Wow classic is ridiculously good and I challenge you to change my mind. Protip...

Wow classic is ridiculously good and I challenge you to change my mind. Protip, you literally can't because it is the near perfect game

Attached: classic.png (960x880, 413K)

WoW is(and always has been) a containment mmo, it adjusted to the type of player that needs to be contained as times changed and released you since are now in the minority of mmo players that need containment. Nostalgia is making you want to be contained again instead of moving on.

it has no real challenge, everything is easy to kill, if anything classic and the queues has just amde it so it slows players down, ill wait for kil'jaeden before i even try it

Ha! That's where you're wrong, I've never played WoW except BFA for 2 months and I'm enjoying the fuck out of classic. It is literally and figuratively the MMO experience that I remember from games such as Lineage 2 and the likes. It's so refreshing to actually be playing a MMO that feels like one

It's just nostalgia.

But I literally never played it, what are you on about

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Anyone who plays retail wow, where do I go to at lvl 15?
Please give me a please, that isn't piss easy.
Do I like stay in zones like Azshara which are 10-60 ? What does that even mean?

Quit while you can then and count yourself lucky for slipping through the net the first time it went for you. Looking back and only having a handful of memories for potentially thousands of hours of investment is never worth it.

Is this supposed to be a template? Is the wow icon saying something on the 3rd panel that causes the guy to play again?

You dilate tranny

Is that like a hint for re-rolling as worgen?

Ask me how I know you play a paladin

Nobody cares enough about you to even try. Not even your parents.

classes are shit
"pvp" is shit
it's shit

>classes are shit
Unbalanced as fuck and by extension fun as fuck. That's how a MMO is supposed to be. They're actually great
>"pvp" is shit
Haven't had more fun in pvp in any game, ever since probably 2002
>it's shit
Not an argument

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it's not the lack of balance, and that's not how mmos are supposed to be either
it's the abysmal design where your pve rotation is literally spamming sinister strike

Yes, and spamming frost bolt is OP too. So what?

I mean you have the kind of mentality that prefers modern MMOs that are casualized, socially deprived and pay2win so if you prefer to have all these intricate mechanics instead of a RPG experience then go play those.

MMOs aren't about catering to your specific needs. Don't like a rotation, pick another class and stop complaining. This may come as a shock to you but some people actually enjoy one button "rotations".

no, i want both you fucking mouthbreathing retard

>fucking mouthbreathing retard
Yep, typical casualized player. Rudeness and all in one big package. Here's what I suggest, go back to retail wow and you'll feel much better in that safe space of yours

you are the kind of cancer that keeps wow afloat by readily paying for a half-assed 15 year old version
lk was the last time i played on retail btw

>hblurbb blurb bhlurh blurhgh
Whatever dude I'm not the one seething right now, you are

hardly, i'm just disgusted

God forbid someone enjoys wow classic, let's just, you know, call them retards. You literally sound like an angry 13 year old but hey I won't judge