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the heck with that hp bar

cheating retard


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Why does Gael attack you if he already has the blood of the Dark Soul?

Fuck now I want to see Gael as Bradu Pittu and Bruce Ree as a Pygmy lord.

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You have some of it too. It's a bit crispy, but you're still human.

He's either batshit insane or wants you to kill him to get the blood

Sit down fucker

Attached: Gael vs Yhorm 2.webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

He ate all the pygmies though.

What the fuck do I do once I killed him? He got easier as he went on too, hope it not the end, Friede was brilliant

That's 50 vigor, embered, with the FAP+3 ring

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>You have some of it too. It's a bit crispy, but you're still human.

It's like nothing though.


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Be the change that you want to see

I've got zero GIMP skills :(

the pygmies' blood was all dried up even though they were alive, they were basically just husks from their own inactivity

you are juicy and have a nice FRESH dark soul inside you that has been made stronger by your journey


>tfw can't kill nameless king, friede or even the twin princes
why i am so bad
I've killed every boss in bloodborne twice but ds3 is just too hard

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>lmao my flame has such reach that it can touch you even when it isn't there
Fuck this boss.


Attached: Edgy Nun vs Old man End.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I just ran past him thinking he was another puke dragon from dark 1, is there an actual bossfight?

Why is Gael jobbing so fucking much?

You morons have never played Dark Souls 3.

I still think it was just too much and not necessary considering he already had the Blood of the Dark Soul and could go to his niece whenever.

You know that stairway with all the Harald knights? Go to the top. There's a chamber with a locked door. Speak to the person there.

Because Friede had boosted HP, she would get fucking obliterated otherwise

>The red-hooded, wandering slave knight Gael sought the blood of the dark soul as pigment for the Painted World. But Gael knew he was no Champion, that the dark soul would likely ruin him and that he had little hope of a safe return.
He succumbed to wanting and picked a fight with the Ashen one and lost.

Yes and it's a fucking pain in the ass, hardest fight in the game hidden behind a secret wall.

Artificial difficulty and awkward attack timing.

Yeah, and imho the hardest one

Gael is doing everything in these battles in base hp and dmg btw(Ng+7). Yhorm fucking sucks in NG++ and Friede needed to be buffed 5X hp to even stand a chance against him

Attached: Edgy Nun vs Old man 8.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

t. Gael

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that mercury spell trivialize his fight
could never beat him without

the concentrated blood of the dark soul was corrupting him, and he likely wouldn't have actually handed it over to her because he was going mad

this is the reason he leaves signs for you to follow him, because he could ingest the pygmies' dark souls and make it fresh within himself, but then he would go mad and not fulfill his goal; he was sending you after him to kill him and take the blood of the dark soul that he nurtured within himself

This is my least favorite meme. What the FUCK is that even supposed to mean? The fact that you feel something is unfair or badly designed doesn't mean it's not real you fucking craver of cocks

Cheers for the heads up boiz

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Why are you getting heated over my comment. The game has poor design, self evident from the fact that it had a door development cycle and extensive late-term rewrites.


Attached: Edgy Nun vs Old Man 1.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

Don't you have a little girl's feet to be worshiping, Gaely?

I fucking hate buzzwords and the "people" who use them

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>at ringed city swamp, invader comes in at me.
>I'm in the area where you fight the silver knight
>invader is up on a ledge, looks at me
>wave and say "Hey!"
>he starts sniping me with a crossbow
>say fuck that, and walk away, he tries to sneak in chameleon
>battle starts and he keeps fucking healing before I even do
>he then runs away when he runs out of healing
>use chameleon spell to hide as a piece of furniture
>literally 10+ minutes of hiding
>he comes and tries to find me because he's bored
>own his ass, but he keeps using faith healing after running away
>repeat this 3 more times, literally 5+ minutes of hiding from him
>say fuck it, run up the dragon path
>use my super rare healing items to live through the dragon's fire
>he's punching me and gaining on me
>ends up fucking dying to the dragon just as I make it in

They're not buzzwords if they accurately describe the subject.

Then explain how things you don't like suddenly stop being real

not him but it reads awfully and has no point to exist, it's like reading sneed but the guy is pretending to be smart instead of just admitting stupidity for hilarity

no, wrong. Buzzwords are used when you dont really understand the subject you are talking about and youre spouting the most popular set of arguments/words you have come across without actually knowing what they mean, perpetuating this endless cycle of stupidity. Its basic memetics really, and that post is an example of that

Victories against faggots like that are fucking incredible.
>Invading Dreg Heap
>Host has a sunbro
>Blue boy immediately come to the host's aid
>Drop down to Earthen Peak Ruins, sunbro waiting for me
>Drop him in three swings with a greatsword
>Host tries to drop attack me, realize they wanted to pincer me
>Run towards the angel while another blue mother fucker invades
>Both blues are new or stupid since they try to take me on with the angel above us all, host not present
>Cut down boys in blue
>Host is at the bonfire and won't stop fucking rolling
>Figure he's buying time for another blue faggot
>Finally catch him with three swings
Never shat on someone with dung pies fast enough. Can't imagine how you felt.

