What exactly is the draw of this game?

What exactly is the draw of this game?

>PvP balance sucks
>PvE balance sucks
>wPvP balance sucks
>Endgame content sucks
>rotations uninspired
>practically everything a MMORPG needs to be good is bad

100% of the reason this is popular right now is because a)"Sticking it to the man"/prove blizzard wrong mentality, b) nostaglia, c)all the retail fags bored af of retail and only playing this till the next big patch.

Prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You need to either:

1. Have friends
2. Enjoy grinding content

Imbalance is fun.

T. Roguenigger

Things that are familiar make people feel more comfortable than the unknown. And the people who spent their life in WoW are failsons and are probably doing really shit, and would rather be in a cocoon of nostalgia than face their failures!

>be mage
>literally ever 2 minutes someone whispers me to join x instance "spellcleave" group for huge xp/h

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>get ganked
>ganker then layer-shifts to never be seen again
>gank someone
>they escape with layer-shifting

Home... asmon layer #404...

>caring about balance
>wanting retail's every class fills every role
>everyone has a stun
>everyone has a stun break ability
>everyone has AoE abilities
>everyone has the same everything
>no one is unique
>servers filled with brainless npcs sitting in cities and waiting for raid finder to pop

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The draw is that it's a good timesink. It's shit at everything else.

Don't under estimate the amount of losers that just want to sink time into something so their lives just become a blurr. It's the same reason runescape has been so popular for many years. You can sink hours, days, YEARS of your life into the game and you feel rewarded because the best things of the game require time to achieve them.

Want the best pve gear? Timesink to farm materials, items to spam NAxx
pvp? Biggest timesink in the game.
How about the legendary mount? Timesink.

People are rewarded for whoever can waste the most of the time playing the game. The more you play the more you get back. Compare this to retail WoW which throws rewards at you from the get go.

It's quite sad to be honest.

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Why do you want a game you supposedly have no interest in to fail so bad, OP?

Oh boy another shitposting thread

call them fags and retail babies for spamming dungeons and watch the seethe pour in


Having rotations is fucking stupid. Combat is simple, but you're not thinking about that when the boss is spamming fear and mind controlling half the raid.

>the retailfriend who has done about 50 quests total because they spammed dungeons to 60
>"Where was the magic again???"

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No retail trannies

>thinking standardization is the only way to balance
>trying to hide he is a retail fag
>Thinking people will like this game's endgame PvE
>Thinking that people will play PvP and ignore the major issues
>Thinking this game wont die or undergo massive balance changes

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>I don't like it so it's bad
shit thread

>thinking standardization is the only way to balance
with Blizzard/Activision it is. They've been doing it since BC
>Thinking people will like this game's endgame PvE
People will, private servers have proved that. I personally don't and only see it as a way to get better gear for PvP
>Thinking that people will play PvP and ignore the major issues
What major issues? There are regular 15v15 brawls in hillsbrad, tanaris, and stv on my server. No one complains everyones having fun with it. On a smaller scale too, both factions openly fight the other no matter the class. except for the normal babies that hate dying
>Thinking this game wont die or undergo massive balance changes
i agree with you here, and if they start just doing over what they did originally, ill drop classic and go back to fucking Kronos

>Doesn't like Retail leveling because all you do is spam dungeons queues over and over
>Classic comes out, all they do to level is join random groups and spam dungeons over and over
I don't get these people

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>be warrior
>nobody wants a warrior tank anymore since the demo shout nerf
>if you're dps fucking forget about even having a friend
Its a tough life being a Warrior.

it's comfy, i already played on private servers and got more important shit to do though

>Takes a very long time to kill a single mob
>Takes a very long time to finish a single quest
>Takes a very long time to finish just 1 level
>Takes a very long time to train professions
>Takes a very ling time to farm gold for mounts
>Takes a very long time to obtain gear from raids due to sharing with 40 people
>Takes a very long time to prepare for raids
>Takes a very long time to finish raids
>Takes a VERY long time to get gear from pvp

See a pattern here yet? It's escapism.

Sadly these. The game isn't necessarily good at much except it's bloody good at dragging things out making you want to keep playing. You want that one other level. You want to do one more instance run for gear. You want to keep raiding to get the real good gear.

You just get hooked to keep spending more time and when you finally DO get rewarded you become even more hooked. It's like the Runescape timesink except you 10x more addicting becuse it's much more compeittive where Runescape is much more a solo kind of timesink. WoW classic's timesink and rewards lets you show off more to other players.

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I’m aware I’m doing this and turning 25 next month. Am I fucked?

come on, give me 13 or 23

I like loot grinders, typically arpgs, but decided to sub bc I never played when it was relevant. Dont really get the whole rotation thing. Pressing more buttons doesnt make a game better. If a new mmo came out with a 100 button rotation, I mean, thats just straight overwhelming no? But yeah, im entertained and having fun, so I guess thats why it appeals to me. Millions of people like Justin Bieber's music you know. Entertainment is subjective. Why do you need reasoning for it? Cant you just accept others like things you dont?

>rotations uninspired
What the fuck does this even mean?

Nothing wrong with it as long as you can accommodate it within your life. Most people can't.

Means they are boring as fuck you retard. No thought or passionate creativity was spent trying to design them.

>Millions of people like Justin Bieber's music

Do they though?

I thought they were just jewed into liking Justin Bieber. Not the music,

It's because skills were not designed for raids in Vanilla, they were designed for pvp/leveling.
Retail is 100% designed around raid rotations.

You give Blizz way more credit then they deserve.

It's because in many cases they were just tacked on 2 weeks before the game went live lol.

Blizzard was working on Vanilla for a VERY long time. Blizzard 15 years ago was very different from Blizzard today

Anything but 74. I don't want to get the only fat ass.

>Frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt

etc. Wow logs has some great rotation data.

Rollan for a new waifu

Its fun

>practically everything a MMORPG needs to be good is bad
retail is garbage

Idk I don't play wow never have.

Define balance?

You want everyone to have the same power? Imbalanced gimmick shit is half the fun of multiplayer games. Sure you can no life and play an undead rogue and tear through cunts with a skinning knife then eat their corpse. Or you can go a pally or shaman and fucking roll the dice to somehow one shot someone. It's just because grouping up and having fun 90% of the time though.

>thinking standardization is the only way to balance

It's not standardisation though. By definition balance requires equal distribution. Now the laziness of power balance would be keep everyone on the same level but that also removes the ability have interesting niche shit which is effectively useless in most scenarios but powerful in others.
The further you define and pick at it the more it will displease another person. Blizzard totally fucked up on the "balance" by definition but they also made character differentiation and depth much greater.

It's a museum.

It has a series of mechanics which promotes a fun community.

All the nostalgia posting is unwarranted. Nost and Classic both had the exact same cooperative community appear, its just the way the game was designed whereby working together is both fun and rewarding.

I went back to retail and I'm having more fun. vanilla was fun in 2004.

Extremely redpilled post, I wish my friends who lost their souls to this game could realize it.


Because it's a fun rpg that's very enjoyable to explore and play.

Wherever there is asian i must roll

They actually all look the same except 9 and 18

It's something failed losers like me can take and put dedication into. It's like work for NEETs, it distracts us from everything, it doesn't require much attention so we can multitask and listen/watch something in the background, you get the picture. We don't play the game for fun, we play it because we have nothing better to do

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Probably. With the current world economics you have to spend 80% of your lifetime to survive. Spending the remaining 20% on WoW is a huge waste of time, all things considered.

just like reality its a long grindy unbalanced experience

80% of my lifetime to survive?
Fuck off esl faggot.

Just say your mad kid, we wont judge

Im looking forward to this if they actually hold up to their end of the deal.

You can't layer shift infight you niggerloving larp weeb

>progression is way less rng dependant because of hiram
>no p2w
>starting on a new fresh patch and not having to be several patches behind korea
Only thing I dislike is that they are using the new trade pack system but at least its improved a lot from 3.0

>Same guy still making these threads on Yea Forums all day
>Playing Classic with my friends, having fun

Who else /notatranny/?

>Everything's instant

You'd have a leg to stand on if fury warriors didn't exist. Why does fury warrior compete against rogues in DPS when Rogues ONLY exist for melee DPS, while Warriors are the only raid main tank on top of being the top tier melee DPS? Warrior and mage are simply overtuned. Hybrid classes are only seen as underpowered, because the vast majority of a server is warrior and mage, which are the only 2 overtuned classes. If shit like hunter, lock, and rogue had bigger presence, and weren't completely overshadowed by warrior and mage, the hybrids would look less like a joke. The hybird tax is a joke when warrior can do 2 different roles uncontested, while having 3 different viable competitive talent trees.

Classic was rushed out, and classes that aren't Warrior and Mage weren't as polished. For fuck's sake, they didn't even make quests for that one totem and cat form. It's very obvious they ran out of time and pushed it out to recoup losses.

