Popularize cancerous lootbox shit in games

>popularize cancerous lootbox shit in games
>ruin tf2 by making it f2p
>stop making games completely and make your profit off lootbox shit and developers who actually make games paying you a share for having their games on steam
Imagine unironically defending this cancerous company because of chinks from epic games

Attached: mainImage.png (786x629, 386K)

Other urls found in this thread:


pcbros will always suck gabes fat dick. nothing new to see

Fuck valve, lazy fuckin cunts, watching their ips fizzle out and go to shit while they sit back and suck each other off over their blatant scam garbage lootboxes and skin gambling

What amuses me about the loot box argument is, you'll often hear from drones about how Valve did not invent loot boxes, but simply popularized them in the west.
Nigga are you seriously spinning that as a positive? Valve saw those godawful Korean MMOs, thought "Let's do that!" and you think that makes Valve the good guy? That makes it a million fucking times worse!

i dont really care about valve, i just dont trust epic. or anything to do with the communist shithole that is china

Why even make this thread? You're too redpilled for the smooth brains of . Valve has been trash for years. I've been saying this and people are slowly starting to realize. They defend Steam (and Valve) due to the sales. They get a game for a huge discount just to let it sit in their library unplayed, forever. Then they think they got a good deal because it was so cheap when all that happened was they threw away money. Might as well have burned the money, same result. I don't understand how they don't see this? It's a fucking mental illness with these stupid fucks that need to CONSUME 24/7.

Valve won't change because Gabe makes too much money which he spends on . However, we may see a bit of a change (as we are now) when competition starts putting pressure on Valve, but at that point it won't matter because it'll be too late.

Steam chat was terrible but after Discord came out they suddenly "reworked" the entire system. Still trash. I look forward to their release of their Epic Games Store ripoff design. :)

Valve was kino up until Mann Co. update in TF2.
Every project they had seemed to die after that. With the exception of releasing Portal 2 (2011.)

>unironically using exclamation points

>>stop making games completely
Oh no, see, they do make games. Live service games with loot box economies. And that's it!
Valve hasn't shipped a single-player game without microtransactions since George W. Bush was in office.

It's insane that PC gaymers worship this company. Completely insane.

Why does English have them?
>ESL faggot reporting in

Attached: tencent.png (587x558, 352K)

>BL3 gets unlocked within 2 days
>BL3 cracked is around the corner
>Board suddenly fills up with "VALVE BAD EPIC GOOD!" threads
Like fucking pottery

Designated sony.gger thread.

>With the exception of releasing Portal 2 (2011.)
Which had microtransactions. In a Portal game. I repeat, MICROTRANSACTIONS IN PORTAL JESUS CHRIST

Keep in mind Valve monetized your Steam profile and no one said a thing. These idiots are cucked to the max. You will not fix them.

Also, you need to spend money just to BEGIN adding friends. Something which is unheard of... Everywhere? Okay... Guess we can just let that slide?

I used to play TF2 years ago. It was fun and you didn't need to take it seriously. Most of the time people just messed around and had dance lines instead of playing, but even back then you could see where the game was headed. I feel bad for the idiots that spent so much money on buds just to have them, and the game, become meaningless.

nobody actually thinks valve is a good company any more. portal 2 was the last good game they made and even that had severe problems.

also valve being shit doesn't mean egs > steam.

>you actually need to be a valve customer to use their features!
And this is a bad thing.....why?

what sound is he making

>Wanting to be friends with someone with no games.

really devs need to start using gog


Attached: 38d.png (485x443, 37K)

>but after Discord came out they suddenly "reworked" the entire system
Or say, when Overwatch was released and Valve attempted to implement matchmaking systems into TF2 (killing the community servers for-fucking-ever). Or how about chasing the auto-battler trend recently? What about when they saw the Oculus kickstarter blow up and immediately went chasing after VR? Did I mention them trying to emulate the success of Hearthstone? Valve is so creatively bankrupt it's sad. They have nothing, absolutely nothing. Just an item trading platform and their (almost) monopoly status as a digital distribution service.


