So now that the dust has settled, is this the GOAT?

So now that the dust has settled, is this the GOAT?

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snorefest but easy enough for tards so GOTY

One of the most overrated games I've ever played. It's a game people only like because game "journalists" told them to like it.



The shooting was crap
The upgrades are useless
And the story is good but predictable.

You should be able to punch clickers, it makes no sense for them to instant kill you knock out a few teeth.

It's cultural marxist garbage designed to brainwash youth into accepting homosexuality etc.

>You should be able to punch clickers
You can, you just have to stun them first like with a thrown brick or an NPC ally struggling with them / shoving them off. Then mash the melee button as fast as possible while holding sprint into them. I killed them like that all the time in Grounded. Just don't try it when they are already flailing their arms

Nothing homosexual ever even happens except in the optional DLC sidestory that came out like a year after the original game

it fails in the most basic and important aspect, gameplay.

then how come everyone who tried it loves the multiplayer, which is just the core gameplay but in a team-based PVP setup?

>last of us cus we killed everyone else
Kinda hard to emphatize with the main characters.

the porn is

Why did Ellie age so horribly from 14-15 in TLOU to her age in TLOU2?

Except the implied magazine scene

Post apocalyptic puberty

Ellie was making fun of the guy for being a homo

this game was so terrible, punching does more damage than bullets

You're a homo