>try to play WoW: Classic
>have a shit load of fun in the first few days of launch
>rose-tinted goggles slowly start to come off around week 2
>can't stick with a single class past level 30 before FOMO makes me reroll and try something else
>end up getting bored with the game
>have an active subscription for another week and a half
>try retail
>literally can't even get interested in any of this shit, even more impenetrable than Classic was
>want to get to the cool challenging endgame raiding Heroic/Mythic shit, but getting there is such a fucking boring escapade

I'm really worried that I'm either depressed or incapable of sinking my life into an MMO anymore. FFXIV didn't work either. I need a new timewaster game because the harsh reality of facing my slowly declining life is really sneaking up on me.

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Yeah and a skinny little shit like you would get bodied by a fat fuck, but still the skinny is more desired aesthetically. Balancing isn't everything. The fun is in facing the adversity and overcoming it. That said it is a shame that the version they launched with includes a lot of dumbing down and over-powering of early content.

Its time to move on bro

I play it exactly because it's a good time waster. Helps me relax and clear my mind of bad thoughts for a couple of hours, then I partake on more legit time wasters like hobbies or talking to people

That doesn't happen and you know it
Tab sunder, friend.

>can literally farm so much gold you can GDKP everything you'll ever want for a decade
>could buy the entire server an epic mount for free

late joiners BTFO

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Rogue brings in control that warriors do not, rogues have also more soloing capabilities.

>play on top 3 realm in terms on population
>trade chat is cleave spam
>lfg is cleave spam
>world chat is cleave spam
>general chat is non-existent aside from people crying about getting ganked
>guilds are empty from high turnover rate
>questing is best done solo
>dungeons are too easy so nobody talks much
damn..........this is home? maybe home sucks and we never realized it until now...

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Layering is a failure that should've never been implemented, fuck all the retail zoomers that were ok with it.

Pve mmos are always shit

lul 36 looks like they know what this will be used for

>when Rogues ONLY exist for melee DPS,
You completely ignored niche role of scout, ganker, ability to stealth run etc. if you're dumb enough to break down the game to only PvP/PvE numbers then no wonder you can't have fun and refuse to play anything that isn't mage/warrior/priest

Yet warriors are complete fucking cancer to level so were garbage for 90% of the game. Warriors were always a class which scaled well. The game was also never finished there is no doubt about that. That's half of the point of constant patches, an mmo is never "finished" in development terms. Look at Atiesh's on use, it teleports you to Karazhan. Look at all the areas they were going to develop and didn't. There were parts on the map which when you went to them popped up with the words of the area but the area wasn't even there.

Classic/Vanilla wow was a never finished, no one would disagree with that. Retail wow is also not and never will be finished. Yet in the forever development cycle Blizzard have managed to take billions of dollars from players and make a much worse game.

Also in the Rogue v. Warrior argument, Rogues were also niche classes with tools like poisons, lockpicking, trap disarming, etc. They have their class fantasy and Warrior doesn't have that as much. They hit hard and wear plate, that's about it.

>maybe home sucks and we never realized it until now

wrong zoomer

it's escapism? In a video game? What the hell are you saying?!?!

Same, that mentality is cancer. I got kicked for not having imp blizz even though we were steamrolling

Based 90 IQ user.

Give me 90.

Balance is boring
Give me MORE stupid fucking effects on skills and weapons and broken unintended interactions
The dream MMO is one with Diablo levels of 20 lines of bullshit effects on equipment except not randomly generated

It'd be nice to see some screenshots of this 100k gold.
>It's cool if they temp ban
LMAO, I hope he enjoys the perma

it runs on nostalgia
retail is far better

Economy exploiters never get perma'd unless you do something stupid like botting or fly hacking, at worst they'll get a week ban and get to keep the shit/gold they got.


is there gonna be a WOW TBC?

Not anytime soon

Confirmed retail zoomers. There is nothing to dispute when I said they only spent 2 weeks before release creating some classes spec's. The developers said this themselves many times.

Since you are an almighty faggot I'm not even going to click the time during the video where this is dicussed. Go listen to the 3 hours yourself dickhead.


Yes when the next retail expansion is over so people will stay subbed during the down period

>level my dwarf rogue to lvl 24 with other 2 rogue friends
>gank stonetalon for hours. Fucking with the backup that arrives when they go hiding in their little troll village
Imagine thinking max level is the true endgame. I'm having a fucking blast with annoying the shit out of people in world pvp. Crit ambusing a skull level mage and backpedal + keyboard turning over their corpse feels so good.

>Except you hunters

Make my own group you say? I did just that

>LF1M ZF need tank
>"Is it a cleave run?"
>"GY spam?"

Repeat for 2 hours and group disbands.

No tanks will join a group thats not AOE spam. Healers are 50/50 on if they will even try to get a run going thats not a cleave AOE.

This shit is absolute cancer and has been this way since SM. You CAN'T get a fucking group for this shit because no tanks will wants to go and no groups wants you unless you are AOE.

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Why the fuck is Stonetalon of all places so gank heavy anyways? I can understamd STV but Stonetalon has barely a handful of quests for either faction. Is it all just allies running to get the Ratchet FP?

I did 2 quest runs of ZF followed by some graveyard spam before I went back to questing for a bit. Dunno about your server but people are doing everything on Herod.
Someone even had a Mallet already so I got my Carrot on a Stick

seething huntard finally realizing how useless he is

>Get full team in no time
>No one even asked about spellcleave or aoe
>Just run through dungeon as normal

Anecdotal evidence vs. anecdotal evidence. I have literally no problem getting normal groups started you goober.

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man there is so much more to life

you don't always need a new VIDEOGAME to escape to

if you are borde with vidya try learning an instrument, go out for some bowling or something, go for a swim

>He says on Yea Forums

n o s t a l g i a

huh, I guess he got some extra tats..

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Retail PvP is at an all time low, takes years to get into a BG and every single class has some sort of way of healing themselves, why did they add this shit?

sure do

it's like if someone on Yea Forums is whining "i have seen every cartoon, i am so bored", you could tell them to try videogames instead of only watching cartoons

Retail baby from my guild got filtered. The same faggot was constantly talking about Asmonfaggot and whatever happened on that faggot's stream.

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The community for this game has degenerated further than I could have ever imagined. I had to explain threat today to people in the mid 40s and they still didn't understand.

Hit the gym too.

Anyway, All classic did was make me want a mix of retail and classic. Retail QoL stuff with the map and improved details and animations on top of quest variety. But using retails leveling with buying skills and a talent point a level. Also no Duty Finder stuff and the accomplishment of getting a mount and such.


>that tattoo between his pecs

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>Classic hunter
>Dual-spec for Beast Mastery and Survival
>Dual axes, countering with mongoose and counter attack all day erry day, tanking 2 mobs while my bear tanks another two
>Shoot the mobs attacking my bear when arcane shot goes off CD and serpent sting drops off
>Gun sounds beefy and great, is good time

>Retail Hunter
>Guns sound like waterlogged peashooters, can't dual wield anymore, only polearms
>This is stupid for a dwarf
>Make a Goblin instead
>Get all the mechanical robot pets
>Equip a nice, simple crossbow
>Get a "high tech" polearm like the one from blackrock foundry
>Go full engineer mobility-gobbo with robot spiders, crossbow shootan, and bomb throwan

No-matter which game I'm playing, I'm pretty happy right about now.

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based desu

Well met.

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> imbalance is fun
Except when it’s faction imbalance, that’s ass

t. pussy

I'm not them but you can't expect people to rummage through three hours of a podcast that might support your claim.

Well duh half the classes were hot garbage until several updates in. By 1.12 it mostly worked out that every spec had at least some kind of niche.

are you guys going to be ready to pvp a highwarlord streamer as a naked rogue and make him say the N word on stream?

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"Time you enjoy wasting is not a wasted time.".

it's fun to play with friends. that's it. it's just mindless enough to have a conversation while not being so mindless you can't pay attention. everything else about it sucks

>Play Retail
>Need to waste time figuring out how to use your sub time

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I don't mind Horde's underdog status. It keeps most of the shitters on alliance

And if I just want to enjoy the leveling experience for each different race or faction without rushing then I... what, sink time into enjoying the game?

You only have to autismo grind if you have the 'tism itch that makes you want to pursue the things you need to blow your time on.

And even then, if that's what you enjoy about video games, who are you to tell them they're having fun wrong?

>nobody wants a warrior tank anymore since the demo shout nerf
Guess I've just imagined all those people spamming "LF TANK" all the time.
>if you're dps fucking forget about even having a friend
If you refuse to put on a shield for a dungeon you don't deserve to be in a group, it's the same thing as a paladin refusing to heal. If you're talking about tank spec you're an idiot, it does more harm than good in dungeons and is only usefull in end game raids.

wtf is this horseshit

you severely undersestimate the grinding reward loop that retail has.

This tier for example can send you grinding pearls for hundreds of hours in order to roll items that have the right stats and a socket. There is also plenty of time sink in order to get rank 3 necklace essences/talents that will have require you to pvp etc.

The only difference between this grind and classic is that you can just choose to do the easier difficulties of the raid/dungeons and there will be plenty of people who will take you up.

The real draw of classic is that you don't have sharding and you have a higher chance of bumping into the same people over and over again on the server. Classic loses out on almost everything else - combat depth, balance, aesthetics, raid mechanics etc.

