>Tfw work tomorrow
>Tfw barely have actual time to play videogames
>Technically if I my work/commute time is 8-6, I'll have 5 "free" hours
>These "free" hours are reduced to 2 if I include gym, eating, socializing, showering, and sleeping
>I can't get focused on a game for only TWO hours unless it's a phone game or League of Legends
I miss being a NEET
Tfw work tomorrow
what are some games where I can give up everything for nothing in return?
every video game ever
I can't believe I spent my whole life doing nothing when I could have created something
So many people my age have made masterpieces of games, music, and art. I wanted to make a game, but I didn't, and I ruined my life. Theres no more time left to learn, only to work, there's no point in trying anymore because learning to make a game is impossible at this point
>sit down to play vidya
>start thinking about how in 45 minutes I have to start getting ready for work or start getting ready for bed
>close game after a couple of minutes and just brows Yea Forums for the next half an hour
>tfw day off tomorrow
can't wait to shitpost all day
how do i get comfy night security or gas station job?
I'm on my fourth game right now, and I have made exactly 200 dollars. Hundreds if not thousands of hours of work, and 200 dollars to show for it. You'd be better off finding another hobby, or you might as well work in a Chinese sweatshop and at least earn a little more money.
Do it for yourself, not the world.
If you want to make a game, write a song, draw a painting, just focus on making a work that (you) feel happy with user
Who gives a shit about being the next Notch or Toby Fox or whatever faggot indie dev you are comparing yourself to. They'll die just the same as everyone else. So make sure while you're living you try not to have too many regrets, nerd.