Attached: 1567881754399.jpg (640x591, 96K)

That's not the point. Excusing this type of behavior is exactly why Steam is in this state. Because it starts with this and next thing you know they monetized your Steam profile and make you pay to add more friends. Wow... I spent so much money just to get a number next to my name. High IQ move. Why would you even unironically make an excuse for Valve? You act like they pay you. Just because you bought some games on sale you'll never play doesn't make the company any good.

Wait until Steam Premium releases. You'll get the honor of paying $10 a month to get a sticker next to your name so everyone knows you're a good boy.

On one hand fuck Valve
On the other hand fuck Epic harder
GOG or pirate

You forgot Battle Royale in CS:GO... Yeah, I remember the TF2 matchmaking. It was a sad day.

>he still defends Valve

Attached: 1566213009749.png (800x1000, 820K)

>Guess we can just let that slide?
Boggles the mind the shit drones let slide.

Remember when Valve held everyone's Steam library hostage, refusing to allow you to log in unless you agreed to waive your legal right to sue? Who the fuck retroactively holds your digital content hostage like that?
And holy shit, can you imagine the absolute shitstorm if Epic made you pay in order to use the social features of the EGS? Valve does that, and no one says a word. I have a shit load of those free games they give away on my Epic account, I've never spent a damn dime on that store, but yet I have all my Stream friends right there.

>popularize cancerous lootbox shit in games
Agree. Lootboxes are bullshit but at least steam has a market where you can sell/exchange unwanted loot.
>ruin tf2 by making it f2p
>Stop making games completely
They just released Artifact and Dota Underlords recently. Big VR game is in the works too.
The way I see it you just cherry picking some reasons just to tell us how bad Valve nowdays because they doesn't meet your personal expectations of a 12yr old anymore.

Attached: 15131600785160.png (428x519, 303K)

>Stream friends

Attached: 1564920518629.png (500x500, 76K)

It's true, you mongoloid freetoplayer. Thanks for ruining the game.
>They just released Artifact and Dota Underlords recently.
Both sucked balls and died. Points for following trends, I guess?
>Big VR game is in the works too.
lol it's in the works for a decade now aka dead

>People can use steam's features without actually buying anything
>Steam devolves into Facebook/Twitter 2.0
>Steam accounts having a monetary value based on previous purchases
you can sell off if you want to for some reason
>this is a bad thing
Wow this EGS shill is mad

>>you actually need to pay Valve to add friends!
Show me a social platform that requires you to pay to add friends, video gayme or otherwise.

>Agree. Lootboxes are bullshit but at least steam has a market where you can sell/exchange unwanted loot.
f2p economies aren't very fun but blizzard and others are far more jewish when they have the same economies but also charge you for the game and also don't let you trade items and trade out to actual cash

>And holy shit, can you imagine the absolute shitstorm if Epic made you pay in order to use the social features of the EGS?
>Implying epic actually has any social features in the first place

0,002 rusty metals were added to your Steam wallet

>imagine the absolute shitstorm if Epic made you pay in order to use the social features of the EGS? Valve does that, and no one says a word
so then no one will say anything, because of the implication

Yeah, buying a crate and key for 5 euros and selling the common loot in it for 4 cents is a good thing
Fuck off, drone

>no argument
Top lel, epicfag. Your precious EGS and its platform seller wont even have any value in a couple of days and all you can do about it is seethe

>Dota Underlords
Mobile tier games
Valve can't even make a gacha game right
>Big VR game is in the works too.
Right, becasue they have a track record of big VR games. Valve doesn't have the talent and/or manpowert to do anything other than small projects or shit like Doto.

>he admits being a valve shill

Buy a key off of a vendor then.

I really dislike how nowadays all legitimate criticism of Valve is buried under chinkoid shilling.