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If you're a Warrior you're GOING to have to tank at least a little so get used to it. Big trash pulls and several bosses all benefit from multiple tanks, if they don't outright require them like Garr.

number 9 please

A big fucking reminder that it isn't about hitting level 60. It's about the journey that takes you to level 60. The quests, the dungeons along the way, the people you meet, and the places you go. If you power level to 60 you're intentionally missing out on the lion's share of the game in order to spam a couple raids. You can do it, sure, it's your game have fun how you want, but don't just eat the strawberry then call the shortcake shit.

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>find myself dungeon farming like crazy to level to 60
>hmmm maybe ill try questing again
>area is bumfucked to hell by opposite faction (horde) who will gank me on sight for even trying to interfere with their quests

after queuing for 3 hours to get in fuck me if I actually want to level, right?

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i still don't get how the dungeon spam works i'm just over here playing it like a normal person am i fucking up?

people just bring warriors and or mages and play the dungeons BFA style.

You play warrior or mage and then aoe farm it, rinse and repeat.

grab some mages a healer and a tank and get 60 instantly

Its faster than questing most of the time but even if group EXP bonus was fucked like it was on private servers autists would still be 60 within a week of launch.

So then why blame vanilla for this? Only time it wasnt completely in Alliance's favor was BC.

>can't get into a raid cause my gear isn't "pre-raid bis"
>try to do dungeons to get taht gear
>sit still for 5 hours not being able to get a dungeon group cause I'm not a mage
>blizzard disconnects me because they think I'm idling to stay logged in
Yep, just how I fucking remember Vanilla.

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but asmongold says the game doesn't start until you hit 60

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Yeah only Tauren and Night Elves have kinda shit racials and even then they have their uses. Warstomp can save your ass and Shadowmeld is good for going AFK safely

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It's better than FFXIV, speaking of which my FC has recently went to shit because our leader is an autist faglord. If anyone has a DPS spot in their raid group hit me up on Cactuar, Nenet Seto. Same name on WoW, but I'm talking about XIV.

>rolling DPS without a group of friends/guildies setup

You can only blame yourself, user

Going at a leisurely pace will also leave you with more to do as the next phase rolls in.

For him, sure. Is he complaining about a lack of endgame content yet?

Join a guild and tell them you don't want to use discord, see how long you will last.

That calculator only take account 1 to 3 hours of play time which is fucking stupid since there is obviously people who are gonna spend more than +3 hours of game time

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>At least 80% of screenshots images on r/classciwow are alliance characters

really makes you think

>warrior still the top DPS in the game
>warrior still the best tank in the game

What did user mean by this

Or maybe it's because most people are still in their 40's doing SM and ZF? Getting a group for anything 50+ is hard no matter what class you are because most players simply aren't there yet.

If you make this thread 50 more times maybe you'll gaslight one person into uninstalling the game.

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why are you 60 without having some pre-raid BiS gear you moron?

It was fucked for the first week until they nerfed it. People were fucking spamming 10man Deadmines and SM. That’s why there’s so many 60s running around.

Fucked as in most private servers didn't have the bonus at all or had it way lower than the real thing.

the vanilla everyone grew up with is dead, the faster people accept this the better.

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People are already selling dungeon runs on my realm. Just like home.


A meme. Oh wow you hit 5 buttons in retail vs 1 button in vanilla which does the exact same thing. If I wanted to do that shit I'd play DDR.

I spammed BRD for 7 hours today and still had a blast wiping full parties of orc shits every time we zoned out to reset. Layering and associated exploits/bugs are absolute cancer tho.

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Am I on the only server where not everyone is a try hard power gamer poopsock?

I hate this shit, all of the other things people bitch about im convinced are bullshit as I have great runs tons of groups where people talk etc. But these guilds that are silent in guild chat while they use discord kills me.

It's good enought to kill an entire genre, that is all.

I havent used it yet, seem to be doing just fine

For classes unironically yes. The imbalances give each class unique identities that are lost in retail.

The overworld is 10,000x better than any other MMO

yeah so fun getting excluded by default due to picking a community-perceived 'bad' class.

Horde outpops Alliance on all PvP servers. Or at the very best the pop is equal.

I've been in dungeon groups and farm groups with every single class
You can literally do Molten Core with a quarter of the group asleep at the keyboard you hardly need to be 100% optimized

also best group pvp class

>he needs to be superoptimized meta spec just so people can justifiy invinting him for a raid night
Have you tried not being a sperg?

>watch netflix or crunchy roll
>no reward
>play wow
>rewarded with social interaction and memories that wil last you a lifetime
quite sad to be honest

I'm really not sure why you would interpret my comment in the exact opposite way I meant it.

>people were saying how in vanilla dungeons you had to CC, do small pulls, and wait for the tank to get aggro
>in reality, you can 2H tank big ass pulls and let the mages AoE them down exactly like fucking retail

Well I was lied to.

thats because classic isn't vanilla. Blizzard used the pre-tbc patch which greatly reduced exp need to level and decreased mob health and damage

Enjoy your stealth and no gear stunlock kills bitch boy, how can you complain about the class that can kill grand marshals with lvl 1 daggers? fucking rogues are overpowered as fuck and still cry about warriors scaling harder when they have little to no survivability. Rogues are right next to fury warrios in T3 gear, with a fuckton of utility and cc on their kit compared to unga bunga Mortal strike windfury deleto and instantly die afterwards.

except almost every server is at least 60% horde.
Life is hard as a white man in azeroth

>retard doesn't know what he is talking about
It's all so tiresome.

>NOOO!!! People only invite mages!!

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this but unironically

>never played wow before
>make mage
>spam dungeons

Questing is just so fucking retarded I have no motivation to do. All you do is get cucked out of spawns

I never grew up with vanilla and I'm still enjoying it.

>everyone zoomcleaving dungeons
>few groups that do them normally are always overleveled so its a cake walk regardless

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I played vanilla a fuckton on a ton of pvp servers, and they had never been this fucking full, it's god damn awful, after the layering nerf after the first complain about exploits the game just turned into a nightmare to quest, every single quest spot has an eternail chain of people arriving at the stop and camping the respawns, most grinding spots have a mage or a duo something mindlessly grinding, any worthwile gold farming spot is perma camped by fucking rogues or other non mages who can't aoe farm. At first dungeon shit was an option, but at this point with the layers reduced it's an ungodly torture to try to play at any hour. It used to be bad during prime time, but there's just as much people playing midnight and even early morning, there's very few times when servers go down to medium, when layering is removed the servers are going to be just unplayable.

>practically everything an mmorpg needs to be good is bad
the most obvious example of this is character creation is dogshit and there's only two good looking armor sets in vanilla
i know people meme about MOUNTS MOGS CHEEVOS but really in an mmo you have literally 3 things to do
whats the fucking point if all of them are bad?

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I dont blame you. Classic is the most unblizzlike vanilla server. There is no sense of community of faction. Questing would be fun if you had to fight enemy factions for them or if they posed any sort of challenge
Hopefully a good private releases so we can actually play wow

You have a strange idea of what happens in an MMO.

>implying that will happen with 1.12 rogues
the naked rogue video happened BEFORE 1.12, 1.12 rogues are the weakest rogues will be and it will only get worse as more classes get gear

you obviously didnt take the boat back

You have to understand people were like 12 back then playing their first MMO, PUGs in greens clearing Molten Core in Classic is hilarious considering the amount of trouble folks went farming fire res gear back in the day.

so you're admitting blizzard does this for the p2w'er's letting them in on it before other people so they can get the game on easy mode eh?
thats my hypothesis.

ive been playing wow since late bc and have 1700~ hours in ffxiv. sure theres a lot of small things you can do in each game, but nothing really MATTERS outside of raids, pvp, and collections
>inb4 dipshit claims socializing is a feature

>If you refuse to put on a shield for a dungeon you don't deserve to be in a group

>Put on a Shield
>Can't do damage to save my life
>Have trouble holding aggro
>Get shit on for being a shit tank

>Equip 2h
>Top damage in any dungeon group
>Hold aggro perfectly
>Only ones whining are the entitled virgin Retridin and healer who has to spend slightly more mana to keep you up

People who think you need a shield to tank anything other than endgame content are absolutely retarded

Now, where in that post did he ever say that you stupid fucking retard.

Biggest annoyance is most people in dungeons are still in retail mode and outright refuse to let you build threat. On top of that Enhancement Shamans are assholes and put Earth Shock in their regular dps rotation.

A typical pull for me is Charge, switch to Defense, Demo Shout, go to sunder and notice it's immediately switched to a shaman that already unloaded every debuff on it, taunt it off, sunder, tab to sunder another target, suddenly the mage runs in and starts spamming Arcane Explosion.

Nobody dies but it's annoying as shit to have to use Taunt and Bloodrage on cooldown.

balances ends with homogenisation, which is one of the many reasons why retail sucks. classic is a step (leap) in the right direction - possibly a bit too far, but still better than retail.

pre raid bis gear is like level 48-53 user

Because the optimal group is 4 frost mages and 1 healer for dungeons. You don't need tanks anymore when you can root everything forever.


