I will make you regret burning my tree, you Horde shits

I will make you regret burning my tree, you Horde shits.

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Other urls found in this thread:


what are you gonna do, sit on my face?

Shes gonna shit down your throat

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf

Who wouldn't?

from the thumbnail i thought she had a string of pussy juice hangin between her legs

feel like night elves got forgotten once BC released.


>that trigger discipline
never gonna make it

>TD when you're shooting


I'm torn between playing horde or playing a qt night elf druid. My night elf is so sexy it overrides all other priorities.

Just make a night elf priest

why havent you picked up the game yet? im 46 and stressed as fuck im not 60 yet. fuckk

Why did you join the alliance retard elf
It makes zero sense
Like in warcraft 3 you hated outsiders
Horde is trying to live with nature
We could share
But you joined alliance, the most polluting faction who fucking hate nature
Just because they aren't your neighbors.
You aren't the same elfs
You are fake

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>we could share
>all of your nature gibs me dat
>I needs it for war
Orcs and the horde are selfish retarded faggots who deserve death

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oh no...

But you just described Alliance, they have never done anything non selfish.

Horde live with the land and love nature. They connect with the earth.

Elf are also ex-trolls, alliance rock people.
Night-elfs hate rest of the alliance just as much.

So your arguments are invalid, please try again, I understand that playing alliance makes you not question the world around you, but at least you are willing to learn.

>I will make you regret burning my tree,
NElves had their revenge. Killing one of Sylvanus' valkyr and one of their own Wardens raised as undead was enough, apparently.

>pointing the guns at the ground
>not even looking where she's pointing either of them
She's a liability to the engineering corps

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Its not their land retard

God can you imagine how many night elven women are carrying horde halfies in their bellies after Ashenvale was conquered? The might of the horde must have "occupied" their purple cunts real hard.

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Oh? Who's land is it?
The trolls or the taurens?

Who's land did they steal retard-kun?

>point your guns anywhere but at the ground
>sweep the guy on the griffon
>guns are litterally smoking from being fired

you're a liability

is it gay that i really wanna have an ass like this??

Humans and Dwarf land. You're just a bunch of monsters in our way.

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So what the fuck is happening with this storyline? The whole thing seems so fragmented and aimless

What do you mean your way? You don't actually do anything? You just watched your allied kingdom die and jerked off together. At least it gave you time to build stormwind, sacrifices have to be made for fashion, as they say.

Horde ally Jaina understood this and made her own kingdom that was allowed to live in piece until retail retard writers jumped in.

They forgot that Alliance is a racist bunch of nobodies and night elfs who wen't trough a complete personality change.

So yeah, it's good I'm educating you, false information is easy to learn, hard to forget.

>other barrel might still be loaded
>having finger on the trigger while not looking where you're pointing the gun
There could be a goddamn gnome there for all she knows

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Play warcraft 3, that's the storyline.
Classic is just the time of piece after WC3.

shut up faggot, not vidya


>This is what Horde niggers actually believe after what they did to Draenor and other lands on Azeroth.

>Orcs invade a planet not their own destroying, polluting, raping, killing for no other reason than to do it. No provocation. No respite. No mercy.

Hell your generals even hunt women and children for fun as they run from sacked Lorderon.

>Undead literally want to blight and plague all the lands south of Lorderon fighting any semblance of trying to restore Eastern and Western plague lands.

>Trolls practice blood magic which has empirically fucking shown to cause massive damage to surrounding ecosystems.

>Tauren are based and shouldnt be Horde.

>Blood Elves will do anything to get their fix even if it ruins the enviroment around the fucking with mana sources.


Jesus christ its like you havent played retail and witnessed what the Horde have done in Panda land and Kul Tiras in the zones they have invaded. Please commit suicide Horde dipshits.

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>There could be a goddamn gnome there for all she knows

I don't get why anyone plays horde to be the fucking good guy.

Same unless you play a Taure you have the blood of innocents on your hands and literally no argument against.

I haven’t seen an ass this fantastic in a while. True art.

Okay, fair point. Carry on, trooper.


jaina takes green orc dicks all night long

>qt night elves taking some big fat tauren cocks
go on...

Im pretty sure Dragon dick >>> Orc dick

actually bulls dont have big dicks, so taurens would be fairly small. humans literally dick mog every mammal in the world proportionally

>I will make you regret burning my tree, you Horde shits.

How are you gonna do that, make me lick your feet?
You wouldn't DARE lol that would be like sitting on my face, you just WOULD NOT DARE to do that.

PM me for details if you really wanna try it, but you wouldnt dare, I bet you you wouldnt

Pic unrelated I hope its not porn

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>not giving them horsecocks anyway

also the reason our dicks are so big is because we grew a brain large enough to make sex recreational
no reason why it wouldn't work on taurens, orcs, elves etc etc

proper gun focused class could get me back into retail

MM Hunter isn't enough?

Apes do it too, their brains aren't that small but their dicks are still tiny. It's more about natural selection I think. Humanity has developed so much that the best people naturally pass down their genes that people want them for. The Horde's biggest advancement as a collective is the ability to create a tent, so I don't think they can be considered very progressed.

Pretty good ass, I must say.

>keep cutting down nelf forests after WC3
>omg why nelf not like hoard

>trigger discipline outside of the west and their butt buddies within the last 40 years

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As if the game couldn't get any more cartoony

There were TANKS in warcraft 3.

>trigger discipline
>beign so insecure that you have to take your finger from a trigger in fear of accidencal discharge
>not beign uber chad with perfect self control, always ready to release dakka on some fools in a heartbeat
Never gonna make it

Outlaws should be proper 1h+gun, not this lame memewielding bullshit we have now.

Might be called an autist here, also could be the Tolkienfag inside me, but lewd them as much as you want (you wouldn't stop anyway).

But don't attach to Elves ungraceful habits like smoking or slutty shit like tattoos for example. Those things don't fit them.

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>being bred literally by the WHITE BVLL
the way it meant to be honestly

Aren't Night Elves immortal? They're probably one of the few races who could smoke with no health repercussions.

why won't the alliance have the balls to rape ud women

>nelfs getting raped left and right

>eastern kingdom
>uds getting raped left and right

I don't see why Ashenvale was ever considered Night Elf territory anyway. Playing through it in Classic and if you walk the roads there's 10 horde for every night elf.

>Aren't Night Elves immortal?
not anymore, afaik

>tfw no stuck up blood elf gf

Smoking is a practice that involves fire and can cause fire by accident. You think elves like the Night Elves would be ok with that in their forests, even if it didn't harm them?

Elves have come to symbolize certain things in fiction.
Anyway, I know it's just a fanart, I just wanted to say it.

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Probably those ten thousand years before it

They've been mortal since Cata, as that's when the last bit of the World Tree's blessing stopped.
Fun fact; The first Night Elf to die of natural causes was Jarod Shadowsong's wife.

same here

with those diseased corpses they probably don't do it to keep their balls

>he doesn't know

>night elf using guns

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>not the elves
Is there a particular reason the Alliance aren't attacking Silvermoon now their only bulwark is destroyed? If I recall the Alliance has re-taken Andorhal as well now.

I agree with you on smoking, but a lot of night elves already have tattoos right on their faces.

Here we see the impulse of cosplay and various inferior fandoms. Holding on to some half-justified tidbit of lore they go on to showing off all the cheesecake they can muster, and ultimately taking their interest clearly off-canon. If I could be more disgusted I would, but it is a world of sin we live in.

even if you had a condom blessed by a priest of the holy light on to protect yourself, raping an undead woman could have serious consequences for her bodily integrity. If you fuck her too hard you might shatter some bones or dislodge some limbs which wouldn't kill my erection of course but would probably make most people uncomfortable.

>tfw RP servers are dead on retail and everyone has boring fucking samey characters.

