Was it really that bad

Was it really that bad.

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Yes. Literally 0 reason to not stick with Starfox 64.

it was extremely mediocre and derivative with pointless gamepad implementation

definitely one of the weakest nintendo games since other m

>mfw i stomp all over my own IPs

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I really liked it, I think SF64 is still better, but honestly if this was a kid's first Star Fox game it would be equally magical.

I'm not trying to be contrarian, the reality is that any fucking retard that couldn't "figure out" the controls either has ADD or some kind of physical handicap that keeps them playing anything besides Call of Duty. If you tried it and put it down after 5 minutes, you're retarded.

Assault is still the best post 64 starfox game.

>Assault is still the only good post 64 starfox game.
but i unironically love Adventures

I like adventures.

how did the gamecube run that game at a consistent 60fps
love or hate the game you gotta admit it's fucking gorgeous and has aged beautifully

Put cockpit view on TV, never look at gamepad. Surprisingly fun first person space shooter to be had.

Not traditional Star Fox but its the best way to play it, improves it very well

wat if they ported it to the switch and changed it so it controls like sf64

it would be... betterrrrr. but the level design itself is also lacking...

Best part of it was Starfox Guard and that is just unportable

The gamepad control scheme is even more asinine when you remember the Switch dropped that gimmick altogether

I don't even remember much from what i played of it, apart from the helicopter levels really slowing down the pace

it'd be an average, even below average rail shooter

they should port sin and punishment 2 or kid icarus uprising instead

When it came out I saw a lot of people shitting on it. I kind of felt like everyone had their expectations too high. I really enjoyed it for what it was, which felt like a legit sf64 expansion pack. Co-op was fun too. I get the criticism, but at the same time all I ever wanted was a few new sf64 levels and I got it. I hope we get a switch release with some changes and additions to really give this game another go with the current switch userbase.

I didn't think it was bad at all. I really loved the landmaster levels, even if there were only two of them.

I liked it. But I never went back to play the other levels. I had zero problems with the controls.

GameCube was a beast of a console. Even the Metroid Prime games on GC still looks fantastic and those run at 60FPS as well.

>on foot levels
Nah, fuck that game. The only on foot anything in the series should be walking around great fox. and Krystal porn.

>gyro controls not optional
>forced simultaneous camera view during boss fights
>like 80% of content and plot is a beat for beat rehash of 64, no new characters or planets at all
>levels reused multiple times and passed off as new stages
>still no real innovation to how you play, can't change how your Arwing functions or play as a different character or really anything at all to customize the experience and make each playthrough a little different
>no multiplayer
In the grand scheme of things, no, it didn't damage the series in any meaningful way. Still, it was a pretty big disappointment getting what was mostly a rehash of 64 after like a decade of no games aside from a direct remake of 64.

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Command would have been fine if there were more than like 3 types of mission and the story wasn't soap opera bullshit. Flying different ships with different pilots and different weaponry felt nice.

No, and everyone who thinks it's bad are fucking retarded.

>adventures bad
>assault bad
>command bad
>wah wah wahhhhhh i want starfox 6444444 wahhhhh
>noooo it bad

really fuck off. anyone bitching about assault or command is why starfox is dead. You refuse to let the series evolve as it should which is
A. actually let starfox be a MERCENARY TEAM and do various jobs for hire, even ground based with vechile swapping,
B. control different team member with unique stats.

Most of the problems with zero aren't even problems. The entire game is 100% playable with gamepad screen only, I did such many times. Plus gyro controls let you hit shit nearly ninty degrees above/below you and at least 180 degrees on the sides if not 210, you get fucking insane view/reach compared to starfox 64.