Lets have a meet up Yea Forums bois. Imagine the hilarity

Lets have a meet up Yea Forums bois. Imagine the hilarity.

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I'd sooner die

Do you honestly not want to meet you're Yea Forumsros?

That honestly sounds kind of horrible.
You guys are fun to interact with through a computer screen in text form and the occasional vocaroo link, but actually seeing you people might make me want to rip my eyes out

I can hardly stand you guys online. I don't even want to imagine how unbearable you guys are offline.

After that we should all go to McDonald's and ask for the fortnite burger, the look on the workers faces will be hilarious

Imagine the smell

I would come just to shoot it up.

Imagine if some girls come.

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why would i want to listen to some fucking retard who hasnt showered in 2 weeks (side note, he thinks its superior to shower once a month max) tell me about how good a shitty game like dota 2 is?

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Do you have any other plans?

>Imagine the hilarity
it would be hilarious watching people trying to use memes in real life.

yeah i have some free time to blow on Yea Forums, anime, and video games
besides you fuckers would have that shit in some pozzed shithole like boston or los angeles. im not driving that far

Which one would we play white boy?

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imagine the smell

All of you spastics calling everyone you dont like degenerates online would shrink in real life at the first sign confrontation.

Yeah sure come over to my house

How many whites to non-whites ratio would there be?
Genuine question.

One black confirmed no clue on whites.

what am i supposed to be afraid of? some lispy faggoty response you fling back at me with all 400 pounds behind that push you just gave me? whoa, ill just walk across the parking lot until you have to stop to catch your breath

why the fuck would i want to hang around a bunch of incels

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half of you retarded niggers would put her on a pedestal and give her money for no reason

> A bunch of fat edgy nerds awkwardly making small talk and saying memes to each other with a shared sense of superiority over reddit meetups

How the fuck would any of that be "hilarity"

Depending how horrible it goes it could turn out like that Tumblr con where people pissed in a ball pit.

It would be funny afterward not during

Really makes ya think

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look at all those fucking white supremacists

Just like pol. There will be no white people.

I played with Yea Forums once and it was one of the worst experiences ever. Literally everyone tries to be funny by spewing Yea Forums humor in real life and its just not from to be around. I can't fucking stand people whos entire personality revolves around the sure they frequent. And the minute you guys get and sort of identity, be it a username or your real name, you fags become try hards trying to gain approval of other people from Yea Forums. Ironic since this is exactly why everyone shits on Reddit.

The other /pol/ meetup was even more fun

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Damn.... So this is what the glorious and all-powerful white race looks like....

Venti lost many virginities that night

I thought Yea Forums was a white only website????????.

And lastly, the other /pol/ meetup I had saved. I'll see if I have any other boards saved.

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How much sex is involved with these meetups?

actually playing video games

Isn't this just a HWNDU group? I don't think this has many people from pol at all unless Im mistaken

This is the Yea Forums meet up not /vg/

no faggot shit allowed

/fa/ meetup

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not with fr*gposters

>That neckbeard with the goth girl hanging off him

Damn, Americans look like THAT?!?

it's over for them

a bunch of literal fags + dylan roof on the far right

It would devolve into an orgy and I'm ok with it

Other /pol/ said that they were to lazy to go the rhey will not divide us event and claimed these people were all normies from reddit.

Check the HWNDUwtf shit video. Basically the same but now with 1 white guy.

I'm not as fat or hairy or just overall gross like him but I got myself a goth cutie as well. I think I got lucky, maybe he did as well

No but you got a diverse allies of whites.
In other words you will funnily see how a civil war or race war will quickly become a meme with zoomers, browns and pepe to fight alongside you because even they had a break through the conditioning.

>That guy with that giraffe neck

I remember playing with Yea Forums several years ago. The funny thing is the group I joined was so strict about the NO WOMEN NO TRANNIES shit and yet. And fucking yet.
Everyone in the guild was a big whiny dramatic fucking bitch and they all acted like women on their periods and there was constant drama and upsets and people whining about depression and acting volatile and hostile about nothing.
It was fucking pathetic.

/fit/ meetup

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no women no trannies is a good rule though. your community will splinter extremely fast with them in it

user the guild ended in weeks and had splintered into three different ones. I don't think it could have been accelerated any faster.

The point was is that the average Yea Forumsirgin is autistic and mentally unstable enough that you don't need either demographic to have an equivalent result.

They unironically look good

>/pol/ is all mutts and niggers
>/fa/ looks like they were dressed up by their mothers
>/fit/ is DYEL
Really gets the noggin joggin'.

the one minecraft server i joined from you people died within the first week or two it was up
it was me playing by myself for a month or two until the host quit paying for it

The remember the time Yea Forums actually took on redditors in tribes:ascension while redditors had prep time and weeks of training and choosing the best players from the tournament and what not.
Yea Forums chose random grunts with only 25 minutes of training.
But completely wiped the fucking floor with plebbitors it was glorious.
The funny thing is none of Yea Forums even played the game before they took the challenge and this was Yea Forums before they even talked about vidya at all.

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Dont forget the brazillian with 300 ping and the furfag who was a literal god at the game.
Sadly I don't think Yea Forums could pull off such a feat these days. Though at the same time r*ddit has probably stagnated to the point anyone could beat them anyway.

third from the left looks pretty /fa/

I can host one in Osage MO. No video games though.

should we attempt to do it again

they look like they shoot schools

Maybe in hopes that the "average" Yea Forums user wouldn't set foot outside of their house and the meetup would mostly consist of at least semi-functional people.

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Tell reddit I won't play because I don't want to let Yea Forums down.