got 3 months of game pass and gold for $14. Best deal to binge play a lot of games you never played before. Literally played all 3 Metro games a few months back when game pass was 2 months for $2.

I have the xbox pass and didn't even touch it

dunno what you're talking about. physical dominates and it is a major positive for consoles.

>only just hit 20 years
>"my discs are still fine!"
music discs don't count bud. music will skip and continue. a game will not.

The only thing you own is the disc itself.

What companies should do is make older versions of games available, allowing you to select versions. If there's one thing Paradox development studio do right it's that you can, on steam, download any version of their games you want.

What the fuck is gamepass?

By paying a company the full retail price only for them to close their service a few years later?
>Playstation Mobile store
>Games for Windows Live store
>Wii and DSi ware stores
>various smaller PC distributors (remember when Starbreeze had its own version of Steam?)

Name one disc you've owned that had disc rot

wtf is this clickbait tier thread title?
These are boxed sales you mongoloid. Its 2019 I know almost no one who still buys physical copies of games. These numbers shouldn't be surprising to anyone.

Sony will try to keep pushing their shitty streaming service. It sucks compared to game pass.

>Try to play through gears 4 since i got it on gamepass and installed it for horde mode.
>First mission literally has you raiding a COG base for loot as some sort of Resistance or Rebels™
>Woman character is a stereotypical woman that disobeys the one order she's given because of her fee fees.
>Stop playing.
>Watch trailer for gears 5
Why gears of all the fucking series.

Geeze, I must be imagining all my ps1 discs still reading and working on my PS2. Or my copy of Afterlife and Sacrifice still working and installing.

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not the poster you're replying to, but digital grows every year (3 years is a long time) and gamepass is now a thing.
gamepass is actually making them a lot of money.

Played 1 to 3 years ago and bought 5, MP is fun and escape and horde are good.
I haven't played much of the story.
Shame there are no servers hosted in chile or something so I'm stuck with 150ms

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now they just need to stop butting sjw propaganda and ugly women into all of their games, that would already help them improve by a tone.
I mean the same shit they did to gears they already tried with halo and it failed so badly they had to reboot hard.
the average gamer just is a white dude who doesn't want to get lectures about social justice or play as an ugly men hating feminist.

physical is also growing, with digital only games getting physical versions. digital has always been there and it's only for lazy and impatient people.

Think whatever makes you feel better. Astral Chain was better than anything that's come out on PS4 this year tho.

google it you fucktard

It was the most masculine and dudebro series normies knew . It was too toxic and had to be put down like Duke Nukem.

>Give microsoft money.
>Get access to libary of games.
The amount of money is absurdly cheap in comparison to the number of games.
If you're not planning to play them more than once, it's a good deal.

>And they can't keep releasing Forza every single year, fans will tire of it as well.
Why not? Sports fans are retarded enough for FIFA and the other yearly full price updates, I'd guess motosport is close enough to pull it off.

>gamepass is actually making them a lot of money.
why don't you post some sources?

>having standards this low
>shilling shit because you're a console cultist

>physical is also growing
Physical sales are declining everywhere across the board. Vidya is no exception.

>The only thing you own is the disc itself.
Yes, which will last. Good luck playing any Wii digital games you bought 10 years ago. PS3 and 360 are next.
>What companies should do is make older versions of games available
They can't and never will. That's a pipedream, live in reality.

Not for nothing, but since both these games appear exclusively on platforms with trophy/achievement systems, wouldn't a count of how many people have gotten early-game benchmarks be a better barometer of how many people are actually playing?

I'm playing it through game pass. If you haven't noticed by now, Microsoft has been pushing to get everyone on a game pass subscription. It's their agenda, you'd have to be retarded as beans not to realize it.

Screencap this: Microsoft will be the first of the big 3 to completely abandon physical media. Moving forward, they plan on selling digital titles alongside their subscription service.

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>They can't and never will. That's a pipedream, live in reality.

I literally posted an example of a company that does it.

Resetera trannies think its a success if people signed up for 1 month of gamepass for 1 dollar lmao. Those retards dont know how math works. It would need 60 million GP signups to even out 1 million sales at most because those GP signups will also get other games value out of the pass which as an result reduces even more sales for microsoft


Microsoft's subscription service that lets you rent games.

>boxed sales
no one buys physical, especially when you can get it for $1 digitally.

>digital service closes
>"guess i'll pirate"

>disc rots
>"good thing i had a digital copy saved that i can't actually do anything with due to write protection and obfiscation"

I think it's more to do with the fact that after gears 2 they had a decline in sales, and to corporations that says "QUICK, CHANGE COURSE COMPLETELY. BUT KEEP THE BRAND NAME"

>200 games included in gamepass
>normally you would have to buy each game for an average of 40 bucks each
>40×200=8000 Dollars in revenue
>instead, it's just 1 Dollar
Imagine actually believing this is a good business model, lol

>has barely been 20 years
>plenty of other people have had older PC discs rot
>people have had similarly aged discs rot

but no since you're right in the starting point of the danger zone, and see no issue yet, entropy must have stopped at some point. wow!