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>gamerbrains shit
You should be ashamed of yourself user

>lore past vanilla
who cares

that's the goal user

fucking and purging them at the same time

because alliance only exists to be bumbling idiots so Sylvanas can show off her tacticool genius

The Undead are the ones who do the raping, is why. They're the only reason the Horde remained relevant in their conflict with their Alliance, beating the fuck out of the MUH LORDRON faggots at every corner of their borders while the Orcs embarassingly lost ground in the fucking Barrens and the Tauren dropped to their knees and apologized profusely for the Alliance razing their town, and the Trolls just did fucking nothing.

how do they forge their weapons then?

You need fire to smelt metal and forge blades and armor.



I genuinely wonder how can people still be the least bit invested in the current day warcraft lore when it feels like the malformed child of a bootleg capeshit attempt and a shittily written fanfiction.

it's either bland boring shit or absolute batshit insanity and there's never any middle ground
>Knight-Captain Johnathon Smithson, loyal soldier of Stormwind. "Greetings. What can I do for you? Need help? King's honor, friend. Light be with you."
>Alfraxia Decrnegoi, half-demon half-worgen void abomination | The Dark Messenger | Umbral Wolf | Bitch (( Okay, first thing's first, lore Nazis FUCK OFF, second if you talk shit about me or spread misinformation I WILL cut you off no questions asked 9+ years of RP experience Dark/Mature/18+, no ERP no bigotry now check out my character's list of weapons, spells, her family tree, and my blacklist of over a dozen people who've wronged me in the past and who I will never ever forgive and it's totally their fault trust me etc.

What do you expect when the official story in in shambles and clearly nobody gives a fuck?

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I expect the barest modicum of restraint and the faintest indication of human cognition. I am frequently disappointed.



They don't call it "spending the night" for nothing.

>expecting any of this from WoW players

RP is just code for chatroom now. It's all the same fucking shit.

>orcs, trolls and tauren who act like tribalist cavemen overdosing on testosterone (even the female characters)
>goblins who arent even pretending to play a character, just act like their IRL selves and isolate themselves into cliques
>blood elves who continue to be the biggest source of secondhand embarrassment in the game
>pandaren and various allied races dotting the crowd as obligatory political spergs, company dick-suckers and generally insufferable people

And if you expected any different you're a grade-A moron.

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>tribalist cavemen overdosing on testosterone (even the female characters)
that's hot

fucking lightbrains

you do realize their pussies are infested with worms and maggots, fight?
why do you think sylvanas is the only heroine in the game that doesn't get gangbanged left and right like tyrande or jaina

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Based and Lightpilled.

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Because RP is much better on private RP servers.
You can have gm's create actual events, worldbuilding, ignore the terrible lore of recent years, have access to more player models / armor etc...

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>All this cope
You were the bad guys all along alliance cucks
Undead want to be free, just like the orcs.
They are a new form of life, and they are confused, just like everyone else.
Damn, being wrong in so many levels really hurts my brain.

They are good guys, end of story.

Yes there is, you were under the influence of literal demons, are you stupid?

>giving a shit about this retard-tier lore

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No it's not. It's just a bunch of people ERPing or totally ignoring the game lore. I don't even think private servers for this game exist nowadays.



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I am listening...

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What color is night elf shit?
What does it smell like?
Flowers I bet haha


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I'd pound that cold, dead meat

That would make you a necrophiliac though user.

her womb it's a cold and hostile place


Just like my ex wife.

I don't see the problem

>good guys
Blizzard writers even stated that they don't like writing stories for the Alliance because they view them as the good guys; they're trying their hardest not to force a moral dichotomy between the factions.

>Undead want to be free
If they wanted to be free they'd ask Priests and Paladins to purify them so they could be dead and at peace. Instead Sylvanas is mind controlling most of them to kill everybody who isn't licking her boots.


Not every elf race out there is a pure boring shining beacon of integrity, user. Fucking Night Elves are tribal as fuck and tattoo their bodies accordingly.

>Undead want to be free

Undeads got a second chance to shit on everyone who wronged them.

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For real now, imagine the stench.

Not this user, but I think he's probably sperging out about those womb tattoos or anything crappy and modern-looking.
Tribal tats are sexy af man.

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>that gigantic face-mouth.

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Nelf females are whore who got enslaved by the Horde. They will get used to tattoos.

Pointing out "muh trigger discipline" doesn't make you seem like some elite gun expert, it just makes you seem like a pedantic autist who doesn't realize it wasn't even a thing until around Vietnam. It's the most entry level bullshit you see spouted by newfags to /k/.

Go back to whatever degenerate RP discord server you came from, faggot.

Night Elves have colourful birth marks I don't see why they would want tattoos

goblinfag here, that's disgusting...


Your womb belongs to us, just like your land

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>he's unironically trying to RP
You are fucking pathetic


does anyone else just get a 404 from b4k?

That explains so much...


fuck the hippie el*es

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big worgen knots > dragon dick > tiny orc dicklets

>Horde are guilty of everything forever
>Alliance races are pure and incorruptible
>This is what lorelets actually believe

The orcs were corrupted by demons. That is why they turned to evil and destruction. You know who else went through these same motions? The night elves. The Alliance's most 'pure' and 'noble' race was corrupted by demonic influence to the point where they ushered in a planetary invasion that literally tore sundered the world in half. Even today satyr cults still skulk among the ruins of the elves' folly.

The point is that to single out the more atrocities of the Horde as a sort racial weakness and not a result of demonic influence is stupid. If orcs are evil because of what they did in the past, then so are elves.

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wow that didn't take long, gotta say the wait was worth it, what a masterpiece of a video

Wtf is wrong with tyrandes eyes.

Oh fuck! OH FUCK!

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The Night Elves expelled and punished the members of their race that were responsible for the sundering, and then restructured their civilization in such a way that it wouldn't happen again.

The modern Horde is made up of literal war criminals from both the first and second war, some of which are still active members of demonic cults because the Horde went soft on warlocks until Garrosh became Warchief.

Oh yeah, and WoD proved that the Orcs were brutal, genocidal assholes even without demon blood.

Tyrande is hot as hell but damn, I hate the bitch too much.

I wish human females were real so bad bros.

>The Alliance's most 'pure' and 'noble' race was corrupted by demonic influence
Those guys are horde now.

>Orcs didn't pollute shit
>Undead want to blight everyone who wishes for their destruction, guess who lives south of Lorderon
>Darkspear Trolls don't practice blood magic nor do Revantusk or Shatterspear the only tribes in the Horde
>Tauren are based but Baine is an Alliance bootlicker that broke off his own horn as tribute to the fag king
>Blood Elves have been cured since the very same expansion they were introduced, and terraform any land they live into a paradise balanced with nature and arcane
>Goblins only nuke you
Why do Alliance lorelets feel the need to lie to justify their existence?

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>you will never be a prison bitch for 10.000 years

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panda wife i need a panda wife help

imagine being watched by maiev for 10k years

>Night Elves have an active rebellion against the Highborne and Azshara, casting their mages out to Dire Maul and what would eventually be Silvermoon afterwards, with the Highborne only returning after 10,000 years due to Malfurion feeling a bit bad. This decision almost ends up killing him and the Highborne because Maiev tries to do the right things by killing them all
>Orcs ironically show in WoD that they don't need demon corruption to be bloodthirsty murderers, and in an even bigger treat the Orc who tries to establish peace is the one who was raised by Humans in the first place.
It's funny that you mention Night elves doing demonic things, because most of the ones who were unrepentant about doing that stuff ended up being the predecessors of the Blood Elves, which are now part of the Horde.

>being an unironic alliance supporter

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fakus gayius

Shh, the best wow race is sleeping

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copeus maximus

Wingardium levioSA

Night elves killed some paladin doing nothing wrong because he happened to be in their territory. Stop pretending purple niggers are any better than green ones, they've both done the same stupid nigger demon shit.