Pcbros are subhuman

but they do the same thing only worse

>still seething
>still no argument
Kek keep going retard

Attached: 1561498462794.jpg (644x677, 50K)

I really dislike how nowadays all legitimate criticism of Valve is considered shilling by butthurt gabendrones

Why tf is valvedr0ne filtered to pcbro? That’s fucking stupid. Fuck this gay board and fuck jannies.

I have several games on GOG. I always look there first when the rare chance arises that a modern game grabs my attention. It's disappointing that, for all the PC gaymers' complaints (re: conspiratorial idiocy) about spyware and DRM, GOG is entirely unprofitable and will probably shut down in a year or two.
These faggots don't give a shit about choice or unobtrusive platforms; all they want to do is buy video games from Based Gaben, because he's a R*ddit-tier meme and gaymers are retarded.

>Valve is a social platform now

>still droning

still better than buying a crate & key and then being stuck with the items forever

>still seething

it's a juicy cock and I'm the biggest twink

Answer the question. What social platform, video gayme or otherwise, requires you to play to add friends? I have nothing but free games on my Epic account, never spent one dime on their store, and I have all my Steam friends migrated over.
I'm willing to bet Origin is the same way.


Fucking please. Epicshit and antisteam threads on Yea Forums literally follow a workshift schedule.
Here's a hint: if some irrelevant chinkoid store is mentioned in OP at all, it's shilling.

They made some great games in the past, i don't really care about what they do now.
Nothing really to make me start screeching about boycotting them.

Very convenient for you to dismiss any and all criticism of your favorite platform if certain words are used.


Lmao valve are fuckin retards when it comes to vr. Half life vr if it ever comes out will be a huge ass dissapointment, valve-cucks love their fuckin teleportation locomotion and end up making a shitty ass experience one that probably could be done better on mobile. And ontop of that its not even a followup, just a shitty cashgrab to try and push units on their garbage overpriced headset and give their ip slight releavancy since they let it die out years ago

Very convenient of you to post criticism of Steam exactly at a time when several other epicshit threads are artificially bumped by your co-workers.

>still droning

The fact that you migrated steam friends and didnt actually make any friends on Epic itself shows off your argument as bullshit

You forgot: popularized having shitty game launchers with built in DRM even for games you bought boxed

>still seething

>you can only post criticism of Valve in specified, valve drone-approved threads where no mention of Epic or EGS exists
Jesus, you are quite the specimen

>still droning

>Implying Epic shilling bugmen reading off cue cards are capable of any actually valid criticism

If you criticize Steam while mentioning EGS in the opening post, prepare to have anything you say dismissed. Deal with it.

>Right, becasue they have a track record of big VR games. Valve doesn't have the talent and/or manpowert to do anything other than small projects or shit like Doto.
Yet another facet of the dronemind I cannot understand. What in the wide world of fuck gives them this idea that Valve has the capability to make anything beyond F2P lootboxshit? They can't even make a medium sized map without draw distance fog for fuck's sake. CS:GO Danger Zone is some Turok64 shit, and THAT is Valve's most technically advanced map by far.

Drones have this uncanny ability to stick their fat fingers in their ears, cover their eyes, and believe in fucking fairy tales about their chosen one while ignoring all reality. It's a corporate cult with a CEO who exudes a reality distortion field the likes of which Steve Jobs could only dream of.

Speaking of which, did you hear they told all the purchasers of their $300 VR meme controllers that they were holding them controllers wrong? Can't make this shit up lmfao.

If it wasn't Valve it'd be someone else. Remember GFWL?

Why are the criticisms wrong, though?

I criticized steam without mentioning Epic or EGS and valvefags still haven't answered in a serious manner.

>still seething

>still droning

>still seething

>still droning

>still seething

>still droning

>still seething

We don't need to criticize, they will end up as a hentai game platform in 2 years anyway.