Tell Rockstar to do it. They can't, and others never will. It is directly against their interests, in fact.


Do we have total numbers? Cause who cares about physical? There's a reason gamestop and places like it are closing.

>has barely been 20 years
>plenty of other people have had older PC discs rot
>people have had similarly aged discs rot
post proof of anything not a burned or music CD doing that

why would anyone pay for gears when game pass was a dollar?

Not surprising. Gears died when they brought out the trash 3rd game. Also nobody plays shitbox in 2019.

you do realize a lot of digital services started with deals like that? the idea is to introduce the service and show consumers what they'll get if they decide to pay for it.

Halo 5 had the same fucking problem with the writing.


Gear is on steam, B3 is on epic. That was obvious that gears V will fail, pc gamers already changed their storefront

Can't be fucked getting sources or arguing over console wars. You can believe me or not, I have no dog in the fight. But Phil Spencer has talked about it a bunch of times, that and the fact that gamepass has also had a side effect of boosting game sales. It sounds contradictory (why would you buy a game you can already play in your gamepass subscription), but it makes sense if you think about it.

>entropy must have stopped at some point
Yea that happens when you put them in a case and store them in a cool. dry place away from sunlight.


>boxed sales
>doesn't include steam and microsoft store #s

nop. physical is not going anywhere

Not even worth the (You).

No Halo's writing stems from the fact that they're trying to glue on more Master Chief story. Bungie left themselves an open end sure; but they were smart enough to not go "okay we need master chief right now" the dude should have been left alone for a while and brought back king arthur style (after leaving new characters to take the spotlight) if ever.

redditlands 3 doesnt even have an apealing siren and the colest guy (Zane) is a whack jack of all trades.
maybe i will pirate once all DLCs are out.

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Gears 5 stinks and Resetera trannies need to disappear, but it's not that simple. You have to factor in a bunch of other things as well.

Wanna buy some Gamestop stocks? Lmao

>Retard egshill can't even read

Who even were the people that liked the gears games? Were the other titles ever even on PC? Fuck if I know. The only thing I know for sure is there is no way in hell I'm paying 60$ for that shiiiiiiiiiiiiiet.

>what is amazon

>Were the other titles ever even on PC?
Only 1, 1 Remaster and 4
Of course people don't know that because those are on the winturdstore.

Selling codes.

and physical games, more than digital

Why steamdrones are not capable of facing facts?

Any chance of previous Gears games coming to Steam? I wouldn't mind playing the first one again.

Gears 1 and 2 were decent mp games desu. Mostly because they were glitchfests.

Imagine thinking you can play 200 games in one month.
Imagine thinking that the $1 isn't a deal to promote gamepass (the real price being $10)
Imagine thinking that gamepass doesn't also increase DLC purchases (lootboxes, expansions, etc.)
Imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet.

If its just a code in a cardbox shell with no books, disk, nor any physical freebies, then you're just a retard that wasted time and material just for literally just smug satisfaction in posting about it on a chinese picture posting board.

Not even retail copies allow you to "own" the fucking game, at least in modern times.

>that user that can't read

Get woke go broke

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I'm making a joke here.

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For now. Won't be long until digital surpasses physical entirely. In some places that is already a reality.

>nobody at financial in any of the service model companies EVER actually bothered to check wether or not subscriptions are profitable, netflix, disney, hbo, Microsoft just dont give a shit anymore and are bested than some retard on fucking (four)channel

No Krieg no buy. Simple as

At least the game has transgender flags now!

They never have, fucking don't copy that floppy tells you about how digital law works.

you've been saying that for years. there will never not be a demand for physical games. it's a reason PC is not a popular gaming platform, especially in Japan, and Japan will NEVER go digital only, you digital cuck boi.

I wouldn't play both games even if they were given to me for free. Fuck that endless sequel after sequel bullshit. These AAA devs literally selling to you same shit for decades. This is why gaming isn't exciting anymore. You killed it yourself and blamed others.

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>Gears 5 deserves to die in a ditch though

What, and Borderlands doesn't? At least the enemies in Gears have the sense to die when you shoot them instead of absorbing your bullets for 10 minutes.


gamepass nigga. play it for $1 and never touch it again after the 1 month.

What feminist garbage? You mean a woman?

>it's a reason PC is not a popular gaming platform, especially in Japan

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>physical sales
Non fucking story. Gears 5 might be a flop but that says nothing.

