Here's your game bro. That would be $59.99 + tip

Here's your game bro. That would be $59.99 + tip.

(spoilers I guess lmao)

Attached: ava.jpg (1804x1022, 218K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>some literal who ape thanos'd my wife while the player character just watches
not even gonna bother pirating this shit after this

this really looks like shit

>little girl (male)
Terrible (maybe)

The worst part is that little goblin girl is going to be perfect and always right, despite being 12 and a thieving NIGGER.

Ava is the most retarded and insufferable character in the game:
1) She is the reason Maya died.
2) She blames everyone else but herself for this.
3) She is absolutely useless, but at the same time want to be the center of everything.
4) She gets away with being retarded and useless, nobody says a single word to her. Only Tannis says something like "it's time to watch what you are saying" and that's about it.
5) On top of being this bad, she gets rewarded with siren powers and Pandora ship.

Fuck off with the spoilers. I can see video titles in posts. Oh well, Lilith is my Siren waifu anyway.

Wow, those 2 new villains are even more annoying than Handsome Jack.

>What's up bitches?

>Lilith is my Siren waifu anyway.
user, I...

it's like they were trying to make the character as annoying and hated as possible

Lilith dies too lol

rip you then

Fuck this game.

Maya's death was about as impactful as Roland's. At the end of the day, they're just former playable characters with 20 lines of dialog total. Axton made Roland obsolete. Amara made Maya obsolete, and their equivalents will make them obsolete in the next game.

>Actually wanted Lilith to live

Jesus Christ

She doesn't die per say, she transform into a persona door.

Yeah, that. She becomes the MC of Persona 3.

ok i don't care about hoes what happens to my boy krieg?

Very little is known. It is hinted that he is going through a rehab to fix his mental issues, but that's about it.

Don't worry bros I'll commission an Ava rape doujin.

Where are the guns during this cinematic in a game that has oodles of guns as its main selling point?

Well that's cute I guess. Shame his waifu is dead.

maya basically fixes him but we don't know what happens
really disappointing that he's not around when maya dies, that was such a throwaway wasted potential death

This character is awful. I have no clue what randy was thinking writing this annoying cunt in but it really didnt work. Shes so unlikable and now shes going to be leading the crimson raiders next game. I hope krieg kills her or something.

She will probably be the new playable Siren in the next game.

Doubtful since she has mayas powers.

Can somebody make a mod to replace pickle rick on the title screen with shitpickle

Remember when kids in media or young people in general used to be cute?

Attached: 1512097645675.png (612x606, 637K)

pick none

It's confirmed after the cutscene that our character was there all along, so what the fuck were we doing?

Does /v hate popular games because they’re bad or because they want to spite normalfags with a shitty game?

Christ, that voice acting was atrocious!

>popular = good
Apply detergent to mouth

Why does gearbox think anyone likes Lilith past her being masturbation bait? Especially after all the shit she did in 2 and Presequel
She even sends Brick and Mordecai to fuck with innocent people to appease some crime boss in Tales

I'm not really liking 3 compared to the old games. It's possible I've just got too old to like these games. I'm 29 so was like 18 or 19 when I played 1 and like 21 or 22 when I played 2. I remember really enjoying 2 but I find 3 so boring.

maya was one of the few not annoying characters in the borderlands series
she wasn't wacky enough so they had to kill her off

A mary sue in the making

Is Athena in this one at all?

>finally lilith bitch dies. Kinda sad that heroically at the end, isntead like a little mud bitch on the first hour
>replaced by even more dumb angry kid

For fuck sake

just like helena and roland

that was a cool and edgy line in 2012

The same reason Gearbox thinks anyone gives enough of a shit about the story to make hours of unskippable garbage you get to sit through every playthrough.

Why does every single line and animation have this massive awkward pause between them?

>Waz up bitches? xDDD
Yo, shiggy-diggy, thats some whack smack talk they got there.

Attached: 1236673345.jpg (747x389, 30K)

Look at what they did to my boy Rhys

Attached: Borderlands-3-rhys-1[1].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

It's how old men think edgy teens talk like

Fuck that is just soulless.

Watching what was happening, obviously.


>implying they're not setting him up as a boss for a future DLC after he loses his mind completely having lost Maya

i think gearbox hates the playerbase enough to actually do this

i'd kyoani gearbox if this happened

>caring about Gearbox's stories
You guys are worse than gatchafags

Shame Maya was cute as heck
What about Gaige?

what an ugly little goblin.

>ME:Andromeda facial animations

Big true.

He's the best character and they fucked the pooch hard not using him.


lol no. Modern media gave us Sarah from the TLoU and Clementine in TWD. Because of the shitty graphics of the past and the dealing with low poly count, kids used to look like nightmarish abominations and complete ass.

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God, no. I can't remember a single child character from before the PS3's generation that didn't look like either a tiny adult or a freakish anime goblin.

I dislike Borderland. Not because it's popular, but because it's an mediocre game that I otherwise would be indifferent towards that goes out of it's way to be as obnoxious as possible. It's paint-by-numbers FPS gameplay and repetitive, MMO-esque filler missons are simply not enough to outweigh how grating the story, dialog, and characters are.