>Tab sunder, friend.
How are you supposed to tab sunder when you have zero rag,e generate 4 rage per melee swing and a mere sunder costs 12, and your dps never listen and attack everything instantly? Even if I had unlimited rage, spamming sunder and revenge on a target where a mage is going aoe ham I will never get that threat back without a taunt.

Will that work in ubrs?

I'm really happy I rerolled when my friend asked. The game is so much more enjoyable now

>Old group of friends that used to play with each other decide to halfheartedly choose horde on one of the pvp servers, in this case Firemaw-EU
>I, the brainlet that I am, decide to level as fast as possible because I was going back to university so I didn't have to "catch up" when I come back
>Go shaman and mostly play by myself, and at a point with an old guild friend which was super fun
>Get bored at 41 after dungeon spamming for2 days, my other friend asks me to reroll with him
>Start playing as mage, him as warlock. Tailoring / Herbalism and Enchanter/Skinner combo

Literally the best decision I made playing classic. We only play and level together when we can. We don't really care about how fast we level or how high leveled we are. Its about the journey together that is so amazing.
FUCK efficiency and FUCK dungeon grinding

The more information you have, the more powerful you are. The more time you spend, the more powerful you are.
Only thing where reflexes and muscle memory will reward you is pvp, and even there you are going to need information and time spent.
That's why this game combines players of all skill levels and gives all of them stuff to do.
There's endlessly of stuff to talk about, builds to try, items to test and find... It's a world, not a competition or a raider dick sucking simulator (unless you want to).

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No, you need 8 frost mages instead.

t. Retards I had to deal with today

You posts are shit and boring, why do you even play vidya? For what ever the reason who cares

Just gonna roll fo dat waifu

Kinda cant understand retards spamming Yea Forums all day about how muh classic suck and how retail is superior, when they pay same subs so they can just stopl playing A version and go to B version. So far im having that mythical FUN lvling a warlock. I can really feel no urge to autisticaly run everything to get to 60 asap. So far every zone with that slow progression is fun, and green drops or even better blue items on 46lvl give me more fun than another 430+ purple epic from bfa that goes to scrap machine anyway
The lack of good gear and overall less amount of items make me feel really good when i get something, even with just 1 stat diffirence. And yes, sometimes i get party, kill boss and leave, and sometimes, on bosses with long spawn, talk with people. Enjoyed 20lvls ago in stonetalon mountains, running around with same party for more than 1hr to get every kill for quest. got them all in friend list and done SM days later with them. Its fun, im having fun. You dont have fun playing classic? Sure thing, but coming here and crying every day about it makes you look retarded, not other way around.
>inb4 shit taste enjoy shit games
I also enjoy making complex machination in factorio and to calculate various thing to optimize everything, while many of you would find it unfun and just kept killing bitters

>Join a guild
>Use to play a lot with the members, doing world pvp and all
>Get promoted to second highest position
>Leader creates discord, keeps spamming his discord shit everywhere
>Tell him that i dont like discord, but i will join for group content
>3 days later im demoted and nobody in the guild talks with me


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But not before lvl 60.

I am so fucking livid Blizzard nerfed demo shout yet Druid roar and cleave, and Paladins consecrate is okay.

If you got demoted because of this, your guild was already fucked up and you failed to realize it soon enough. Also im responding to shitpost anyway

>reeeee warriors are too strong, I wanna play as tankadin
>reeeee warriors can't tank packs now, what do you mean I have to bring a tank that has better aoe
And all is well in the world.

Druid and palas were always good as dungeon tanks because of cleave and aoe. You complain as main tank that can tank any raid and dungeon in game, where druids struggle or are straight unsusable like palas

Same, your only option for aoe tanking now is expensive as hell items that you constantly need since no on in their right mind is ever gonna let you threat build anymore. I hate the "community" in this game nowadays.

Do you retards and your retarded party even heard of attacking tank focus so rest wont aggro on dps/healers faggots?

You let them die. Eventually they will understand.

I feel attacked.

People don't do that anymore, people will rush in the second any mob is pulled and blow all of their aoe and cooldowns and all of their mana on every single cooldown they have to try and pull as big of numbers as they can on as many things as they can at once. And you can't tell them to fucking stop because then you just get called retard for not thunderclapping for more threat because the community has no idea how threat or rage actually works in the slightest.

>pvp in a class based game should be balanced


There ya go laddie.

Why would i want to let people build threat? I'm combat rogue in a kinda pvp spec. Usually i eat less dmg than the tank. Most of the times we do dungeons without a tank since classic dungeons are a joke difficult wise. I dont see a point wasting 2 hours in a dungeon i can clear in 30 minutes, especially since i allready know all the dungeons and nothing is new to me.

So a video game?

a bad video game

>we play it because we have nothing better to do
This is what you've convinced yourself of. If you're not disabled and crippled physically there's tons of shit you can do that is not vidya and will give you satisfaction. It's your worldview that is keeping you trapped.

It has the ONE thing that makes an mmorpg successful
fun grinding

>servers economy completely broken for the last 2+ weeks
>people only just now realizing that layering broke the game

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The dungeon layering exploit didn't help anything either when suddenly everyone on the server had 300 archmage robe patterns.

when did layering get introduced? i dont remember it in mist of pandaria where you had to wait a fuckton of time awaiting world bosses to spawn

Cope, blizzcuck

Do you even play? You can do the exact same thing in the open world. Free action potions going for 10silver on my server, Devilsaur Leather is laughably cheap, etc

hasn't happened on my eu server, feels good

>nearly the entire playerbase begs blizzard not to add this game breaking feature
>they add it anyway
>it breaks the game
no one could have seen this coming, such a shame

I like how broken it is, streamlining the game made it boring. There's so much running around and weird stuff, it makes the world feel immersive.
>bunch of random quests in arathi
>suddenly have to kill an elite giant dude
>get sent 3 zones away with mobs 4 levels higher
>final quest is a level 50 boss that is 6 levels higher than anything in the zone
>you get a shit necklace
It's great

>People abuse layering to get ten thousands of gold
>Some guy gets bored of exploiting and reports it
>Blizzard announces that it's aware of dungeon layer exploit and is fixing it and exploiters will be punished
If you think they are going to track all of the abusers you are COPING massively, entire economies are RUINED, classic is huge failure

>camped camped camped camped
>wait for respawns wait for respawns wait for respawns wait for respawns
>compete with 500 alliance niggers compete with 500 alliance niggers compete with 500 alliance niggers
>compete with 500000000 horde niggers compete with 500000000 horde niggers compete with 500000000 horde niggers compete with 500000000 horde niggers
>W A I T F O R R E S P A W N S

Wow questing sure is amazing

>If you think they are going to track all of the abusers you are COPING massively

Well at the very least I hope they ban all the streamers who streamed themselves doing it, that'll be a fun experience to see play out.

Blizzdrones this can't be happening... T-They WILL face justice, right?

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>>blizzard has a long history of reverting illegimately obtained resources and banning the exploiters
>Th-they won't do it this time i swear!!!!


he's talking about pvp. which is actually more ridiculous because specs that are dogshit in pve are godlike in pvp

>all my friends are west coast
>i'm west coast
>they want to play east coast because their retail guild picked an east coast server
>think to myself, why not, the latency difference is non existent and I want to play with my friends
>hit 60 last friday, all of my friends are in their 20s and 30s and haven't logged on in days
>the guild we joined is full of retail babbies complaining about the game, layer hopping, and cleave spamming dungeons and only like 20 of them have stuck around past level 40
>been doing random dungeons, but because it's east coast and I work a weird shift on west coast I can't join any raiding guild because my hours don't line up

THAT'S IT! I'm rolling west coast and alliance like I fucking wanted to from the beginning. Fuck my friends. Which west coast server do I pick? PvP is a must. I'm thinking Whitemane, Fairbanks, or Bigglesworth.

What the fuck are you even doing? I've been 60 since last week and I can't imagine not using layering to level. Even getting quest mob tags at 40+ is a nightmare. With layering you can spawn whatever the fuck you want basically whenever. Idk about this new dungeon thing but if you aren't doing this in the open world you're a moron and are probably very behind. Even if you don't have friends, then buy another account and invite yourself or you're fucked

fairbanks is comfy as fuck. horde favored though, like every other pvp server

>The real draw of classic is that you don't have sharding and you have a higher chance of bumping into the same people over and over again on the server.

Oh god my sides

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It's comfy.

>being this fucking autistic
>actually thinks you can be "behind"


>he thinks this is true

modern layering where you swap randomly was in legion but you could change phases or realms in mop. i know because everyone constantly got in and out of groups to change realms while camping krol the blade

doing what? why is the dungeon way bad but the open world way is okay and allowed? my buddy on stalagg literally has 4 full stacks of black lotus, so that's totally fine but if you do the exact same thing in a dungeon you deserve a ban? this is literally intended gameplay, everyone already told blizzard this would happen and they told everyone to fuck off anyway.

