Black people goooood, white people baaaaad: the game

Black people goooood, white people baaaaad: the game.

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I laughed really fucking hard at the part in GTA IV where one of Packie's brothers complains about their gang's fall from grace since they were now "workin' for niggers" and Niko kept his mouth shut and didn't say a thing. It was really an aged moment in the sense that if a game with that line came out today, the protagonist would either completely shut it down and chide the guy or it wouldn't have been included at all. Even V had the cuhrayzee lunatic bro-it-up with the black guy out of nowhere.

Well he is Canadian

wasn't he Albanian?

How the fuck do you even get to that conclusion OP race is barely a component of the game

>Black people goooood, white people baaaaad: the game.

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Are you serious? I’m only 20% into the game and I’ve killed “dumb rednecks” at least twice. And there have been three cut scenes where some cornyass white character is either fawning over how cool black people are or are getting taken advantage of by a non white character for being a dumb white person.

but the primary antagonists are black

I would stand by the fact that modern Yea Forums would reject GTA:SA if it came out today?

when is this ever said? packies brothers never worked for niggers they worked for the mafia

Why are you making shit up and assuming nobody will recognise your bullshit? unlike most of Yea Forums I actually play videogames and sniff your bullshit a mile away


imagine being this sensitive LMAO
>"I actually play videogames and sniff your bullshit a mile away"
It's not often I get to completely fucking flatten a retard such as yourself so I'd like to thank you for letting me feel so smug and self satisfied this morning

Black cop bad, black thug good

Yea Forums rejects every game that comes out today


>unlike most of Yea Forums I actually play videogames and sniff your bullshit a mile away
Holy shit dude. You fucked up so bad that it's beyond embarrassing

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Tenpenny & Big Smoke are not white

Big Smoke is a black thug

snitch ain't thug bruh, they're the highest order of pussies

Absolutely, if it were just GTA V's graphics with SA's story it'd be memed up as we wuz tier and hated by both the left and the posters here

let's forget how all the black characters are jealous of franklin's ambition and franklin himself is selfish and whiny

I didn't really find him selfish and whiny, just really forward and eager to advance with a "fuck you" attitude towards anyone that disagreed. The game is so careful not to make him a gibbering nigger that he's just bland.

wtf are you talking about, theres more than to kill dumb rednecks you downie finish the fucking game

It makes fun of niggers too. Trevor has a rampage mission where he mocks something some gangster says to him, then goes on an onslaught against a bunch of packing gangsters. There is another rampage mission for spics as well and yes whites. Fucking chill, you have quite a bit of freedom in that game anyway. Quit bitching. The game is edge lord central anyway.

I will be taking a break from Yea Forums for a few minutes

To build up even more of your butthurtedness? Fuck outta here

>I’m only 20% into the game and I’ve killed “dumb rednecks” at least twice
along with black and mexican gangbangers
what's your point

I shouldn't be able to kill white people in video games.

I mean, the game does a pretty good job of distributing it around.

>kill niggers in the hood several times
>kill spics in the hood once or twice
>kill hicks out in the desert several times
>kill chinks once or twice

you actually kill spics in the desert too
you can also kill a certain armenian

It must be tough living your life as someone who's angry but also very dumb.

daily reminder that 2016 ruined Yea Forums forever