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>Orcs show up and invade your land
>Humans show up and fight them a bit but end up helping them continue to invade your land
>Kill them
>"but he did nothing wrong!"
The retard here is you, user.

wouldn't it be funny if she ordered you to kneel down and jerk off in front of her

What a chad.

just a typical redditor

Attached: redd.jpg (558x244, 80K)

Oh that is cute. Got any moar?

>bunch of cavemen you've never seen before show up and cut some wood
>omg they're invading kill them!!

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>asking your girl permission to play a videogame
poor allianceboi

i will make you medium rare you tree loving faggot

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Read the letter again, he doesn't ask her permission for shit. He's telling her how it's going to be.

The Faction

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based af

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The pre-Cata Ashenvale conflict is one of the few times in WoW where Horde honestly seems in the right.

Your people now live in a desert with little to no natural resources, right across the river is this massive forest that goes on for miles and miles. Naturally, you see it fit to use some of these trees as lumber to help with your new society.

Meanwhile, a bunch of ancient militaristic and xenophobic knife ears who were here first won't even give you the time of day and let you speak your case. They don't care that you only want to cut down a certain portion of the forest, they don't care that you fully intend on respecting nature as your people are stepped in shamanistic heritage, they just see you as unworthy and kill you on sight.

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Worked well for the native in america.
Worked well for the Night Elves in WoW.

>invade someone's property
>get attacked by the owners
>we juz tryin' to git by, wite man holdin' us down I swears

>Arrive in new area that you've been told is home to strange and ancient things
>First thing you do is start cutting down trees

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Neither of those assertions are correct

you can see her nipples MODS MODS MODSD

He is begging her not to castrate him for paying attention to the game lmao
Now back in the cuckshed, white boy

>First thing you do is start cutting down trees
oh no the horror

Wasn't Warsong Gulch established for this exact reason? Rather than go into all out war over the trees, the Night Elves and the Orcs decided to drcide things over strategic rounds of capture the flag?

>focusing on the barely visible nipples
>not focusing in that crazy tummygame
Get yourself together man!

Yes they are. That's literally what colonization is about.
See what remains of the nelves in WoW.

>night elves still salty that their demigod got an axe shoved into his deer ass by Grom

The orc vs night elf conflict is more reminiscent of white colonialists vs native americans than anything, retarded /pol/poster

>"You have invaded our territory"
>"Okay my apologies, tell us where your territory is and we'll just use the resources outside of it"
>"All of nature is our territory, die invader"
Night elves

Is it just me or can no other game's women come close to women of warcraft

And he came back at full health. Your point?

not at all go be all you can be

Ah yes, because the orcs are a highly advanced people who brought civilization to the crude and barbaric elves. Now which of them live in mudhuts again?

>Grom gets rekt by Night Elves and has to resort to drinking Demon Blood AGAIN to fight them
>Cenarius came back, and without the need for time-travel bullshit
El em ay oh

>implying the Orc would have left.
Bitch this is warcraft, the stronger prevails.
Night Elf went for the "pacifist" way in WoW, look at what happened to them.

>Now which of them live in mudhuts again?

Yeah, a big flammable tree is so much better.

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They're not wrong, orcs aren't native to Azeroth.

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>Night Elf went for the "pacifist" way in WoW

Have you ever played any of these games? Night elves were exactly as brutal as the orcs were, to the point where Grom says "wow these things are savage as fuck, I love fighting them." They regularly attacked humans who invaded their forests based on incredibly shoddy druidic inference.

Reminder that she did nothing wrong.
Kill all Mages, kill all Warlocks.

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>Tfw have to play an ugly ass orc in classic instead of a fuccboi blood elf

have mercy i just coomed

Yes i played these. Tyrande never showed up to defend Ashenvale. She let the local elves getting slaughtered by the Orcs because she didn't want to piss Thrall (she is probably addicted to Orc cocks at this point). Meanwhile Malfurion and Cenarius went neutral.
Oh and she gave Azshara to the Horde.
The result of this? BFA.

>came back after several expansion with his literal butthurt still intact
>still salty that some mortal savages rekt him and raped his daughters in their doe cunts

> 2.59 MB gif
It even looks like shit. There's no excuse for this shit anymore.

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To be fair, Grom Hellscream and his clan were the Night elves' first impression of orcs.
You know, the guys that Thrall specifically delegated to menial lumber harvesting because they couldn't be trusted to do anything else without killing everyone they see.

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oh please no...?

>Tyrande never showed up to defend Ashenvale
She did in Pre-Cata, oddly enough. Nearly died there too.

Here we go again...

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how get tauren mommy gf

How are they in the right? It was Thrall's retarded ass decision to settle in the middle of a desert. Doesn't mean they are entitled to Ashenvale lumber just because its right next to it.

ok thanks

this post makes treeniggers SEETHE

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No she didn't. Only in some book and that was to defend her whole race from getting wiped out by the Horde.
Half of Ashenvale belongs to the Orcs since WoW and she never moved her fat ass to defend it while her "sisters", her Sentinels (the order she created and she lead with the sole purpose to defend Ashenvale against any intruder) are getting raped by Orcs.
I bet she enjoyed it.

I can't stand the modern fem belf face. It looks like someone took an actually good looking facial model and dragged the mouth and chin too far downward. It doesn't even have that "alien elf face" thing going for it. It just looks stupid. The original belf player model was much better.

Also they have the worst running animation in the game bar none. How any Fbelf player can stand looking at their character in movement is beyond me.


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The orcs saw a huge forest near where they lived, so they decided to not let it go to waste. They didn't know the night elves lived there, and when they found out they were getting slaughtered en masse

>Oh and she gave Azshara to the Horde.
Nah, her human masters decided it for her since they needed to give something to the horde for losing the war. Because that's how alliance does wars.

Imagine being Tyrande and spitroasted by Thrall and Anduin

What an awful list

yeah I bet she did.


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Nope it was her decision, and anyway what does it change? She agreed with the decision in the end. She also chose those human masters, and she chose to submit to them.
Also where was she to defend Azshara anyway? Oh yea, attending to Thrall's wedding in the most sacred place of the Nelves. Man, Thrall's musk must be very powerful.

>Chases after Gul'dan through a portal to who knows where by herself
>Best the Legion can manage to do is imprison her behind hundreds of NElf ghost warriors

why do warcraft girls love sugary treats so much

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what's going on in this thread

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Why does Blizzard hate Night Elves so much?

her body can feed more than two people. might as well invite the other faction leaders.

what if you were imprisoned by her and she forced you to lick her feet lol

Alliancelets are tasting green cock again

if these lived in there, would you have the courage to Spit at them?

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>antagonizes trolls for no reason other than they exist near you
>pisses off high elves (after begging for their help because trolls beat your ass)
>deems goblins lesser beings, ensuring they work again you
>nearly loses war against aliens (that you summoned)
>puts said aliens in concentration camps, leading to decades of bad blood after they escape
>invents undeath, enemy of all life
>continue antagonizing elves, trolls, goblins, orcs and undead in various atrocities
>somehow surprised when every race you've wronged gangs up on you whenever you try shit
>annoy Sylvanas to the point she decimates your allies

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Because literally everything on Azeroth is their fault.

Because the playerbase is a bunch of trannies who just wants to larp in Goldshire.
They don't give a fuck about the lore.
Azshara given to the Horde? No problem.

between 8.2 and 8.3

>leave your home defenseless to attack your enemy
>be surprised when they invade and actually remove you like the nuisance you are
They deserved it.
>muh genocide
How about the other races who were decimated through every other expansions?

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yo i NEED the sauce


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>Blizzard game is garbage so cumskull "fans" just spam porn

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me on bottom

ok fair enough

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When I was a horny teen I busted a fat nut over this page of the WoW Classic manual.