64 is cutiest

>tfw rolling around at level 24 on Mirage raceway just comfy leveling my warrior.
Zoram strand flightpath was a pain in the ass to get and i probably should have waited another level or two but i'm glad i got it.

>it was normie's first mmo
that's it.they wanted a bad game, it's the one they remember playing.
upon release, vanilla was the casual, watered down themepark mmo compared to all other mmos. it was the BFA of 2004.
today, it's called a sandbox mmo unironically, by blizzard fans in denial who have to bloat their point to the point it's bullshit.

Myzrael is only level 44 though, just the quest ist 50.
Still pretty hard because she summons a bunch of elementals.

In my last dungeon run we were 2x priest, warrior, warlock and rogue, the one before that 2x warlock, paladin, priest and rogue, the one before that warrior, paladin, rogue, hunter and warlock. We killed the mobs one pack at a time. It's almost as if this whole mage cleave thing is overblown?

>if you are having fun you are wasting your time
imagine being like this

>Put on a Shield
>Can't do damage to save my life
>Have trouble holding aggro
>Get shit on for being a shit tank
Maybe you're just bad?

it's 2016 elections all over again
let the seething never stop. brainlets try to make rational sense out of how they could be so wrong is hilarous to watch.

Its frustrating being a druid or shaman and getting zapped on by mages in pvp and instances. Its still a lot of fun, but it gets frustrating when unless the other guy is a retard you just die.

it feels like an MMO

Based fairbanks bro, my retard friend keeps advertising in world as the servers best warrior when we're LFGing and its causing so much asspain, people will straight ignore him and whisper ignored.

How are you losing to mages. I literally destroy mages in my tank spec feral druid.

Just stay in bear form, make sure you spec into master shapeshifter, and be lenient on powershifting mauls to break bubbles asap.

>Blizzard has never permabanned for anything besides botting, SELLING gold, or threats of violence / hate speech.
Why do people lie so much on reddit? Do you gain anything from it?
Blizzard has banned an entire fucking raid team for explointing before (AQ)

Do you people have nothing better to do?

Enjoy your bans, faggots! Hahaha

Each balance individually suck, but put together they make sense. Warrior suck solo and for leveling, but is godlike end game and with a priest. Mage is strong for leveling and exploiting, but get outshined by rogue later on. Etc

God that is the least fun zone in the game to quest as horde. Its just so inconvenient to get anywhere

>PvP balance
>PvE balance
>wPvP balance
>Endgame content
>everything a MMORPG needs
what makes me sad is that people actually believe this

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Took like like 2 hours to do three quests as an Alliance there. That gay as fucking den with the druids down southeast. Then to turn it in you have to run all the way back up to the north.

tfw just logging in to do my Dreadsteed quest. and then cancelling sub and waiting for TBC's release.

>devilsaur set still 300g total on my server

>be me
>doesn't care at all about all that
>literally pick the first 4 guys that join my group regardless of class
>win everytime, even when no warrior, had a shaman or a hunter tank or whatever

Only virgins try to play "optimally". Real chads doesn't give a fuck and just play the fucking game for what it was intended : a game. If the average groups piss you off, just make your own group. And you'll find people, don't try to bullshit me that you're the only one on this. Its not like all the player base is mage or priests.

>poly frost poly cone blink poly frost
Idk dog, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but if they get eyes on me before I notice then its just adios. Dont even get me started on the three minute pyroblast dudes

number 3 cmon


You get 2 flight paths there noshoes

>Do you gain anything from it?
internet brownie points on a website that logs your good goy opinions

go fuck yourself, belftard

>as a druid
Read fucking spell descriptions for a change.

>having a crunchyroll account

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Yeah, but the second one requires you to run through the hellish knife eared wasteland you call astranaar. If you go there at level all you find between splintertree and zoram is 9000 furbolgs and 40 elite guards all up in your ass.

>level as an alliance
>horde +8 levels above said zones level ganks you in groups all day
>hit 60
>horde flee the second the spot you unless they outnumber you 5 to 1.
Why do Horde have no honor?

leveling process is fun

I like that you actually have to
-manage your money, decide what you really need to purchase, you can't have everything
-use consumables efficiently, food heal and buffs, scrolls, potions, bombs, gadgets, etc.
-have to watch out for your environment, enemies are often in groups, you should avoid fighting more of them as they can easily kill you, the world actually feels dangerous, dying has a decent but not overwhelming penalty
-use professions as you level up, as they actually provide you useful items for your leveling and good money making methods that you also really need
-there is actual character building with the way you you chose professions, talents and skills

the gameplay feels like an actual rpg
I fucking hate how modern MMOs like retail wow, xiv or gw2 are all just braindead speedrunning fests to the endgame where the only content with engaging gameplay are just some late-game dungeons
why waste all those beautifully crafted worlds on such a not-engaging and mindless gameplay?

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best server for ERP??


Ban for what? Legit use of in game mechanics?
Layering working as intended here

>He plays a Rogue and complains about how underpowered they are

Holy shit its 2005 all over again! Someone go and find Mute, he can continue the world of Roguecraft series.

Just grind mobs in open world bro

That's not specific to Horde, Alliance players do the exact same thing.

Threadly reminder to do what the fuck you want and to ignore the meta. I've been playing a STR / STA 12 / 5 / 34 Survival Hunter, meleeing the fuck out of people with my Archaic Defender. World PvP has been an absolute fucking treat, and it's wonderful to know I can off-tank in dungeons when shit gets too dicey for the tank; it makes questing with friends and by myself just as comfortable. Also, don't forget to have fun and do some nonsense fun in between progressing through the game.

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>all classes are the same
>hasn't played the game in years

Attached: Retail classes.png (1688x944, 168K)

>not-engaging and mindless gameplay?
imagine actually thinking this doesn't apply to classic wow.

Layering = sharding
Actually layering is worse

Bless. Preach.

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oh my god you're that autist in world chat I keep seeing


why are weebs so proud of being piratecucks?
then you go out shitposting how "disappointed you are as a huge fan of the series" whenever your favorite adaptation gets shit tight budget 2fps or CGI animation, like if you weren't just some leech

>The more information you have, the more powerful you are. The more time you spend, the more powerful you are.

Fucking finally, someone gets it. It's not explicitly about the gear treadmill for a sense of fucking progression, it's literally investing yourself into the world. Why this is such an unknown to people blows my mind.

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I would be fine with retail's damage rotations grafted onto classic. Wanding as a priest to lvl 60 is fucking boring.

It puts the world back in world of warcraft.
Once you hit mid 30s you gotta jump around zones to get any further leveling. Wanna go do a dungeon? You gotta walk to the entrance.

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What are you on about? I literally have never touched my server's world chat once since playing.

classic wow has the things I listed

modern MMOs lack all of these things. You are basically so fucking overpowered outside of some lategame dungeons and get so many items/gold, that you don't need to manage anything in the game at all

Based katana wielder

Legit, I'm a bit sad I had to put down the Guardian Blade. That design is so fucking pretty. The katana's hilarious though at least.

its funny how classiccucks keep telling classic is a real mmorpg when all they talk about is the leveling experience which is mainly done alone

> you have to walk to the instance door
imagine never having done M+

>Leveling experience
>Mainly done alone

In what dimension? You're telling me you don't quest, do dungeons or grind with your friends? You do have friends, don't you?

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I reaply never understood how juggling a longer rotation over and over and over and over is supposed to be any more interesting, ultiamtely it's still just a tab target MMO.
And this is coming from a guy who played FF14 for a long time, that game is a mile and a half up its own ass with its DPS rotations.

Not who you're replying to, but I miss my old guild. I left because the name attracted people from Yea Forums and it made me cringe so hard. Half my friends just straight up quit, so I just talk to them on discord instead now.

I quit retail in legion. Been playing since Burning Crusade.
I fucking missed most of this shit. Sure some things are minor inconvenience, but it's much better than the neutered retail we got now. I actually got a bar full of abilities again.

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It's always you 'endgame is what matters' poofs who think that rotations are exciting gameplay. More buttons to do the same thing, such fun! This must be what happens to a mind that does the same content continously forever.

I'm sorry, user. If it's any consolation to you, I left my retail guild of six years after finding out some things I really didn't need to know; it was sheer luck my friends were willing to play with me instead of having to stake it out on my own. I hope you get to spend more time with your friends in the near future or happily make more friends to enjoy being with.

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yeah you're the kind of person to put all their food and flasks on their classic bars but not on their retail bars and claim you have nothing to press, all my bars are stacked as fuck on retail but that's because i actually play the game (WQs and LFR are NOT playing the game)

>I actually got a bar full of abilities again

Attached: classic is hard.jpg (1665x4097, 1.7M)

Me too, user. Me too.


other way around lmao

Difference is that retail is mindless no matter what you do.

nooooo my gaming mouse with 15 buttons

It feels weird that I only do those things as a consequence of my priorities and not the other way around with how most everyone else plays, like you describe. I run my dungeons for the fun of meeting new people and the challenge that brings, with the gear being a nice reward on the side. Except Scarlet Monastery. That place is going to become my new home as soon-to-be Level 40.