Places like Finland are even getting rid of cash money. You can plug your ears, but that won't make reality go away. And the reality is: digital will inevitably kill physical. Enjoy being a caveman proud of his useless plastic disc.

Not sure you know what a marie sue is.

>entropy stops completely under the right conditions

so ps4 is still dominating like always?

you're the one plugging ears. you're a retarded brainlet who doesn't understand the market at all. physical games will always be in demand, and they are never ever going away. still stronger than ever. i am proud of my product, while you have nothing but a license that can be revoked anytime.

Tbh gow5 picked up for me after act 2, it stopped the entire retarded thing with kait being "it's all about me"

One thing about buying digital over physical that doesn't get mentioned often is game sharing. I bought BL3 digital on my PS4 account to share with my fiance, saved us from having to buy two copies. I don't like paying full price for new games digitally, but if you have real life friends or family you play games with then splitting the cost of the digital version and sharing does save money. Otherwise I'll usually wait until something drops to $20 or less before I buy digital.

I'm ok with it. Getting absolutely tired of swapping discs of games I play for a total of 3 hours and then never again.

plus, 4channel always talks about how much they hate SJW writing, but line up to buy shit like BL3, after all the anti-male shit that was present in the pre-sequel.


>steam finally losing its grip
>microsoft gives them away all their games

They just keep fucking themselves in the ass

>Game pass' biggest selling point is getting the big dick digital deluxe of Gears 5 with it
Why is it always the stupid people thinking they're breaking massive news when anyone with a brain isn't stupid enough to bite the pump fake?

You did a good thing because now your fiancee can enjoy the game with her black lover.

A mary sue is perfect without earning it, leads by example where she should not even be let in, is unanimously liked even if a cunt and is never wrong even when she is. Kait qualifies.

I joined a friends session who was in a snow section with some vehicle and I thought the pacing was awful. Does it get better after this? I couldn't care less about the story, but the encounters need to be good.

B-but microsoft pass is the same as piracy, it does not have the steam features!

>>steam finally losing its grip
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Not at all. You're just mad because muh women

Gears has and never will be popular in PC, even then the majority of PC players would be using the Game pass deal that isn't on steam.

Plus Microsoft will sell your data on so that sub makes them way more than a doller.

>i am proud of my product
Pathetic. American, I presume? Possibly underage? Nobody else is sad enough to be proud of how he spends his money, especially when the purchase in question is a digital toy. Also, good luck running your games in a couple of years. When the authentification servers go down, we're all fucked, disc or not. Your disc will rot before my games are being unavailable. ;)

The pacing is weird, but the only good thing about the semi open world shit that u can just skip everything and just go the main campaign missions without needing to do the side crap, i just finished act 3 earlier today and so far i prefer the old games, i haven't played gow4 yet

Everyone scared about the Epic store and meanwhile MS did the most fatal blow to Steam in the long term.

So, let me get this straight. When BL3 sells half of BL2, it's because everyone went digital, whereas when G5 sold a quarter, it's because it sold poorly but maybe digital might have contributed to it? I can't help but feel the guy might be a tad bias in his reporting.

She and Demetrius are taking a break so he can go split your mom in half for a while

By making them money? Oh no, how will Gabe ever recover.


Games also only cost that much because the seller earns a percentage.

Check out google trends, steam is losing popularity since 2015. People don't like monopolies

Yea Forums needs to stop posting random twitter, reddit, reseter, instagram, etc articles with literally no proof.

No one fucking cares about this fake shit. Why even bother wasting thread space with made up nonsense?

So you don't have any factual proof?

This is true, but not entirely 343i/MS' fault. The fanbase itself spergs the fuck out when their empty green suit trademark isn't present.

That's why people hate Epic.

People are making decisions now.

Why buy it on Steam for 60 when you can buy it on the Game Pass for 2 bucks?

>A mary sue is perfect without earning it, leads by example where she should not even be let in, is unanimously liked even if a cunt and is never wrong even when she is.

None of these things are actually at the core of Mary Suism. (And I detest using the term as I think it's garbage literary analysis for babies) the core is that it's a vehicle for authorial self-insert. And gears 5 was written by a dude, and directed by a dude. Or, one alternative penned by a couple of people is that they lack any major stake in the story and just kinda end up there and solve everything.

Much as I surprisingly enjoyed the campaign, Gears 5 deserved to flop. 4 was aggressively mediocre, and 5's marketing was some of the worst that I've ever seen, and Kait is a horribly forced character, and it's really shitty the way she just sort of popped in there and Raiden'd the Fenix men.

i can't tell if you were attempting to make me cringe or not. you're an angry little boy. and nope, my disc will always be here. always. 50 years or more. i will always have my physical copy, ready to play. while you, cucked by 3rd parties, will never have that same luxury.