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>>annoy Sylvanas to the point she decimates your allies
Not what happens in BFA. Sylvanas was paranoid that people within her own faction were plotting against her (and, unsurprisingly, they were) so she started the war in order to rally people on the fence to her side while culling the faction in the Forsaken that was catching on to her antics.


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>"Hey Sylvanas let's organize a truce, we totally won't try to use your undead population's families to try and make them defect"
>uses the undead population's families to try and make them defect
>Sylvanas starts shooting them (and you)
>Sylvanas is the bad guy
Dindu nuffin as always

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>Implying anybody but boring faggots play human anyway

The tree stands well, your shit game is non canon.

>empirically fucking shown to cause massive damage to surrounding ecosystems
Show me where, mon.

>literal headcanon

Where are you getting these user?

For scientific purposes...

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Me too. It's a nice picture and reflects the miles of savage dick alliance women insert in their bodies.

>Implying Anduin, fucking Anduin, of all people would try to be dubious about this kind of stuff
Also she started shooting because of a rebel faction within the Forsaken that she believed was using it to defect.
Look up the book on it. There was a splinter faction in the Forsaken that caught on to Sylvanas using mind control on numerous newly raised Undead, and were going to go to other races and turn against her. Also her entire motivation for attacking Teldrassil is "The Alliance is going to attack first!" when ANDUIN THE PACIFIST is on the throne.

Holy shit that's retarded
>hurr u chop their treez!
because the night elves had so many signs saying 'please don't cut down these trees' and tried so hard to ask the orcs nicely to stop. If anyone likes to cry about how they did nothing wrong is the fucking Night elves who can't fucking own up to shit, ever.


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based compy aka djcomps drew that

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don't even try to argue with a sylvanas fanboi. They have cum in their brain to defend such a character in the first place.

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>There was a splinter faction in the Forsaken that caught on to Sylvanas using mind control on numerous newly raised Undead
except there wasn't and that only happened to 1 undead, jaina's brother. it's also completely unrelated to why they went to war.
kys seething lorelet

I want that tired gnome face 1 to berate me in her little pipsqueak voice.

>playing warcraft 3, night elf campaign
>find out all their men have been gone for ages
>jerk of mid-mission imagining being a human peasant defeated and raped by horny night elves


lorelet what? Sylvanas is a generic villain who is still alive with a deus ex armor because of her tits.
The only reason she got a pass is becaus "arthas was mean to me", and since he was killed 10 years ago...

how is your post related to anything in the previous posts you fucking retard?

Ask yourself the same question.

>except there wasn't
Undercity's ruling body in Legion tries to defect when they learn Sylvanas had been lying to them, and she has them all assassinated due to her paranoia.

I think gnomes are the only race that won with the new models.

Didn't she torture a blood elf knight as well?
Man waifufags in WoW are something.

Uh oh

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I’ve spent somewhere between $500-$600 USD on art for a character I don’t play anymore. Any time I try to log on I have some fag try to hit on me or ERP. I miss bieing able to do meaningful storylines. I miss when RP guilds weren’t full of faggots who were looking for the slightest reason to #metoo you. WrA used to be a fun place, and now it’s just moonguard lite.

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Me on top

you're braindead.
yea no shit the council exists. they did not "catch on to her using mind control on numerous undead" though and they defected because they wanted to go back to their families.

You're probably thinking of the DK in the Plaguelands who opted to work with the Alliance army (Notably led by a human DK who he knew from Acherus) there to fight the Scourge rather than each other. Sylvanas then showed up, threw him in chains, and had the Val'kyr raise even more Undead than the Scourge had.

>There was a splinter faction in the Forsaken that caught on to Sylvanas using mind control on numerous newly raised Undead

No there wasn't. In fact Sylvanas awarded power to a council of undead in the Undercity, who had the authority to vote against her on federal matters.


This council ended up trying to defect to the Alliance thanks to Calia Menethil running a stupid psyops campaign, which led to them being killed. Sylvanas stuck her neck out for these people and they betrayed her.

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no, she tortured a death knight general who cooperated with the enemy instead of winning the battle.

>or erp

Was supposed to be “for erp”

they all have resting bitch face now

I dont appreciate how much I identify with this post

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I've asked this before, but why don't Warcraft elves cut off their ugly fucking eyebrows

All life in Azeroth and Probably N'zoth would be fucking murdered.
You don't fuck with Wood Elves, the only reason that the thalmor has an Iron grip on them atm is because of Ethnical cleansing, Wood elves shooting themselves in the foot after the camoran ursuper and manipulation.

Left has an fire on his eyes and wants to serve his country, Right is someone who wants to die ASAP and its tired of bullshit, along with the scrotum as his beard.
And before someone asks it, The "mop Pixar" style wasn't pushed by samwize, but the new art team interns who pushed for more pixar shit, and most of them were hired from tumblr and deviantart shenanigans.

There is even an higher poly model version of the original models with the same art style, but blizzard ignored in favor of pixar kiddies friendly shit.

Warcraft 3 and WoW used the same style, MoP is where everything went to shit.

HI MERHUNES! still banned from MMO-Champion eh you waifufag Double nigger.

Blood elves are pure cancer.

Whenever I see a pic like this, where some author's perfect fantasy bimbo is the central focus but there's a female guard lingering in the vaguely in the background, it just makes me want to fuck the obscure female instead.

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>Sylvanas stuck her neck out for these people and they betrayed her.
She was using the meeting as a way to get good publicity with her people when she decided to attack Stormwind. As it stands, Calia wasn't even meant to be revealed, she was there because she was Alonsus' personal assistant.

>After the Alliance is defeated, Sylvanas confronts Koltira about the truce with Thassarian
Your brain is filled with cum waifufag.
I say it again, but if Arthas had tits, Sylvanas wouldn't even exist.

>has them all assassinated due to her paranoia.
or because the council
>tries to defect


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though others who were in the process of returning to Sylvanas's side were also killed to the point that even Nathanos Blightcaller was surprised by Sylvanas's actions.

What's going on here?

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To be fair to the council Sylvanas was in effect orchestrating their deaths already, they chose to defect because she betrayed them already.

>Calia wasn't even meant to be revealed
Yeah no shit, that's generally how being a subversive works. That doesn't erase the fact she tried to do exactly what Sylvanas demanded the Alliance don't do, and she paid the price by taking an arrow up her ass. You're going to sit there and tell me a military commander who makes one (1) demand and sees it immediately broken is in the wrong to shoot you?

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thanks for repeating what I said you 70 IQ buzzword spouting lorelet

Its Merhunes and the Waifufags from MMO-Champion shitposting here, just ignore.

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>we wuz der first!
Two can play this game

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What did Anduin mean by this?

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>no argument
>keep getting btfo
>muh boogeyman from some autistic forum I cry on

why are americans so fucking soi and artificial? are they even humans still? literally what kind of boundary shit is this to have with a wife? he even fucking printede that shit on a fucking piece of paper lmao. americans are fucking NPCs


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There’s a bright side user.

I met my current GF on WoW. I thought it was pretty corny at first, but she’s sweet as fuck and it shattered my jaded outlook on everything. She’s probably the reason why I don’t want to RP anymore. I’d rather just spend time with her instead of dealing with people who want to bang my elf.

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reminder they're going to try to justify Sylvanas' actions by revealing that the night elves and the Alliance in general were controlled by N'zoth

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Yes, I'm so sure YOUR character is super special and unique and the lack of RP has everything to do with how gay and furry everyone else is.

Still butthurt from your ban?

that will be the day when the fanbase will raid Irvine

No, i just exposed you. How is the Alliance the enemy when you ally with them each expac?
Even your fucking bitch who appears in every CGI cinematic is so smug and wet for cooperating with Varian in the Legion trailer.

Why are Sentinels so fucking cool?


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>Breed strong Orc babies
You tell me

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Haha she wouldn't...