>playing the game
Stop lying lmao

>be me
>do quests, group with strangers, fight others to tag quest mobs, attack high level elites and get our ass kicked, run dungeons with absolute dumbasses, spend half a day level cooking for fun and profit, help people out with quests because they're lowbies, run around doing quests in one part of the world and then the other, set out on a pants shitting expedition to arathi valley to buy a first aid book, abuse noggenfogger, gank trolls in STV and then get my comeuppance in full, reroll profession, give potions to strangers because we're cooperating and then getting care packages in return in the mail, join a dungeon with 0 weapon skill for my new shiny blue axe, burn all my money on skills and living the poorfag life, make some friends

It's been fun so far.

This exactly why Runescape is still relevant.

retail has actually become more fun with the classicfags properly contained in their autismo bubbles

I login everyday with my bros and literal bros, I'v spent like 10% of my game time alone.

>has actually become more fun
>wastes his time seething on Yea Forums classic threads because of his weekly lockout

8 plss

yes, people wanted wow classic to stick it to blizzard for a statement they made after people asked for wow classic

Heroine is fun too.
Time doing heroine is time well spent right?

i'm at work, you little shit

>help people out with quests because they're lowbies
>abuse noggenfogger
>give potions to strangers because we're cooperating

This is honestly why I've had as much fun as I have. Maybe I enjoy being the hero, but helping low levels with dungeons and quests has always been a guilty pleasure. I always carry extra Elixirs of Defense to give folks when I'm questing too, just so they know I really do want to see them safe. I'm looking forward to having my ability to feather fall anywhere I want, too. It can't come soon enough.

Classic : Have lore designed skills, can summon infernal, enslave demons, etc
Retail : Bunch of bloat skills just to artificially increase the "difficulty"

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t. spell clicker

What's it like being a first responder, or maybe you work in a hospital?


I'm too afraid to join those groups. I do not know how to spellcleave.

its boring as fuck doing what i do but money is money

Classic + needs to add Dark Iron Dwarves as a playable race.

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that face is done terribly

>Do Helcular’s Staff quest
>Explore the cave in the middle of northern Hillsbrad
>See a gnome sitting in the center
>he frost novas me and polys me then blink away
>give chase deeper into the cave
>human warlock the same level as me comes around the corner the exact same time as I get there
>accidentally right click him as I thought it was the gnome
>windfury procs AND crits, literally taking all his hp in one swing
>find mage, he frost novas me and blinks away for frostbolt crits
>”I’ll just outheal them”
>turn camera around me, a little dwarf rogue stealths right behind me
>get cheap shotted but manages to get a few swings in while mage peppers me from afar
>me at 1hp and oom, rogue at 1hp and out of range
>mana ticks just to give me an earth shock
>last frostbolt flies in and kills me
>everyone in the cave died except for the guy I first wanted to get

What a thrill

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>almost all warrior helmets look terrible
This is the most disappointing thing

What the fuck is a BRD XP run? I can't fucking tank it if I don't know what it is, and when I ask, people kick me from the group.

For the horde user, I love that cave.

You cast Blizzard and kite

>friend wants to play on pvp server
>"cool I can finally experience the real experience of vanilla"
>no one attacks anyone unless it's a skull or red looking for an easy kill

I have friends to play with, but I still don't enjoy this shit. I'd enjoy TBC though, where all classes were actually viable.

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God I want to suckle and lick her feet. Nelves like to run around barefoot, yeah? So that means they have incredibly dextrous toes and sensitive soles, yeah? Imagine what they can do to your dick.

Imagine being a Coomer specced into Feet
Fuck off

It's the living proof of how dellusional vanillafags are with their "classic is hard" shit.

Sounds like you got unlucky. What realm?
I’m on Mograine EU and the wpvp there is healthy. For the mostpart, at least.

I am on Mograine, user

And even then it's better than BFA. Think about that.

>hobbies are timesink
>hobbies are waste of time
Is this woman board now? Or tranny

Your views are my views.

Your waifus are my waifus.

People don't wanna risk ganking a guy then getting corpse camped for an hour by their friends


>playing one single video game filled with so much grinding it might as well be a job, with the ultimate end result being that you have slightly better equipment
>a hobby

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>Specific niche of a group
>For a specific purpose

Spellcleave groups are utter shit and the people who live by them should throw themselves into a ditch, but your argument is also shit, faggot. Not to mention, we're operating on a patch designed around Naxxramas in terms of difficulty, where the majority of classes were tweaked and empowered, are we not? Most people citing "Vanilla was hard!" are referencing the old of the old, not the last patch before BC.


I dunno. I usually go for characters around 2 levels above and below my levelrange.

Did a genocide run of Redridge for an hour and I think that put my guild on some kind of list because I’ve been singled out by highlevels in crowds and ganked after that lol

It's almost like there's no strict definition on what a hobby is and can consist of a 30 minute activity or one that lasts all day, so as long as what they're doing is what they want to be doing. Whoa!

It's like you don't even know what's hobby means. And yes it's not different from other hobbies and surprise video games. Unless you're larping normalfag/tranny who never paly video games outside 10 hours long movie. And yes 10 hours long movie is still 10 hours long

What's a good place to level as a 32 mage.
Spellcleave is so fucking boring I wanna die

Whatever you want to believe, kid.
However, today in SM we started to pull 4 groups at the same time because we allmost fell asleep with a normal group.
At some point our healer left and we completed the dungeon without healer and without a tank.
I want to see you doing that in Bc, Wotlk or any other expansion while being in green gear

Southshore if you haven't finished the few arduous quests there, Alterac if you're feeling brave, Arathi, Shimmering Flats, Stranglethorn? Just to name a few that I went to recently.



Argument discarded, didn't read. Lol

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Obviously nix Southshore then I suppose. I don't know what level Ashenvale is for the Horde since I'm Alliance, if that's 20's too or not. Sorry. Others should still hold true though I'd imagine.

When's the next retail patch coming? Hopefully Classic will be more bearable once people go back to retail.

I'd like to see some videos of this, 4 groups seems silly. What you're just spamming 4 mages with ice spells, yeah?

Thousand Needles
Sothern Barrens

>4 groups seems silly.
Only if the hardest game you ever played was harvest moon. Back in the days it was kind of hard because i entered lvl 40 dungeons with lvl 34, but today im lvl 40 with decent specc and kill 2 elite mobs solo with my rogue.
The mobs dont even fucking hit me thanks to my pvp specc, caster mobs dont even get out a single cast and my bombs deal a felt 1/4th of their healthbar.
Vanillas difficult is a joke. Try out twilight oasis t4 with condi thief, after we can talk about vanillas difficult again

is this before or after the demo shout nerf?

>the endgame raid rotation argument.
opinion discarded pve retail player.

>>everyone in the cave died except for the guy I first wanted to kill
>What a thrill

Didnt hear news about any demo shout nerf, so i cant tell you.
Would it make any difference in situations of this video?

Demo shout is a Warrior ability. Apparently druids are fine.

>ack in the days it was kind of hard because i entered lvl 40 dungeons with lvl 34
With the right group this is actually a pretty fun thing to do.

Back when I played WoW a lot of the people I played with were suicidal. I imagine it's pretty much the same today. Anyone who spends 24/7 playing a single game is either trying to avoid reality or something. There's no way anyone can be healthy and play that much

Well, while not everyone that plays WoW does it for dopamin and escapism, it will allways be a huge reason for it i guess

Classic is about endgame. I have no idea why suddenly WoW is not about endgame. Because people cleared entire tier? Well it's not new game and raid mechanics are outdated

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world of warcraft is mainly a pve game kiddo

Did you ever play on Blackwing Lair?

WoW is exactly as time consuming as you want it to be really. Even if you only play a couple hours a day at most you'd still be making progress towards something

>I imagine it's pretty much the same today. Anyone who spends 24/7 playing a single game is either trying to avoid reality or something.
Playing 300 hours long single player RPG is somehow different? Or multiplayer game? For real looks like Yea Forums full of normalfags

I remember that, and wasn't it like a few people model swapped a wall and just bypassed a bunch of shit?

It works differently though. In most MMOs the only way you can do any of the content you need to be in a group or clan. SP games you could play over years and whenever you want

yeah, they erased some models which allowed them to go to c'thun as fast as possible

Well you have a lot SP games to play honestly. Especially if you have multiplats. Infinity backlog

isnt this shit server-based? like you can just replace a model and the mob will not exist in the game anymore?

>people figured out they can easily mod the game files to walk through fucking walls
>better ban them instead of thanking them for exposing a massive security flaw in the game

No, its not, but just because singleplayers can be the same in that regard it doesnt refute his argument.
Neither is anything wrong with playing games for escapism. If you want to call out people for being normalfag, the least thing you should do is accept the trueth.

>No, its not, but just because singleplayers can be the same in that regard it doesnt refute his argument.
Working 8 hours+ per day is unhealthy.

if they reported the exploit without using it to kill a boss they wouldn't been banned

Yes, it is, but what does it have to do with what i said?

i’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda

I don't know user. You just being Captain Obvious.

