Is PC gaming becoming too accessible?

Is PC gaming becoming too accessible?

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no it's just become shit

its not accessible at all. gaming rigs are a scarcity, most people do all their non-console gaming on a laptop or a hand-me-down

to have a nice gaming rig, you have to be a loser who cares too much about nonsensical bullshit when you can just buy a console like everyone else and be done with it. consoles have physical games, exclusive console editions that look sexy, overall better multiplayer experiences and so on. the only thing, ONLY thing that matters when it comes to PC, is emulation, but even so I would much rather get a nice sexy sony Trinitron and hook a snes up for the amazing authentic experience. PC gamers live in a bubble. they really think they have it better lol.

Not with the NVIDIA tax. AMD is just starting to be good.


but what about porn games? that specifically cater to your fetish.
You won't find those on gaystation or sexbox.

Just watch porno videos retard weaboo

that's a cuck's mentality

Imagine outing yourself as a retard

yeah you win that one. i only liked girlfriends4ever and tsukiakari no raspberry though

the internet is too accessible

How so

>zoom zoom I hate open gl games and only play new AAA dreck with medium specs
yeah, or you can get a job, not be a poorfag and buy a decent card.


>gaming laptop

why do people do this?

half the power at twice the price

eh. i got mine for free as a graduation gift for my mom. alienware, yes. i was foolish, but this laptop has lasted me 8 years and its going on strong.

i had to get one because i dont even get 100 KB/s internet at home

>ATTENTION: Graphics card prices are excessive by historical standards; therefore, consumers should delay or completely forgo any midrange to high end graphics card purchases. The gouging has two root causes: lack of market competition and shortage/"new normal" pricing during the mining hayday.
The US government should start fining Nvidia first, AMD second, in the tens of billions for gouging prices.
The most expensive gpu in the world should cost $699, any lower range should be 150-200 cheaper.

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>have a Vega 56 Pulse, Ryzen 3600, 16GB RAM, B450 Tomahawk MAX, 750W 80+ Gold PSU
>can't even maintain a solid 60fps on Dark Souls 3 on ultra @1080p

I've been memed hard, this is bullshit

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jokes on you retard, I bought my 1060 before the bitcoin craze. I've never had more value/euro in the past 20 years of buying pc parts.

you bought amd, now you pay the price:(

t. poor commie

Something is horribly wrong because you should hit 80fps at ultra 1440p with that shit game.

My old 4670k/970 could do that no sweat.

>ram costs twice the actual amount for three full years
>finally 16gb cost $80 again
>net gain is lost because gpu
Fuck you

What OS are you on?

user, OP asked if PC gaming is accesible now, being accesible usually means cheap prices, NVIDIA isn't exactly cheap.

And you can only think on fucking zoom zoom shit, get your head out of your ass.

what could it possibly be then? I have everything set up correctly, monitor even has freesync and shit
how should I go about testing if something is fucked?

windows 10

Shouldn't have listened to waitfags.

Is your GPU fully utilized?

not sure, I can jump in now and check with the radeon overlay, just a sec

just tested, 'GPU UTIL' hovers around 70-80% but sometimes goes a lot lower
'GPU PWR' at about 55W
'GPU VRAM UTIL' is about 2GB, is that wrong? I thought it was supposed to be 8GB

Lol. You're actually right, it's just capitalism

You're pretty dumb, user.
I wonder if it's because DS3 is single core-hog so it's once again amd choking on that single core performance.

idk lad, maybe you're right but it seems right here at least

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Just because it's 8g vram doesn't mean the game will take all of it. Have you seen DS3 textures?

so what's the problem? I still can't figure out why I'm dipping below 60

Serves him right, he trusted AMD

AMD does everything to kill PC gaming you dumb mutt

Install msi afterburner, toggle all hardware OSD on and check the cpu performance.

I can max out 96% of games at 2560x1440 on a $400 card from 2 years ago.

In the mid 2000s a $400 card would struggle to play the latest games when it was new, let alone 2 years in the future.

In the mid 2000s a $400 wouldn't be good enough to stick it up your ass.
Now a $300 phone is overkill.

shill pls

openGL is THE standard to all the seriously 10/10 games pc has to offer. past 10 years havebeen utter shite so I'm not sure why else you'd want pc over console other than piracy and free online.

>uninspired multiplats
>meme games that are taylor made for reddit
>pixelshit garbage
>crowdfunding scams

anyone who unironically thinks PC "gaming" is good is just trying to justify their buyer's remorse.

I need a good ultra wide monitor boys, any good suggestions?
How's this one?

