Why are people so against piracy these days...

Why are people so against piracy these days? 20 years ago everybody was recording movies and TV shows onto VHS and distributing them everywhere and it was super easy. Piracy now requires you to be a tech geek and risks installing viruses onto your computer.

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because people are corporate slaves


>Posts thread with obvious porn image to bait the attention of low IQ tards
Go suck on a fat chode you miserable cuntbag.

copying "crack" folder contents into game folder is sooo hard, why isn't piracy as easy as steam???

okay, retard


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>posting the same artist who blasted paheal for keeping her patreon only pages up on the website for free without her permission in a piracy thread

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Yea Forums is frequented by literal paid corporate shills and of course they don't want to encourage piracy.

Sauce me up senpai

because you wouldn't download a car

Her problem was with them running ads on it and being cunts despite them not being in a position to do so, faggot.

How does one become a corporate shilled that pays?

Based paheal. Fuck kikes

art doesnt cost money

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Learning how to find torrents, how to magnet them, what a torrent even is, and trusting all that sketchy shit is too much for a normie to handle. It should be more like napster or limewire.

Sign up for social marketing jobs. Good luck getting assigned to this website, though; it's already tightly packed with shills to to the point that we make most of the threads about new games. Also, why would you want to do it anyway? Shilling for money instead of fun sounds horrid, I can't imagine that anyone would like it.

Being paid to shitpost huh? That’s a good question user, I’d wanna get in on that action, get paid to do the shit I do already

>to bait the attention of low IQ tards
and right on queue, you are here and bumping the thread.

You don't want a source on that artist. they should be gassed. way more so than shadman.

>i wish patreon would just die
So does every sane human being. Imagine paying a subscription fee for LITERALLY nothing.

Steam is easier than the hassle of dealing with your ISP going nuts about you downloading illegal shit. It's fast and convenient.

Shame EGS is pure dogshit and I have to pirate timed exclusives because of them.

>cropping out the part where they realized they were in deep shit and removed her art from their site.
>cropping out the part where she said she doesn't mind third party sites and just wanted them to not be pieces of shit to her while they simultaneously had granny porn popups on her stolen patreon art

The artist's name is LITERALLY on the image itself, look for it you useluseless dirtbag

ok, this is cute

fuck off marmalademum, your shilling is so obvious it's not even funny

people are sedated and pretty much cuckolds in every regard


I don't hate the website, I hate the drones that actually donate to retarded shit like ecelebs. As always, normies ruin everything

People are illogical

For example, it is a fact that if a guy dates a girl who isn't a virgin then he's stating to the world "yes, my girlfriend has fucked other guys and I'm okay with that.”

I agree. people should only funnel their money into jewish mega corporations and not support individual artists who have no alternate means to earn a living

"Her" art is utter garbage.

Game deving made me completely change my mind about giving support to developers. Guys work really hard so if I know that I can afford it then I am paying for it.

Now I'm just curious
How bad we talking?

Jesus I don't remember him being this stone cold.

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Post your art, weeb.

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>being this mad that she doesn't draw your fetish
Futa is gay, you faggot. Monstergirls are furry as well.

Those lips

Nigga what
Hopper was the top 10 most ruthless sons of bitches disney ever shit out. Who outranks hopper in terms of pure bastard? Jafar maybe? Uhhh... The hun dude from mulan?

Because piracy is causing developers to get spooked and make all their games online-multiplayer oriented.

This is the most red pilled movie in existence and it's crazy how many people didn't catch on.

she's just a degenerate cunt. many artists have at least some decent porn. she draws exclusively garbage, furry, gay trannyshit, people turning into animals.

>Futa is gay
yeah and that's the sort of filth she draws.

someone give me tldr of what happens in this comic

Serious high IQ intellectual question,
y u very big ghey?

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I actually grew up around the time the movie first came out in theaters. While it did decently well enough, the nonstop accusations of it just being Magnificent Seven but with bugs completely buried it. It wasn't like Lion King where people didn't care that it was basically Hamelet, they cared this time for whatever reason. Ever since it's just been kind of forgotten by most Disney/Pixar fans.

Define garbage since that's seprerate from the rest of what you said is bad

To be fair to the movie I was probably not even 10 the last time I saw this and couldn't really understand some of the themes.

Even Shan-yu didn't kill his own men.

Paheal died when the original admin and team left and handed the key over to an obsessed gurofag that not only allow shitty celeb fakes, but encourage it, and also himself starting to spam low effort autism art from gurochan faggotry after getting admin rights, making paheal into his personal guro gallery

I'm pretty sure he would if it was to make a point.

