Why do japanese devs hate the Switch?
Why do japanese devs hate the Switch?
It's underpowered due to handheld mode. Even some who push it close end up pushing it too hard causing it to overheat and drain battery faster.
its more impressive that pc is the second largest despite being the most irrelevant in japan
Literally nothing is more irrelevant than the xbox this gen.
They dont want to compete with nintendo games because they will lose most of the time
The switch just hasn't been out as long as the ps4 so it's still building up an install base. The ps4 is at like 100m sales while the switch is at like 36ish right now. After the next holidays is when you'll really see support start to pick up, when it starts to pass 50 due to Pokemon.
Because it's shit and anyone who is not a child doesn't want one.
Also because a lot of those games were in development or announced before the switch even came out
>Because it's shit and anyone who is under 18 doesn't want one.
These projects are in the works for a long time. The aren't going to stop production on game to make it compatible with vastly different hardware.
>games take 3-4 years to make
>switch came out 2 years ago
Its a mystery
>Implying there Isn’t a fuckload of Children being babysat by a PS4 and online
Xbox is even less popular than PC in Japan (and probably the rest of Asia)
hmm Yea Forums told me that japan would abandon sony...
PC has seen great exponential growth the past 7 years in Japan, due in part in changes to Steam's store front allowing them access to alot of popular smaller and indie titles - UNDERTALES success in Japan for example - and further changes with VNs and such getting on there. There was huge controversy in Japan when Valkyria Chronicles PC port was not available for purchase on Japan Steam which caused SEGA to rethink their approach.
At the same time, a majority of it comes from the marketshare they see in the west from Steam sales, with it just becoming more apparent after earlier ventures with Capcom, Konami and SEGA. All three companies have cited sales numbers of earlier PC ports in the west as the reason they explored further.
Combining both of these, it just makes sense.
What games would they be competing with? Switch is averaging 3-4 first party titles a year right now. That leaves 8 whole months uncontested.
i'm more triggered by the fact that they use empty circle to say yes and a cross to say no
The players, yes?
The microtansaction seeking publishers? No, the problem is that Nintendo has the least amount of whales in their pools
>Borderlands 3
>Japanese dev
Bull fucking shit. Nintendo is publishing at least like 6-7 games a year. Around the holidays they have a game every month.
what's wrong with that?
Nintendo literally embarrassed EA by giving the family back the 600 odd dollars they spent on FIFA Mirco transactions when they wrote an article about it
Nintendo literally wants anti-whales
I am more triggered they use romaji for some games and katakana for others. Why use katakana for Cyberpunk but then romaji for Code Vein?
yea shovelware
well, usually empty circle mean it's empty, so no, while a cross (that's supposed to go above the empty cirlce) means yes, since it's crossed
None of these are micro transaction games
How in the fuck was Steam ever able to convince those hard-headed nips?
Sony's first party games this year:
Death Stranding
Nintendos first/second party games this year:
NSMBU deluxe
Fire Emblem
Astral Chain
Links awakening
Luigis Mansion 3
Poke fucking mon
Wow I wonder why third parties don't want to release on the switch, really makes you think.
Because nintendo are greedy kikes rehashing the same game every couple of years.
Because it's hardware is slower than a modern smartphone?
Do you think first party means exclusive?
Nintendo steals more money from them than steam does
They also dont provide ANY sort of servers for online play
Its just not profitable to release on the switch
Take one company for example. Capcom.
Every port they've done doesn't crack the top 20 for the week of release. MM11 didn't reach top 1 either. Every other bargain bin anime game cracks it. What message do you think that sends? Does it make Capcom think the classic games they've ported are really bad games? No. They think the audience doesn't want their games so they'll keep pushing cheap ports to gain a bit of extra cash for winter.
>Why do japanese devs hate the Switch?
1.) Nintendo's authoritarian history
2.) Nintendo demands and forces development to revolve around their gimmick controller scheme. Be it the wii motes, the wii u tablet, or the switch double dildos. You gotta not matter to Nintendo for them to not care or have special privileges.
3.) Going with Nintendo makes you literally handicap yourself for no reason. Want to try and make the most graphically compelling title for the system? Jokes on you they wont allow it because it hinders other titles.