Meant to say steam

Oh yes, valve is going to provide proofs to inform their customers that by their estimation steam will cease to exsist by the end of 2023.

>has one female main character
>feminist garbage

MS could have just released Gears 5 on their store. By putting it on Steam, they let Valve have a piece of the pie.

It's just cancer sony fanboys making these Gears threads. They've been at it since release.

Impersonating is against the rules. Enjoy your vacation.

>Yes gabe, you can eat my scraps
T. Bill Gates

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Funny enough I've seen people clamoring for the Gears 5 crack, and when pointed out that the game is literally 2$ they just start mouthing the same diatribes they do for full priced games.
Almost makes you wanna think that the people that even get excited about games not getting sales are poorfaggot losers that think they're sticking it to the man by not having enough money to have any buying power

>Borderlands 3 sold half as much as BL2
Is this just for the physical copies?

>Pay £45 for a game
>Or pay £4 get it and tonnes of other games for a month
I mean nigga, I ain't playing Gears 5 for more than a month the series doesn't interest me enough. Only die hards fans would buy any of MS games now, casuals etc. will just get game pass.

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>muh strong womyn
>muh fuck your order
>muh mum

MS needed to make Gears 5 rentable to make anyone at all interested in the game. MS needs Steam more than the other way around. Besides, Billie Boy hasn't been with MS for a long time. Grow up, boomer.

We did it reddit

Sorry, I didn't meant to do that. Terribly sorry I hope you can forgive me


Yeah, sure.

Oh, well, trannies mostly pay these kind of games...
As long as they're having fun...

>MS needed to make Gears 5 rentable to make anyone at all interested in the game. MS needs Steam more than the other way around

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SJW garbage deserves to be boycotted

I like how no one bitches when it's dudes disregarding orders and going rogue. You know, like Marcus did as part of the crux of his entire backstory.

Admitting defeat already? You guys give up so fast.

but they're over 100 dollars now

Even if it was a normal Gears game no one gives a shit about that franchise anymore

They didnt do themselves any favors by being woke either

Honestly I found Marcus' struggle to be very relatable because he was doing so to save his father, I fucking love my dad and if some shit popped off I'd disobey orders to attempt to save him too.
I can't really relate to being the Locust Queen's granddaughter and being mentally tied to the genocidal monsters killing everybody

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WHAT Baird was the genius, Marcus was a dumb cretin who still do the right thing with orders in mind, that bitch just wake up the queen because "fuck order muh head hurt".

>Honestly I found Marcus' struggle to be very relatable because he was doing so to save his father
You have very low standards for writing, my dude.

P.s. Also Marcus was punished in the past for his shit

Making some sci fi shit insanely ridiculous doesn't make the writing somehow passable retard

Shut up you incels, just SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Thsi is OUR game now and it did NOT FLOP!

Gears V sold nothing on steam.

>still no proof
disc rot is a meme

>an outsider who joined up isn't fervently loyal to the structure is somehow inherently "sci-fi bullshit"

I mean even ignoring the fact the plots of each game has been sci-fi bullshit every time.

Anyone that bought on Steam is a fucking retard.
Anyone that didn't get the game pass, wait the two months, and buy it after two months on a price drop is also a fucking retard.
Sales for this game means jack shit because anyone who isn't a fucking retard didn't buy it

It made Valve money. No amount of denial will change that.

The point of contention is why both of them did what they did.
Why dance around the point? Afraid you're wrong?

>Alien Isolation, Banjo 1, 2 and 3, Batman Arkham, Cities: Skylines, Dead By Daylight, Dead Island, Deus Ex, Doom 2016, Everspace, Flame in the Flood, Gears 1,2 3 and 5, Halo Wars 1/2, Just Cause 3, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Mass Effect, MGS V, the Metro games, MH World, Shadow of Morder/War, MKX, Ninja Gaiden Black, Oxenfree, Perfect Dark, Quantum Break, Resident Evil Revelations and Tomb Raider
There are just the ones I don't have installed

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Lots of ESL itt

Hola pandejos

Like he said.

I'm sorry, I don't speak Canadian.

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This is the reality we don’t know how well games do anymore. It’s all conjecture and companies only tell the truth when they are legally required to (shareholder reports).

But it's just as standard as "muh father" is. If you're gonna go "well I don't like it so nyuh" as your point I mean, more power to you. Doesn't stop it being bog standard.

sorry I don't speak nigger

>Yes, which will last. Good luck playing any Wii digital games you bought 10 years ago. PS3 and 360 are next.
What about all those disc games that have day 1 patches? Games that are basically unplayable without it?

>Hola pandejos
At least get it right you stupid faggot

You started the sentence apologizing, seems like you do.