I haven't seen it but I'm betting she has a dick and she's fucking something that can't consent you'd go to jail for.

kill yourself gay animal fucker.

Is this /vr/ fag actually angry at Yea Forums discussing newer games? The absolute state

It's always a woman huh?

>she draws exclusively garbage, furry, gay trannyshit, people turning into animals.
So like literally every other successful porn artist? Meesh, Modeseven, Tokifuji, Jay Naylor, Incase, Wolfy Nail
These artists are making more money than neurosurgeons while vanilla retards that you adore who draw wannabe anime moeblobs make fuck all.

You're probably right, and he did have a guy shot in the back that he had just let go.

Literally who are any of those artists

this is the image you're looking for

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I came to this thread expecting more officer jenny art what the fuck

The Horned King would probably rank up there. Chernabog too, but personally I think he'd need more of a character to be comparable.

Doujins featuring Officer Jenny are pretty rare

You'd know them if you weren't a sheltered ironic weeb zoomer

But sheltered ironic weeb zoomers are the ones spending all day looking at porn to sate their crippling addiction?

>20 years ago

don't bother, people will reply no matter what
yesterday I saw a post that started with 'I know this is bait but' and then types a long tangent that ends with 'asshole'
the lack of self awareness on these people

now of course, he could be shitposting himself, but that post took a little too much effort for a shiposter
it was in a smash thread too so you know they take everything way too serious which is why a shitty 3D render of steve managed to bait so many people

No, Yea Forums is just bitching about successful women again.

How original of a reply, it's almost like a real person wrote it.

imagine being so fucked in the head you call anything that's not the most depraved/criminal shit imaginable "vanilla"
never heard of any of those artists and I bet i know why. because you're into a degenerate rabbit hole.

I've noticed the same for Nurse Joy. Do they just not have a twins fetish in Japan?

>being THIS pedantic

Go back to circle jerking girls egos on discord you whipped little man.

god dammit I just want pictures of women in uniform but part of the uniform is a short sexy skirt

Yes? DVD players were expensive as fuck for a while. I had a VHS player well into the early 2000s.

Is your containment board leaking?

Where the heck have you been? VHS was still being used as a format around that time

I fucking LOVE her style. Shame everything is fucking futa though.

Your discord server certainly has been leaking.

1999, user.

>cropping out the point they are trying to make
I've never seen such evil before

Nobody is against piracy except literal idiots.

Post your favorite artist.

Fuck off, when I was a child in the 2000's my family still used VHS, we didn't geta DVD proper until like 2004

her or """"""""""""""her""""""""""""""?

>posts image in refernce to police breaking down your door
>not even absolutely lewd, just silly

Naw fuck off man.

So, any place where I can get the patreon pages?

Just her this time.

Source??? What deviantart

If it was fan art then she doesn't own those characters so she can rightly fuck off


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Parodies are fair use, cunt.


I knew how to torrent as a fucking child it's not hard

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>Piracy now requires you to be a tech geek

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Top right of the image.

I haven't seen the new pages, about to, but Brock is fucking Misty and Ash wants his dick. Jessie fucks Ash with the BFC, later Ash dresses up as Nurse Joy and seduces Brock while Jessie "rapes" Misty in the backroom of a poke center. I'm guessing OP is Officer Jenny busts into the room while Jessie is fucking Misty.

>Monstergirls are furry as well.
People who like either would strongly disagree

Here's the Picket Fences one. Rare Non-Futa.

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Non-futa was the only one posted publicly

Only retarded Americans are against piracy because they are like dogs, blindly loyal to their master. Israel and corporations.

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Thank god. Would kill for more of her art but made Non-Futa.

Youre a brainlet, patreons great. I get stuff for free other people pay for.

Because brainwashed morons
I was taught goe to pirate by my dad and his mates
Feels good fuck paying for stuff ever
I only go with small isps whod rather just ignore strikes to keep customers
They are grateful your even with them and I've never had a notice in over 20 years

The vast majority of actual genuine human opinions are completely neutral towards virtual piracy. Hardly anyone cares if someone downloads a copy of a virtual good; that money mostly goes to a bunch of suits, not devs, artists, etc.

Yea Forums is full of contrarians and definitely has social engineers creeping around, too.

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>Why are people so against piracy these days?
Because it shows they are consumerist cucks, buying 100 USD for a shitty AAA game.

I like phael more and more
Fu k these fags I'd I was an artist I'd just be happy my art was out there and people are thinking fapping and talking about it not throwing a shit fit over muh rights

I wonder what the folks over at Nintendo and Game Freak would have to say about someone selling unlicensed cartoon porn of their intellectual property...

DLC won
bloatware won
Industry to shit Won.

