Ruins your fun

>ruins your fun

Attached: CSGO_AWP_Inventory.png (512x384, 95K)

>makes you play better

How? Unless the awping faggot is a complete brainlet, they will always hsve the advantage over you

>use cover to sneak up on an AWPfag
>once in short distance, rush them with a P90
>bam, dead in one shot because they got lucky with a flick

>get 360noscope'd by some absolute Slav chad
>instead of appreciating his technique and learning from your mistakes, you make a seething thread on Yea Forums

>instakill sniper rifles that are effective at all ranges
Is there an FPS this hasn't ruined?

>appreciating his techniques
>some mouthbreath hard-scoping a corner and clicking on any modicum of movement for a free kill
Fuck off
Console shooters.

Reminds me of
>Brink advertises "no one hit kills"
>game releases
>with a certain weapon and some common buffs you can easily one hit kill

There isn't a single first person shooter that wouldn't be improved if sniper rifles were removed.

>95% of the shitters using it that can't hit anything will move to other weapons/classes and contribute
>The 5% of players who can snap shot heads like they were born for that specific task aren't singlehandedly ruining games within minutes
>"B-but how do they ruin it?"
>Nobody else on their team sees any action alongside the enemy team

>using the p90
congratulation, you just outed yourself as a faggot to begin with.

Leave it, Ivan. Shitters will never learn

What, scared of the Pro90? What are you a gay?

I'm dreading Halo MCC on PC.

>Reticle on screen at all times
>100% accuracy at the center of the screen even when descoped
>No sway of any kind
>No charge shot mechanic like TF2
>Both the human and Covenant sniper rifles are semi-auto and fast as fuck
>Body shots kill in two
>Headshots kill in one
>Halo 2 is hitscan, every other Halo's projectiles are so fast it doesn't even matter and may as well be hitscan

Not sniper but:
>enter a server in Battlefield 2
>see sniper in a window
>kill it with rpg
>``he used a rpg against me, please ban him´´
>get banned
What a bunch of pussies.

>Bad Company 2
>All the kiddies crying about the GOOSETEV

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Name a better sniper rifle in any game than the Gustav.

>throw a smoke granade
Wow that was hard!

*shoots through the smoke and nails you anyway*
Pfft, nothing personnel

neostead 2000 with slugs

The Gustav was great. It was great against infantry but fucking terrible against vehicles. Meant I was racking in all the points going with the RPG-7 and boosted damage and nuking fuckers in their mobile coffins.

>smoke the angle, he waits for you to start crossing under cover, and then fires once and kills you
>pop flash once, he is fullflashed and cannot see, still hits you in the head
>finally decide to just buy a scout and spam the angle through a wall, kill guy
>he starts spinbotting

only retards think anyone at all plays this game legit anymore.

A fair assertion, would have also accepted magnum ammunition on your pick of meme gun.

ironically, it's in the same game

it's called the Spas12 with slugshots and no ironsights, which (totally intended) didn't have bullet drop and allowed you to instagib infantry across the map.

Thought they nerfed that hard.