There are way too many people on my server, i can't quest without getting ganked by 2-3 people. I'm always outnumbered. I hate this. I had fun until i ended up in this situation. I can't dungeon grind either because i picked the wrong class.

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What? I an constantly spammed to tank. People even started to write in first message that any warrior gear i want is mine. Everyone is nice and do what i ask, even hunters. Maybe its just your server that sucks? I run from shazzrah to razorgore and its much better, not only because queues, but people are more chill.

Play the game instead of shitposting, faggot.

Rollin for 36

>What exactly is the draw of this game?
I do not know, but I can not stop. Help me stop, please.

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>off by one
Story of my life

Classic reignited my love to this game. However when I had to log onto my retail character to activate one of my tokens I felt instantly drained of any will to play it.

Retail is fuch hot garbage holy shit.

turn all tokens into blizz monies
you can buy game time in a shop with it

Why the fuck would I do that? I can just use my tokens and not lose $2 on Blizzardbucks conversion.

I get asked to tank too.

>any warrior gear i want is mine
Not when there's a DPS warrior and a ret pala in the group. And there always is.

>Everyone is nice and do what i ask, even hunters.
Hunters are usually pretty chill, but all the mages have chronic cleavetitis, so whatever you say gets ignored because they know better because they can do the cleave meta. Which I guess works IF you have the group for it.

But yeah, finding groups as a tank isn't a problem, so I think I should start being more picky.

I prefer 2H tanks aswell, vanilla is allready shit easy and tanks are a meme untill endgame content.
Usually the only thing tanks do is complaining about me taking the aggro instead of letting them tank for 10 seconds before doing anything.
In fact i actually want aggro, since my pvp combat rogue sometimes eat less dmg than the tank, and while having aggro i can use riposte.
People are just not flexible enough to understand that you can do dungeons without the usual setup. Tank is propably the most horrible class you can play untill 60

>should start being more picky
Of fucking course you should.
I play horde so no pallies, and i pick only groups with no warrior (go tank yourself, you lazy fucks).
Seems like i had luck with mages thus far, pretty chill (heh) and every single one was cc-ing like a fucking champ.

>hackers figured out how to empty your bank account
>not rewarding said hackers with scrumptious blowjobs

>Anyone who spends 24/7 playing a single game is either trying to avoid reality or something.

hahahahahaha yeah bro anybod who does anything more than once or ever not ironically or as a joke is fucked in the head and suicidal definitely its not me with the false belief system its everybody literally all human beings are suicidal im normal

The game suck balls. hit 60 and nothing to do but spamming the same boring dungeon over and over

it means it's harder to get optimal damage though that mean snothing in classic because there are not as many mechanics on any bosses that will really throw off the rotation.

for instance shadow priests in retail need to build up power for about 50 seconds with a good rotation before they actually reach max dps, getting interrupted by a mechanic during that ramp up severely hampers your performance on the fight.

In classic you don't have to care about this, just mindblast and throw up dots.

Have they removed StM in BfA? Shit was pure kino.

>using balance as a measure of a game's quality

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You're the one who needs to nigger you can do fine dmg with a sword and shield

OKAY here are some hard TRUTH BOMBS about Classic

It’s about the journey, not the race to 60

>Probably one of the most pushed ideas by all the veteran/elite players/streamers. What ended up happening was of course all those people who were pushing this idea went and grinded dungeons in raids with premade groups. Various excuses were employed, but in general the truth was laid bare for everyone to see. Turns out it’s not about the adventure in the zones, as that’s just boring grindfest of poorly balanced quests. It’s getting to the cap as fast as possible that is important, and people just playing normally are treated as some weirdos wasting their time. And for good reason - questing seems to be one of the worst possible ways to level up in Classic. Instance grinding, layer hopping, or just simple mob grinding in one spot are all faster.

Classic incentivizes player interaction, so everyone will suddenly become sociable and make friends

>This just isn't the case. We can blame the current times and how people are in general these days, but I'm willing to bet it's been like that years ago too. People don't socialize. Sure, they do group up for quests, because those quests necessitate that. They sometimes say "hi", "bye" or "warrior taunt the mob" but usually nothing beyond that. There is absolutely nothing different about grouping in Classic in comparison to grouping through lfg-type systems in retail wow. People enter a party, they do the task, they leave, and never speak to each other again.

yeah they basically removed it by making it completely inferior to another talent, im sad I missed out on it in Legion. Right now for most situations you play around a 15 second neck talent that gives you 100 percent insanity generation.

Getting into a dungeon group won't be a problem because there's no ilvl, r.io, achievements and armory.

False. Everyone and their mother spends their whole day on twitch now, and they already know the “leveling meta” for dungeons. Different class, or a spec without specific aoe abilities the party leader wants? No invite. And sure, I'm not saying you won't ever find a group for dungeon, and you can always make your own group, but about 80-90% of the groups advertised past level 40 are for specific classes and specific comps only. Yes, you will be able to do a dungeon run for quests while leveling, but it will take a long while looking through the "meta only" group advertisements to find one that just wants you as a player, not as an aoe mage. Other than that, thanks to loot options in Classic, most of the groups usually have a list of "reserved items" that you have to agree to pass on when you join the party. So which is worse, requiring a higher RIO, or asking that you pass on 10 items that you actually need?

Classic is a great game for casuals, much better than modern WoW

It is obviously not. In no way, shape, or form. Leveling is broken, imbalanced and just badly designed. Quests are few and far between, and you have to juggle 3-4 zones at once to even keep doing them. Otherwise you just have to grind mobs. As for the mobs themselves, you often die while fighting 1 mob that is on your level on lower. It's not even about everything taking long, it's about you wasting a lot of time if you don't know the proper route or not paying like 10$ for the proper questing addon that will take you through stuff you need to do. Leveling in Classic while not having any prior knowledge or memorized routes is just a pain. But okay - let's say you are a casual and you reach the level cap in a month or two. What can you do? You can level your professions, maybe farm some gold for an epic mount...content ends.

The content is so easy it is not necessary, everything is doable with a rag-tag group of classes, no need to optimize for anything because everything is literally have tank hold aggro and then do DPS

>he can't even pasta properly

I've just been enjoying the community on my server and playing with my friends. I've got a 51 Hunter and a 22 Priest, both Dwarves.
Really the only thing I dislike so far is how there's no playable Goblins, the best race

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Other way around dumbass, Horde is the most popular faction

>"oh goody gumdrops I can take the fruits of my hours of farming to the AH and get that mount money"
>Fucking 40000 listings of single pieces of cloth/herbs/ores for 1c bid
>all of the Greens/blues are being sold at 2s above vendor price, most of them worth less after the AH cut
>The thing you farmed tanked while you were out gathering because 30 faggots undercut each other at quicksell prices because they dont know how their AH addon works
At least I found a zoomerproof market so Im set for my mount now

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>b-but streamers
>pls come back to retail... my mogspetscheevos...

Go fuck yourself lmao


Roar and shout were both nerfed. Learn to read.

>Just join the discord bro and listen to us mouthbreathe and complain about our lives so you can stay within the clique and be there when we make every single decision for the guild :)
This isn't exclusive to WoW. XIV is the exact same shit. God I hate people.

so then why the fuck are you even playing it

>They see me rollin'

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based retard. the "shitters go to alliance" meme is the most outdated garbage imaginable. Horde niggers are everywhere

This game makes Yea Forums so mad I love it

baby’s first mmo
its praised by many cause its literally the firet game and first mmo many have played.

Even if they do make TBC classic it's still going to be trash thanks to the Twitch emote spamming faggot kids that now permeate the playerbase.

This. Slow down; life is to be savored.

How the fuck does Blizzard do it!?!?

>Make an absolute dogshit copy-cat of Warhammer Fantasy with less soul emphasizing on the ""cool"" parts like the overbearing shoulderpads used for one faction of the WHFB world.
>Make an absolute dogshit copy-cat of Everquest with less soul emphasizing on the ""faction"" parts of the game instead of realizing what was great about the EQ experience, and being Human who have friendly relations with the evil races.
>Somehow flocks the masses of retards and make millions.


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>both of them are now fucking dead

It's very simple. Take thing. Design it for mass appeal and low spec pc's. Done.

It's reddit sticking it to the evil corporations.

How much accurate is this?

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Listen you whiny faggot try playing a hybrid where you ACTUALLY get to do fucking nothing and are strictly inferior to everyone else before bitching

The joy of r9k'ers literally being too incompetent to even enjoy a good video game is too damn funny. Go back to your green texts boys, nothing to see here. Go easy on the waifus maybe and spend more time honing that fine fine craft of writing about your sad lives

Get on Smolderweb guys

>nobody wants a warrior tank
Yeah sorry tough break Ill just wait another 45 minutes for a druid or a shaman to come tank rfd for me since demo shout is nerfed or whatever

if those two are better, why does no one play them?

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Swimming north from Theramore is much easier to grab the Rachet FP. Any allies passing through Stonetalon are likely going to Desolace (or Feralas if leveling alchemy).