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>actually purchasing a Gearbox game

Guys... you seriously didn’t do this right?

Attached: 1507632796775.png (500x328, 43K)


People actually play this garbage?

I actually enjoyed 2 especially when playing with friends until I realized that loot shooters are trash and the game is actually pretty mediocre.

>next game

Reminds me of this.

Attached: bioware.webm (854x480, 2.86M)


>All these people who actually care.
I honestly cannot think of anything more pathetic than actually caring about the plot of a Borderlands game.

Attached: 1355708997924.gif (459x459, 2.6M)

It's pretty fucking obvious this game was rushed throughout it's production to try and recoup what was lost with Battleborn

i can think of one thing
playing a borderlands game

She could work with better writing.
Gearbox seems to love their potty mouthed little girls, but that's always all they are.
Dumb kid being a dumb kid and doing dumb kid things is fine as long as she grows from it.
I'm sure Gearbox think her becoming a siren is growth, but it's only growth in terms of abilities, not character.

Actually the absolute worst thing you can do is actually buy the game, playing it for free means you are stealing money from Randers so that’s good.

I'll retroactively refund BL2 if this happens

There's always posting on/v/

>50 million lifetime sales
>one of the biggest active franchises in the world
>expecting bl3 to be the last

>Another studio takes your ip.
>Actually manages to make it something worth caring about with good characters and emotional stakes by disregarding the style of the mainline games.
>Take those characters and run them into the ground so that they fit into your shitty "so fahney" humour.

Attached: 1460424597512.jpg (800x1067, 152K)

>30+ year old adults trying to write a child or teen character and make them "relatable"
This so rarely works out I wonder why writers even bother trying to write children/teens. I don't think there's a single game that I know of with a child character in a prominent story role that isn't insufferable. Yes this includes main characters.

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I'll do you all one better.
Being Anthony Burch.

>mr kreig I don't feel so good

Attached: 1568642772741.png (2194x1528, 2.64M)

>not troy baker

At least Axton and Gaige aren't around.
Probably making weapon-nerd babies.

Funnily enough, Burch's writing was better than the garbage in BL3. Someone actually managed to write worse dialogue than Burch, now that's real talent right there.

I can't really judge Rhys based on a snippet. Let me guess though and none of the other characters even appear from TFTB.

That reminds me. Where the fuck is Kreig anyway?

Rhys and Vaughn both appear. Both are written horribly.

>Why yes, I don't play Boringlands. How could you tell?

Attached: 7c0051b899aa2801f3181f79cba632ea.jpg (631x720, 81K)

>Probably making weapon-nerd babies
Axton is busy manning his harpoon in Ellie. Do you really think these writers would push a "problematic" relationship like Axton and Gaige? They're literally the first ones to go "ewwwww" any time a fan brings it up.

he's waiting for the steam release

I want to believe.

why the animations look so weird?

>This is what you aspire to.
I agree that borderlands suck, but aim a little higher.

they killed maya because she wasn't gay, the'll probably kill krieg off too in some dlc as an additional fuck you



The wicked bitch is dead

The similarity is uncanny

Not in the game. You can find audio tapes of him though and in them he goes on about wanting to see Maya again. But I guess after he finds out what happened to her he'll go full psycho and in typical Gearbox fashion they'll turn him into a shitty boss and give him a shitty death.

Is the villain woman voiced by the family guy "men: we know how to be friends" skit woman ?

I’m actually baffled how bad the writing is. They could have gotten a more well written story from a 9th grader in their first english class than the dog SHIT they spewed out get it guys its a poop joke??? btw i counted the number of poop jokes or references and not even completely done with my second playthrough and there’s already over 15

No. It's literally Gearbox's community manager and she's awful.
They just grabbed the bitch from the break room and made her the main villain in a AAA game.

Nothing wrong with that if she could acting, but that's Gearbox for you.

I wouldn't even mind the writing if they didn't make you wait so often for dialogue to progress. I don't remember that happening nearly as often in the other games, I remember most quests updating immediately so you can start running towards the next objective while the quest giver babbled on.

Not to mention how goddamn long the cutscenes are in this game, while still being unskipable. It feels like it takes at least 20-30 minutes just to make a new character.

Didn't BL2 have the same issue?
It was advertised as "DUDE NONSTOP ACTION BILLION GUNS" and you began with a way too fucking long escort mission with Claptrap.

I was also always irritated by how the games made you wait until a certain level to start getting your action skills.

Man they have a hardon for killing previous characters.

sucks but id dick ava tight emo teen pussy down.

>implying she won't be a lesbian like 98% of the females that exist in this series are

Yeah, 2 has a slow start that people complained about, and instead of fixing it they made it even worse in 3. At least you get your skills at level 2 this time.

Part of me wishes the games had just let you start at UVHM. Having to make three fucking playthroughs just to get to the level cap and get the full extent of my character's abilities is annoying as fuck.

>omg I cannot wait for berderlans the 3th, it has muh favorite gril maya
>yes yes, I also like lilith :D
>both get executed