Boogie is right

Stay inside, play Borderlands 3.

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LowTierGod was right.

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So much for his break from twitter.


Why is this fat fuck skilled here so often?

>Oh look its me fat guy

>Oh let me upload a video where i wallow in self pity atleast thrice a month
>Oh i was bullied in school *crying* donate to my Patreon
>My mom hated me thats the reason that i'm obese 30 years later
>I literally had the chance to lose weight because a famous personal trainer from Hollywood said he would help me for free but i said No
Boogie is the male version of Zoe Quinn

>oh look its me incel tripfag

I can't believe people like him exist. In 2019 no less. I knew better at 14 than he does at 40+. I'm not saying I'm perfect but he should know better at that age. What a waste of life. Pathetic.

You know what's sad? He had a hard life, yes, but rarely do people in his situation find a way out. He got an opportunity to have a better life. He could play video games and be a NEET while making significantly more than real jobs. He squanders it by acting like a toddler. It's so disgusting. All he does is just read articles and give his faggot opinions which no one cares about. Still makes more money than most people.

Yet he's not happy? He's not taking this opportunity to better himself? God I fucking hate him so fucking much. What a fucking faggot. I know people that had to wait their entire lives just to WAIT IN LINE for one of those free dental things some places do to get their rotten teeth fixed. Like how many of you know a family member that worked their entire life at a shit job just to help give you a better life? God this fucking scumbag lard ass takes everything he has for granted and still acts like a victim.

How fucking hard is it to lose fucking weight when that's literally all you have to do in life? That's your entire focus. You can jerk off and play video games all day and still get paid more than most. AND YOU STILL CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT. Even with a surgery he still can't do it.


remind him that he has to disclose promoted tweets

i doubt boogie has killed anyone except for boogie

hello a-log pasta
this thread is so good

>"Some of you guys are alright, don't go out on friday 13th"
What did boogie mean by this?

he means never relax

Around fats...

LTG unironically believes aliens killed the dinosaurs and put humanity on earth as an experiement. Unironically.

Because most of his fans on Yea Forums were propably young lads who found him due to the Francis videos. So they must protect him at all cost, typical Cult of Personality behavior with ecelebs.

humans are an alien weapons of mass destruction from the planet omicron persei 8

no one here is a fan of boogie1488
the truth is kiwifarms autists post threads about the people they stalk here

absolute reddit post

can't deny the truth, cia

Prove they didn't.

why is this FAT FAGGOT using a Whomp avatar?

Is this game a lot better than the first one? It's getting shilled so hard but I couldn't even enjoy the first game in the series. It didn't feel like it had mass appeal, it felt like it was specifically for people who like grinding.

not even "ironic" larping will savre you, redditor.
>le epic futurama refenrence xD 47 is the answer xD
go back and prep your bull for a new switch

Boogie is in a weird phase where he thinks he's being fanny ironic Rick and Morty time by using his new Francis Puppet to shit on himself.

At least Boogie isn't an ugly tripfag


Now I kind of want to play Xenogears

Boogie2988 is a living joke. He sits and plays games for a living while banking on his non existent shitty childhood from pity donations by brainwashed kids. Hope the next content cop is on this greasy fuck.

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the cleverest thing about the aliens is that they masquerade as experts. they even started up the newsgroup in the '80s, realizing how big the internet would become. very crafty aliens!

??? futurama ???
do they let feds skip school now?

Boogie has
>broken a chair with his fat ass, ripping his ass open
>apparently had his poopy bag explode at a con and got mad at his wife for it
>allegedly made his ex-wife sign an NDA of some kind
>compared his haters to rapists
>refused FREE training from some of the best personal trainers
>inserts himself into every situation for pitty
>staged a stream of him going to his old childhood for pity points
Am I missing anything?

>he doesn't know

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>earned more wealth than all of the farms combined
>not spent his life gossiping about you

>he doesnt occasionally read lolcow threads for fun
I feel bad for you.

Somebody has been watching Ancient Aliens for too long

I think edups was just fucking with us with that Content Cop announcement.

i'm in a lolcow thread right now
there's a 100% you people try to talk to your families about youtubers during holidays

i thought he stopped posting on twitter since his unstoppable seethe fest after the expose video

A 100% what, user?



Boogie is a cool guy he just needs to focus on video games and stay away from YouTuber drama and politics. A simple video saying "guys I'm no longer going to talk about stuff unless it's directly related to video games" would help him dearly. But he won't do that, because he can't help coming back to twitter and saying something stupid...
Glad he's losing weight now after the surgery because it was frustrating to see him remain the same size for years and years despite constantly claiming to be trying to lose weight.
Anyway long live Francis. You may not like him but Boogie will be remembered, most of us here will not. :-(

>Boogie is a cool guy

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I thought this guy had died.

Boogie isn't the type to cancel someone, he'd rather use what others do to make himself look more pitiful for free shame money

Can we stop discussing other people than me?

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>newfag encountering lolcows for the first time

I made this in honor of Borderlands 3, crybaby bitch

i told you that people from the farms create threads about the people they stalk. they have autism and obsess about this shit. they actually watch this fat fuck's videos so they can post about them.

They also hate the Epic store, which makes me think I made the right call supporting Epic Store

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Stop using trannyspeak, thanks

everyone hates you tim

Why can't Yea Forums prove him wrong?

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prove it randy bobandy

Yea Forums popularised unironically and literally
it's this place's version of saying like in every sentence

And yet no one can prove they didnt. Its the same with Scientology, as crazy as their "origin story" sounds, its just as retarded as Christianity or Islams. Ofcourse, its still a crazy theory with no evidence, but all major religions are and the only thing they have over the alien theories is popularity and ingraining into modern society.

On on hand, thats good news, on the other hand, Borderlands 2 peaked at 125k players. Have 250k people buy at launch day is good, but is no where near "impressive" in my opinion for a triple A game.

i only started writing literally ironically and solely because it made people mad online

>poopy bag...

Only youtubers I talk to my parents about are Kitbonga and the Lock Picking Lawyer, as that is tangible information and can help them.



Is this guy still putting on the gamer facade for zoomer views? Doesn't he play like 4 hours of the latest games while they're still hot and then never touch them again?

Boogie is a fat bitch

Do people still like Boogie after he got exposed for being a giant piece of shit?


Don't even like this fat retard but you are in no position to criticize anyone.

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Pretty tame compared to the average if I’m being honest. Still a raging cuck for using a tripcode and therefore the previous statement is invalid.

He still has a small stable of loyal paypigs, but he's been on a steep decline all year from gaffe after gaffe and just had to take a few week break because of perhaps his most-publicized blunder yet. For someone of his subscriber number, his viewer saturation is positively awful. He hasn't had a net gain in subscribers in months either, so the ones going out of their way to unsubscribe are probably half the ones that have logged in at all this year.

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