He's right, you know

Attached: borderlands 3 twitter.png (1412x626, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Great thread, Randy!


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chink lovers lol

i just want a convenient an easy way to play video games man....

>Literal who twitter screencap thread

who's that fucking nigger?

I agree with him but
I already hate that site with a passion I dont want to be reminded of it.

Publishers aren't entitled to my money.

borderlands is fucking garbage and randy pitchford is an embezzling pedophile

Kek based

Actually no.

Everything you use now has telemetry retard

Cry about it

Is this a true d0x?x

you damn right, faggot. convenience is the american way and another thing i have to plug into is a waste of my fatass's time.

Attached: Dong_Zhuo.jpg (256x256, 20K)

whatever you say, Chang

>Support treason and fund the chinese government!

Yeah, no thanks.

dude launcher wars lol



Dude spyware lol

>have Epic launcher open like 24/7 because I play Fortnite
>nothing happens


>nothing happens
as far as you know

>playing fortnite
That's the problem

>>nothing happens


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People who complain about this really just seem more bothered that people have higher standards than them.

would you care to share your view on anything else brought up? or is the limp dick "everyone is doing it" to the least damning problem a thorough exoneration?

>implying botnets make their data theft easily known to you


lol I have it on Xbox
get fucked pc cucks

I never really understood it when a person on either side of an issue resorts to talking like a baby when trying to strawman someone else's concern, it always comes off as extremely hostile and pathetic unless it's incorperated with some kind of funny meme.

Attached: Pokemon-Origins.jpg (554x306, 47K)

Copy and tweet him that cuck, I'll see how you get btfo by him

Unless you browse /csg/, in which case it doesnt matter.

the amount of incel talk coming from steamdrones is why we will never have a civil EGS discussion on Yea Forums

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why did you post a picture of ESAM

You mean how fast twitter incel moderators would just ban you?

People who post Twitter screen cap threads should be thrown from roof tops, after the faggots.

love these kinds of explanations

These kinds of threads always seem like some weird kind of group effort. One person sets up a provocative and contrarian thread and when someone gives a counter-argument they get (you)'d by a group of people into shutting up. The weird thing about it is that the people doing the (you)'s are usually arguing from a standpoint that's really unpopular and rare on Yea Forums in comparison, but theyre always in these threads en masse from the very beginning.

fuck off xi I don’t want your chinkware shitting up my clean and tidy system

This. Same goes for when people speak in an annoying tone hoping to portray someone else as annoying. Or typing "REEE." You will only every make yourself look retarded by doing these things, nor matter if you're right or wrong.

What I don't get is why a grown adult spent his time commenting on people not playing the game he likes, instead of just playing the game he likes
If he doesn't like it then he's just bitching about people, which is all him if he wants that

Attached: 9727c23adb1e20df8a8e77d54efca8c0.jpg (564x1006, 48K)

>he thinks I'm not buying BL3 because of the EGS
I just don't like Randy mate. I wouldn't take fthat piece of shit's game even if Timmy literally gave me a hundred bucks to install BL3 on my PC.

I wouldn't buy it if it was on steam. I never finished the first game cause it was genuinely bad. The spam was bad. The fake force memes were bad. Everything involving an interaction with this game has been a shitty forced experience rather it came from websites, Yea Forums, or my own low IQ friends trying to make me play it.

I couldn't give a shit about BL3.

What even is this?
Why is this person trying to shame others into buying a product? Especially trying to shame someone into supporting a store that they don't want to support?

What is this sickness? Why do people feel that corporations are entitled to people's money?


Before epic games people used to shit on steam so much on Yea Forums now its people shitting on epic,origin,uplay and praising steam. ok

I wouldn't even pirate Borderlands 3 due to the amount of faggotry coming off that game

Chinese bots aren't people.

>BUYING games from Epic fail store

Attached: consume.jpg (1024x504, 94K)

Just make a temporary alt account bro.

>Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next products

Steam drones to a T

Attached: disney afternoon steam.jpg (1005x726, 153K)

>the absolute state of steamdrones

No one believes you, Randy.