He's probably not wrong, go try to roleplay on Wrymrest or MG and see how bad it's become.

Why didn't Sylvanas just fucked off to Quel Thalas once the Scourge was defeated?

Do you guys prefer regular draenei women or with something extra

She got a (Old God induced) vision of the Forsaken being slaughtered if she died/left.

>why didnt Sylvanas just abandon the faction she worked hard to prop up and go live in a city that hates the undead
Gee I dont know user, that would have been a 300 IQ move

It’s early in the morning, don’t judge me.

The classic obviously; horsecock.

Human or night elf only, no dicks
What a stupid fucking question

>The Alliance is going to attack first!"
Well they actually did, cretin.

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Where can I get a quick rundown on WoW lore?

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I thought her whole pupose was to get revenge on Arthas and that the Horde was only an alliance of convenience?
Also Blood Elves don't hate undeads. Especially Sylvanas.

>How is the Alliance the enemy when you ally with them each expac?
are you fucking retarded? they were literally fighting over territory you brain dead chimp

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Cute elf, user. Glad you're happy with your GF.

>"You wronged me"
>"No YOU wronged ME"
>"Well what about OTHER thing"
>"I am the bad guy, here to wrong you all!"
>"We must unite temporarily to defeat bad guy!"

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you obviously need a horse cock and balls to lay your head against.

I will never forget how the first batch of fem gnomes faces were all smiling and as soon as ONE WOMAN complained about it they redid all them from scratch with that evil grin\resting bitch face.
Truly shows you how much they care about the community.

God that's the guy who makes all the women in his art Magic male to female, Is that still techincally trans?

>mfw I recognize this guy
>mfw he sucked my cock one time

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Even if they did. All the guy did was negociate a truce. That's something that enemies do regulary.
It doesn't mean that they cooperate.
You think he deserved torture for that? You are fucking nuts.

All sides are supposed to be shit. That was kinda the original point, considering it was pretty faithful to the Warhammer theme.
It was in WoW where the whole faction bullshit really started to get pushed and that's just because Blizzard needed an excuse as to why some of the races would ever side with anyone period, let alone who they did (Orcs siding with fucking Undead???)


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Your opinions are bad enough to laugh at

It's all an elaborate television drama made fifty years after the Third War by famed Goblin director Mikael Bey set in an Azeroth where every single person might be genuinely retarded.
Hearthstone is the canon Warcraft timeline.

after beating bad guy
>"wow maybe we have both wronged eachother, we should be friends"
>some shit happens

>people still invest in WoW and whats left of its story in 2019

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>All the guy did was negociate a truce
he literally says it was strategically idiotic and later you do quests for sylvanas to salvage his retardation.
>You think he deserved torture for that? You are fucking nuts.
it's a video game you fucking sperg and they're literal zombies I would expect the punishment to be harsh.

user are you going to tell the class what happened?

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>my character finally looks like something made in 2019
>it's during the game's death

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>draenei have multiple functioning space ships
>horde have a huge fuckoff cannon that can btfo anything on the planet
>blood elves have magic nukes
>forsaken have a bullshit plague that can kill everything except worgen plus scourge remnants
>night elves have cenarius who is alive again because retcons
>alliance and horde both have airships and mechs
>all of this is either completely unused or only used in irrelevant sidequests

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Do you have brain damage

I want them to add ethereals so I can RP a Goblin Salesman.

I keep going into these threads to figure it out but I'm not sure

>share your land with me or else
typical horde nigger mindset

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imagine roleplaying as one of these things unironically
hordeniggers are deranged

My character is hardly unique. But Christ the amount of special snowflake lorebending is off the charts now. You could join a lorenazi group, but then you have to deal with the afformentioned drama and queen bees trying to control their groups of beta orbiters. It’s all so tiresome now. I just want to pretend to be an elf on the internet, not get caught up in retarded guild/server politics.

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>torture is okay because they are zombie.
Ok. It's the same excuse for when they tortured humans as well? Or when they used blight and genocided the rest of the humans? Or when she killed her """""people"""""" who tried to reunite with their family?

>still doesn't look as good as the ones porn animators made
rip in peace rexx, probably should have seen it coming since he was paywalling ten times harder than anyone else

The forsaken use the plague all the time. Like any area they are in. Also think the blood elves are out of the nukes.
The rest is valid. Seriously why the alliance aren't using the Vindicaar is beyond me.


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The animations are shite though
Those massive hands on awkward, gangly little arms

has you covered for pre cata

post cata:
>green niggers or undead do evil shit
>alliance say "hey stop that"
>"I am the bad guy, here to wrong you all!"
>"We must unite temporarily to defeat bad guy!"
>green niggers and undead continue to do evil shit

>nooo why aren't the zombies who melt prisoners morally good like my human paladins :(
yes torture in a video game is ok, retard.

>>blood elves have magic nukes
Not any more, the guy who made those was working for Garrosh and only made the Theramore nuke and some smaller grenade-sized prototypes that were used when the True Horde attacked the White Lion Temple to free Garrosh.
Man, typing that out just made me feel kinda sad that it exists.

>we unite against lovecraft's shit
>but we fight against each other too
>but not really? Ah there is a big again, lets unite.
It's actually pretty funny people think the writing is good, while the horde's and alliance's existence is a pure mystery, especially after warcraft 3.
Its better to leave it as it is, hence you enjoy this trainwreck only if you completely shut down your critical thinking, which is the same case of every character really in WoW.

Elves are still an inferior race, and you know it.

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>remove half the faces for no reason
Bravo blizz

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Don't me rude user roleplaying and lfr is the only content alliance players can do.

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okay, thanks for admitting that your waifu is evil. Why do you keep defending her when she's just some (bad) Arthas larper?

How is it after all these years people are still so fucking dumb. Is blizzard truly the greatest at propaganda?

>be hordeshit
>literally live in filth
>eat shit
>elf goddess makes threat about shitting down your throat

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Imagine being so pathetic that you see a succinct, neutral, accurate description of this game's terrible cliche story yet you feel compelled to bluster in and exclaim "YEAH BUT NO ACTUALLY MY SIDE IN THE STORY IS THE RIGHT ONE ACTUALLY"

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>haha gotcha this fictional characters evil!!
lol dumbass moralfaggot

What's going to happen to /ourqueen/ after N'Zoth gets out of the picture? Will we see her again?

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All the new models are like this now because of the gay skeleton system for animations, it’s my biggest gripe with the new Disney models.

You intentionally copypasted one here like 8 times. We can all play on the PTR and see there's different faces. I dont even enjoy this game but you're a disingenuous fuckface.

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I used to be like you. You have a few choices: A) suck it up, look for the diamonds in the rough on retail, try to forge your own little community amidst the hundreds of retards. B) Disassociate with most in-game RP and look for Discord / PbP RP where you'll receive less quantity but a higher chance at quality due to being able to be extra selective with your partner(s). C) A mixture of both. D) Understand that most RPers are socially maladjusted autists for which the act is merely one massive COPE and that the likelihood of your finding someone who isn't a totally goon mongoloid is slim (basically, the diamond in the rough scenario again but more realistic).

Too fat for an elf.

Long time ago there were these big niggas called Titans who were basically living planets
They went around fighting demons n shit until one of them found a planet being infested by Old Gods, AKA Shadow Niggas
That Titan went crazy and killed the other Titans and turned into the leader of the demons because he wanted everything to die
Thousands upon thousands of years later there's only one other Titan-planet left and it's populated solely by assholes who like killing each other any time there isn't a bigger threat. Some of them are aliens, some of them are rock men. It doesn't really matter because Blizzard's probably going to retcon half of them every time a new expansion releases.

new goblin females look great but males suck

So where are Tyrande and MUH FURION right now?

>ahaha, got you i move the goalpost even though the whole discussion was about Sylvanas doing evil shit.
I'm not the one trying to defend a fictional character for 1 hour because i fap on her.

