

Attached: IMG_8118.png (300x411, 49K)


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The fuck would you call them then


I hate nu-Yea Forums

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Imagine being this autistic. kys, retard

Maze platformer.

The basis of that genre were set 10 years before you were born by Super Metroid and Castlevania: SOTN, how do you want it to be called?

They should just be called Metroidlikes. SotN is a stellar game but it mostly reiterated Metroid (and Zelda).


Oh no, I hope my friends on Yea Forums don't think I look like that guy!


I don't care what they're called, the entire "genre" is for sóybóy switchIet manchildren who seethe at anything new and call it a "movie game"

>everything I don't like is söy

side scroller with ARPG elements

You've been on this site too long.

Imagine being this seething because you got filtered by a fucking 2D platformer.
Zoom along, zoom zooms.

>Almost no weapon variety
>Almost no bosses
>No side missions, dialogues, npcs, shops, rpg wlements
Go be special snowflake somewhere else

Adventure platformers


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open-ended linear action adventure roleplaying games

you keep posting this thread and image but it still isn't funny
are you autistic?
at least you're not a fells or frogposter

>gameplay loop

Attached: 1559335202378.png (406x431, 10K)

What an awful thread.

>transitioning to female
Biologically impossible.

What a based thread.

>video games

Attached: 2d64s4tb59a01.jpg (2732x2437, 847K)

>unemployable obese OCD retard constantly trying to control the way people act and write with reaction pics fresh from reddit, as if anyone who ever met him could feasibly be shamed by this creature.
What is his end game?

>that retarded threory that they make this face because it's a fear grimmace as found in apes

>i legit spit out my coffee

I love this image because I can only imagine what kind of sperg saves this shit