ITT: Games youre postponing your end for

ITT: Games youre postponing your end for

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Bannerlord and Dying Light 2

Half Life 3

Animal Crossing

FF7 remakes ensures I have to live until at least 40 :D

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Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing


The very concept of having something to look forward to, even as small as a movie or video game, means you're not really depressed and you're just pretending to be for attention

Havent played an animal crossing since gamecube. Im fucking ready bros.

I see what you did there.

i was so fucking suicidal and depressed 6 months ago but I legit had this game on my mind alot of the time. It was one of the reasons I started feeling more optimistic for the future.

It's MGSV all over again

S-Still waiting on that MGSV/5...

Prototype 3 or inFamous 3

Planning to die of boredom OP?

The new one makes me so pissed off
I hate everything about it.
I'm gonna play it sure but fuck I hate the visual design of it. Animal crossing was never so stylistically different.
I pray for them to announce a remake of the gamecube one with modern tweaks, the screen scroll removed, and loads of new items. That'd be ideal.
I bet 100 bucks the villager writing is gonna be even worse than new leaf in the new game

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BOTW2 unironically

Look at the most recent direct footage compared with the earlier footage. They've fixed the plastic textures, looks pretty good now and with the AC style. The terrain generation also seems to be going back to the GC era.

crustypoon 2077

just end it now tbqh


Monster Girl Quest Paradox 3

star citizen

Last of Us 2. I'm gonna get the most expensive edition and get it as soon as possible, even if that includes a midnight release

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Deadly Premonition 2

better get the noose ready then

Unironically DS. I did not waited four years just to giving up right now. And I want to play with user this thing.

>postponing your big long nothing so that you can delay the end with some digital media that whose existence will not persist through death and it’s time with you will have been meaningless
Makes sense

I wonder if it will ever release. I'm also super excited about Baldur's Gate 3.

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Death stranding
Stalker 2
Dragons dogma 2