How much of a favela brain you must have to write all this and don't realise it applies to every console out there? Also, keep ignoring mods, emulation, free online, universal controller support, compatibility with games from previous gens and many other things consoles will never be able to offer if it makes you sleep better at night knowing you wasted your money on a plastic box.

>How much of a favela brain you must have to write all this and don't realise it applies to every console out there

Only to CuckBox One, both PS4 and Switch have a far superior library of exclusives

Zoomers in general are pretty tech-illiterate, Steam is just helping them along. For better or worse.
Like every time a PC game comes out and half of Yea Forums sits there asking
>How do I torrent? What's an .iso file? "Mount?" That sounds complicated. Do I really have to apply the crack? It says it's a virus.

In a porn video you get off watching other people fuck, which is the ultimate state of being a cuck.
In a porn game you are the one supposed to immerse yourself do the fuckings yourself.
Yes, and thats a good thing. You can get a pc that runs everything for a really cheap price, and dont have to worry about the requirements of game x anymore.
Back in the days i was allways worried about speccs whenever something got released, today i dont even care anymore since all the expensive shit just adds luxury stuff you dont even notice most of the times

Meant to reply to



>overall better multiplayer experiences
you're a fucking retard, don't ever post again

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>want to play a bunch of games not on modern consoles
>nonsensical bullshit

V hates vidya, surprise surprise.

Are you retarded? A high end pc can emulate anything.

I get rock solid 60fps maxed out on pic related.
You're just a retard who can't into PC.

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He probably hasn’t updated his chipset, gone into the BIOS, checked his drivers and reseated everything just to be sure. So yeah.

What the fuck is SSAA?

I just played 10 minutes of Metro 2033 Redux and having that up to x4 made me dip below 60fps on a RTX 2080 running at 1080p.

It upscales the image so you get less jaggies. It's a near-useless feature that eats up tons of resources. Downsampling from 1440p and disabling SSAA altogether is usually the better option.

>slow single channel ram
>installs games on hdd
>random 5:4 screen from previous poverty station

There's nothing worth upgrading for. I might get additional ram and a new GPU when CP2077 and/or next gen comes along but until that time there's no reason to when I can run everything at 60 up 144 fps.

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I've updated everything and gone into the BIOS already, I've been fiddling with it for weeks now
I just ran the Witcher 3 on high at a near locked 60fps, only having these weird drops to 46-49 every minute or so for a split second, possibly just loading, not sure
ultra is nearly locked 60 too

the only fucking thing I could think of that's making DS3 run like shit is the fact it's pirated and has some sort of miner, but I've scannd it over with malwarebytes before and after installation and it found nothing, so God knows at this point

Did you ignore the bitcoin niggers artificially inflating the price due to demand or what?

So basically the game was quadrupling my resoultion and using it as an AA solution?

That's kinda cool but also ridiculous.

Ya pretty much.

desktops will be obsolete in 10 years, only "content creators" and programmers will use them

Mostly because mobile hardware is getting better and less expensive. Most people I know game on laptops now.

Just watch solo porn of tranny's jerking then

I have the same fucking rig. Update your mobo chipset brainlet.

Yes and no. I had to walk my friend through how to set up Windows on her new PC. She got the installing part down but I'm talking about all the shit that comes after. Installing drivers, dependencies, removing bloat, etc. That is, the PC that I built for her and picked all the parts out because she didn't know how to do it or what parts to get. And I consider her to be MORE computer literate in general than the average person.

So there's no way your average normie is going to get into real PC gaming without help. Unless they don't mind (or don't realize) that they're getting ripped off paying for an massively overpriced laptop or prebuilt. In that regard, yes, prebuilts are making things slightly more accessible. But that still doesn't solve the software side of the equation.

Some of your specs are shit some are top notch.
You should've done research before getting into it retard.

No it's still the same as always: people who are able to drop a shitload of cash on a gaming pc can get in on the action. The only thing that's actually changed is the internet which has not only become cheaper but faster and easier to get at home.

what exactly is shit? the GPU?

>Vega 56 Pulse
here's your problem. get rtx2070 when it drops price a bit.

what the fuck is going on here?

they're both running like absolute shit, the CPU is brand fucking new what in the hell

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>only having these weird drops to 46-49 every minute or so for a split second, possibly just loading, not sure
That's called bottlenecking . Your CPU is shit and can't keep up with your GPU basically

something's way wrong m8
post the full specs and double check your cooling
i legit had a problem with a build because my absolute retard ass forgot to take off the goddamn protective film from the aio, i just threw the thermal paste on the fucking plastic and went to town
found out a few days later when my rig was running like shit, very few times in life did i feel like a failed at life like this

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Are you sure you're not running 32-bit windows instead of 64-bit?