While people like Nintendo, myself included. I'm not blind to this shit. Sony "was" more open about it but ever since they moved their HQ to Cali it's been a shit show for them.
because the hardware is trash
do you want the games to be held back because of the switch
>second party
By the way lets put this in context
Expected lifetime sales
Sony: 10 million
Nintendo: 70-80 million
>supporting the console thats abandoning the market you're based in
imagine being a Japanese developer and being told you're now developing games for westerners
Astral Chain is published, funded and supervised by Nintendo.
Sony didn't abandon Japan, it's Japan which abandoned console gaming.
The PS4 is the only way big budget Japanese games like DMCV, Sekiro, Iceborne, Death Stranding and FF7 Remake can exist.
>big budget good
>big budget
Thanks for posting EA
It took an entire generation for Japan to finally match the West in software technology
They won't go back to underpowered hardware just to fall behind the West again
What will happen is more games developed specifically for the Switch, with lower budgets and ambition, while "serious" games will be made for PS4/Xbox/PC
They don't they love it, it already surpassed the PS4 there.
What's happening is that Nintendo doesn't care about TGS because it's just for japanese people, and they wanna be seen as a global company. That's why they try to not have too much difference between releasesor makes Direct for all regions at the same time. There's a bit of exceptions but never with big titles or others.
But you knew this and you just want to create a consolewar thread because it's been like this for adecade now.
Yes otherwise you get shovelware Shitch games like Fire Emblem and Pokemon Sword and Shield that are more like visual novels than games.
>Nippon State - 8.3
>Deutchland Reiches - 7.2
- British Police State - 6.8
God the PS4 really needs the thirld world to sell huh
Because on Nintendo consoles only Nintendo games sell everything else sell like shit. The biggest third party success on Switch managed to sell like what, 1 million copies.
You could make that same argument about PS4/Xbone and the jump to PC
don't worry, i localized the screenshot
>he thinks his focus tested AAA games aren't simplified for the plebs
Why is there now a big rectangle chunk missing on the right?
Well PC is second best selling platform for 3rd party japanese games after PlayStation although it still lags very far beyond PS4.
there's only four PS4 games that have broken a million sales in Japan
>Nintendo Switch - 8.76m
>PlayStation 4 - 8.3m
I am not talking about Japan I am talking about worldwide sales. The best 3rd party games managed on Steam is 1 million. On PS4 you have countless japanese games selling millions.
Are you retarded? Have you ever played Iceborne, Sekiro or DMCV? The majority of players can't even finish them unlike your skinner boxes made for literal children.
sure bro
you've got proof to back up your claim right
you dont
*On Switch
cheeky bastard
That doesn't necessary mean they are that harder to beat. There's plenty of easy games that you can check their trophies and see they never even reached mid game. Most casual players play a game for a few hours then forget, regardless of it's difficulty.
Only 21% beat the game.
>The best 3rd party games managed on Steam is 1 million
That's because PS4 panders to normalfags, while Switch panders to actual gamers. That's just how it is, don't cry about it.
Ah yes Pokemon and Mario, real HARDCORE games
>I'm going to list all games that weren't announced for Switch and pretend that these are all games shown on TGS
>while Switch panders to actual gamers
Someone post that video with people doing fitness with a plastic ring
>actual games vs movie games
True gamers are always looking for new ways to play. Only normalfags are okay with stagnation.
Consumers are only gonna buy a certain number of games. The Nintendo games are guaranteed to sell well so that's less sales for third parties. There is definitely room for third parties to still succeed on The switch but they have to be really good or unique experiences. Generic call of duty or whatever won't sell.
Doesn't Nintendo have their Live Gaming thing next month? Why would they bother with TGS ?
I meant on Switch. We don't have numbers because top selling games are all Nintendo games and when some posts something about 3rd parties it is only about which place where they on charts. That tell you enough how 3rd party games are selling there you only hide sales numbers when you don't have nothing to show for. The best what we can get is official statements of publishers like when Square announced Octopath Traveler did good and sols 1 million on Switch and that is one of the biggest 3rd party success on there.
>I meant on Switch
Then for Switch
Hello Eric.
>Get most of these games as a "port" few years later
>Get a new Monster Hunter entirely
yeah and 16% haven't beaten AhiT, a collectathon with only 40 pieces and aviable on all paltforms
Hell, if you check GTA V or Dark souls around 20% of the owners have never even booted the game. What point are you trying to make with these numbers?