>they dont even make l4d3

>still droning

the point is in initial lootbox iteration Valve made it very attractive to participate in item looting - weapons offered actual impact on gameplay as interesting sidegrades and you "owned" the items - you could trade them, throw away them, craft them, that stuff.

other companies saw what Valve was doing and tried to implement the same thing but in way more predatory way - no fun items, no trading, costumes only, final destination. and people (kids) are eating it up!

Attached: maitetsu-pure-station.jpg (794x416, 39K)

Why bother making games when your good little valve drones give you money for (community-made) cosmetics?

They can't even design a VR Home software that wouldn't be completely inferior to whatever else is on the market, and keep it in that state for years.
The only time they were quick to add QoL to SteamVR is when they made Index and had to damage control thumbsticks, vertical lines, blue hue of the headset etc.
The only saving grace is that you can mod OpenVR Advanced Settings in and other overlays, usually at a price like OVRDrop.

>still seething

>still droning

>Imagine unironically defending this cancerous company because of chinks from epic games

I worshipped valve during the golden era of tf2 but I only feel hate towards Valve now. I only pirate of use gog today.

>still seething

Probably realized Assymetrical MP and co-op games aren't the best for cosmetics and DLC.

>still droning

The amount of samefagging in this thread has to be a new record.

>still seething

>Not adding a Epic Bux item trading system that intentionally mimics a day trading platform to your client and not hiring economists and psychologists to regulate and manipulate your customers.
Wow you really won that argument. Clearly Valve's loot box system is better than the rest.

>shitposting thread is full of shitposting
Who would've thought?

What did you expect? Valvecunts get paid by the post

>still droning

>says the epicshill who STILL cant adress any counter and STILL cant stop seething
top lel
I eagerly await your "still droning!" post to prove my point instead of actually saying anything

>expects serious answers to his shitposts
Keep on droning

Nobody cares about valve these days other than dotafags and slavs who play csgo. They could release l4d3 and hl3 and I probably still wouldn't care.

>any criticism is shitposting
>and he still keeps seething
wow, BL3 getting unlocked and ready for cracking really did a number on you, didnt it?

come back when you can buy tons of games on sale on epic store by selling off your fortnite costumes

>any criticism is shitposting except when it is aimed at Epic
Drone harder

>Thinks his cue cards are actual criticism
Keep on seething

>noooooooo you can't say that about Valve! Cue cards! Chink! Tianamen square!
Drone harder

>Waaaaaaah valve totally did this thing ten years ago so epic should be able to do it now!
Holy shit the seethe is hitting new levels

>I know that Valve constantly shits the bed and is barely a game company, but don't you think Epic is worse?
Drone harder

>Nooooo dont criticize Epic! We're competition! We're going to overthrow Valve with BL3 and exclusivity deals!
Top lel, and keep seething

>I am not buttmad at all about Epic making money! That's why I mention Epic every chance I get and especially when Valve is legitimately criticized!
Drone harder

Stop encouraging his behavior for shit sake, ironic shitposters are the reason this fucking board is falling apart.

>criticizing Valve is considered shitposting now
Drone harder

>Guys! Epic is totally making money! We're totally selling games on our store! We dont have any numbers, just trust us!
Keep on seething, epicfag. Any 1 mil sales yet?

>Epic is making no money, that is why drones like me are dedicated to talk you out of buying EGS games!
Drone harder

>Epic is totally successful guys! Steam needs to die because Epic is the future! Buy Epic!
Seethe bitch, seethe

>Epic is a failed company! Gaben told me so!
Drone harder, drone

>Epic is totally successful guys! Tim said so! No dont question us!
keep seething

Why the fuck would you care when the main point of steam is buying games and its only 5 bucks

You know the system is there because of scammers, bots and all sort of other shady stuff, and you are not paying exclusively for chat options, you spend 5 bucks on games or items and for that you will granted access for the friend features

You trying to spin this narrative so much still knowing what you say is bullshit and no one cares about it, however there are bigger issues with valve right now but you are just a cunt who likes to nitpick
Shilling epic store here is the lowest iq thing you can do here faggot, enjoy your free friend invites moron

>Monopolies are only good when Valve does it
keep droning

>Controlling the supply and forcing devs to release exclusively using money is a good thing because Epic competition! Totally not a monopoly!
Why are you seething so much, you know chinks dont pay overtime, right?

