Is 'Souls-Like' an official genre yet?
Do you want it to?
Is 'Souls-Like' an official genre yet?
Would plunge attack over and over again. Souls-like is an okay term, I just find it disingenious. That's the problem with metroidvania as well, you're comparing something instead of judging a title on it's own merits.
>literally any game with a sword is called souls-like now
Make it stop
shut the fuck up
It an official genre now, how this will effect gaming have yet to be seen.
Theres no such thing as an "offical genre". But yes, souls-like is pretty much already a thing.
it basically is a genre.
>gothic/dark themes
>money is tied to exp or some leveling mechanic
>item descriptions tell stories
I don't mind it as it can lead to fun games.
But adding to series that never had it in the first place, looking at you Darksiders 3, is some stupid shit.
If you weren’t either living under a rock, retarded, or underage, you would already know the answer.
Souls-like is a meme designation and Souls games didn't bring anything mechanically unique to the table. Corpse runs have been a thing for a long time, zoomers.