The "gamer" population is one of the most conservative and set in their ways. Just look at the reactions when Stadia was announced. Gamers didn't even try it they were already seething.
Literally every game is more held back by retarded devs than anything else
The fuck Kirby’s Planet Robobot on fucking 3DS was 60 FPS yet star allies was 30 FPS just makes me think it’s not the hardware just retards behind the programming
>The majority of players can't even finish them
The majority of players don't finish any games they bought. It sounds like crazy talk but it's true.
Are you trying to imply osteopath, a fucking sprite based JRPG didn't profit with 1 million $60 sales? You know that's 30 million dollars? I bet the dev cost was 5-10 at most and Nintendo did all the marketing.
"Gamers" aren't real gamers. True gamers are always forwarding the progress.
30% cut compared to DLsite's 50%
Cheap doesn’t mean bad
There’s a very fine line between
Properly funded and retardedly overpriced
The word was created by companies so retard "normies" could delude themselves as being part of something so they could use say retards to sell shitty collection edition because if you don't you are not truly a gamer, also games where never for the hardcore other wise it would have never been the multi billion industry that is now days.
wait I thought VII remake was xbox and PC too
Nintendo games don't have to be "hardcore" to be for actual gamers. They're for people who aren't embarrassed of pure gameplay and don't need cinematic sugarcoating over their game.
why the fuck won't Nioh 2 just release on PC?
Fuuuuuuuuck I dont want to wait another 6 months
Fuck monster hunter, they've been making their games more and more casual and skimping out on too much content
Also fuck Capcom for their 'support' for the Switch
*Part 2 of this rant is in the form of a download code
timed exclusive
monster hunter is literally just "the sims", just drop all the content with each installment and then shoehorn it with expansions that drones will buy
Good job posting a list of games when most of them are by western devs!
The gpu is better than smartphones. The cpu being worse than high-end smartphones doesn't really matter because smartphones can't really make the most of theirs because of cooling issues.
>Nintendo literally does walking sims better than Sony
At least you’ll feel the burn with Ringfit
With PS4 you’ll just feel sleepy.
They also just dropped another nuke direct not to long ago.
TGS means nothing to them.
Nintendo really doesn't need third parties anymore. They publish around 7 games a year and a round 4 per year are worth buying. Even if they only support the switch for 4 years that's 16 good games, but if they do a standard 5 years that's 20 games. Who's buying more games than that? That's like $200 a year in games.
Nintendo saw how hard third parties fucked them with the Wii u so they stepped up game production/funding to do it themselves.
An iPhone 6 GPU would make an excellent portable console except the cooling issues fucking murder it.
If it had an open back, bigger battery and a cooling fan
Yeah it would be a beast
Only 3 of them are Western lol cope Ninsect
It's also cheaper than modern smartphones.
based as fuck
To be fair, the WiiU was some atrocious shit to develop for, which scared devs more than anything else (although some were genuinely kinda scummy like EA trying to force Origin and Ubisoft rescinding their timed exclusivity deal of that Rayman game). And Nintendo made a minor mistake of trying to court and emphasize third party cooperation in their initial promotion for the Switch, since they caught third parties at the worst time possible (mid-gen, well after most of them had very clearly declared wholly or majorly for Sony).
Still fuck Capcom, however. They've been absolute shitbags about the Switch.
I think it's actually in Nintendos best interest if there are few third party releases, because they get a lot more money from game sales of their own titles, which helps them fund more high quality titles. As long as their console keeps selling there's really no reason they would want a bunch of third party games crowding out their own games. It seems to me the end goal of Nintendo is to reach a point where they're publishing a game every month, so people buy ONLY their games.
>fund more high quality titles
>but ever since they moved their HQ to Cali it's been a shit show for them.
what does that matter at all???
>What's happening is that Nintendo doesn't care about TGS because it's just for japanese people, and they wanna be seen as a global company.
>why don't they give 400 different Pokemon unique animations for many different moves
Yes why doesn't a billion dollar company make a good product?
>RE Revelations is probably one of the best games on Switch with 60 FPS, gyro controls and tactical reloading by tapping the IR sensor
>Later shits the bed with everything else from Delaying MHGU for a whole 8 months,
>No motion controls in RE4
>Overcharging for DMC 1instead If porting the trilogy
>Fucking bothering to port DMC 2 at all
>No motion controls in RE5 but it’s in that turd RE6
>Still no MM: Battle Network Legacy
user, they fucking said that they are cutting pokemon for better animation, WHERE'S THAT BETTER ANIMATION!!!???