Attached: Battleborn for the bargain bin.png (836x566, 37K)

>tell people I wont use epic because it objectively bad and sweeny is a scumbag
I use GOG because red is actually an alright group and GOG has way better optimization especially for older games.

so fucking

>the state of steamdrones is BTFOing epic shills
Sounds about right

>disney afternoon

Except Borderlands 3 also has the worst version of Denuvo yet, one that goes as far as constantly running on your computer even when not in-game AND reads your keystrokes. It's technically spyware at this point but nobody cares because it isn't explicitly declared as such

>I'll see how you get btfo by him
What, do you need some tips for your own twitter bullies?

He's right too, you know

Attached: 1568413508943.jpg (600x600, 101K)

I was attempting reverse psychology. I absolutely hate fat pretentious niggers online. Ironically too lazy to reply or care about him myself.

>dont worry multimillion faceless corporation i will defend your honor


Holy crap, this is SUUUUUPPPPPER based!!!1

Let me get this straight... So the literally who in OP tries to shame you into using an inferior platform. And in term, you try to shame anons into posting scornful replies on your behalf? And you think you're better than him? You're both psychotic.

When did Yea Forums become the same shitty threads on repeat?

The Paid Gearbox Shill Checklist:
>BL3 has x amount of pre orders
>Game of the year
>angry Steam user
>So what if Randy is a pedo
>So what if hired thugs knocked your door
>go back to /pol/
>I can't wait to play Borderlands
>I just want a looter shooter
>the humor is supposed to be bad
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>Reddit spacing
>posts pictures of new characters
If you think you're arguing with a paid Gearbox shill, simply resort to this checklist, call him a shill, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

Is he even black?

want to install vnc for me so i can watch you use your computer at my leisure

Every post is a repost of a repost..

you can suck my cock if you think ill do that!!!!!

Attached: Jew-palflag.png (710x627, 110K)

>telling other people on the internet "psychotic"
kinda cringe bro

Uh what's your point? Morality isnt a concern of mine. I just want to shit things up and see it all burn.

Never thought I'd live to see the day a bill ratchet post shows up on Yea Forums

what a BADASS

yeah who would ever want to prop up a company like tencent instead of something local like steam?



My fingers are waiting for the crack

dios mio

Attached: 1551750472247.png (191x187, 69K)

>Oh no, someone who isn't the same ethnicity as your own.

pretty much, people acting like they need to buy a new computer or something



Attached: kp2a.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>please install our chink spyware

>thinks I was making fun of his race
>not his overt obesity
wanna know how I know you're a big fat liberal retard?

Be a cold day in hell when I listen to any nigger

he's white


>Because steam does it, Im also ok with a SECOND app doing it EVEN HARDER



look at these indie shitters

>in term
unironically kys

>have to install chinese botnet
>have to register to yet another storefront
>have to give credit card info to yet another storefront
>have to split games with yet another launcher
>supporting exclusivity deals and inviting more of such behaviour into the industry

Attached: 1562923214353.jpg (1179x1600, 199K)





>he's right, you know
if it were simply about the hardships of installing it, sure.
otherwise, no: he is as stupidly wrong as humanly possible with his reductive and ignorant tweet, but it is not like twitter is used for much else these days.

Imagine being so devoid of any argument are comeback relevant to what he's saying that you gotta go straight for the fact that he has a black guy in his profile picture.

alright alright, this post is kind aight

yeah but you're only doing it on Yea Forums like a coward

Imagine thinking this about EGS/Steam and not about BL3 being a shitty game.

Doing God’s work.

>>supporting exclusivity deals and inviting more of such behaviour into the industry
>"no steam no buy"

>masking brand loyalty and laziness for change with concerns about data security

I don't use ebin games store because they still are fucking up really bad as far as security goes. If they get that under control, then whatever. I have ways of sorting out what games are under what application

it's seriously the same fucking game again
more 12 year olds writing the story while the gunplay is actually decent


rule 1 of business is to never ever separate the customer from the product. If the customer has to change his habits even slightly to get your product, they'll choose an alternative and be more discriminating with their purchase. This is why mcdonalds went with drive throughs over drive-ins because it's slightly faster and requires less thought.

going epic exclusive is shitty for this reason, since customers are always creatures of habit and usually won't change.

>>supporting exclusivity deals and inviting more of such behaviour into the industry
Yeah, haha, unlike Steam and all the game it was always getting, right

Why is there an influx of epic shills all of a sudden?

