What does 47 do for fun? Does he go to expo's or something..?

What does 47 do for fun? Does he go to expo's or something..?

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he fucks your waifu


He polish his head


anyone excited for new map?

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Eh. After the shit that was New york I am cautiously optimistic.

I think anyone would be. I don't like the location. I wanted a very high profile setting for its season finale. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Anything will be better than New York. What a fucking disappointment.

he sucks my dick lol ;))))))))

Are you COOMING?

Attached: asian forty seven.webm (812x720, 110K)

On what map is A Bitter Pill taking place? Have a hard time recognizing the location

Considering he gets paid enormous sums of (tax free) money for each kill and then probably gets a month or so of free time before the next hit, I'd say he probably has a ton of artistic hobbies and travels a lot.

There is no more suitable profession for a lifelong bachelor than being an assassin.

lynches niggers

He gardens after the man who took him in. He also donates a bunch to some church. I think he also takes a bunch of different classes.

will 47 have sex with the target if its part of the mission?

Of course. some say he has a famous on-going disguise in the porn industry as a sort of super fan.

it's like the only thing I'm excited for this year, more Hitman content..

that EM grenade sounds OP. I love it

Yeah, setting looks cool. I heard it was mostly outdoors though so ehhh apprehensive

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For a second I thought that was going somewhere dark.
This site ruined me.

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I always pictured him to be like Dredd, where there essentially isn't a waking moment where he isn't working or supporting his work in some way

>drugging a little girl and undressing her isn't dark
Sounds like you're right there

He hangs out with his buddy Max

then you dont know 47. Dude is emotionless, but also is quite cultured.

Let me rephrase, I thought he was gonna RAPE her.
He merely drugged her out for the disguise.

He's not satirical enough for that, I always just assumed he leads an extremely quiet life, saving most of the money, spending the rest on gardening, reading, fine arts, instruments, etc.

The only hitman games I've played past an hour in are BM and 16/2, does he ever even show a remote interest in a girl or guy? I always assumed he was asexual as fuck.

You Strayan or something

Anybody else notice that IO has went to using in game models for cutscenes now? Not as nice as the Season 1 cutscenes, but its nice.

I really liked New York. I'd like to see an elusive target there.

IIRC he listens to classical/practices Piano

when square dropped them they basically didn't have a team suited for making good looking cutscenes, only after the launch of hitman 2 have they started pushing for proper cutscenes, teaching their new recruits how to make them

I like that they don't tell us how he is when he's not working.
It gives us the opportunity to imagine in our own heads what he does in his spare time.
For all we know he's a movie connoisseur and likes going to the theater and laughing at comedies.

Yeah wtf is up with that? Did they lose their cutscene artists when the split from Square Enix?

wasnt it that he spends all his contract money and time learning skills that would help him blend in? that's the cannon explanation of why he can do shit like drum for Jordan Cross and work in pit crews

He probably has a bunch of autistic hobbies. Ship-in-a-Bottle, models, gardening, etc. probably lives in a small mansion in Switzerland on the side of a mountain by himself.

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I know about that I was referring how they changed from pictures to actual cut scenes again.

IO had been bleeding employees and had to by itself out from square after hitman 1 failed in sales. This caused them to make cuts to make sure the game is game. The biggest cut was to the cutscenes.

Yes but he also spends it on the church that the priest took him in.

>does he ever even show a remote interest in a girl or guy?
in C47 this was his response to being kissed by a hooker In SA he basically goes back to killing for the ICA to save the priest he was gardening for.
Absolution has him become a sort of father figure for a young girl with super assassin powers or some shit, it was also really stupid but IO seems to be aware of that.

The Photographer from the 2016 trailer

When is IO gunna let me kill more minorities. The strong independent black women was fun but I need more.