The game isn't truly difficult as in it test your capabilities and strengths and forces you to hone your own skills. Every boss is beaten in the same fashion; hitting B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1... over and over. An enemy doing lots of damage and stun locking you into a combo isn't "difficult", it's specifically made like that for you to lose over and over.

read this

>hitting bbbb r1r1r1
This is clearly not the case for Storm King or Soul of Cinder. Both being parryable and easily staggered for ripostes.

This shit fucked me up pretty bad, I felt horrible accidentally being tricked into killing a benevolent goddess.

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Most individuals use the most tried and true method for beating bosses, which is the pattern that I described.

>benevolent goddes
you completely missed the point of the entire trilogy id you think gods in the souls universe are benevolent in any way

Not everyone is DSP user. This is my first Dark Souls game and I've beaten everythong except Midir and Gael and I haven't fought the latter yet. Midir is a piece of shit and I probably have to respec soon.

When did the ashen one fuck up? Was it when he attacked the Spear of the Church?

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Maybe the game's difficulty would start being "real" if you started using these buttons with some kind of strategy and not just mashing the fuck out of them
The button mash argument only works for PvP, PvE enemies and bosses are programmed to punish you for it, and there's nothing artificial about the game wanting you to take it seriously

I never bought the DLC because the game is shit so I don't have anything to say in regards to the second and third sentence. You didn't even really respond to my post.

Blame Gwyn. Also, we don't kill Filianore. We just break the illusion and are hurled forward in time. It's implied Filianore has been doing her duty and tending to the pygmies (Filianore, help me please), and died of old age right when we arrive.
Filianore is as much a victim as anyone. Gwyn told her he'd come back for her while either never having the intention of doing so, or never getting around to it. Imagine waking up for the first time in what must be millennia, and it's not your father. Just some human.

I don't mean anything personal when I say this but your writing style is insufferable.

Objectively incorrect. Everyone agrees that the combat is highly flawed and simplified in the fashion I described. If you are going to outright lie then not much discussion can be made here.

No it's when he touched the egg that shattered and stopped the Ringed Cities time freeze.

Why do words on a screen infuriate you.

no, just you

Is this player controlling a boss against a spawned boss or can you make AI fight eachother?

I think the writer could do better.

Ask quite literally anyone who isn't a zealous fanboy and you will hear much of the same as I've been telling you.

I miss this game. Dark Souls 3 had the worst bosses, worst level design and the most boring armor and weapon designs; but it had the absolute best Invasion System and Mechanics. Dark Souls 3 was the only one of the three games that actually had me working for the win in invasions. It was the only one that made me feel like I actually accomplished something when I won an invasion and the only one that had difficult invasions.
Both 1 and 2 were too easy and boring. I was bored out of my mind playing those.

I really, really hope they copy the invasion system of three for their next game. That is if they even include invasions in their next game.

>Objectively incorrect
Here he fucking goes again. Have you had a single independent thought in your life?
Clearly not
The biggest issue with the "simplification" of DS3 is the utter lack of stamina management. Something you never mentioned. And something that makes the game much easier, but you're crying that it's too hard for you

In what regard. All my spelling and grammar has been correct I think.

Talk to the loli, and give her the dark soul

This is what it looks like when you say people only do nothing bit presa b and r1 spam? Not a lot of people actually do this and don't have the iq of a boiled egg.

I beat the (base) game and only died around 30-50 times, I wager. My biggest gripe is that the game is boring. Half of the bosses are boring human opponents and there's no story.

im not a fanboy and i completely disagree with you. You sound like the sour fanboy mad that they didnt make ds3 like you wanted it


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Doesn't matter, what I'm saying is correct. Ask anyone.

>youre objectively incorrect
is this guy seriously this up is own ass?

Then i suppose you just have low IQ.

You write similar to my students, or more specifically students of a certain ilk, I shouldn't discourage it, my apologies.

DSIII still has a stellar playerbase for the type of game that it is and its age.
Check out the 24 hour peak and the averages. SL60-90 is where I get the most action, with near constant invasions at SL 90 Pontiff back porch, TRC, Ariandel, Dreg Heap, and Spears of the Church.

Maybe the game isn't for you, nothing wrong about that. But you could say that in a civilised manner, without spouting stupid, meaningless shit like "artificial difficulty"

get a grip

I'm writing normally. You're intentionally writing like an insufferable prick. There's a distinct difference here.

"Retard", is the first word I think of when I imagine you.

Boss is easy as fuck is you just stay in front of him.

The difficulty in the game is artificial, I cannot lie about that. It is not real. Perhaps you dislike this buzzword because you know it's accurate?