>suddenly Epic is a danger to Valve's wellbeing even though EGS supposedly failed
keep droning

I can assure you with 75% certainty that the VR games have gotten shafted.
Every single game Valve has tried to make since Dota 2 has gone tits up. HL3 sees no progress.
Source 2 has been out for FIVE FUCKING YEARS and the only things running on it at the moment are Dota and its spinoffs.
Everything they do dies before even being announced.
Even L4D3. That was 80% done and still got cancelled.
Just fucking sad.

think they waiting for something ala market crash, or just think they earning so much on such a small team that to produce would be a foolish endeavor? I agree it's sad though

>>popularize cancerous lootbox shit in games
>ruin tf2 by making it f2p
its ok when fortnite did it
>stop making games completely and make your profit off lootbox shit and developers who actually make games paying you a share for having their games on steam
its ok when epic does it

>b-b-b-b-b-but Epic....but EA....

>being delusional enough to think EGS will ever threaten Valve when all their paid exclusives will start coming to steam within a month ony to fail miserably because they're trash
>while Epic games remain steam-exclusive
Seething and delusional. Fun combo

>EGS will never threaten Valve but it must be destroyed for daring to challenge the status quo, just like Origin
keep droning

>op makes shit bait thread based on lies
>why am i getting BTFO and called out waah dady randy save me
kill yourself faggot i won

>No! Dont call out EGS for shitty practices!
Seethe in irrelevance, epicfag. It suits you

>being this angry that other companies try out their own online stores instead of sucking Gabe's unwashed asshole
keep droning

>Seething this hard because even with all that money EGS will never be competent, much less relevant
Keep seething

i want everyone in this thread to die in a fire

>i just dont trust epic. or anything to do with the communist shithole that is china
Hi gabe

>130 posts
>35 IPs
Holy shit this is some advanced shilling

So gaben
>KIlled physical copies
>Tried to make a console out of pc gaming
>Lied about hf3 for years
>invented lootboxes
>refused to give refunds, only did so after steam was almost closed in half of the world
>killed zyzz with steam
>tried to monetize mods
>Killed competition with steam DRM
>He's a minion of winne the pooh
>Is pro imigrant only for the sake of dota tournaments

Honestly, has he ever done something good or is he just the devil of pc gaming? Good thing Tim is here to save us

Half the posts here are two anons continuously going back at each other.

It's just a couple chinese shills epic has on staff. You can tell from how broken their english starts getting when they have to go off script.


The chinks hate skeletons, they also hate blacks as well. When will valve ban black people to keep up with the Asian market?

Attached: Skeleton_King_icon.png (256x144, 82K)

Imagine being so paranoia that you think China had army of shill trying to shill on a message board

>that broken english
You literally just confirmed his point you stupid chink

So fucking angry he spamming this in many thread. Holy fuck shit

Actually, it's the first time i posted it ever.


At least Steam has a community forums, built in right in the App, a workshop content for games, a decent profile editor. Epic Games may start to help kick a new unmonopolize PC gaming market but fuck they are still WAY behind then what Steam has to offer. They have millions of dollars and their launcher is 2 years old now and they still haven't anything close to Steams. Fuck Valve for no longer making new games, but so many good games have been started from Steam. and at least when developers can make alpha access games to help to finalize their game, they have the community from their players right on it's own platform. No other Community bullshit, even though they can use Discord for feedback, it's simply lot more easier just to use Steam Discussions for their feedback. Something barely Epic Games can hold a grip too.

No one uses steam discussions, it's just there to shitpost because no moderation

>droning this hard because Valve is losing customers to a better service with better games
keep droning


Is this a joke? Is this epic? Or is this valve false flagging?