>But it's just as standard as "muh father"
No the fuck it is not you blithering retard, kill yourself

After the massive blunder after blunder 2K managed to put togheter I’m surprised that BL3 is selling so well.

To this day, I have no idea what the appeal of Gears was. It’s in the same boat as Killzone for me. Don’t know why anyone chooses to play such generic tripe.

Or you can go on Yea Forums and for a few brief seconds before the shills and shitposters land, you get an honest knee-jerk reaction.

>Good luck playing any Wii digital games you bought 10 years ago. PS3 and 360 are next.
PS3, maybe. But Xbox is still invested in Backward Compatibility for Scarlett.

tu puta madre

Just because Indiana is cold doesn't mean I speak frost nigger.

Unless you live in a disaster area keeping discs from breaking down isn't much work beyond putting them away and not abusing them. I got a ton of ps1 games that are 20 ish years old and still look great.

Same with borderlands, the "original" genre-setting game when there were few alternatives.

>women and minorities
>sjw shit
Have sex

>Every single piece of Gears 5 marketing has said 'buy on gamepass'

Yeah no shit people are getting it through digital means over physical sales. That's Microsoft's goal

Allegedly though, they could go the PSstore route of backwards compatibility by releasing "retro": games for digital download.

Well, Borderlands, I kind of do. It’s like a looter but with guns. It’s got the same appeal as Diablo except for fps.



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All generic western trash. Why would anyone want to play those? I don't like QTEs.

>Put strong womyn on the cover
>The face of the whole advertising campaign
>Ugly as a sin

Good thing it is flopping

>MS is dead
Call me when MS makes a decent OS again.

>19 pride flag

He meant the Xbox you dumb ESL-kun

Why didn't you buy my game guys?

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Tell me then faggot, what's the best game you've played if you are so smart.

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And Gears was the 3rd-person shooter where the camera didnt try to zoom on your butt, the controls were not built to drive tanks, and it actually had gory detailed graphics to give every 12 year old their first violence stiffy. This was during the era of Crash Bandicoot and the shitty 3D platforming boom.

In the land of big ass fat console controllers, the game with the decent controls is fucking king.

imagine hiring people who think anyone wants to play as this thing

microsoft is going to lose to sony again if they keep hiring these retards

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Gee, it's almost as if there's this thing on xbox and windows that lets you play the games without actually buying them, and all MS first party games are a part of....

>Being triggered by fags


She looks better than Aloy that's for sure.

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DMC5 is also in GamePass

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>boxed sales
Nice clickbait, you Twitter screencapping faggot

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>tfw bought it right before it hit gamepass
Still don't care, that game is fucking HYPE.

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>Bixed sales
It's fucking nothing

>I'm honestly still just confused as to why consolekeks are buying digital games
Because the reality is that people don't actually care about physical.
It's also why VoD movies are vastly more popular than blu-rays, even when the price is equivalent.

only enemy which took 10min to kill was 2nd vault monster at lvl 30, most enemies dies within 1min or less

>female protagonist to a 99% male audience
Not rocket science you libshit retards.

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Um user, if you're talking about current gen i believe all games do full installs now as the hard drive to memory speed is much faster than reading off a disk. 360 and ps3 had install disks, some optional installs and the 360 allowed full installs on every game if you wanted even if it wasn't needed. x1 and ps4 require the game to be on the hard drive. disk is just for startup.

no, they equally look like trash. aloys game is at least original though

Tick tock consolefags.
Physical is dying right before your eyes, get ready.
Soon consolefags will lose their plastic boxes and be stuck with the worst of everything.

This series really should have just ended with Gears of War 3. It provided a definitive conclusion and everything since then has just felt pointless.

Good. We need to save the sea turtles.

both are shit

If you had a told me in 2006 that a game about macho space marines shooting aliens would one day evolve into a franchise about strong women sporting LGBTQ flags, I would have thought you were touched in the head.

My, my how times have changed...

>being a fag

Beta male servility for a chance at a whiff of vaginer knows no limits.

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This is more just because consoles as a platform are dying.
No reason to play on platforms that are generally trash and don't really offer anything, and no one cares about physical on PC.

Or maybe it's because the Fred Durst demographic doesn't want to play a game about space lesbians and tranny flags?

I'm talking about Borderlands you mongoloid.

This is retarded. Of course Gears 5 would have less physical sales when their brand is all about digital, and let you play it for £2.

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i want these two to bully my small wee wee

They're both terrible games but physical release numbers mean nothing in this current time.

Right, because consoles are dying.

>ugly female main character in gears 5
>game flops

wow nobody did see that coming

Attached: Gears-5-1024x576-333394736d11adb6.jpg (1024x576, 123K)

arent they literally giving gears 5 away with the fagpass for like 2 bucks?