>op has this colored
>it's not released colored on his site

Better to stay on Yea Forums circlejerking fat neckbeard egoes instead, right, you fucking homosexual fattychasing whore

I guess they're fairly using those parodies then.

Even most upper-middle class families used VHS most of the time until 2003 at the very earliest. Outside of really appealing (for the time) DVD features like "special features" and "no rewinding," there was little desire to change formats for a long time, since you had accumulated so many VHS tapes by then and could record live TV on blank ones, for free, on your VCR.

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But that's hot you gaylord

>It wasn't like Lion King where people didn't care that it was basically Hamelet
You mean that people didn't care that it was basically Kimba with a different style.

People are against piracy?
I thought everyone just accepted piracy as a thing that happens when you have anything for sale that is made of data which can be copied.

You got the full version?
This is relevant to my interests

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>Love the artstyle
>Hate the artists fetish

Anyone else?

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Stop this madness. Gass the mum, marmalade war now!

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>Jessie with a dick
>hour glass Ash

Just fucking end this

if you didn't have a dvd player in 1997 you were probably poor.


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Continue, user. You know you want to.

Everybody's got one.
For me it's an artist that's into pegging and humiliation shit that I just cannot get into.

Quiet grows a dick from her ass. What else is there to see? Besides, it litterally ends there so far as I know.

EVERYONE was doing that?
I used to record stuff on VHS but I wouldn't SHARE IT. I have PRINCIPLES. Unlike YOU

Few reasons
1. tech has made it easier the every, faster download speeds have literally sped things up.
2. Market forces are hampering new and creative ideas, which is pushing media profit portfolios to older content as bad new stuff doesn't make money like good old stuff that is already paid off.
(Disney bought Fox mainly for their old action movies, to round out there new streaming service for all age groups.)
3. Art cost money to make, pure and simple. Creator need compensation for their work.
4. Cyber crime rings have found this new "market" to make money and gotten much better at it.
5. Rolling hardware and software requirements have been cumulative, as nobody really planned for a standard to last. In fact they often don't so you have to re-buy everything.
6. collectors and I suspect even some high level investors are distorting the second hand market to the point of dysfunction, which feeds pressure to the other points on this list. (I would like to play Super Mario World, but they don't ... oh, new digital release 2 days ago ... Switch required ... ?!?)

How would YOU like it if your personal patreon art was reposted on the internet for free, huh?

It is the full version. It's a riff of S1E14 of Picket Fences.

>Why are people so against piracy these days?
A few successful anti-piracy campaigns by the music industry. They attached the term of pillaging, murdering and raping to an act of copying/downloading a file to demonize the culprits. They made the public think online piracy is theft.
And yes, it used to be rather simple in the past. But with the pressure of these media companies on popular online services, the process is somewhat more convoluted. With that, people rose up to take advantage of those idiots who click the largest button in a page that says "download", as they did throughout the history of the internet, and the platform is infested with viruses and unwanted adware. That said, learning how to use TPB is not very hard.

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Cute face and nice girth

Bold of you to assume most of this board were alive in 1997

DVD players hit the market in '97 for $600 to $1,000 per unit. That's mighty expensive for a 480i experience.

I'm too much of a worthless loser to even imagine success.

This dude did literally nothing wrong

>It's not about food, it's about keeping them in line


Damn, I really miss 4*2 for finding shit like this

Interesting artist. Saw a drawing she did of a strawberry girl pooping out strawberry goo onto a strawberry cake.

Uncomfortable but weirdly erotic.

Who hasn't experienced such a feel at some point?

Dammit, I was hoping that there was more non-futa goodness

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Their site crashed and burned after they were all ousted as pedos lmao

But you used to get that shit for free even when nobody payed for it.

"People" aren't against piracy. Corporations hiring paid posters is just becoming more common now, when it wasn't before.

Thank you for giving me reason to avoid doing work and instead make this shitty thing

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This. If you’re new to a computer you have no idea what you’re doing and it can be frustrating to learn for a normie. Not saying it’s super hard but there’s definitely a tougher entry than old ways of piracy.

if everyone steals everything then why would products keep getting made? You have to pay for things you like or they will disappear.
>but user! look at this example of stuff that you can only steal!
and if the people who liked it bought it instead of stealing it then we wouldn't be in this position
>but that's not true! licenses!
they would be extended if people bought the product. You're scumbags for stealing. Deal with it.

>that short ass skirt showing off her ass and legs
>its from an obvious porn comic
>Not lewd
Naw fuck off man.

Ah shit

That's clearly porn style user...

it's almost like being indoctrinated for decades to act against your own economical interests makes you act against your own economical interests!