The only reason Persona is the most popular is because it's easier

The only reason Persona is the most popular is because it's easier.

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It's because it appeals to teens and people who miss their youth, with the highschool setting and all

Not being stuck in the DS and 3DS probably helps.

I think it has more to do with the wish fulfillment shit

persona games are popular because they're very stylish and have relatable characters since 3

good shit

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Or because Persona lets you have friends and a comfy fulfilling high school life

devil survivor is massively overrated on Yea Forums
it's lacking in depth, is way too easy, battlefields are bland as fuck, characters are cardboard cutouts, etc

Everyone's entitled to be a cocksucker, user. Especially you.

Shut up and Holy Dance

>characters are cardboard cutouts

That's not true they mostly all have huge tits

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DeSu1 is just grindy. It's really not that much harder.

I've heard Persona 5 players complain about P4's difficulty. You have to look at things as a difference of degrees.

OG P4, not golden, had actually a rough first couple bosses.

but that's ice dance

Is this a big brother (or possibly Naoya) simulator that focuses on Kazuya.

Take it or leave it, it's the only gif I have

I genuinely don't know how people played through multiple games among the 3-4-5 set. I beat 3 but the other two barely kept me interested enough to get through a few dungeons. Not because they were worse, but because I felt like I already experience this shit.

there is nothing relateble about the cast in 4 and 5 they are a bunch of idols and super pupular or smart people abunchbof wish fullfilment shit

Dude, I fucking love Devil Survivor so much. I hope there's another one some day. Even a sequel series would be good. I'd miss the character art though.

Surely they have to make it a trilogy.

>massively overrated
Are you joking? This thread is on life support at 18 unique IPs. Pretty much the same for almost every Devil Survivor thread since it came out with the exception of when Record Breaker was coming out.

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Atlus can't even make an entry to their core series anymore, much less a game that will sell even worse.

Persona games aren't even easier than main SMT, they're just less tedious. Having to pray that the boss doesn't do its instakill move and having to pray that you can fuse demons with a good skill setup isn't difficulty, it's gacha.

If only Soejima or Kaneko designed the characters in Devil Survivor. Naoya deserved better.

Nocturne is massively overrated and Strange Journey is better in just about every way

God, I miss anti-gravity tits.

If you play SMT like Gacha you clearly can’t comprehend the planning you need to do to create strong demons. Try learning the mechanics next time fag

I don't know man, I found the art charming in a weird way. Don't know if it would stand out as much if it was just more of the same.

I mean SMT didn't sell much better on PS2.

based and gun-pilled

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>Since 3
Lol look at this secondary

That killed P5 for me. Persona 4 already felt like a carbon copy but P5 manged to be an even bigger clone of P4 despite the new graphics

oh boy

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I kind of hate how INT builds are the only way to go.
I made a strength hero and I can kill any one enemy in one turn, but INT heroes can kill whole teams in 1 turn.

youve built him wrong then. get that attack that does 7 or so random hits. wipe evertyhing that moves.

I guess I did. I'll try that out

Deathbound + piece is absolutely unstoppable

It is true that magic is generally much easier to get online and is equally powerful if not more because of utility/weaknesses, but physical is absolutely very good if you do it right

Anyone play Megami Tensei? Any reason to play the NES version over the SNES remake?

they've also got more waifushit than the rest of megaten combined

SMT was always held back by first person view battles. People hate that shit. Dragon Quest never took off in the west until 8, because they finally ditched first person view. Persona was the first off brand of SMT except Nocturne which probably is the still the most popular main SMT game.

The only RPG that got away with first person was Earthbound, and combat was the WORST part of the game. Everything else made up for it.


>and combat was the WORST part of the game
The combat was great when the training wheels came off 3/4ths of the way through and you had a full leveled party with large enough HP bars to really play with the rolling health system. Having early game DQ combat last the majority of the game sucked dicks

Compared to what?

>The Desu series is arguably the better Persona in everything except visuals. >Desu2 took the concept of SLs in 4 and 5 and perfected it before 5 and even managed to have them tie into whatever developments is happening in the main game, almost like P3.
If Nintendo had any sense they would have pushed this spin-off into being their own Nintendo brand Persona and wouldn't have bothered with FE#

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the Devil Survivor games were better Persona games than the last two actual Persona games


I don't think it was making enough money for them to commit.
better than #FE I bet

The most popular what? Easier than what?

Dude what? Yasuda's character designs are amazing in everything from DeSu to Yozakura to Digimon.

>not liking antigravitits


You would think the quality of the games would have been appealing enough. But I could see not wanting to invest heavily in niche spin-offs, although Desu seems to have done pretty well for itself with minimal advertising.

Honestly, I feel Nintendo has gotten a bit better about investing products that aren't just Mario/Zelda/Kirby, but not that much better. Also, the calculation is a bit off due to Deadly Premonition 2.

The biggest problem with Yasuda, other than the anitgrav tits, are that some of his designs are samey. Look at this nigga and tell me he isn't just Yamato and Bunny blended together

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It's easier as part of trying to make it more popular. Persona was an attempt to catch a wider audience. Then it hit mass appeal at three and full normalization at four.

>antigrav tits as a negative
homosexual or chestlet detected

"Yasuda bad" is a terrible circlejerk meme

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P3 is pretty bad but I want to fuck a robot girl so I put up with it's bullshit. Didn't care for P4 and didn't bother with P5.

They almost the same expect for added feats and new graphics.

Honestly this. Every difficulty jump in Devil Survivor is literally solved by nust grinding more. Plebs won't admit it but Persona and Devil Survivor are babby mode smt games.

And persona sold even less on the PS2, until it blew up years latter at which point atlus weren't profiting off the PS2 games anymore.

shadow kanji and the gamer baby are the only early bosses that i remember having trouble with

Not really, P3 though was a bitch though even compared to the rest of the SMT series.

>he didn't get good
>despite recomendations to do so

That's most SMT in general, it's just pokemon with mythological designs.

are you falseflagging or just stupid?
Every battle in devil survivor is unique, the problem is that merely going from battle to battle you're so strong that you can (holy) dance your way to victory without any thought required.

SMT and Persona fags please stop it's ok to like both.

I never said he was bad, but that the characters deserved better. His designs fit Digimon and the anime he works on perfectly but feel out of place in SMT games and took me out of the atmosphere. Atsuro was the only design I really felt fit the character/story.

>The only reason Persona is the most popular is because of all the waifu
fixed that for you

i love his style. anti grav tits, the sharpness of the characters and eyes. good shit.

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I agree with this, just based on the first game seeing as I haven't played the second. I don't think it was bad, but it was fairly unimpressive and forgettable as MegaTen games go. I don't think I ever found myself really enjoying the game and it mostly got by on some novel ideas and the new designs from Kaneko like Jezebel being cool.

DeSu is still a rarity in being able to have it's own threads. You'd never see a thread dedicated to just Devil Summoner or even DDS without some shift towards MegaTen at large. DeSu is regularly brought up in high regard in MegaTen threads and it can get its own threads, so it's relatively popular in that regard.