Yes but at least they confirmed the ptr goblins are not done face-wise and they finally updated the face with scruffy beard and red eyes.

I played multiple RP private servers and all of them were full of retarded snowflakes. I just wanted to play a regular troll guy and I was always surrounded by elf princesses and god paladins who all wore the same outfit of Goku hair, Ashbringer, and Lightbringer/Judgement. There was one specific server where the mods strictly enforced their fan fiction as law and randomly inserted themselves into anyone's game at any time and ruined the session with their god modding.

Does anyone have the "I burned your tree now answer me" pic of sylvannas?

Tyrande is probably breeding with some Orc soldiers while Malfurion is back at healing the planet.

WoW is truly the Prometheus of video games

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>we STILL can't dual-wield guns

reee, etc...

>Roleplay a blood elf
>Fellow belf RPers throw a bitchfit if you try to be patriotic to the Horde, trusting toward other races, or possess a character trait more positive than "Queen Bitch (Male)"
>Other race RPers won't have anything to do with you because you're an elf
This is why I don't RP with other people, just create full casts of characters with all my alts and imagine the stories between them all playing some role or another in the plot of each expansion.

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Wtf? their feet looks kinda weird and not smooth at all...

did this council ever show up in game? at least cairne got screentime before dying in a book

>war campaign concludes next patch
>which means either war is just plain over or sylvanas becomes the antagonist to both factions
>any forsaken or night elves who didn’t give a shit about the other city are left out to dry
Fucking hell the writing is so bad

>their asses got even bigger

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They are fighting the forsaken in dakrshore and blizzard said there are not important enough to be in the fight vs their ancestral enemy azshara.

How does RP a blood elf even work?
>"did you see my new Orc boyfriend, he's the one who killed your dad 50 years ago apparently".
>"Horde culture is so great, i love Mak'gora and living in hutt"

Why is Blizzard so fucking bad at basic storytelling?

It's taken from wowhead you retard

They went and tried to retake Darkshore but Blizzard said no and let Nathanos keep it, so they're back to wandering around Stormwind tending to the now homeless Night Elves.

no, you were the one crying about muh waifufag boogeyman while spouting a loud of bullshit about stuff like the desolate council and trying to defend some cuck DK working with the alliance when even he admits it was strategically unsound to do so. you then tried to turn it into some autistic moral issue because you got btfo on every point

>They are fighting the forsaken in dakrshore
They aren't
>there are not important enough to be in the fight vs their ancestral enemy azshara.
Why would they even care about her? Not only they never gave a fuck about Nagas, but the Horde did 1000x worst to them.

I think that might be the best part of the entire shitshow
>Blizzard promises a morally grey villain for the expansion
>they offer that, but eventually end up delving too far into the dark side of grey thanks to inconsistent writing
>Blizzdrones cry about it regardless, because no faction is allowed to take losses in this game about warfare
>throws up their hands, decides "okay fuck it whatever, just kill Sylvanas I dont care"
An incompetent game developer offers pearls to swine, except the pearls are shit

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>why would tyrande or furion care about azshara

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The point was that Sylvanas was a cunt by killing her own people just because they were joining their families. You went mad at that "noooo muh waifu was right", and it ended up in "ahaah, they are zombies, muh morality sucks anyway".

>"okay fuck it whatever, just kill Sylvanas I dont care"
What's actually going to happen is so, so much worse, user.

So they're doing nothing? I thought fucking Teldrassil burned...?

>They aren't
Yes they are, there is a whole warfront and blizzard confirmed it when many players asked them why they are not in nazjatar.

>Why would they even care about her?
Read the lore about them and you will understand.

>but the Horde did 1000x worst to them
Yes destroying the fake world tree is worse than destroying the whole world.

>completely fucked their race over with a civil war
>blew up the entire continent
>directly responsible for demons knowing about this planet in the first place and everything that happened because of that

reminder - guilds and streamers are getting banned

Did you even play the fucking game?
They don't care about the Nagas since wc3. Why would they care now about some old enemy while they are getting genocided by the Horde?

lmao who the fuck decided to use Varian as the voice of reason here? That nigga was frothing at the mouth constantly about orcs and the Horde.

>Read the lore about them and you will understand.
I know the lore. They defeated her. Then know for a while that she's alive, why would they suddenly care about her?
>Yes destroying the fake world tree is worse than destroying the whole world.
The Horde took all of their territory and genocided them. Something even the Legion wasn't able to do.

It did, and the biggest things to come out of that are that the Forsaken now have new Dead Elf buddies and Genn's wife died.
What, you thought the Night Elves were going to actually get a major spotlight? Haha, no.

>come back to WoW after quitting in Legion
>go to teleport to UC to grab some heirlooms
>giant fucking crater
was pleasantly surprised.

I can go ingame right now and see my goblin doesn't have that copypasted face in your image. Why you lying?

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>The point was that Sylvanas was a cunt by killing her own people just because they were joining their families.
no, the actual point was this you disingenuous little faggot.
> There was a splinter faction in the Forsaken that caught on to Sylvanas using mind control on numerous newly raised Undead,
which as I pointed out was completely false. this prompted you to make your retarded monkey brain post crying about waifufags because that's all you can do as you're a moron who has no idea what he's actually talking about and thought koltira was a fucking blood knight.

>why would they suddenly care about her?
Because just like in the past she is trying to destroy the world.

>The Horde took all of their territory and genocided them. Something even the Legion wasn't able to do.
Yes and thats not as bad as destroying the world.
You need to understand they can retake their land at any time but they won't be able to do it if they all die.

Nah Cenarius is dead again after Emerald Nightmare. A better point would be how one of the most powerful beings (Malfurion) jobbed so hard and why the most powerful archmage in the world (Khadger) does nothing while his people are murdered.

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Like proper belf rp? They’d be hardcore nationalists. Super loyal to the horde and Sylvanas. A lot of them still hold sylvanas in super high regard since she was the former ranger-lord, though I could see light users turned off by the fact that she’s undead. Still, the horde saved them from extinction, so they feel indebted to them and aid where they can.

Societally, they’re a dying race trying to preserve themselves anyway they can. They’re hedonistic, yet super statist.

Please post more elves in modern outfits/settings.

i wouldn't like that at all haha!

Why are you arguing with a guy who unironically accused you of being his personal boogieman?

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>Nah Cenarius is dead again after Emerald Nightmare
He returned during the broken shore patch, he is a quest giver there.

When has a character being dead ever stopped Blizz quality writers?

>Nah Cenarius is dead again after Emerald Nightmare.
Nah, all of the Wild Gods are alive again. Even Ysera, funnily enough. It might take them a while to regain their physical forms (Ysera might never get hers again), but they're all still alive.

>Because just like in the past she is trying to destroy the world.
She isn't trying to destroy the world. And it's not like "world threat" happens every expac. And this time the nelf should really care about that because it's an old enemy?
>Yes and thats not as bad as destroying the world.
For the nelves it is.
>You need to understand they can retake their land
They don't. It's WoW. See Azshara (region).

post cute goblinas

Because changing ears also changes the general face shape, it doesn't change the fact that half of the face textures are exactly the same

She was attacked by Genn in Legion. That's why she starts the war, because peace is impossible as long as each side has grudges.
>b-buh Helya
Genn didn't know or care about the lantern until the last three quests in the entire chain, after an entire zone dedicated to attacking the faction that you were in a ceasefire with to fight the omnicidal interplanetary threat that has conquered every single world they've come a cross.
And you niggers have the balls to call the Horde the dindu nuffin faction.

They literally said they weren't killing her and she's also on the blizzcon keyart alongside a datamined murkvanas for 9.0 deluxe edition or the blizzcon ticket.

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>genociding thousands of civilians, killing her own soldiers with the plague and mass-murdering Kul'Tirans

Zul was the only good character this expansion and they killed him off in the first few weeks. What a waste.