This board is full of literal children.

Wanting a game to also be on Steam isn't wanting exclusivity you fucking moron, it should be on as many stores as possible so people can use their preference and we could avoid listening to dipshits like you bringing these retarded console warrior tier shitposts into the PC environment.

>nigger telling people not to steal

Attached: 1566642610981.png (1000x800, 350K)

Doesn't really matter how "easy" it is to install new software, I don't want to install any junk software. I will only purchase games with standalone installers.

The posters here keep getting more and more stupid with each passing year, why would you expect them to know what they're talking about?

He has no argument in the first place, retard.

I am the law

God fucking bless you, user.

>i don't care about other stores, i just want games to be on steam
surely such brand loyalty cannot go unpaid

I'm muting you guys, so shut the hell up.

>this is the guy who tells you to download the epic games store

Attached: 218847033.30000004_1531774494154.jpg (678x478, 69K)

Contrarianism is a disease

I literally said it should be on all the other stores too, are you being retarded on purpose or does it just come naturally? I hope you drown in a shallow bath.

Why are Anglos boomers so tech illiterate, yet takes so much pride in showing everyone just how little they know of any topic?

god i hate that faggot

Nigger you are free to use uPlay and Origin and Epic all you fucking want, I take offense to being forced to use them.

>this again
>has been debunked billions of times
but hey just block whoever disagrees and downvote them and keep regurgitating it because more people spamming it means its true :))

black people cause too much crime

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

Attached: 1556745665733.png (680x515, 399K)

Quite sure there were plenty of scandals where Steam was not only scanning every application on your PC but also checking your browsing history to make sure you weren't visiting "cheating" websites. Not to mention the new chat obviously saves everything you say or do including images and links.

Will Steamies ever have sex?

I did with your 妈妈, chink bastard

>getting btfo by epicchads
>only remaining may may is :
holy shit kys

Attached: 1557780055765.png (763x758, 164K)

He is, people don't realize that this is consumers fault for being stubborn for so long. If the only way to make consumers switch is exclusives then of course that's what other platforms will use.

>getting btfo by level-minded people
>only remaining may may is
>strawmanning, wojaks, zoomer speak, ad- hominems

Attached: 20190915_154806.png (1280x1280, 929K)

>Strawmanning the argument
>normies still don't realise I just don't want to either pick between:
A.) Using a much shittier launcher
B.) Losing the ability to get the game
Due to choices I have no say in. It's that simple

Attached: file.png (1916x945, 2.14M)

The difference is there's no up front hardware cost to the pirates.

what the fuck, none of this proves anything

No. I didn't get BL3 because Borderlands is fucking garbage.

It's been garbage since the fucking first game.

>redditors spaming reddit memes
>lvl minded

The Epic launcher is shit though and their security is even more shit. If you have an Epic account go into you email inbox and look for "Log-in attempt" I guarantee you'll get results.

Who the fuck cares about boredomlands seriously? Such throwaway boring trash shit.

>Deleted my account after countless headaches
>Got an email 2 months later about a random password change request
Incredible and top notch


Nothing is inherently wrong with EGS, but I refuse to support in any capacity a company that is flat out buying exclusivity to push an extremely mediocre game client instead of actually providing real competition to steam. Once the fortnite coffers run out the platform is screwed

>Nothing is inherently wrong with EGS

So why complain?

>but I refuse to support in any capacity a company that is flat out buying exclusivity (Half Life 2) to push an extremely mediocre game client (Steam) instead of actually providing real competition to physical

See how stupid you sound?

>Once the fortnite coffers run out the platform is screwed

You guys already made this prediction (Apex Legends) and you Valve drones got BTFO

>releasing your OWN GAME on your platform is the same as scooping up other titles weeks before release to push a shitty client
Holy retardation, batman!

I haven't gotten EGS yet because there aren't any games on there that I want. Why should I download a chinese botnet if there's no incentive for me?

Attached: Nothing Happened.jpg (620x403, 41K)

2000: Valve buys Counter Strike
2001: Valve buys WON
2003: Valve releases Counter Strike on Steam
2004: Valve shuts down WON to make Counter Strike Steam exclusive

Steam manbabies BTFO

Holy shit, that is some of the most autistic schizophrenic drivel I've ever read on this site and I've been coming here for the last 8 months.