Game freak is not Nintendo
It is Nintendo's IP retard
Technical it isn’t
It’s the awkward 3 way spilt between
The Pokémon Company
Gamefreak owns enough of Pokémon they can tell Nintendo to fuck off
I still cannot believe people defend GF after this point.
At least admit GF stopped giving a fuck anymore and that Sword and Shield is dumbed down shit
I thought they were cutting Pokémon in order to make new 3D models for the old Pokemo- oh wait. Shit.
>Absolute shitbags about the switch
Nobody buys their games on the switch. MM11 didn't get top 1 on release. REmake didn't even get into top 20. Why would they work their asses off when the audience clearly doesn't care about them?
People stopped giving a fuck about Game Freak around the time XY released.
But since they kept sexualising Pokégirls more and more with each new entry Yea Forums was okay
>Capcom does almost nothing outside of overpriced shit effort ports for Switch
>"huh guess Switch owners don't care about Capcom oh well"
I honestly think the new game looks fun. They combined traditional game design with the overworld Pokemon from LGPE.
>If my glorified Fisher Price tablet can't run a AAA game it's 'shit effort'
Because they haven’t released Battle Network legacy yet those fucking Jews don’t want my money
Because it's expensive to port games to the Switch and they know it would not sell as much as the first party games
>the next Pokémon anime is going to be a catch-all series instead of primarily focusing on Gaylar
You know Game Freak have gone too far with their lazy retardation when even the anime (the big merchandising tie-in to the games) is basically admitting what a fucking shallow shitpile SwSh will be.
Steam is huge in Japan thanks to gaming laptops and Shinzo Abe pushing everyone to get a gaming laptop and a Steam account to get people away from mobile gacha games.
>If you actually care about gaming you will get a Steam account with a gaming laptop and a Switch.
>Shinzo Abe pushing everyone to get a gaming laptop and a Steam account to get people away from mobile gacha games
From which region of your ass are you pulling this off
>Sońyggers stil think they're the best selling platform
Not a lie, this was reported by NateDrake & EADNinja over at ResetEra.
>Oh no our Switch games require effort and optimization for them to run
>Fuck it, lets split the DMC collection up and charge 20 bucks for each game instead
These two do not correlate in any way. Thats EA levels of jewery
Why is most of the library ports then?
Switch can't even run Super Kirby Clash at 60 fps.
Switch online is a disaster when it's other games than Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
>Its a power issue maymay
how does that explain all this
it can't run Kirby Clash at 60 FPS because HAL are dumb as shit
Tell me user, what about Kirby is more technically impressive than Tropical Freeze or Mario Odyssey, both run at 60 FPS?
Because nin toddlers dont get their "bing bing wahoo!" out of non nintendo games
Nintendo sabotaged them and forced to release DMC separately
Ram bandwidth issues.
Why doesn't DLsite just be like Epic and only do 12% lol? :^)
Xbox is popular nowhere
only retarded americans buy this shit
haha good one
it's actually easier to read at a glance this way
Source on that?
No source. There's a trailer for the next anime season that shows the starters from each gen but doesn't actually state anything or give context. People are assuming based off that.
Holy fuck pretty much every competent devs has been able to patch in gyro controls without issues
Fucking how?
That just sounds like Capcom being fucking Jews
Lets look at Square Enix since 2010
>2010 - FFXIV 1.0
>2011 - FFXIII-2, Type-0
>2012 - Dragon Quest X
>2013 - FFXIII-3
>2014 - FFXIV ARR
>2015 - FFXIV Heavensward
>2016 - FFXV
>2017 - FFXIV Stormblood, Dragon Quest XI
>2018 - FFXV Pocket Edition
>2019 - FFXIV Shadowbringers, Kingdom Hearts III
Big AAA japanese publishers just can't pump out games let alone good ones
Just remember that Yoshio Sakamoto has said that has never been the case.
>despite 8 Nintendo published games always on the top 10 with Minecraft of Switch and the occasional PS4 new title that will be replaced by another PS4 new title next week
Even Megaman 11 you can shit on it by saying that Capcom didn't even bother to release it physically in Europe
CODE VEIN is the original name, even in Japan. Meanwhile Cyberpunk is just the Western name.