>every new game sells far less than previous entries in retail

Its almost as if most people buy digital now. I dont doubt that Gears 5 flopped though.

>They can get a few more washed-up wrestlers as MP DLC.
>Washed up
He's now a Hollywood actor in films like the MCU, James Bond, Blade Runner 2049, etc.

>most played gears ever

Seething Sonyretard. Keep paying 70 + tax for your movies.

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Nah, it's just that consoles are kind of dying.
Last gen there were 3 main home consoles that each sold 80+ million (I'm not even going to mention handhelds because there's no point). This gen there's 1 home console that's sold more than 50 million, let alone 80 million.
The Switch remains to be seen, but the Xbone is never going to hit 60 million, let alone 80 million units.
And unlike previous gens this gen has been just as long as last gen was, likely going from 2013 to 2020, whereas last gen was 2006-2013 for the PS3, 2006-2012 for the Wii, and 2005-2013 for the 360.

jesus christ that character design
never seen a game stray so far from it's origin

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WiiU is the biggest flop

>both are still wearing dustbins on legs
I see no issue here.

This is funny as fuck when you compare this to what Sony managed to do with God of War 4 becoming the best selling game in the franchise, or spiderman become the best selling spiderman game ever(including multiplats), i guess changing the formula actually does matter after all.

Gears 4 was basically just to promote Gamepass

Gamepass, read the fucking thread nigger

>I can't really relate to being the Locust Queen's granddaughter and being mentally tied to the genocidal monsters killing everybody
Why not? You're probably white and American

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Nice try, Native Serans AKA COG are the white man in this allegory and the Locust AKA Grubs are third world savages that fight each other all the time and need to convert humans into them to increase their numbers

>turn a manly shooty tooty game into a feminists wet dream
>wonder why it doesnt sell

>core is that it's a vehicle for authorial self-insert
No it isn't, you dumb nigger.
A Mary Sue can be a self-insert, but doesn't have to be.

I'm black and I didn't relate to her either.
I can relate to another dude easily if his motivations make sense, unfortunately modern western devs don't know how to write relatable female characters so they're usually just annoying, snarky, bitchy emotional wrecks that I can't stand.
You know shit's bad when a character like A2 or 2B is more relatable than 95% of western female characters.

they only said that it beat fortnite on xbox for like 1 day, they never gave any numbers or said that it was more popular then gears 3.
according to this site it's only played by 2k people right now which is pretty pathetic

>Nice try, Native Serans AKA COG are the white man in this allegory and the Locust AKA Grubs are third world savages that fight each other all the time and need to convert humans into them to increase their numbers
They were always human. They were WHITE, as is their leader

I think people are underestimating the vast number of people who will get a subscription and forget it even exists or never use it. they can potentially rake in lots of money from people for years without having to deliver services. They get money from people who otherwise wouldn't spend the money.

Thanks for agreeing with me
That cant be right since its cross play between xbox, steam and gamepass for pc. Steams playercount is at like 5841 10 minutes ago.

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That's reviews, dumbass. Not playercount.

The suit fear this chart

Plus that number is the amount of people who rated it on the store. 421 for borderlands 3 which is the most played makes no sense.

nope, the number of people who rated it is
315 people mr shill

You are literally retarded if you think a game like Gears of War only gets 2k people.

problem becomes, that some shit doesn't have emu idiot. what about 360 shit? its not a ton of games unique, but they won't exist anymore because they were disc only.

how can you repeatably be BTFO multiple times in this same thread and still arrogantly post?
you are one dumb motherfucker

since it went full woke and the xbone sold like shit nah I believe it easily
especially since you have no actual counter proof

Maybe you should try saying that then, retard.

Where's the original proof?

Anyone that honestly uses the word woke is a fucking idiot.

1/4 boxed copies, been like 4 years since gears 4, digital sales increase percent wise every single year. Gee I wonder why it sold 1/4 the amount of physical copies as the game that came out 4 years ago did.

You have 0 actual proof, but here's osme actual counterproof.

the link form Microsoft official website you retard

Hey dont worry Sony is pretty much following Microsoft If they keep the Californian cucks leading the vidya division

Do you watch the Quartering btw?

Because consoles are dying.

>been like 4 years since gears 4
Try not even 3.

it took 7 years for borderlands 2 to get a sequel

And the sequel is literally the exact same shit as Borderlands 2.
And 1
And The Pre Sequel

Hi ledditnigger

I'd much rather play a good game with gamepass than a shit game full price on epic store lol

>Believing anything Randy says

>2nd vault monster
Literally 3 bosses in the form of phases.
Easy to kill with the OP weapons like the sticky shotty though.
At least they had the foresight to add an AI for the solo players.

Cancer twitter thread. Kill yourself for making this and if you actively participated in it.