Yeah but you can't blame all of Valve. They reason they are creatively bankrupt is because e how their office work space is ruled out. Anyone can join in or create a project within the employee space of Valve. This is why the most talented and creative developers left Valve. They couldn't convince their other employees to start a new game, because I am sure Gabe and some other hiring assitants hire people who are just new from Art and Design colleges and find out it's easier for the new ones just to make a shit ton of money by being creatively bankrupt. I'm pretty sure it wasn't easy for Valve to make new games because of their fans expectations and hardships they fuckin faced through the early 2000s.

>ruin tf2 by making it f2p

This is how to spot a retard.
Do you have any idea how dead the game was? Go look at the numbers retard.

Stop talking to yourself.

On the plus side, they made it where you can trade or sell your items, which afaik no other company allows you to do that.

I think allowing you to resell and trade your microtransactions is one of the most consumer-friendly things a F2P game has ever done.

In contrast, if you bought a skin in LoL, what could you do with it later? Nothing. And if you missed a skin you really wanted? Tough luck, you can never have it. These are two problems Valve fixed in their games.

they will never be a new Half-Life because the main people who created it left the company years ago so I'm sure no one in the company wants to create a new one when all their veterans left.


It's not REAL communism.

a new half-life will never be released

stop droning

Haven't seen this in a hot minute. Crazy to think the autistic fuck that made this is still shitposting on Yea Forums to this day.

They probably will at some point, but I don't think it will be a good thing considering their last games.


You be surprised how much users still use Discussions for support, and the community will deliver. More than any other gaming forums desu

>popularize cancerous lootbox shit in games
Do you even know Fifa? They did it first.

It's funny how you had to make that into a meme because it's true and you can't argue against it.

Anyone that says valve popularised lootboxes is someone that is underage and simply doesn't remember 2007-2012. Games didn't start having lootboxes because of tf2 influence. If that was the case it wouldn't have taken so long after tf2 for them to appear in other games.
Wasn't ea the first one that tried it on their sp games? It's more than likely that they were influenced by the very positive results on fifa and madden (which predate tf2) and saw the potential

Fuck Steam. GOG is better

Crazy to think that someone can still blindly ignore the information in front of them, not respond/rebuttal to the pic they responded to and defend a soulless corporation (for free)


Another typical Windows kid thread. You really all think Valve employees just sit around all day, when anyone with a brain can check up on the tons of development that they do in the open on important gaming infrastructure like Proton and RadV.
Gaben told you what you needed to do to get HL3 to happen, and none of you did it. Now we're headed towards a brick wall in three months and this time PC gaming as we know it may never recover.

Honestly, I thought starter boost in older games MMO games were technically the first loot boxes because some of them had randomized XP boosts and items. Way before TF2 had them.

too bad GOG is very strict on what games and publishers they want to release on their platform. although i do respect their service

>less than one third the thread is unique posts
holy shit

>expecting valve shills to have any unique thoughts

What are some unique thoughts epic shills have

I don't care about Valve. It's all about the steam sales

Attached: 1420876805497.gif (500x500, 1.03M)

>deflecting this hard

Didn't read loool. Valve makes the best games. Dota 2 is the best multiplayer game.
Half life 1 is the best game I have ever played.
Portal 2 (youtube.com/watch?v=G0nxHMAV5wI) is the third best game I have ever played.

Unterwegs in Düsterburg is the second best game.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (1600x902, 88K)

>18 times drone appeared in this thread
>37 times when the letter 'e' is removed
>7 times 'Drone harder' appeared
holy shit that's completely pathetic

At least they have impeoved their system unlilw the peoplw who copied it.
>Can't get duplicates until you open all the non rares in a single box
>Can trade them

>Makes a pony reference
Meet the Pyro wasn't a MLP reference though.
I don't even think the Magical Mercenary existed when this shitty picture started popping up.