They had no faith in it when it was first released and Indie game devs took their spot in the Switch market, and now it's too late for them to force their way in.
>And Nintendo made a minor mistake of trying to court and emphasize third party cooperation in their initial promotion for the Switch, since they caught third parties at the worst time possible (mid-gen, well after most of them had very clearly declared wholly or majorly for Sony).
So when the hell are they going to play catch up? After the PS5 is released?
Even if you wanna make the argument "The carts are too expensive" Capcom already contradicts that because Dragon's Dogma gets a retail release at 30 dollars and was 16 GB. The DMC Collection is only 12.
>After the PS5 is released?
Apparently according to a known chink outsource dev they're getting tons of requests to make Switch exclusive versions of some of their games, you know, like when the Wii and DS got completely different versions of multiplats?
Switch is shit hardware so DMC Collection would be 24 GB
It runs games like absolute dogshit compared to other consoles, basically have to extra downgrade your game to put shit on it unless it's indie garbo that can run on a calculator
PS4 is truly the weeb game machine
This completely ridiculous Capcom you fucking Jews
Has the success of World really made them this retarded?
user when you downgrade assets the filesize goes down, not up. Unless you're taking the piss
Hell Nintendo let Brace yourself games a literal who indie dev make a fucking Zelda game.
That’s fucking mind blowing
Capcom has been doing amazing, stop seething Shitchlets. Your games are overpriced because of Nintendo's greed and you only get ports because your tablet can't handle real games.
why is project resistance appearing twice on that list?
>old games aren't real games
How is Project Resistance looking user? it looks like shit
And it will only gets worse dumbfuck,none of the next gen games will be available on switch,not with serious compromises at least
It looks fantastic and I'm going to have fun with my bros. Cope.
Daily reminder Capcom helped develop the Switch's hardware so therefore you're shitting on the company you're defending
>It looks fantastic
Lol lying to yourself. fuming
Maybe because it's a pathetic children toy with debilitating limitations. And I'm not even talking about the graphics, I'm talking about the online being the shittiest online services I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing.
and the worst of all is the fact that the nintendiapers are defending this.
Astral Chain is a Nintendo property. They own the property.
Damn, DLSite takes a 50% cut? That's super steep. No wonder Jap companies were so slow to adopt PC support.
>it's Japan which abandoned console gaming.
No they abandoned Playstation. That's it.
Xbox never had support in the first place. And Japan were among the biggest supporters of the flop that was the Wii U.
That doesn't mean they've abandoned console gaming.
I swear this entire narrative has got o be pushed by people who just don't want to admit that Japan became extremely sour with Playstation.
The Wii U flopped because it was bad, not because Japan has given up on the idea of console gaming itself. Playstation has under performed because Japan were disappointed with what it was turning into, not because Japan has given up on the idea of console gaming itself.
Have a home console with great games and Japan will love it.
>Sony's first party games this year:
>Death Stranding
>Nintendos first/second party games this year:
>NSMBU deluxe
>Fire Emblem
>Astral Chain
>Links awakening
>Luigis Mansion 3
>Poke fucking mon
It's incredible how fucking nothing in this list is giving me any desire to play except for maybe Astral chains, and it's inferior to Bayonetta 1/2 from what I've seen anyway. Fuck Nintendo.
Hinomaruko was shown off at TGS and is coming to the Switch. The Switch logo was even put ahead of the PS4 logo.
Looks great too.
PC support died, because nobody bought the games. I think probably because the PC was associated with 18+ porn games from the early PC era.
Looking back, there were stuff like an official Lunar PC port (and no, I never managed to actually find the port, just that it exists), same for Final Fantasy VII or most Falcom games.
There was just no market for it and the PC versions rarely sold.
>"I'm a Nintendo fan"
>play only one game
I fucking swear you fags are the worse
>physical copies for xbox where the least fans are
>no physical copies for the switch where most of the fans are
Wow. But I am sure it sold amazing on the Xbox so those physical copies must have surely been worth it in the end!
Yes, I really wonder why games like Nioh 2, Space Channel 5 VR, Monster Hunter World, Borderlands 3, FF VII or Cyberpunk 2077 don't get a Switch port.