Duba Duda Dubba, Dub?

Duba Duda Dubba, Dub?

Attached: 54t5.png (658x614, 384K)

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Is that true?

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I wish this fuckin game was more popular so that when it came out we could have talked about which of the three main routes we did


What game


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Legend of Mana

first time blind..think it was irwin route for me

Spoiler: Everyone did Dragon on their first playthrough because they were lost as fuck and the game pushes you towards that route if you just keep going to the newest place you unlocked


nobody bought his new game "ever oasis" the market has spoken

WHOA! You go big guy!

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*does the arm thing homie*

Cheers user

Switch port when?

Could I interest you in a used virtual boy user? only 800 bucks!

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What can you tell me about this fucking mobile phone game?
It's shit right?

Dubba dub dabba!

Bloody hell, nothin' cost that much, Niccolo. S'true!

I love everything going on in this thread


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I did Jumi the first time, Black Pearl is incredibly based

I miss when Ishiki/Tifaposter was a regular in the drawthread. Did this for me too.

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