ITT: The Last game you destroyed your sleep schedule for

For me it was Red Dead 2
>Got game 20 hours after release
>had to work all day
>Finally got to playing it till 4 in the morning
>Got up in the morning after sleeping for 5 hours and got right back to playing it
>The absolute excitement I felt when playing it for the first time is indescribable.
>The adventure, story, soundtrack all came together so well
>When I finished 2 weeks later I found out I barely scratched the surface of all the encounters
>Came back to it before the Summer had started and I can barely get past Horseshoe overlook b/c I get bored

No game since got me as excited and happy since then. Now I think about it the only other game I got on release date since that was Hitman 2, but I played the fuck out of the first game so I already knew what I was getting in the sequel.
>No clue what the next game will be that'll get me that excited ever again.

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You destroy your sleep schedule because you play games?
I destroy my sleep schedule cause i got prostate problems and need to get up and go take a piss every hour the entire night and can't fucking lie down and sleep in peace until i'm exhausted and can finally pass out.

Persona 5. Pirated it on PS3, played for ten hours, got stuck on a boss because I'm a scrub, temp dropped it, plan on playing the PS4 release soon after I beat DQ5.

Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Got game day of release while picking up materials for work
>Played it from midnight to 4 am
>continued to play about two hours a day, usually at night
>beat one path, started the second immediately after
>beat that path over a weekend binge
>now on the third of four paths, being more responsible with my time now, only playing during the afternoon (5 to 8 pm)

That sucks. Does it have a cure or you'll have to sleep like that for the rest of your life?

A week of suppositories for the most acute period (already done), better diet, more walking, avoid coffee and strong spices.
Past that, not much else can be done.

man FFXIV is my first mmo and the addiction is real.

Im still suffering the consequences of the sleep depravation rushing Eureka and doing Baldesion Arsenal a month before shadowbringers...

The Ed, Edd and Eddy online closed beta
Man this shit is fun

>Implying I need a game to destroy my sleep scheduled
I've been going to bed at 5 am and waking up at 2 pm

The only reason I don't sleep for longer is because mum makes a point of waking me up before she leaves for work in the afternoon.

It's shit, I miss being a wageslave and having a normal schedule.

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I just decided to take a break from waging to be a neet again and I'm slowly falling back into that exact sleep schedule.

Hope you get better, user. Take care.

every time play a new dark souls game. first one I'd just stay up all night exploring and listening to electronic music.

botw on release
to be fair I was still at university, had 3 weeks between exams, was pretty depressed, and was smoking way too much pot
I don't do that shit anymore, destroying your sleep schedule is never worth it, just go to sleep and play when you wake up nigga

Why the fuck would you DECIDE to do that?
I had my contract cut, and my parents would kill me if I ever chose to leave a job without having another lined up.
Unless the job is irredeemably soul sucking with horribly abusive bosses.
My wage slave job was pretty good though, and I was pretty devastated to lose it, and I'm a mega lazy jackass.

>sleeping for 9 hours
zoom zoom

What the fuck is wrong with sleeping for 9 hours?

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Well I injured my hernia that I was just toughing through so I'm taking time to actually get it checked out. I think I'm gonna take off more time than I need though just because I love being a neet. My best friend is the manager so he's cool with me coming and going from the job because I'm a reliable employee. I live at home with my schizophrenic mother and grandma with dementia and take care of them both and they let me live leisurely in return.

DMC5. Just got it recently and I’m having a fucking blast.

hollow knight.

kept myself up til 4 in the morning to beat the 5th pantheon.

GTA V when I got it at launch when I was 16.

Its been fucking ages since I've done that
Marathoning through the first three Professor Laytons

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