Why aren't you playing THE 2019 GOTY?
Why aren't you playing THE 2019 GOTY?
give it a few years
Because it isnt out yet.
Pic must be unrelated. Borderlands blows
Blows all other games out of the way, you mean
>2019 GOTY
torrent still downloading.
Why did OP spend 60$ on this garbage?
Nope just straight up sucks, a boring, obnoxious, unfunny, poorly written, quantity over quality garbage tier series
I already played it back in January
cuz my waifu maya dies 10 minutes into the opening
I don't play retard garbage.
too busy playing the real goty wow classic
it looks like more of the same. already played bl2 so I will wait until I can get the complete edition for 20 dollarydoos or less.
Because it has a keylogger that checks your system for inputs locking your mouse in the process
Because EGS is chink spyware
Because BL3 requires a constant 2mb/s UPLOAD
Because it uses denuvo
Because it runs like shit thanks to denuvo
Because it has reddit and twitter memes
Because the only improvement was the gameplay
Because the .exe is the most bloated denuvo turd yet
Because randy is a pedophile and a blithering fucking retard
Because denuvo devs are pedophiles
>Because the only improvement was the gameplay
A-and it's a good thing?
Spot the pirate-fag.
>Because BL3 requires a constant 2mb/s UPLOAD
this isn't true
Are Amara and Symmetra the only Indian women to have a major role in AAA games this decade? I'm glad people like me are finally getting representation.
>the only improvement is the gameplay, the only part of a video game that matters
i'm unironically sold
Goat fucker
Imagine being this mad and this much of a loser.
Am i supposed to jump into tvhm or mayhem levels first? Is the level cap 50? Im still 1 shotting most enemies in mayhem 1 but getting dumpstered in mayhem 2