>le tortanic lmaooo
Kill yourself, you cringey incel

It's smart. They get to inflate the numbers and since 99% of investors are literal boomers, they'll never be the wiser towards any of the bullshit that they're saying.


What a shame. BL3 is easily GOTY.

Nah, that goes to Sekiro, DMC 5, AC7, or Astral Chain before BL3 even touches its taint.

Are people retarded
>released in gamepass ultimate 4 days early for 2$
>released in normal gamepass day one for 1$
>released on 3 different platforns, two being only digital stores
>expects high physical sales

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Anything for children to try to be at the ground zero of the next TORtanic, it's pathetic how all these children try so desperately to relive our shitty adolescence in an attempt to impress us


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>all that weeb garbage

It made the most money this year according to op, are you guys illiterate ? And it doubled the peak numbers of sekiro as well steamie :)

no xbox is dying

The best part is that TORtanic pulled itself out of it and started floating again. I don’t play it but the shitshow surrounding it was all for nothing.

i read about subscription services like netflix bleeding money out the ass before they become profitable.
wonder how long microsoft is going to keep this up.

>Moving forward, they plan on selling digital titles alongside their subscription service.
You really don't understand it, do you? Let me tell you a little secret I've learned from working with Microsoft in the corporate world: They're not going to do that.
Microsoft is moving toward Software As A Service (SaaS): subscription based payment. They might potentially do what they're doing with Office and release a gimped version of a game with fewer features for a one-time payment, but you want the whole package? You better get that subscription with monthly payments required, or a slight discount if you buy a full years' subscription.

imagine being an xnigie

MS has more money than God, they will be fine

So long as it keeps existing long enough for me to play Banjo Threeie without having to actually buy a M$ console I don't really care.

I heard that BL3 barely sold any copies on Steam, historic lows

>Xbox division giving a shit about sales anymore

Gears 5 had more people online than GTA V, Fortnite, and Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox. Those are huge numbers considering how big Fortnite is on Xbox.

All about subscribers. Investors care about subscribers. This is how they bought 12 game studios.

Xbox is turning into Netflix and sales are not mattering anymore. Xbox is so profitable through the digital store their attach rate is like 15x that of PS4 users only beaten by Switch users.

Gamepass is the future.

Attached: gamepass.jpg (1820x1213, 1.15M)

Meanwhile in reality it's the biggest game of the gen for MS digitally and on gamepass. Nobody is buying physical now. Even borderlands 3 sold fucking HALF of what BL2 did.

Yeah physical sucks. Most games don't even have all the content in their physical disks now as well and you have to download like 10+gb updates and shit. Physical is dying.

Microsoft's gaming division sure as fuck doesn't have access to all that.

>gears5 deserves to die, borderlands3 is great, though!
I hope someone stabs you in your neck, fucking sack of shit.

It's a sign of mental illness. Honestly if I was him I'd get myself checked out by a psychotherapist. If he continues like this he's going to be a vegetable by the time he's old because his thought process is incredibly lopsided and lacks critical and logical thinking.

Also as for the game, some people are such fanboys they want everything that's not on their platform to fail. It's hilarious.

>buy gears for 60
>or buy gears for 1 dollar with game pass
real hard desu

Gears 5 was free for a 1 dollar subscription for gamepass why are you people pretending to be fucking retarded?

>again the UK
Call me when you have US sales, Euronut.


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Halo Infinite is going to be big.


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Boarderlands 3 is still doing it's rounds on the Epic store, so you can barely count those numbers, they already got paid off for their exclusivity field so it hardly matters to them sorta glad it did it though since I won't buy epic exclusive shit and BL3 seems to be having a ton of problems

Gears is just a dead series, should have just left it at 3, shits so convoluted it's hard to give a fuck, maybe the MP is still fun?

holy cope

Yeah but isn't that coming to PC anyway?

>playing gears for the SP


It's almost like play anywhere is a thing

Busy month. Astral Chain and Iceborne taking away most people's attention that's not already invested in GoW or BL


why is MS so retarded? they make really dumb mistakes LMAO

i hope this is a troll. i don't even own an xbox this gen and i'm not too fond of it but damn this is some serious fanboyism if real. just stay out of threads like this if it's effecting you so hard. maximum autism.



unless you're playing on PC (most people don't, especially for multiplats) it's cheaper to buy physical

of course, but MS isn't. I'm guessing they'll focus on acquiring studios and publishing since xbox is pretty much dead

lol what? The vast majority of console players (i.e the vast majority of player) buy physical copies.

how is chile? I have thought about visiting for a while now since I like mountainous/desert areas but tbqh I actually have no idea what it's really like

no they don't. sony even said officially digital purchases overtook physical. physical is dying.

lmao BTFO

>chose a bad week
Yeah, that's definitely why it flopped...

probably Americans since they can't speak English anyway

wtf why won't you guys support this indie game? It barely costs half of what big AAA titles do.