PC Gaming died with Steam. It allowed people to play games without figuring out how to install or run them, leading it to being effectively be a pc console.

I feel you. I got the 5700 XT Sapphire Pulse, it's pure shite.I will probably end up going back to Nvidia/Intel just because they soured my gpu experience.

Maybe in muttland.
Most people on PC still pirate. I only use Steam for a few multiplayer games.

This. Steam is the worst thing that ever happened to PC gaming, killed it basically overnight when it became popular.

Sounds like you're both just tech illiterate.

Asus Desktop Replacement line is literally cheaper than buying as new setup and comes with a 1080 that allows me to ultra everything.

Probably the only gaming laptops worth buying, and only if you literally need everything (Monitor, m&k, etc).

I couldn't get a 144fps monitor and the power to ultra on it with desktop builds. Asus Rog cost me something like 700$ less in total.

Attached: asus_rog_g703_2.jpg (6135x3068, 2.68M)

>breaks within 2 year's time

Not yet, but we're getting near it.

My old travel Lenovo Y50 is like 6 years old and runs perfectly still. Turned it into my porn laptop. Hell I even have an old laptop from 2009 that still runs alright, while literally all of my desktops have essentially just died over the years and the last one I have left is just being used as a fire stick for one of my tvs.

Laptops have gotten so much better.

Why is the monitor so thick now?

>still have a GTX 1050

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also heres my userbenchmark

also what gpu should i use? im not getting AMD because nvidia is a fucking cunt about their tech

muh exclusive club


seething poorfags

>3.5 meme still working great but newer games starting to chug just a little
I already planned to upgrade next year but it's a strange feeling to once again approach the final stretch of a card's usefulness

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this user here, I'm gonna kill myself what the fuck
just updated the BIOS and it changed nothing

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wrong link, not like it makes a difference:

How the fuck is your performance so bad? Did you piss on your CPU before putting it in or what?

I mean, it's basically always been accessible, exponentially bloating system requirements are a modern thing, and even then most of the bloat is stupid gimmicks you can shut off in the graphics settings.
Hell it's especially great now that Ryzen G cpus are a thing and FINALLY integrated graphics aren't fucking godawful.

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first check if something is wrong with mobo and if all parts are connected how they should be. if everything is ok there, run some tests (memtest for ram, and CPU test). if there are no BSODs try this:

update OS (make sure you run win10 64bit, ryzen is shit on anything else), update drivers, when playing intensive game monitor your CPU/GPU usage and temperature (if something is wrong here you might be having cooling issues). if you get BSODs your RAM, CPU or GPU might be faulty. and that GPU is shit, never buy AMD GPU!

yes because now shitty laptops can easily play games. So we got NIGGERS playing pubg and dota and ruining the industry.

this,normalfag games can run mostly fine on anything as low as a gtx 660.

You are literally too stupid to assemble a PC. Good Job.

yeah. I have noticed a influx of people with low resolution monitors recently, they always post crappy screenshots.
Lots of poor people are now getting computers.

The 970 is basically worthless in the used market. I usually sell my GPU where I can do a sensible upgrade for 150€ + the money from selling the old GPU. In practice that's every 1,5 years.

I'm gonna use a bicycle analogy
>check /n/
>everybody rides $1000 to $2000 road bikes
>ride bicycle myself around town
>1 road bike every 50 city bikes and mtb
I don't know how it's called, but it's got something to do with the vocal minority, people who invest the most tend to show off the most, so you think everybody in the world owns what they do.

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nah, you can see from your chart that low resolutions are gaining ground, that shouldn't be the case, at all, whatsoever in 2019.

Midrange = 1080p60+, all you should aim for. Let tards buy into $1200 gpus and 240hz snake oil.

What are budget laptops and LOL .0X% increases.

>bought amd
>for gaming
what did you expect

Everybody here is shilling the 3600, I don't blame him for falling for it. The take is
>now that LITERALLY EVERYTHING uses multiple cores intel's edge on single core performance is useless and dead
It's like the past 30 years of pc developed material has disappeared overnight because modern shit uses multiple cores.

Lmfao, yeah buy a console, so i can dish out another $500 when the next console or upgrade comes out. Keep wasting your money idiot.

Supposedly, there are a few companies dipping their toes in GPU production next year -- Intel, Arm, etc.

So, maybe that will bring Intel back down to Earth because their markup is fucking insane.