>Ashen one found the fire keeper eyes
Oh no no no no age of fire bros how could we let this happen? FUUUUUUUUUUCK

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>worst bosses
odd. i'm no ds3 apologist but i felt the bosses were one of the strongest parts of the game. i'd certainly agree on armour, weapon and level design though
see i like being a dickass invader but healing is just crossing the line. if you're invading just to fuck with people you should at least give them the gratification of having damage stick

>Willingly burns alive AGAIN
Fucking tough son of a bitch.

define artificial difficulty, especially when its fucking vidiogames related. Youre mad cuz bad unironically

>No punishment for healing

>worst bosses
What are you on? The bosses are nothing spectacular but they are far better than ds1 and 2 bosses.

Already explained, read previous posts.

me btw

As an invader, I only heal if the host heals, or if I was surprised.

no, answer my question

t. vigorlets

I hate it because cock-craving creatures like you can wipe their asses with the buzzword while being immune to criticism. You shift the discussion from "is it unfair" or "is it well designed" to "is it real" which is such a stupid fucking question that no arguments can exist for either side. But you don't need arguments, only the opposing side is supposed to provide them. You're just here to shitpost

no, suck my cock

Why are you getting upset at words on a screen, man.

As I just said, you have no intention to discuss anything and just want to stroke your dick while "pretending" to be retarded

They're right, have you even seen the video?

guess im right, you are a fucking idiot that uses buzzwords incorrectly.

Do you shoot big cummies? :)

>"dude your retarded"
Very nice, discussion. If you wish to ignore all of my previous posts then yes, I suppose I have no intention to discuss anything.

>barely interested in game 3 years ago
>end up buying the DLC for it and forgetting about it
>pick up game last few days
>put 100+ hours into it and on NG+1 now
I "get it" now, it's a lot of fun.

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I don't masturbate so I wouldn't know.



don't bully autistic kids

Dare I say that these two posts are cringe.


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Just did a whip run. It was horrendous up until I got a +10 weapon. Then when I finally got the witch locks it became quite powerful.

I've never gotten the difficulty with Midir. He's kind of tough but not this insanely hard boss so many make him out to be. Friede destroyed me more than any other boss in DS3, perhaps all of them put together.

Friede and Gael are easy as fuck. With any greatsword you can stagger them and make them useless.

Midir is extremely dependent on the weapon you're using. Lothric UGS and Sellsword Twinblades with a lightning buff tear him a new asshole, while most katanas and even straightswords struggle with him

First off that's not artificial difficulty, artificial difficulty is using something the player has no control over to kill him. It would be something like giving a boss a 5 minute time limit that insta kills the player for no reason.
Second off there is no boss that stun locks you into a combo, except the Souls of Cinder I think and thats heavily telegraphed. Your main complaint is the enemies doing too much damage, which is a moot point since your health depends on how much you level health and what armor you're wearing, not to mention that you contradict yourself as at first you say that the game doesn't "test your capabilities and strengths and forces you to hone your own skills" but then you say that the game is incredibly simple, and only relies on the single gameplay loop of pressing b and then r1 and that the boss's do huge amounts of damage, meaning that the game is based around a limited arsenal of things the player can do and that bosses heavily punish any slight mistake the player does i.e. a game based around testing your capabilities and strengths and forcing you to hone your own skills, which doesn't even mention that you're wrong and overly simplifying things.
Stop grasping at straws and git gud

I have to say, after playing MH:W and then coming back to dark souls, dark souls is ez mode.

He'll just say that you're somehow ignoring his points and are "objectively wrong" or some shit, don't bother


Post the DS1 one pls

>Ohh, Filianore, help me, please... The Red-hood is come to eat us... to eat our Dark Souls 3: The First Flame Edition

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Man looking these boss vs boss fights up and some the fights look really great, other times you start to see why these aren't more of a thing. SoC gets fucked by most of the other bosses just because his AI in the 2nd phase goes full retard and keeps trying to grab when the bosses aren't grabbable

>Accidentally being tricked when there's an order of people protecting her and telling you to fuck off

Aw shit, here we go again.

Gael has never been a problem for me, but Friede eviscerated me and gave me a new asshole about fifty times before I finally beat her. NG+ run was with a Heavy Great Mace and 60STR and yes she went down with ease. Not all builds/weapons are ultra heavy weapons, so she easily overcomes them.

Funniest thing is that pus of man has never lost a fight yet and it's not a boss


Is there a scoreboard for this shit somewhere? I'd have imagined NK, Friede, Gael, and DA CHAMP would be high up on the list since they seem the least likely to have their AI fuckup unless scaling and x amount of Abyss Watchers could take them out.

Not surprising, pus of man is absolutely ridiculous even when you're fighting it. It's a good thing they're super weak to fire otherwise they'd be complete bullshit.

yeah ok

There was that one guy keeping track on Ghostreaper(now known as Japanese words)'s battles but he didnt post when the new batch of battles came about this month. I do remember that Abyss Watchers lost every fight aside from a ringed knight.


He has a gazillion HP
And you need to keep hitting the head, on top of lock on being broken for the fight.

Beyond that he is really easy, its just a endurance match where you can die to instant charges or lasers any time.

>he is really easy
>except for all of the aspects that make him hard

Yes, he is really easy. If his damage output was slightly lower, you could just heal trough the charges, lasers or dark attacks.