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They wore out their welcome and if they did yearly releases like assassin's creed then they'd be just as dead.

it probably includes DLCs, games like Fortnight, and possibly downloads from PS+ memberships

The MP is fun. It's got problems though: Downtimes are incredibly long, sometimes you queue for a match for 15 mins and doesn't find a ranked Deathmatch, or it does, then someone fails to connect, and since it's ranked it drops it, but takes like 3 minutes to drop it and start over. It's insane. Casual matches are fast to be found, but the gamemodes suck and they're grindfests without rhyme; perfect shit for shitters.

Got some bugs and crashes. All and all, decent 2 DOLLARS game, certainly not an 80 dollars one and certainly not even 60, 40. Maybe 20 dollars would be fine.

>What, and Borderlands doesn't
while randy is a bitch that deserves every single shit thrown at him, the writting team for being the most pathetic creatures in existence and gearbox a campany that should sell themselves to wipe out the disgusting practices they did, borderland 3 is AT LEAST what it's supposed to be, under the gargantuan pile of shit of dialogue the gameplay is what it promised to be


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it's just boring games we've seen countless times with no new thing in it except progressive stuff

it's more about the FPS genre as solo games is not really cool anymore

also they sucked at marketing cause i barely even heard about it, even on /vp/ it isn't discussed much

gears should just have stopped after the third one

and borderlands after the first one

you have problems

>Europe sales

Everything sells worse than Fifa and GTA there

a bunch of westacucks are doing a damage control, but shooters are just a mediocre genre. it will get more and more unpopular except for absolutely casual multiplayer ones

>PR this trash

Yeah, you can tell Queers 5 flopped. No wonder Xtrannies are melting down hard.


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I saw this coming a long time ago
I wonder if the devs did


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Look at this dude! Imagine being this personally invested in a failed brand like Xbox. Imagine.

Actually, in this day and age when it comes to multiplats PC makes up upwards of 40% of sales for many games.
In some cases over half.
For instance, DMC 5 has only sold maybe 3-3.5 million copies so far and over 2 million of those copies sold are from the PC version.

Im pretty sure they don't mind given they're owned by ms...

im calling moot


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>Xchads not supporting Crapcom

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it's a video game board. we talk about all types of games here. fuck off. god forbid being limited to talking about uncharted all day when better games like monster hunter world exist.

Shut up xqueer and go back to queers 5

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>everyone saying switch outsold xbox
>xbox players still buying more capcom games


B-But video game blogs told me both Trannies of War 5 and Boredomlands both had record breaking peak players in the first three hours, selling X amount more in the first 7 hours and 42 minutes than their predecessors.
How can this be? Have we been lied to?
Does that mean video game blogging "journalists" and their blog entries aka "articles" are not to be trusted?

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reminder the report function exists

>3 million players in a game full of MTX

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There were far more Capcom games available on the Xbone and at the time the userbase was bigger as well.


no dude, digital is around 99.9%. it actually sold 66 million copies, sequels already confirmed, biggest release and fastest shipped game of all time

1$ Xbone pass

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Like said, if 5% of that number hangs around and spends money on bullshit, it might be enough to keep the studio on life support to shit out another rehash in three years. Hardly gloat material though.

No one buys physical anymore, and if they do, they're the minority. False flagging retard.

i may buy gears 1 and 2

the new gay shit that refuses to die and keeps getting released can fuck off

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Why does this sound like only physical sales are counted?
No one actually does that anymore aside from handhelds even consoles come with at least 2tb anymore

You underestimate the number of people who forget cancelling the sub or who just keep it because they found another game they want to play in it. Next month The Outer Worlds will be day one in GamePass, so keep seething.

Holy shit, Keanu really said that?

It's over...
the X/V/ros won...

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There's tranny flags in it and everything, dumbass. And before
>hurr durr that's not feminist
They constantly work in tandem because they believe social constructs are a form of truth and are intellectual cancer under the same umbrella. Kill yourself

the author of the book which fucking mary sue was coined from was a dude too. A mary sue is not inherently a self-insert.

>these games flopped
But they didn't you fucking retards

lmaoing@your life you low iq subhuman. you can't even read between the lines.

>paying $80 for a game you can pay $1 for


Taking care of the discs means you still need the day 1 patch. Those servers won't be up forever.
Which means you need to hack your console to install patches manually.
Which means you can just drop the iso over anyway regardless if you have a shelf frisbee.
Like how today everybody has a PS2 loaded with 200 isos on the internal hard drive the same will be true for PS4. Albeit with less games for obvious reasons.
Play games not shelves disccuck.