Mage and Warlock don't solo
They spellcleave through dungeons from the moment they can enter one a the way to 60
Paladins do the same but they heal

>if you don't enjoy killing mobs for hours you're incapable of enjoying "a good video game"

>People say to just sunder then tab to basically tank and aggro mobs
>Can't even get 2 sunders off without losing threat to my party members
Maybe this class isn't cut out for me

The feeling you are experiencing is actually you finally identifying the value of the little precious time you have left on this planet, and wanting to do something meaningful with it. You continue to try and fill that void with MMOs but it isn't working because MMOs dont bring value to you personally. Dont look for a "timewaster", look for something that you think you'll enjoy and makes you feel productive. go to the gym and build model airplanes or something.

if only dwarfs actually looked like that. Ugly motherfuckers...

Below level 45 its the healers fault if the dps die, everyone can take a few whacks from trash mobs
45 onward it becomes a question of who was managing threat poorly. Ive had tanks who refused to use defensive stance and Ive had dps insist that 3+ mobs means they MUST aoe burst everything even if it means dying


>have to spam my wand as warlock to get a tag

>Talent tree designed around DEMONS
>Rotation is about summoning a bunch of different demons
>"M-muh bloat skills"
Actually kill yourself retard

So you admit you never played the game then.

>Its a tough life being a Warrior.
Maybe because you faggots, much like Mages, deliberately picked 1 of 2 most popular classes in the game because you heard every pvserver faggot shouting that Mages and Warriors were the "best" classes.

Sweet justice watching you niggers get no groups now lmao.

>retail castrated this spec because it was too fun

>retail castrated this spec because it was too fun
I kind of like the bfa demo lock thats based around summoning 40 demons and dogpiling whatever youre fighting. Its one of like 4 things they did right with the xpac

He forgot to include the part where he sperged out about trannies, Jews, feminists, and sjws in voice.

You could summon dozens of imps back in mop.

I just imagine some isekai one and done baddie whose schtick is that he can only summon garbage tier demons but he summons so many that his opponents are physically crushed under 25 tons of imp

Ye, every mmo kinda became like that. Playing a game aint enough anymore, you gotta join a community so people can pretend to have friends, even though they dont want actual friends

Sounds like pvp servers are turbo shit filled with poopsock niggers. I'm on mankrik and it's been comfy dungeon running and questing. Good job falling for the wpvp meme.

The one patch before they nerfed it demo was unbeatable in dps.

PvP servers were allways like that. People just want to get their shit done and play pvp without getting slowed down by shitters.
If you want a community feeling, find friends and play the game together you should allways join a low populated rp/pve server.
Thats nothing new though

It’s the same in medium pop servers. People have optimized an old game, get over it. Are you upset you don’t get invited? Literally every class has its role in some of these groups.

Mages and locks for aoe. Priests Druids and shaman can heal most cleave/aoe groups. Melee dps with enhance for cleave groups. Nobody is useless. Paladins are also the best tank for aoe and cleave.

>Takes a VERY long time to get gear from pvp

Like a day of PVPing will get you half your set, considering they confirmed honor will update in real time in Classic and not weekly.

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More doesn't mean better zoomie.

Erp with busty gnome/gobbos duh


Rep grind takes longer than a single day bud.

Fuck. Good taste user, I played alliance for the first time just to find a femgnome to erp with. Liking paladin anyway, can’t wait to find my gnome.

It's almost like when people actually gear themselves properly and can play their class semi-competently the game is easy.

/rollin big senpai

Before deciding for a server you should allways ask yourself
>What do i want to do in the game?
>What do others want to do in the game?
People dont join high pop servers with 8 hours queue time because they enjoy playing a game, they want fast groups for progress. Especially on pvp servers people dont want to bother much with pve.
People that prefer enjoying the game and playing together with people usually prefer servers that dont give them eternally long queue times or get them killed and corpsecamped over and over

>People take jezebelposter seriously
Go do literally a single pushup you coomer faggot

>He didn't main human for that sweet rep racial that allows you get exalted in a matter of hours

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based asf

Yea Forums used to mock WoW the same way it mocked Fortnite, Minecraft and Overwatch. I don't know what happened. When did everyone become dumber?

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More like frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt fireblast freeze blink frostbolt frostbolt evocation

nah, it means your precious dead MMOs were shit. For fuck's sake EQ was beyond unreasonable with the travel times and XP penalty on death. Classic is good.

>Everyone and their grandma rips off its systems repeatedly for 15 years
>Asshat played the rip-offs first and decided to have those be his personal gold standard
>"Hurr durr why isn't it like my personal standard"

Corruption of information over time completely in action.

>If God didnt want those level twenties dead then why did he put them on my patch from STV to Swamp?

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Show me your mains, faggot

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What the fuck is that UI.

>that ui

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Oh the thing in the top corner is a steam controller UI, I use that to play most of the time

I can bind up to 20 buttons onto on of those things and I can switch between 5 of them. Makes infrequently used inputs like the spellbook a lot easier.

Nice ui, though the character portrait in the middle looks disgusting

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>Not putting your character info down by your character and action bar where you already have 90% of your shit

Holy shit it's 2019, come on.

It’s comfy idiot

>Like a day of PVPing will get you half your set, considering they confirmed honor will update in real time in Classic and not weekly.
What. Do you even know how the system works and what live updates will do to it. Also, source.

Take me awaaay

>playing melee Hunter
>some gay ass Shammy actually willingly walks into my melee range
>3 shot that retarded cunt

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It's not like classic requires you to use your abilitys fast

>Year of our lord 2011+8
>Playing Rogue without stealth, evasion, or sprint bound to anything

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Fuck you i can't even level on my server, can't get dungeons and every questing area is overrun with horde.

>it sucks because I don't like it
You're a huge faggot who needs to learn how to form an actual argument, prove me wrong.

>Nelves like to run around barefoot, yeah?
>and sensitive soles, yeah?
You are an absolute embarrassment to FEETCHADS, running around barefoot makes them disgusting and calloused, beautiful feel must remain protected and moisturized regularly to avoid this.

>overrun with horde.

Maybe you're just bad. I get spam whispers to tank mara/zf/etc. Also, aoe threat requires you to git gud. There are plenty of ways to generate aoe threat (stance dance whirlwind, engineering bombs, tab sunder/revenge, etc). You just have to not suck like a retail babby.

Getting to level 60 first and bullying/killing low levels is fun. Name another mmo that does this.

Nigga you don't understand, every quest has 5+ horde in the area. I don't have stealth. I've played WoW since release, i know how to PvP and get shit done. But this is just too much, i spend more time in wisp form than playing the fucking game.
And because of layering, more people just get dumped in the zone when people leave. This is not the vanilla experience, this is northdale + layering.

Rolly Polly

Rolling for my gook

38 and 13 are by far the cutest

How does Retribution Aura work with Righteous Fury, do I get threat if my allies are attacked or is it entirely ignored? I noticed while questing it doesn't actually tag mobs so I'm worried I've been making life harder for the healer for 8 damage per swing

I just wanted to have a fairly high level character to be ready for the TBC release

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>Bad guys
Ahahahaha he doesn't know!
Horde are dindu do's in the lore who only attacked Kalimdor because they were driven out of their lands, and the humans have a dark past that people in-the-know wants nobody else finding out. The Orcs even have a half-Orc in their midst hoping it would strengthen ties with the Humans/Alliance to no avail. Fuck the gay ass Alliance and the Humans, those evil pig skinned dicks.

About to hit 51 and be the first tank in my guild to reach 60. However, my guild leader is a faggot who might not let me main tank raids (even though he is a fucking druid tank). So I might be dipping out soon to find another guild.

Attached: main.png (1913x1079, 2.98M)

As far as I know, ret aura add to the other person's threat, not yours. Like thorns. But that shouldn't be a problem if you already have aggro.

All that racial purity.

God, I hate America.

And as for Righteous Fury, it only increases threat YOU deal, not threat from the thorns effect on a healer imo. I can't find a source, but this is what I think knowing how the mechanics work.

Be prepared to never be in a guild then faggot. Every guild leaders want to reserve the right of guild raid tank for themselves for gay ass "leading the guild" larp, even the guild I'm in now is like that too.

you have to be autiszic to enjoy this 15 yo grindfest shit game.

unironically laughed out loud at the warlock bit

If that's the case, then I'd rather pug MC. My guild does jack shit anyway. I help them out more than they have ever helped me. And I know for a fact the guild leader is a shitter. Doesn't even know all of his tanking numbers (defense cap, etc). Probably doesn't give a shit about crushing blows and will blame the healer if he dies.

This is true. I usually build my own groups and just invite whatever. I do like to inv 1 mage for water and 1 warrior so I can support him with my wf totem. Other than that I don't care

Jesus, the warrior is accurate as fuck.

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>Playing shaman healer
>Building my own groups
>Warriors/rogues tripping over each other to come along for a taste of that sweet sweet WF
I dont do cleave groups because I dont really care for that sort of thing. Something about seeing my warrior friend get that gust animation with his 2h makes me feel like Im really doing something huge for the team, moreso than being a healer

3 blease

what the fuck