Yea Forums unironically thinks Borderlands 3 will be cracked

>Yea Forums unironically thinks Borderlands 3 will be cracked

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I'm just waiting for steam version

why would i need this game

>people unironically want to play borderlands 3

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Wake me up when its $5 on steam like 2.

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Yea Forums unironically doesn't care, borderlands has always been a shit series

sour grapes

Of course it will, doesn't matter though because Borderlands is autistic shit. If I wanted to spend all day watching numbers go up I'd trade stocks.

the postgame is a little weird. I dont know why i'd go to TVHM when i can level fast in normal mode using the mayhem modes. even in mayhem-1 i can get on-level legendaries with little effort, then buff up to M2 or M3 for fast xp killing guardians or somethin, and just progress my character that way.

I guess after I hit 50 I'll go do sidequests and the second playthrough just for the content and the guardian ranks, but I don't know how I feel about this grindy sort of progression beating out the main story from 35-50. Oh well, still having a good time. Hope the game gets cracked soon so that the pirates can play too.

Moze is the best character, by the way. Pic related. Still waiting on a better COM to get more out of this pairing.

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Steam drones are indeed cringe

>Moze is the best character, by the way.

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Not as cringe as using STEAM in 2019!
LOL at your life!

no seriously, just stop posting about borderlands on Yea Forums. You're actually disgusting

hello why do i keep seeing this same OP image

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You're on Yea Forums too much, loser

Because twitterfags are incapable of originality

If you're on here for even a second, you've been here too long.


Steam drone are on Yea Forums too much


Will Steam dronies ever have sex?

And Yea Forums is the bane of originality?

I'm still waiting for starcraft remastered. what the fuck is going on?

Every game gets cracked eventually. Don't know why anyone would want to play that shit in the first place, though.

>Every game gets cracked eventually.

Is there any better cope than Steam cope?

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>playing borderlands
Not even for free. This series is the embodiment of everything terrible in video games.
Bad writing that thinks it's clever
Stat progression is the only motivation to play because the gameplay is shit
Co op to cover up how boring the endless grind is

It's the epitome of bland trash people only buy due to marketing (like this thread)

Can we talk about how shit is the writing in 3?
Getting rid of Anthony was unironically a bad move

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No, BL1 and 2 were still shit. Fuck off Anthony.


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Are you the same guy making posts for your own BTFO autism compilation image? Because these "le memelands III will nevah get crak'd" sound way too exaggerated and confident to not be either satire or falseflags

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GOTY is Epic Exclusive :)

nobody is falling for your bait. try harder

i thought the point of that game was multiplayer

uncrackable just like all other denuvo games

Sekiro is the goty tho.

The only thing I worry about is that new Denuvo bloatware on something I actually WANT to play

Thinks Shitlands will be GOTY

Do you get mad because your house has a locked door? Locks exists because shitty people exists. Same reason for DRM.

>if you want to play this shit
Tasteless retard

>waiting for steam version

If you still give a shit about which DRM you use kill yourself.

I'll wait as long as I have to. The DRM they're using is absolute cancer, and I wouldn't have bought it on steam either if I knew it had this bullshit in it.

Why can't Yea Forums prove Randy wrong?

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what a shitty analogy lmao

Why dont pc have physical releases anymore? Its the only reason i refuse buying games on it.

Randy can say whatever the fuck he wants because there's zero trackable player metrics on epic store and since Timmy is already giving him tons of money for exclusivity he might as well send a few tweets to help him out

>people have already forgotten what it was like when denuvo was new and cracks took months to come out
it wasn't even that long ago

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Just buy Randy's game you fucking incel. He needs the cash to lure more jailbait into his basement

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It's gonna be a plastic box with a code written in there isn't it

>Why dont pc have physical releases anymore?

Steam, which is what makes Yea Forums's worship of Valve cringe as hell

My lock doesn't want blood samples from me every 2 minutes or it kicks me out

All games get cracked eventually
>wanting to play borderlands 3

Without Steam PC gaming would be killed by stores slashing PC games shelves.
When Steam came out I was getting most of my games by mail.

At least its a physical item, pc gaming is so soulless already with having to pay nvidia for the best gpu possible.

Friendly reminder that Randy said he will release B3 on steam only if valve announce HF3. Which is never

The majority of the internet, not just Yea Forums, isn't interested in rehashed lazy games from randy pitchford
Remnant from the ashes was a better borderlands than any borderlands

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at least you'll have something to do after you finish preping the bull

This, why would I pay 60~70€ now when I can wait until they remove denuvo and it's cheap as fuck?

>if I say so it must be true! Please buy my game like you bought Anthem without checking if the game is good or not :)

>remove denuvo

He doesn't know this game is uncrackable

>with having to pay nvidia for the best gpu possible
i bought a 1060 3 years ago and have been able to handle any game on high/ultra
it sounds like you're just poor

I already own Borderlands 2 and all the DLC and have beaten it. From what I've heard both in reviews and from friends it's just more of that. And I'm not particularly craving that right now or ever again. Just not for me anymore.

Becuase what would it be stored on? Data donuts are obsolete nowadays, modern desktops don't even have ODDs.
Megacorps don't trust us consumers to have games on a thumb drive or something, at least not without installing literal viruses on our computer to stop us from doing naughty things with it (thanks sony) even though they make it obvious they know that we always have the option of just pirating anyways.

We currently live in a very weird spot between heavy anticonsumerism but everything is super convenient so long as we just consume

>frogposter unironically thinks his stale meme is funny

>steam $0
so it's free?

i know you're shitposting, but does literally nobody in this thread remember what denuvo was like four years ago?
waiting weeks for a crack to come out used to be the norm. we had a golden age of fast denuvo cracks because the source code got leaked, but now they've recoded everything from the ground up and it's going to take cracking groups forever to figure out new vulnerabilities.

TVHM now is if you find the game easy and want a bigger challenge

Newest version of Denuvo is uncrackable, all the crackers admitted they've given up trying.

Its not available.

>spam the board with borderland shitpost
>"I don't care about the game, stop spamming"

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>Denuvo is uncrackable
>crackers admitted they've given up trying.
people said the exact same thing when denuvo first came out
it's going to take months, but cracks will happen eventually

I would not want to play this pile of shit even if Randy Pitchford personally paid me to do so.

Liking Borderlands games is the number 1 indicator of someone having shit taste and a low IQ.

Not this time. Literally uncrackable.

They said that about the last 3 denuvo iterations.


Don’t care will not play it either way out of principle!

Lol why bother playing at 1080p on a pc.
I have a 1080ti and thats 1440p 144hz heaven.
You are the poor one.

>We filled this safe up to the brim with dog shit and sunk it to the bottom of the ocean. So far the pirates have been able to recover our treasure!

>I would not want to play this pile of shit even if Randy Pitchford personally paid me to do so.

Outright lying

Some people's time is more valuable than others.

I like grapes