>I haven't gotten EGS yet because there aren't any games on there that I want.
yeeah I'm calling bullshit on this.

Who gives a shit anyway, borderlands fuckin sucks.


You know that it's possible to not want to play every game ever, right? That "taste" is a thing?

>absolute proof that epic games store is stealing information from all over your computer, not just sifting through the information you give it willingly like very other fucking service
>"autism lol"
Is this what it's like on the special needs bus?

I don't really mind what launch Borderlands is on, because Borderlands is a series that ranges from middling - shit. Control is the only EGS locked release that I wish wasn't a storefront exclusive so far. I can't fathom giving a shit about Borderlands lmao.

Shh. Let him not ask questions, consume product and be excited for next product.

There's way too many games coming out mate. It ain't that simple anymore. You don't have enough lifetimes to play all of them and I'm more than willing to just wait out the exclusivity.

>the second post was deleted
look like some nigger tranny mod/jannie was mad.

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I haven't gotten EGS and I barely know what games are on there to begin with, beyond the exclusives that cause Yea Forums to go into a collective fervour. Seethe.

Steam doesn't require devs to sign exclusivity deal to put game on their store. You can even sell Steam keys outside of store, as long as price is same.

Remember the based and fallenpilled

How is that hard to believe? The only "exclusive" I can think of that's worth a shit is Metro and you can play that through Windows now, it was also piratable almost instantly.

Metro is trash.

woah why is this stickied

>Not wanting your games on a service that allows user reviews and refunds, and isn't a big front for Chink spyware

Attached: 7fnne.jpg (620x620, 24K)

I know I was being generous, it's literally the fortnite launcher, anyone who links their credit card to it is a fool given how shit their security is.

I'm perfectly fine with people playing borderlands 3 on epic.

I just won't install the launcher. I don't care that I can't play it at the moment either.

yes it is
these "people" will unironically call out anything that requires intellect as "lol autism" and feel proud

>last 8 months
Go back

They bought the entire fucking game and started developing it, retard.
Epic just signs a contract of exclusivity and gives a money bag. It's not their game, they just restricted sales.

randy PITCH knew it was going to be a shit show at launch, knew the beginning was going to be negative and there was going to be a drop in sales. enter epic store, free money. when the game is fixed, they will sell it again to steam. and in a way, steam still wins in the long term.

Why the fuck do people take the side of steam or epic? They're private companies, their goal is to make money. Consumers should simply look to get the best deal, whether its on steam or epic

Dumb fucking fanboys

Crazy, its almost like its planned out from the beginning. Surely no one could have organised this before hand as some sort of marketing strategy?

>i got so many (you)s in that other thread with this pic!
>better create my own thread!

Attached: 154756978512431.jpg (1080x765, 100K)

Imagine typing this
Imagine shilling for a spyware infested launcher

oh hey i saw that dk pic being made yesterday in the N64 era render thread

>he unironically shills for ebin
>he does it for free
I shiggy diggy doo.

Attached: wink.png (244x251, 70K)

So what you are saying is that Epic should buy up game developers to make all their games Epic exclusive forever

If anything this image makes me more sympathetic. No wonder so many commit suicide if basically everyone rejects them. Talking about gender dysphoria like a mental illness, why would you be okay with down syndrome, schizophrenic or bipolar people being turned into pariahs for no good reason? Transexuals, like any other mentally ill people have it bad enough inside their head to also have to endure everyone else hating them as well.

Attached: 1567672050302.jpg (234x234, 14K)

Store Wars: The paypigs strike back

Attached: 26.jpg (976x658, 276K)

Gweilos, am I rite?

Hey Randy, go any porn made out of your shitty Memeland 3 characters yet? Also where's the USB drive?

>8 months
You're meant to lurk for two years. Stop fucking posting.

>No wonder so many commit suicide if basically everyone rejects them.
they're mentally ill faggots that get butthurt if you call them their correct gender.
Harden up you weak cunt.