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>She isn't trying to destroy the world.
She is and she basically won as Nzoth is free.

>They don't. It's WoW. See Azshara (region).
That's not the point.

mass-murdering neutral at the time* Kul'Tirans

I can't speak for others but mine has changed a lot over the years.
>Belf mage
>In BC a typical magical cunt. Pursued personal power and enjoyed the perks of Horde membership but chafed being around his savage allies. Took a forced dollop of humble pie by his people's civil war and being forced to fight his leader Kael'thas.
>In Northrend forced to really rough it and developed a grudging respect for his most hated rival, an orc warrior. Was charmed by the ugly-cute oracles and spent a lot of time studying their "evolution"
>In Cata began to feel real pride in the Horde and took on more of a leadership role, being proactive in fighting Ragnaros and Deathwing instead of reluctantly dragged along.
>In Mists befriended Lorewalker Cho and spent time being forced to adventure alongside an Alliance hero with Chen Stormstout. Began to see the noble side of the Alliance as well as the growing rift in the Horde and saw it as his and his people's duty to mend that rift and preserve their new home.
>In WoD became the Horde's commander/general and realized his development as a leader that saw the other races as his brethren and finally earned the respect of his orc rival, who gave his life protecting him in Tanaan.
>In Legion began advocating for peace between the factions as he became Archmage and led mages from both factions, and sought greater magical insight for all above personal power. Took on a Nightborne scribe as his apprentice after he saw potential in her during his work to free them from the Legion's yoke. At the same time confronted and disowned his nephew for Void study, who became a void elf after being cast out, choosing the Horde as his family above even his own blood as they moved to the Alliance.
>In BfA reluctantly battles the Alliance as he seeks a means to broker peace, in constant conflict with his demon hunter comrade who shares much of his original personality and sees his selflessness as a potential spark of dissension to the Horde

Source please my man

Where did you find this? Also it will be blizzcon for sure wowhead datamined encrypted murlocs the other day.

I thought the horde originally were invaders from another world or some shit and literally go from place to place stripping it for all of its natural resources though

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Both, with a slight preference toward something extra.

With great, belabored confusion
>be like 500 years old
>lived long enough to see orcs and undead wipe out your friends and neighbors
>ally with orcs and undead anyway because your ex-ranger general, who failed to help you, said so
>said ex-ranger general is undead btw
>also trolls are your friends now, despite being your enemies for like a thousand years
>humans allied with you, but then betrayed you, then tried to kill you, then offered to ally with you, but then dont like you anymore, but then ally with you sometimes still, but also try to kill you sometimes
>your leader is a senile old man who flip-flops on everything when he's not totally inconsequential
>everybody else calls you gay
>your women fuck everybody but you
The average blood elf's face when

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>That's why she starts the war, because peace is impossible as long as each side has grudges.
>Instead of trying to bury grudges to make the world a better place, she decides to create even bigger grudges
That's exactly the kind of genius I would expect from a Marksmanship Hunter who did a power slide into melee range with a Death Knight.

>one side is de facto in the wrong no matter what
>morally grey
The rest is right though, wowfags are fucking care bears.

Cool. How the Nelves were supposed to know or even care about that while getting raped by the Horde?
Yes this is. Ashenvale, Hylal, Azshara belong to the Horde is something permanent.
Tyrande turning into an addicted Horde slut is something permanent.
Some generic villain getting rekt is something that happens every day.

I miss when this game was about kingdoms and fighting over land, with some zombie and demon shit tossed in.

>What, you thought the Night Elves were going to actually get a major spotlight? Haha, no.
I was thinking of paying for a month just to see, but apparently not. Cheers anons

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This is autistic, post no more

>Super loyal to the horde
Wow, Orc cocks are that strong?
>the horde saved them from extinction
It's Kael iirc. In TBC they already took back their kingdom.

>How the Nelves were supposed to know or even care about that while getting raped by the Horde?
Anduin actually tell them in game and Tyrande said she was going to darkshore anyway and their main general Shandris was in nazjatar but she was the only nelf there.



This is autistic, post more.

You can't kill Sylvanas! She is already dead. What are we going to do is lock her up into super hell.

Nationalistic belf RP is fun as fuck, you can spend hours hanging out with fellow sin'dorei just talking about how great your race is and denouncing everyone who has ever wronged you.
And the addition of nightborne allows for even more anti-nelf banter and sort of kindred spirits among an otherwise savage faction. You can have your own motivations which still lets you build a unique character despite the overzealous loyalty to Lor'themar that many nationalistic belves share.
Shame there's little else worthwhile to do in bfa and I unsubbed months ago but I do remember that kind of RP pretty fondly.

>Anduin actually tell them in game and Tyrande said she was going to darkshore anyway
No, you are completely wrong. Azshara is 8.2.
Darkshore is 8.1
Shandris is in Nazjatar because she prefers hanguing out with humans instead of saving her race.

>It's Kael iirc. In TBC they already took back their kingdom.

Tyrande got the biggest power-up Elune could possibly give her. Five minute later she got ENOUGH!'d by fucking Nathanos.
Night Elves are the joke race now.

>people still follow and care about retail lore
Classic is out.
It's over, it's all non-canon now. It doesn't matter

Thank you also this nigga
>while Blizzcon virtual rewards are usually hotfixed in.
Is factually wrong blizzard added the blizzcon 2017 mounts months before in the ptr encrypted ofc.

Yeah right but they still knew about it like Nathanos was in both places.

Nah even in WC1 iirc they were just from Draenor and Azeroth was the first world they invaded

why the fuck does anyone care about the story when 100% of it has been retconned twice or more already... its obvious that they just do whats convenient for the game and ignore previous plot elements for whatever new retarded idea their writers shit out

>forgetting Rastakhan
Zul was ruined by old god sheningans, he could and should have the alternative for the trolls who had enough to constantly rely on Loa.

>Shandris is in Nazjatar because she prefers hanguing out with humans instead of saving her race.
Golden is a fucking menace

>let's have peace to fight this thing that will kill us all
>why are you attacking me
>because a decade ago when we were at war you killed someone
Dumb as it is, the reasoning is sound in universe. Hard to trust when backstabbing is constant.

Tauren and Nelf ecofascist faction WHEN

This was so bad they actually had to change it in the test server because even the Horde was calling it bullshit and calling out that Blizzard writer who treats Nathanos as his self insert.

Don't blame golden for this blizzard destroyed the nelves in vanilla just to make them fit in the alliance.

I like female Undead. I haven't played Classic at all and haven't touched live since a month into BfA.

It's so bad,
It also keeps getting worse. It's not like the lore is "boring" or "mediocre"". Every time they try to move the story it's like a trainwreck. This is why people care, it's like a tortanic of lore.

because of ties to wc3

Seriously? Is this the Warrior of Night thing I've heard about? Fuck it, I'll read up on it
I'm surprised Nathanos is still in the game, thought he should have been wiped out long ago

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One of the new main writers self insert as Nathanos to the point he wrote a short fic about why he and Sylvanas are not rotting like the normal undeads.

>I'm surprised Nathanos is still in the game, thought he should have been wiped out long ago
He got turned into a writer's self insert. Said writer is a massive Sylvanas fan. Somebody probably has the pic of his twitter posts, dude's a straight up waifufag.

"Led by Rommath, the magi shared with their people the radical new teachings advocated by Kael'thas (and by extension, Illidan Stormrage), leading to the weary blood elves becoming reinvigorated. Under Rommath's command, the magisters quickly went about reclaiming and rebuilding much of Silvermoon City "almost overnight," their great magical powers making quick work of the Scourge."

It was not Sylvanas anyway.

I stopped playing Horde and will only return once this character is written off. I cannot stand him at all. Sylvanas being a shitty character is palatable because it's always funny what stupid bullshit will Blizz do to her. Nathanos is just a boring self insert.



