What’s the most galaxy brained game?

What’s the most galaxy brained game?

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The fuck is he going on about? No forest is fireproof

>using the word "aint"

>No forest is fireproof
Fires in the Amazon are up 82% this year when compared to the same period last year you dipshit

>Being wet or cold somehow make you fireproof
How the fuck is this guy an MD when he makes such retarded claims? Fires can happen ANYWHERE in the world no matter the conditions.

Honestly just do what California does and make fires a necessary part of a tree's life cycle

Because his MD is in medicine, not climatology.

What the fuck does that matter you cockclown? Just because this year was the year the fucking forest finally had an uncontrollable fire doesn't prove anything

Yeah, conditions and climate stay exactly the same and never change, ever. The guy in the OP is a retard.


I thought that people were saying that the amazon ones were caused by arson

lol just pour water on it

okay can I get a graph of amazon fires over a hundred years? Thanks!

andrew yang is an uncle tom white loving banana

How the fuck is a rainforest on fire when it gets 400 inches in rain every year.

I really am too fucking scared to see if the Amazon is still on fucking fire.

The entirety of the Amazon forest will burn down, it's been reported the fires are too strong to be put out by any sort of human mean. We are basically fucked, a huge supply of oxygen will be cut off from the earth within our lifetime.

California is burning 26 times less than it did in 2018.

Still below average for the last 15 years (which the media doesn't mention because it was a VERY leftist government until their middle 2016 impeachment). Last year was unusually low because we have wet and dry years, brainlet. Stop trying to argue shit you don't understand.
I'm strongly in favour of better preservation of forests, including the Amazon, but these recent news are alarmist propaganda bullshit because the just elected right wing government told the ONGs pretending to protect the Amazon while taking advantage of it and Brazil to fuck off

For the people who don't want to look retarded:

Fire is not uncommon, it is a very natural part of a forest's lifecycle; some plants even require it to spread.
The vast majority of oxygen isn't created by a meme forest spammed on social media. It mostly comes from the ocean.

> when you pretend you follow climatologists but in reality you follow AOC.

Fucking Californians are mailing their forest fires to the Amazon

It helps that a lot of it is already scorched to hell and back.
Can't burn down rubble.


burn it all down.
pestilence known as humanity cannot die quick enough.

>uncle tom

I read that book for an American Literature class I took a few years ago and am sick of niggers and black sympathizers using the term to describe a black dude who sucks white cock. Uncle Tom was literally a depiction of the tragedy that befell black folks who were decent, Christian human beings and he was a character who was martyr'd for his beliefs. This absurd take on who he was is some literal nigger bullshit that is being perpetuated by ignorant fucks who probably don't even know that "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is even a book.


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Fires are a natural part of the California chaparral and there many plant species like chamise that quickly repopulating the burned terrain to dominate the area and win the natural competition for space.

>the legitimacy of global warming isn't even argued anymore amongst climate scientists

ya'll are pathetic

>Twitter screencap of a literal who discussing something 100% not vidya
>template low effort OP
No wonder every single board and site laugh at Yea Forums.
Even /biz/ that's full of dumb third worlders falling for scams daily consider this garbage dump below them. Even Yea Forums, addicted to porn and nothing else thinks Yea Forumstards are brain dead.
And they're right. You people fell so far, and you celebrate killing destroying your home.

Who is this killing and why are they destroying my home?

>research group whose entire budget depends on hypothesis A being true finds hypothesis A to be overwhelmingly true
gosh. how could they.

>As a Chinese man, Americans must change their economy to deal with climate change
>China changing their economy? No, of course not

Are you a 21 year old Yea Forums user with no post-secondary education? Because you sure sound like one.

But china currently the leader of renewable energy and export their coal plant to Africa and third worlder

the amazon is on fire all the fucking time but no one gave a shit until the media decided it needed something new to get some more clicks
it's an overblown non-issue just like every other scare mongering 'news' piece about climate change

fucking bezos
i've been waiting for my package for over a month and now they make this shitty excuse

>be Chinese
>enjoy an illustrious history of dominance for thousands of years
>then destroy all of it
>and then begin to destroy the earth while you're at it

Is China the real life Midgar?

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The fires aren't too strong, its that the country its in is being run by a bunch of dumbasses that would rather deny climate change than accept solutions. We are screwed and its ridiculous that it was Brazil that did it to us like that. For fucking farms that will die faster than the fires did the forests.


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>look i posted a graph again mommy!


>denying global warming

What do you have to gain by pretending to be a retard, user?


Will my Amazon package make it on time on Friday?

Look, unlike your MSM shills, I aquire real knowledge and understanding from deep discussions with the greatest minds of shunned places like 4+Yea Forums and our /pol/ where truth isn't censored. So yes, I do believe I know what the fuck I'm talking about because I get unfiltered research, not lies told to me.

At this point global warming/climate change is wrapped up in MUH TEAM SPORTS bullshit despite being pretty much proven. Even if doomsdayfags are a little dramatic, and most of the fault lies in shithole nations like China these days you'd have to be retarded to outright deny it.

But Siberia is always on fire in summer.
Summers over there are actually very hot and that is a norm.

Imagine having this faggot as your doctor who doesn't even get that the Amazon Rainforest was put on fire on purpose by farmers and he fell for another media meme.

Cold place on fire, how could happen?!?

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Good riddance. I don't give a FUCK if some stupid animal goes extinct. You shall not infringe on my right to expand and production. Only bleeding hearts libshits and hippies care about muh useless trees. Real men create true material and economical progression

i'm not actually denying it just saying its not as big of a problem as everyone makes it out to be
which it isnt
and regardless someone way smarter than all of us is going to come up with a solution anyways its inevitable

That Benson guy or whatever his name who was a presidential candidate said a lot of retarded shit, yet was acclaimed as one of the best neurosurgeons in the world.
Not that a zoomer autist whose sole identity is his shit memes understand that real people can hold dumb beliefs yet be skilled at what they do.

Nothing is fireproof when shitskins drench the trees in gasoline and set them on fire.

I suggest murrica to start building a second, bigger wall, for when the south americans have destroyed everything they'll come for your lands.

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Fair enough.

>climate change is real cause theres a fire in siberia

that education really pays for itself huh

Because brown people set shit on fire to gain farming lands they don't know how to tend, so they leave a barren wasteland behind and starts firing up more forests.

Every time

Literally not even an argument, pure ad-honinem. Fuck off.

could have multiple amazons worth of trees if all nations agreed to plant some trees.
young trees require more co2 anyways and you cant rely on having BR shitters take care of anything.

somehow you never hear about solutions like that though.