I love these viral marketing posts, because Yea Forums is full of retards and they all work

But if we're taking that image as real, you can see that it's actually much worse than just "misgendering". They're denied any medical help and rejected by their families. If they're mentally ill faggots as you say, then maybe they should get some help and support from the family, right? Hating them is not going to solve anything.

I've never used the Epic Game Launcher but I don't understand how the controversy started. I get that paying for exclusivity rights can be a little annoying for consumers, but just having an additional launcher installed is not the end of the fucking world.

Then people are crying about their information being tracked, which is what a majority of the apps and programs you use do already - why the additional outrage when Epic does it?

Attached: interesting.webm (400x300, 441K)

Because fuck ChiComs

all the other examples you gave either receive support at an individual level, e.g. counselling, or at a more communal level, e.g. specialised schools for those with down syndrome, or in other instances, they have specialised disabled restrooms or cubicles within "standard" restrooms; what they don't do, is expect you to change your outlook on life and disregard that which you to believe to be sane. I don't hate trannies at an individual level, that would be mental, but at a macro movement level, both from those within and the corporate giants catering to them, I find it abhorrent

If they become part of Epic, then yes.
I don't want them to, but that would justify exclusivity.

Imagine being this stupid.

He's not wrong, you're probably just offended. Cry more.

le viral marketing conspiracy

Oh no, people talking about games on a gaming board? Dense cunt.

But I don't have to believe the voices in their heads because they demand that I do, nor will I be criminalised for saying that those are just voices in their head and not reality.

The "medical help" is likely their request to chop off their penis and if they're resistant to seeking actual mental help then their families have every right not to put up with their shit and tell them to fuck off.

The difference being that we don't tell downies and aspires that they're normal, in fact doing so is bad for their development, if they think it's normal why would they need to change?


>the same fucking strawman again
get new material

it's hilarious to me how common it is for someone to have totally shit political opinions and to also be 100% wrong about random pop culture stuff too

You should treat an illness, not encourage it.

you will be the one crying when its over ill enjoy that look dread when you find out how little you matter

>the only people dumb enough to use epic are sóys and niggers

Attached: 1527463659368.jpg (195x240, 6K)

It is a garbage program that lacks many basic features thus the only incentive they could come up with was essentially holding certain games hostage, most people don't want to monetarily support practices like that. Most people are also sick of installing launchers for every other game they want to play, managing more accounts, payment details and having to switch between them depending on what you want to play is a step back in the convenience we're used to, most people don't want to monetarily support a company making their experience more inconvenient. I had six different fucking launchers at one point before I trimmed some and decided to ignore their exclusives and just because someone else is already practicing shady shit is not a free pass for someone else to do the same thing.

Cringe retard.

you have no human rights you gave them its called justice when somebody kills a rodent like you

You live with your mom.

whoops uninstalling thanks user

You're literally (literally) being gaslit right now

This is more reasonable. I think the debate on whether or not transexuals should be considered normal members of society is a very complicated topic, which can't be generalized since different people live different with it, just like there are schizophrenic or bipolars that have adapted perfectly well, while others not quite as much, that's normal and to be expected within mentally ill people. I think that what the movement is saying with "normalizing it" is not that you consider them perfectly healthy but that you don't systematically stigmatize the entire group. Some will live their entire lifes with crippling, chronic depression, while others will be able to live a productive life. That's how mental illnesses work unfortunately.

Haven't seen anyone encourage the illness, I mean how would you? You don't exactly choose to be mentally ill on a whim. If anything I see people encouraging others that might be struggling with it to accept and try to live with it since repressing things only makes it worse.

>Haven't seen anyone encourage the illness, I mean how would you?
>"accept and try to live with it"
You wouldn't tell a homicidal schizophrenic to accept it and live with it.
The evidence is that people who do "repress" it end up getting over it, they lose their desire to transition. Whereas people who start transitioning begin a journey that they can never escape, and the evidence shows they won't change their mind.

>game is boring and weaker than Borderlands 2
>"Y-you say it's shit because it's on Epic Games"
>"Y-you say it's shit because you're a piratefag and can't crack it"
Great damage control Randal my lad.

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That's cool and all but check this out

Attached: 1352404670428.gif (320x216, 1018K)

What about achievements

>shilling for tencent

All these faggots mad they aren't playing GOTY.
I love how Borderlands makes Yea Forums seethe.