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>Nathanos is just a boring self insert.
so like anduin and jaina

I hope superhell involves my dick going inside her cold dead pussy and warming it up.

She better rip of my head first

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Everything about wc3 has been thrown into the trash, just look at how small the horde is supposed to be in wc3 compared to wow.

>>>silvermoon city
>ingame proves you wrong
>chronicles 3 proves you wrong
blood elves declined sylvanas' invitation in vanilla because they were scared of the undead but accepted by TBC because they were getting fucked so hard.

I honestly laughed out loud when that shit happened

>Ritual of Night Warrior is so dangerous everybody who's tried it the last few thousand years has died!!
>It's so dangerous even watching it can kill you!!!
>But it makes you powerful enough to take on whole armies!!!!
The writing for this shit is so hilariously bad. Fuck Blizzard, and I'm not even a nelf-fag (elves are for rape).

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That's hilarious, I didn't want to think the gossip about BfA was actually true
So Night Elves have had their tree burned down and their leaders are doing sweet Fanny Adams about it
And Sylvanas' little zombie cuck is actually one of the writers
Jesus Christ

>orcs came in
>start to go apeshit and try to genocide you because they wanted wood for temporary mudhuts
>"omg why you so mean"

I never could have imagined BfA could be as badly written as it is.

>wc3 makes it seem like there's actually a handful of high/blood elves left
>now they have armies as big as the orcs'

>silvermoon city
Yes, what's your problem here?
>ingame proves you wrong
It doesn't. The quest where you side with the Horde are in TBC.
>chronicles 3 proves you wrong
How? Again i just told you the part where the Blood Elves get back their kingdom alone.

>Wc3 makes it seem like the Scourge is a terrible threat and Arthas is invincible.
>In WoW they are a complete joke.

Rastakhan existed in BFA only to make Tajani-sue look good

1. Night Elves & Blood Elves
2. Draenei
3. Human
4. Panda
5. Tauren
6. Dwarf
7. Gnome
8. Goblin

Prove me wrong, you literally can't

You're the only one made for rape

>fails again and again and again

Should have had Maiev do it. She's already able to slaughter dozens in a single fight in lore, a power up like that could have let her solo the Horde.

Can't even blame it on it being an MMO anymore after OTHER GAME utterly btfo them storywise.

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hop in dudes

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>*gets genocided by brutal alien invaders*
>*submits to them willingly 50 years later*

Orcs are such alphas.
No wonder why the Blood Elves killed their king. He hated Orcs.

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What do you do there, ERP?

Who self inserts as them?

The orcs didnt do shit to them tho.

holy shit uploadir.com/u/kvxypklv

They do this for the sake of "fairness" even though it just completely shits on all previous lore.

>lets heroes destroy his bases, kill all his most powerful minions and destroy his stronghold
>"I was just pretending to be retarded"

It's hilarious how everyone thinks every troll tribe is the same, it's like real racism

You missed the part where she watched him in disguise until she got fed up with his lack of results and personally took over the battle with her Val'kyr to win it before, as stated, confronting him.

You MUH LIGHTfaggots are the same as the semenskulls except you just want to jerk off to your "righteous crusade" instead of a pair of tits.

IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE that's the most hilarious part of it. And if the leaks are true, it's going into full retard territory

>mfw Blood Elves are so much addicted to Orc cocks that they forget about their own history.
Based Thrall.

ya the horde totally didn't burn down quel'thalas in wc2....


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>tauren not #1

>burn part of the forest and pull back to lordaeron is genocide
they didnt even touched their settlements just burned some trees.


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>You can break the lore with your RP because blizzard doesn't give a fuck about RP
>Private Server
>Break the lore and a GM bans you

He failed, the arrogant fuck is still my favorite troll to ever exist.

All the good ones died out sadly, and RPH is a total retard den

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>The elusive Elven Ranger known as Alleria learned of the devastation the Horde could bring as she searched for the remains of her family amongst the ashes of the once glorious Quel’thalas.

Yea right, just some trees.

All nelf woman are for is breeding factories since they are useless at anything else.

genocide is an exaggeration but its obvious that they FOUGHT the horde in wc2, they were part of the alliance after all.

lol go to alternative dimension and save their asses. Also one of the main bad guys follows you and shit talks you
>Somehow it's incredibly executed story with entire character arcs INCLUDING but not limited to said villain and other major lore characters that humanize them

>Batttle for Azeroth
The planet is dying and Horde and Alliance are at it on this dramatic stage!
>It's so poorly executed with complete shit writers doing a piss poor job, Blizzard needs to change lore whenever it hits the PTR because both sides of the made up conflict are calling them on their shitty lore

>old dried up women write the lore for wow

pfrrt hahahah

Did you even read what you posted retard?
It tells about the Alliance that they made AFTER that they took back their Kingdom.
It's never mentionned that the Horde saved them from extinction.

Why is Anduin just "there" and why is Nathanos a constant bitch character emasculating you if you play Horde?

>because they were getting fucked so hard.
By who?

Nah they didnt get so close to the city thats why zj was so mad.

Yeah i'm just denying the holocaust it never happened.

ewwwwwwwwwwww, disgusting

You share the same planet with people who buy warcraft books. think about that

>took back their kingdom
>time was running out for his kingdom
>armies were in tatters
>packs of scourge and amani roaming the lands



>Complain about erp
>Suck some user's dick IC
typical belf

you sound like an angry orc virgin
oh wait every orc is exactly that

I buy warhammer books

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>why is Nathanos a constant bitch character emasculating you if you play Horde?
writer showing his passive agressiveness over other people daring to jerk off to his waifu Sylvanas

They just destroyed the whole Kingdom killing everyone. That's not just some trees.
Anyway i'm glad that the Blood Elves eventually recognized the Horde as the best faction and the Orcs as the best males.

>emasculating you
lmao I can't imagine being this limp wristed. Nathanos may attempt to get snarky but he's just mad his waifu is giving you attention. It's cute in a chihuahua barking way.

>They just destroyed the whole Kingdom
Not really.

>Quel Thalas was vulnerable, half of the troops are in Outland.

Just stop.

WC3 was a mistake

Not long afterwards, when Orgrim Doomhammer led the Horde's invasion of Quel'Thalas and began burning the edges of the Eversong Woods, it was discovered that the Horde was being aided by the elves' mortal enemies, the Amani, led by the cunning Zul'jin. The orcish necromancers had succeeded in subverting some of the runestones, allowing their magic free reign and their forces to approach the capital, though the invaders could not pierce Ban'dinoriel even with their red dragon servants. Alleria brought the head of a freshly slain troll warrior to the Convocation of Silvermoon, throwing it at Anasterian's feet. This provoked an intense rage within the King of Quel'Thalas, and he immediately called for the mobilization of his armies to battle the Horde.

It was literally the forest frontier between whats the eastern plaguelands and the ghostlands in current wow.

>They just destroyed the whole Kingdom killing everyone.
Nigga they couldn't even get past the elves barriers. They killed outskirt elves then the orcs realized ZJ was fucking nuts and only cared about belf deaths so they left him there.

>" amongst the ashes of the once glorious Quel’thalas."
Yes kinda. The Helves were so mad that they left the alliance after that.

Honestly I can't even be mad. As far as being a waifufag goes, he's living the dream. Only place he can go from here within the realm of reality is having Sylvanas' VA fuck him in full cosplay.

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Again no, you're posting fragments of the plaque in stormwind this is straight out of chronicles

the real reason why bloodelfs joined the horde is because the factions were imbalanced and blizzard cared about population balance back then

God forbid someone doesn't suck you off at every corner.

"ashes of the once glorious Quel’thalas." means what it means. Again i'm not aware about WoW lore, but it wouldn't suprise me that they downplayed the destruction of Quel Thalas to make the Blood Elves side with the Horde look more natural.