No, you'd tell them to get on meds. Right? You'd make them take the medicine that makes their brain foggy but makes the voices go away and allows them to at least 'try' to integrate with society. Well, user. We dont have brain medicine that makes trannies "normal"- we have what's called a "least worst outcome" which consists of one of two treatment types.
1. therapy, counseling and bringing them to terms with their inability to ever fix or even ameliorate their dysphoria.
2. take the above, except instead of tell them "It wont get better, medicine can't make you better, you're going to have to get used to it" allow them the small concessions that medical science allow for in modifying their external image to match their perceived "internal image", which has a much, MUCH greater rate of success than simply trying to convince the crazy person to live with being crazy.

Devs can suck it. Consumers rule.

Stop being a autistic retard, this site is not your safe hole you pathetic excuse for a human.

Retarded tourists will never, ever be welcome here. No one wants you here, but you knew that.

It's the cost of doing business. Steam offers so many more tools for devs/consumers.

my sanity isnt strong enough to deal with that DRM

Telling to accept and live with it to a homicidal schzophrenic doesn't mean he can just start killing people user. It's to accept you're ill, to accept receiving professional help, to accept getting treatment and meds and live in a place where you can hopefully get better until maybe you are able to live within society again as a "normal" person.

The rest you talk about is just nonsense. Repressing is not good, and this "journey that they can never escape" is the whole point, of course they won't change their minds, they're becoming who they want to be. But at the end of the day like many other arguments that people have made replying to me, my answer to them is: who gives a shit? Most of it is stuff that doesn't affect me in any way. You wan't to dress like a girl, get some silicon tits and live your entire life on meds? Fucking be my guest I couldn't care less. It's your life, if that makes you happy go ahead.

Yeah it's hard to have any respect for devs as a whole when you stand back and take a look at the absolute state of the industry.

Again, not your safe little hole, so stop acting like a fag.

Attached: 1568217719553.jpg (365x352, 31K)

>Haven't seen anyone encourage the illness, I mean how would you?
I'd advise you to look into the social contagion aspect of transgenerism. Activists are pushing people who don't actually have gender dysphoria into it. There's also contagion through social clickes within school age children.

nah you do project more but it will make it funny as she watches you fade

What the fuck is wrong with you? You talk as if you spent the past five years living on another planet. Pull your head out from the sand and /or shut the fuck up.

made a tweet about the subreddit

Are you being intentionally obtuse? These things i'm telling you are facts. The medical world is full of concessions. Do you think doctors like performing risky surgery on woman at high risk for Ovarian or Breast cancer as a "preventative" measure? Do you think a surgeon feels good about removing someones limb because his psychiatrist insists he's gonna do it himself if he can't get it done professionally? We take the least horrible outcome for the patients long term health and safety. In this case, letting them fuck up their body chemistry and embrace their delusion has significantly increased potential for a better outcome. If you feel so fucking strongly about this, go major in chemistry and find a drug that can erase their problems, until then it will continue.

>Insult customers

MmmHmmm, wasn't going to buy it but it's made me want to buy it less.

Like I said before, what they're doing is encouraging anyone that might be having trouble dealing with it and repressing it to be open about it and get help if they need it. That by definition means spreading the message to apparently non-transgender people, because these people are often invisible and need a little push until they decide to take initiative and be open about it. It's not encouraging "normal" people to transition, that's not how mental illnesses work.

Your right, it just requires they let valve steal a third of their profits.

That is fucking bullshit, suicide rate is unchanged, people who undergo transgender reassignment surgery are just as likely to kill themselves as those who do not. It does not "significantly increased potential for a better outcome" it has the same outcome. Meaning it is not working.

>claims that it has been debunked billions of times
>doesn't proceed to debunk it

Even on steam I would not buy.
Even if it were free on Epic I would not download.
Even if it were free on steam I would never install it.

Just stop posting you cringy little shit

Attached: 1568586018379.png (1125x1105, 1.24M)

This already got debunked by /g/ try harder.


Take it like a man, newfag

>Even on steam I would not buy.
>Even if it were free on Epic I would not download.
>Even if it were free on steam I would never install it.


People that talk like that deserve the rope. Social media was a fucking mistake.